/* * cistpl.c -- 16-bit PCMCIA Card Information Structure parser * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds * . Portions created by David A. Hinds * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. * * (C) 1999 David A. Hinds */ /* Parsing routines for individual tuples */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cistpl.h" #define IRQ_INFO2_VALID 0x10 static const u_char mantissa[] = { 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90 }; static const u_int exponent[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000 }; /* Convert an extended speed byte to a time in nanoseconds */ #define SPEED_CVT(v) \ (mantissa[(((v)>>3)&15)-1] * exponent[(v)&7] / 10) /* Convert a power byte to a current in 0.1 microamps */ #define POWER_CVT(v) \ (mantissa[((v)>>3)&15] * exponent[(v)&7] / 10) #define POWER_SCALE(v) (exponent[(v)&7]) #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN # define le32_to_cpu(value) bswap_32(value) # define le16_to_cpu(value) bswap_16(value) #else # define le32_to_cpu(value) (value) # define le16_to_cpu(value) (value) #endif static int parse_device(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_device_t *device) { int i; u_char scale; u_char *p, *q; p = (u_char *) tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; device->ndev = 0; for (i = 0; i < CISTPL_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { if (*p == 0xff) break; device->dev[i].type = (*p >> 4); device->dev[i].wp = (*p & 0x08) ? 1 : 0; switch (*p & 0x07) { case 0: device->dev[i].speed = 0; break; case 1: device->dev[i].speed = 250; break; case 2: device->dev[i].speed = 200; break; case 3: device->dev[i].speed = 150; break; case 4: device->dev[i].speed = 100; break; case 7: if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; device->dev[i].speed = SPEED_CVT(*p); while (*p & 0x80) if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; break; default: return -EINVAL; } if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; if (*p == 0xff) break; scale = *p & 7; if (scale == 7) return -EINVAL; device->dev[i].size = ((*p >> 3) + 1) * (512 << (scale*2)); device->ndev++; if (++p == q) break; } return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_checksum(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_checksum_t *csum) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 5) return -EINVAL; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; csum->addr = tuple->CISOffset+(short)le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)p)-2; csum->len = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)(p + 2)); csum->sum = *(p+4); return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_longlink(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_longlink_t *link) { if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 4) return -EINVAL; link->addr = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)tuple->TupleData); return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_longlink_mfc(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_longlink_mfc_t *link) { u_char *p; int i; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; link->nfn = *p; p++; if (tuple->TupleDataLen <= link->nfn*5) return -EINVAL; for (i = 0; i < link->nfn; i++) { link->fn[i].space = *p; p++; link->fn[i].addr = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)p); p += 4; } return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_strings(u_char *p, u_char *q, int max, char *s, u_char *ofs, u_char *found) { int i, j, ns; if (p == q) return -EINVAL; ns = 0; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (*p == 0xff) break; ofs[i] = j; ns++; for (;;) { s[j++] = (*p == 0xff) ? '\0' : *p; if ((*p == '\0') || (*p == 0xff)) break; if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; } if ((*p == 0xff) || (++p == q)) break; } if (found) { *found = ns; return 0; } else { return (ns == max) ? 0 : -EINVAL; } } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_vers_1(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_vers_1_t *vers_1) { u_char *p, *q; p = (u_char *) tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; vers_1->major = *p; p++; vers_1->minor = *p; p++; if (p >= q) return -EINVAL; return parse_strings(p, q, CISTPL_VERS_1_MAX_PROD_STRINGS, vers_1->str, vers_1->ofs, &vers_1->ns); } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_altstr(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_altstr_t *altstr) { u_char *p, *q; p = (u_char *) tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; return parse_strings(p, q, CISTPL_MAX_ALTSTR_STRINGS, altstr->str, altstr->ofs, &altstr->ns); } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_jedec(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_jedec_t *jedec) { u_char *p, *q; int nid; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; for (nid = 0; nid < CISTPL_MAX_DEVICES; nid++) { if (p > q-2) break; jedec->id[nid].mfr = p[0]; jedec->id[nid].info = p[1]; p += 2; } jedec->nid = nid; return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_manfid(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_manfid_t *m) { u_short *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 4) return -EINVAL; p = (u_short *)tuple->TupleData; m->manf = le16_to_cpu(p[0]); m->card = le16_to_cpu(p[1]); return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_funcid(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_funcid_t *f) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 2) return -EINVAL; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; f->func = p[0]; f->sysinit = p[1]; return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_funce(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_funce_t *f) { u_char *p; int i; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 1) return -EINVAL; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; f->type = p[0]; for (i = 1; i < tuple->TupleDataLen; i++) f->data[i-1] = p[i]; return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_config(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_config_t *config) { int rasz, rmsz, i; u_char *p; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; rasz = *p & 0x03; rmsz = (*p & 0x3c) >> 2; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < rasz+rmsz+4) return -EINVAL; config->last_idx = *(++p); p++; config->base = 0; for (i = 0; i <= rasz; i++) config->base += p[i] << (8*i); p += rasz+1; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) config->rmask[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i <= rmsz; i++) config->rmask[i>>2] += p[i] << (8*(i%4)); config->subtuples = tuple->TupleDataLen - (rasz+rmsz+4); return 0; } /*====================================================================== The following routines are all used to parse the nightmarish config table entries. ======================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_power(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_power_t *pwr) { int i; u_int scale; if (p == q) return NULL; pwr->present = *p; pwr->flags = 0; p++; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (pwr->present & (1<param[i] = POWER_CVT(*p); scale = POWER_SCALE(*p); while (*p & 0x80) { if (++p == q) return NULL; if ((*p & 0x7f) < 100) pwr->param[i] += (*p & 0x7f) * scale / 100; else if (*p == 0x7d) pwr->flags |= CISTPL_POWER_HIGHZ_OK; else if (*p == 0x7e) pwr->param[i] = 0; else if (*p == 0x7f) pwr->flags |= CISTPL_POWER_HIGHZ_REQ; else return NULL; } p++; } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_timing(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_timing_t *timing) { u_char scale; if (p == q) return NULL; scale = *p; if ((scale & 3) != 3) { if (++p == q) return NULL; timing->wait = SPEED_CVT(*p); timing->waitscale = exponent[scale & 3]; } else timing->wait = 0; scale >>= 2; if ((scale & 7) != 7) { if (++p == q) return NULL; timing->ready = SPEED_CVT(*p); timing->rdyscale = exponent[scale & 7]; } else timing->ready = 0; scale >>= 3; if (scale != 7) { if (++p == q) return NULL; timing->reserved = SPEED_CVT(*p); timing->rsvscale = exponent[scale]; } else timing->reserved = 0; p++; return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_io(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_io_t *io) { int i, j, bsz, lsz; if (p == q) return NULL; io->flags = *p; if (!(*p & 0x80)) { io->nwin = 1; io->win[0].base = 0; io->win[0].len = (1 << (io->flags & CISTPL_IO_LINES_MASK)); return p+1; } if (++p == q) return NULL; io->nwin = (*p & 0x0f) + 1; bsz = (*p & 0x30) >> 4; if (bsz == 3) bsz++; lsz = (*p & 0xc0) >> 6; if (lsz == 3) lsz++; p++; for (i = 0; i < io->nwin; i++) { io->win[i].base = 0; io->win[i].len = 1; for (j = 0; j < bsz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; io->win[i].base += *p << (j*8); } for (j = 0; j < lsz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; io->win[i].len += *p << (j*8); } } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_mem(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_mem_t *mem) { int i, j, asz, lsz, has_ha; u_int len, ca, ha; if (p == q) return NULL; mem->nwin = (*p & 0x07) + 1; lsz = (*p & 0x18) >> 3; asz = (*p & 0x60) >> 5; has_ha = (*p & 0x80); if (++p == q) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < mem->nwin; i++) { len = ca = ha = 0; for (j = 0; j < lsz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; len += *p << (j*8); } for (j = 0; j < asz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; ca += *p << (j*8); } if (has_ha) for (j = 0; j < asz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; ha += *p << (j*8); } mem->win[i].len = len << 8; mem->win[i].card_addr = ca << 8; mem->win[i].host_addr = ha << 8; } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_irq(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_irq_t *irq) { if (p == q) return NULL; irq->IRQInfo1 = *p; p++; if (irq->IRQInfo1 & IRQ_INFO2_VALID) { if (p+2 > q) return NULL; irq->IRQInfo2 = (p[1]<<8) + p[0]; p += 2; } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_cftable_entry(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_cftable_entry_t *entry) { u_char *p, *q, features; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; entry->index = *p & 0x3f; entry->flags = 0; if (*p & 0x40) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT; if (*p & 0x80) { if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; if (*p & 0x10) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_BVDS; if (*p & 0x20) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_WP; if (*p & 0x40) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_RDYBSY; if (*p & 0x80) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_MWAIT; entry->interface = *p & 0x0f; } else entry->interface = 0; /* Process optional features */ if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; features = *p; p++; /* Power options */ if ((features & 3) > 0) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vcc); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->vcc.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 1) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp1); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->vpp1.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 2) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp2); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->vpp2.present = 0; /* Timing options */ if (features & 0x04) { p = parse_timing(p, q, &entry->timing); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else { entry->timing.wait = 0; entry->timing.ready = 0; entry->timing.reserved = 0; } /* I/O window options */ if (features & 0x08) { p = parse_io(p, q, &entry->io); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->io.nwin = 0; /* Interrupt options */ if (features & 0x10) { p = parse_irq(p, q, &entry->irq); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->irq.IRQInfo1 = 0; switch (features & 0x60) { case 0x00: entry->mem.nwin = 0; break; case 0x20: entry->mem.nwin = 1; entry->mem.win[0].len = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)p) << 8; entry->mem.win[0].card_addr = 0; entry->mem.win[0].host_addr = 0; p += 2; if (p > q) return -EINVAL; break; case 0x40: entry->mem.nwin = 1; entry->mem.win[0].len = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)p) << 8; entry->mem.win[0].card_addr = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)(p+2)) << 8; entry->mem.win[0].host_addr = 0; p += 4; if (p > q) return -EINVAL; break; case 0x60: p = parse_mem(p, q, &entry->mem); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; break; } /* Misc features */ if (features & 0x80) { if (p == q) return -EINVAL; entry->flags |= (*p << 8); while (*p & 0x80) if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; p++; } entry->subtuples = q-p; return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_bar(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_bar_t *bar) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 6) return -EINVAL; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; bar->attr = *p; p += 2; bar->size = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)p); return 0; } static int parse_config_cb(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_config_t *config) { u_char *p; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; if ((*p != 3) || (tuple->TupleDataLen < 6)) return -EINVAL; config->last_idx = *(++p); p++; config->base = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)p); config->subtuples = tuple->TupleDataLen - 6; return 0; } static int parse_cftable_entry_cb(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_cftable_entry_cb_t *entry) { u_char *p, *q, features; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; entry->index = *p & 0x3f; entry->flags = 0; if (*p & 0x40) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT; /* Process optional features */ if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; features = *p; p++; /* Power options */ if ((features & 3) > 0) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vcc); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->vcc.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 1) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp1); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->vpp1.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 2) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp2); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->vpp2.present = 0; /* I/O window options */ if (features & 0x08) { if (p == q) return -EINVAL; entry->io = *p; p++; } else entry->io = 0; /* Interrupt options */ if (features & 0x10) { p = parse_irq(p, q, &entry->irq); if (p == NULL) return -EINVAL; } else entry->irq.IRQInfo1 = 0; if (features & 0x20) { if (p == q) return -EINVAL; entry->mem = *p; p++; } else entry->mem = 0; /* Misc features */ if (features & 0x80) { if (p == q) return -EINVAL; entry->flags |= (*p << 8); if (*p & 0x80) { if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; entry->flags |= (*p << 16); } while (*p & 0x80) if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; p++; } entry->subtuples = q-p; return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_device_geo(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_device_geo_t *geo) { u_char *p, *q; int n; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; for (n = 0; n < CISTPL_MAX_DEVICES; n++) { if (p > q-6) break; geo->geo[n].buswidth = p[0]; geo->geo[n].erase_block = 1 << (p[1]-1); geo->geo[n].read_block = 1 << (p[2]-1); geo->geo[n].write_block = 1 << (p[3]-1); geo->geo[n].partition = 1 << (p[4]-1); geo->geo[n].interleave = 1 << (p[5]-1); p += 6; } geo->ngeo = n; return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_vers_2(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_vers_2_t *v2) { u_char *p, *q; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 10) return -EINVAL; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; v2->vers = p[0]; v2->comply = p[1]; v2->dindex = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)(p+2)); v2->vspec8 = p[6]; v2->vspec9 = p[7]; v2->nhdr = p[8]; p += 9; return parse_strings(p, q, 2, v2->str, &v2->vendor, NULL); } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_org(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_org_t *org) { u_char *p, *q; int i; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; if (p == q) return -EINVAL; org->data_org = *p; if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { org->desc[i] = *p; if (*p == '\0') break; if (++p == q) return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_format(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_format_t *fmt) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 10) return -EINVAL; p = tuple->TupleData; fmt->type = p[0]; fmt->edc = p[1]; fmt->offset = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)(p+2)); fmt->length = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)(p+6)); return 0; } /*====================================================================*/ int pccard_parse_tuple(tuple_t *tuple, cisparse_t *parse) { int ret = 0; if (tuple->TupleDataLen > tuple->TupleDataMax) return -EINVAL; switch (tuple->TupleCode) { case CISTPL_DEVICE: case CISTPL_DEVICE_A: ret = parse_device(tuple, &parse->device); break; case CISTPL_BAR: ret = parse_bar(tuple, &parse->bar); break; case CISTPL_CONFIG_CB: ret = parse_config_cb(tuple, &parse->config); break; case CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY_CB: ret = parse_cftable_entry_cb(tuple, &parse->cftable_entry_cb); break; case CISTPL_CHECKSUM: ret = parse_checksum(tuple, &parse->checksum); break; case CISTPL_LONGLINK_A: case CISTPL_LONGLINK_C: ret = parse_longlink(tuple, &parse->longlink); break; case CISTPL_LONGLINK_MFC: ret = parse_longlink_mfc(tuple, &parse->longlink_mfc); break; case CISTPL_VERS_1: ret = parse_vers_1(tuple, &parse->version_1); break; case CISTPL_ALTSTR: ret = parse_altstr(tuple, &parse->altstr); break; case CISTPL_JEDEC_A: case CISTPL_JEDEC_C: ret = parse_jedec(tuple, &parse->jedec); break; case CISTPL_MANFID: ret = parse_manfid(tuple, &parse->manfid); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID: ret = parse_funcid(tuple, &parse->funcid); break; case CISTPL_FUNCE: ret = parse_funce(tuple, &parse->funce); break; case CISTPL_CONFIG: ret = parse_config(tuple, &parse->config); break; case CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY: ret = parse_cftable_entry(tuple, &parse->cftable_entry); break; case CISTPL_DEVICE_GEO: case CISTPL_DEVICE_GEO_A: ret = parse_device_geo(tuple, &parse->device_geo); break; case CISTPL_VERS_2: ret = parse_vers_2(tuple, &parse->vers_2); break; case CISTPL_ORG: ret = parse_org(tuple, &parse->org); break; case CISTPL_FORMAT: case CISTPL_FORMAT_A: ret = parse_format(tuple, &parse->format); break; case CISTPL_NO_LINK: case CISTPL_LINKTARGET: ret = 0; break; default: ret = -EINVAL; break; } return ret; }