path: root/scripts/firewall/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/firewall/')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/firewall/ b/scripts/firewall/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2174c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/firewall/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+package VyattaIpTablesRule;
+use VyattaConfig;
+use VyattaIpTablesAddressFilter;
+my $src = new VyattaIpTablesAddressFilter;
+my $dst = new VyattaIpTablesAddressFilter;
+my %fields = (
+ _name => undef,
+ _rule_number => undef,
+ _protocol => undef,
+ _state => {
+ _established => undef,
+ _new => undef,
+ _related => undef,
+ _invalid => undef,
+ },
+ _action => undef,
+ _log => undef,
+ _icmp_code => undef,
+ _icmp_type => undef,
+my %dummy_rule = (
+ _rule_number => 1025,
+ _protocol => "all",
+ _state => {
+ _established => undef,
+ _new => undef,
+ _related => undef,
+ _invalid => undef,
+ },
+ _action => "DROP",
+ _log => undef,
+ _icmp_code => undef,
+ _icmp_type => undef,
+sub new {
+ my $that = shift;
+ my $class = ref ($that) || $that;
+ my $self = {
+ %fields,
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub setupDummy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ %{$self} = %dummy_rule;
+ $src = new VyattaIpTablesAddressFilter;
+ $dst = new VyattaIpTablesAddressFilter;
+sub setup {
+ my ( $self, $level ) = @_;
+ my $config = new VyattaConfig;
+ $config->setLevel("$level");
+ # for documentation sake. nodes returns an array so must transform
+ # and ".. .. .." means go up three levels in the current hierarchy
+ $self->{_name} = $config->returnParent(".. .. ..");
+ $self->{_rule_number} = $config->returnParent("..");
+ $self->{_protocol} = $config->returnValue("protocol");
+ $self->{_state}->{_established} = $config->returnValue("state established");
+ $self->{_state}->{_new} = $config->returnValue("state new");
+ $self->{_state}->{_related} = $config->returnValue("state related");
+ $self->{_state}->{_invalid} = $config->returnValue("state invalid");
+ $self->{_action} = $config->returnValue("action");
+ $self->{_log} = $config->returnValue("log");
+ $self->{_icmp_code} = $config->returnValue("icmp code");
+ $self->{_icmp_type} = $config->returnValue("icmp type");
+ # TODO: need $config->exists("$level source") in
+ $src->setup("$level source");
+ $dst->setup("$level destination");
+ return 0;
+sub setupOrig {
+ my ( $self, $level ) = @_;
+ my $config = new VyattaConfig;
+ $config->setLevel("$level");
+ # for documentation sake. nodes returns an array so must transform
+ # and ".. .. .." means go up three levels in the current hierarchy
+ $self->{_name} = $config->returnParent(".. .. ..");
+ $self->{_rule_number} = $config->returnParent("..");
+ $self->{_protocol} = $config->returnOrigValue("protocol");
+ $self->{_state}->{_established}
+ = $config->returnOrigValue("state established");
+ $self->{_state}->{_new} = $config->returnOrigValue("state new");
+ $self->{_state}->{_related} = $config->returnOrigValue("state related");
+ $self->{_state}->{_invalid} = $config->returnOrigValue("state invalid");
+ $self->{_action} = $config->returnOrigValue("action");
+ $self->{_log} = $config->returnOrigValue("log");
+ $self->{_icmp_code} = $config->returnOrigValue("icmp code");
+ $self->{_icmp_type} = $config->returnOrigValue("icmp type");
+ # TODO: need $config->exists("$level source") in
+ $src->setupOrig("$level source");
+ $dst->setupOrig("$level destination");
+ return 0;
+sub print {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ print "name: $self->{_name}\n" if defined $self->{_name};
+ print "rulenum: $self->{_rule_number}\n" if defined $self->{_rule_number};
+ print "protocol: $self->{_protocol}\n" if defined $self->{_protocol};
+ print "state: $self->{_state}\n" if defined $self->{_state};
+ print "action: $self->{_action}\n" if defined $self->{_action};
+ print "log: $self->{_log}\n" if defined $self->{_log};
+ print "icmp code: $self->{_icmp_code}\n" if defined $self->{_icmp_code};
+ print "icmp type: $self->{_icmp_type}\n" if defined $self->{_icmp_type};
+ $src->print();
+ $dst->print();
+sub is_stateful {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @states = qw(established new related invalid);
+ foreach (@states) {
+ if (defined($self->{_state}->{"_$_"})
+ && $self->{_state}->{"_$_"} eq "enable") {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub get_state_str {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @states = qw(established new related invalid);
+ my @add_states = ();
+ foreach (@states) {
+ if (defined($self->{_state}->{"_$_"})
+ && $self->{_state}->{"_$_"} eq "enable") {
+ push @add_states, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($#add_states >= 0) {
+ my $str = join ',', @add_states;
+ return $str;
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+sub get_num_ipt_rules {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ipt_rules = 1;
+ if (("$self->{_log}" eq "enable") && (("$self->{_action}" eq "drop")
+ || ("$self->{_action}" eq "accept")
+ || ("$self->{_action}" eq "reject"))) {
+ $ipt_rules += 1;
+ }
+ return $ipt_rules;
+sub rule {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ my $rule = undef;
+ my $srcrule = $dstrule = undef;
+ my $err_str = undef;
+ # set the protocol
+ if (defined($self->{_protocol})) {
+ my $str = $self->{_protocol};
+ $str =~ s/^\!(.*)$/! $1/;
+ $rule .= "--protocol $str ";
+ }
+ # set the session state if protocol tcp
+ my $state_str = uc (get_state_str($self));
+ if ($state_str ne "") {
+ $rule .= "-m state --state $state_str ";
+ }
+ # set the icmp code and type if applicable
+ if (($self->{_protocol} eq "icmp") || ($self->{_protocol} eq "1")) {
+ if (defined $self->{_icmp_type}) {
+ $rule .= "--icmp-type $self->{_icmp_type}";
+ if (defined $self->{_icmp_code}) {
+ $rule .= "/$self->{_icmp_code}";
+ }
+ $rule .= " ";
+ } elsif (defined $self->{_icmp_code}) {
+ return ("ICMP code can only be defined if ICMP type is defined", );
+ }
+ } elsif (defined($self->{_icmp_type}) || defined($self->{_icmp_code})) {
+ return ("ICMP type/code can only be defined if protocol is ICMP", );
+ }
+ # add the source and destination rules
+ ($srcrule, $err_str) = $src->rule();
+ return ($err_str, ) if (!defined($srcrule));
+ ($dstrule, $err_str) = $dst->rule();
+ return ($err_str, ) if (!defined($dstrule));
+ $rule .= " $srcrule $dstrule ";
+ my $chain = $self->{_name};
+ my $rule_num = $self->{_rule_number};
+ my $rule2 = undef;
+ # set the jump target. Depends on action and log
+ if ("$self->{_log}" eq "enable") {
+ $rule2 = $rule;
+ $rule2 .= "-j LOG --log-prefix '[$chain $rule_num $self->{_action}] ' ";
+ }
+ if ("$self->{_action}" eq "drop") {
+ $rule .= "-j DROP ";
+ } elsif ("$self->{_action}" eq "accept") {
+ $rule .= "-j RETURN ";
+ } elsif ("$self->{_action}" eq "reject") {
+ $rule .= "-j REJECT ";
+ } else {
+ return ("\"action\" must be defined", );
+ }
+ if (defined($rule2)) {
+ my $tmp = $rule2;
+ $rule2 = $rule;
+ $rule = $tmp;
+ }
+ return (undef, $rule, $rule2, );
+sub outputXmlElem {
+ my ($name, $value, $fh) = @_;
+ print $fh " <$name>$value</$name>\n";
+sub outputXml {
+ my ($self, $fh) = @_;
+ outputXmlElem("protocol", $self->{_protocol}, $fh);
+ my $state_str = get_state_str($self);
+ if ($state_str ne "") {
+ $state_str =~ s/,/%2C/g;
+ $state_str .= "+";
+ }
+ outputXmlElem("state", $state_str, $fh);
+ outputXmlElem("action", uc($self->{_action}), $fh);
+ outputXmlElem("log", $self->{_log}, $fh);
+ outputXmlElem("icmp_type", $self->{_icmp_type}, $fh);
+ outputXmlElem("icmp_code", $self->{_icmp_code}, $fh);
+ $src->outputXml("src", $fh);
+ $dst->outputXml("dst", $fh);