tag: priority: 200 type: txt help: Firewall network-group syntax:expression: exec " \ if [ `echo $VAR(@) | wc -c` -gt 31 ]; then \ echo group name must be 31 characters or less;\ exit 1 ; \ fi ; " syntax:expression: pattern $VAR(@) "^[^-]" ; \ "Firewall group name cannot start with \"-\"" syntax:expression: pattern $VAR(@) "^[^!]" ; \ "Firewall group name cannot start with \"!\"" create: sudo /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-ipset.pl \ --action=create-set \ --set-type=network \ --set-name="$VAR(@)" delete: sudo /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-ipset.pl \ --action=delete-set \ --set-name="$VAR(@)" comp_help: possible completions: Set the name of the firewall network-group