path: root/scripts/
diff options
authorStephen Hemminger <>2008-11-20 12:16:02 -0800
committerStephen Hemminger <>2008-11-20 20:34:16 -0800
commit790663c88fb291ddb5b645bdde62d8229d5e115b (patch)
treebdf236cc76437e82df9254d3cb89ef1c271424bc /scripts/
parent22fba825c57ed336bca64ff154bbd911bc6754d5 (diff)
Change perl module names from VyattaQosXXX to Vyatta::Qos:XXX
Use more multi-level directory hierarchy instead of having all modules at top level.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f9fe75..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-# Traffic shaper
-# This is a extended form of Hierarchal Token Bucket with
-# more admin friendly features. Similar in spirt to other shaper scripts
-# such as wondershaper.
-# **** License ****
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc.
-# Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2008 Vyatta, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# **** End License ****
- package ShaperClass;
- use strict;
- require VyattaConfig;
- use VyattaQosMatch;
- my %fields = (
- id => undef,
- dsmark => undef,
- _priority => undef,
- _rate => undef,
- _ceiling => undef,
- _burst => undef,
- _match => undef,
- _limit => undef,
- _qdisc => undef,
- );
- sub new {
- my ( $that, $config, $id ) = @_;
- my $class = ref($that) || $that;
- my $self = {%fields};
- $self->{id} = $id;
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->_define($config);
- return $self;
- }
- sub _define {
- my ( $self, $config ) = @_;
- my $level = $config->setLevel();
- my @matches = ();
- $self->{_rate} = $config->returnValue("bandwidth");
- defined $self->{_rate} or die "$level bandwidth not defined\n";
- $self->{_priority} = $config->returnValue("priority");
- $self->{_ceiling} = $config->returnValue("ceiling");
- $self->{_burst} = $config->returnValue("burst");
- $self->{_limit} = $config->returnValue("queue-limit");
- $self->{_qdisc} = $config->returnValue("queue-type");
- $self->{dsmark} =
- VyattaQosUtil::getDsfield($config->returnValue("set-dscp"));
- foreach my $match ($config->listNodes("match")) {
- $config->setLevel("$level match $match");
- push @matches, new VyattaQosMatch($config);
- }
- $self->{_match} = \@matches;
- }
- sub matchRules {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $matches = $self->{_match};
- return @$matches;
- }
- sub _getPercentRate {
- my ($rate, $speed) = @_;
- if ( ! defined $rate ) {
- return; # leave rate undef
- }
- # Rate might be a percentage of speed
- if ( $rate =~ /%$/ ) {
- my $percent = substr( $rate, 0, length($rate) - 1 );
- if ( $percent < 0 || $percent > 100 ) {
- die "Invalid percentage bandwidth: $percent\n";
- }
- $rate = ( $percent * $speed ) / 100.;
- } else {
- $rate = VyattaQosUtil::getRate($rate);
- }
- return $rate;
- }
- sub rateCheck {
- my ($self, $limit, $level) = @_;
- my $rate = _getPercentRate($self->{_rate}, $limit);
- if ($rate > $limit) {
- print STDERR "Configuration error in: $level\n";
- printf STDERR
- "The bandwidth reserved for this class (%dKbps) must be less than\n",
- $rate / 1000;
- printf STDERR "the bandwidth for the overall policy (%dKbps)\n",
- $limit / 1000;
- exit 1;
- }
- my $ceil = _getPercentRate($self->{_ceiling}, $limit);
- if (defined $ceil && $ceil < $rate) {
- print STDERR "Configuration error in: $level\n";
- printf STDERR
- "The bandwidth ceiling for this class (%dKbps) must be greater or equal to\n",
- $ceil / 1000;
- printf STDERR "the reserved bandwidth for the class (%dKbps)\n",
- $rate / 1000;
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- sub prioQdisc {
- my ($self, $out, $dev, $rate) = @_;
- my $prio_id = 0x4000 + $self->{id};
- my $limit = $self->{_limit};
- printf {$out} "handle %x: prio\n", $prio_id;
- if ($limit) {
- foreach my $i (qw/1 2 3/) {
- printf {$out} "qdisc add dev %s parent %x:%d pfifo limit %d\n",
- $dev, $prio_id, $i, $limit;
- }
- }
- }
- sub sfqQdisc {
- my ($self, $out, $dev, $rate ) = @_;
- print ${out} "sfq";
- print ${out} " limit $self->{_limit}" if ($self->{_limit});
- print ${out} "\n";
- }
- sub fifoQdisc {
- my ($self, $out, $dev, $rate) = @_;
- print ${out} "pfifo";
- print ${out} " limit $self->{_limit}" if ($self->{_limit});
- print ${out} "\n";
- }
- # Red is has way to many configuration options
- # make some assumptions to make this sane (based on LARTC)
- # average size := 1000 bytes
- # limit := queue-limit * average
- # max := limit / 8
- # min := max / 3
- # burst := (2 * min + max) / (3 * average)
- sub redQdisc {
- my ($self, $out, $dev, $rate) = @_;
- my $limit = $self->{_limit};
- my $avg = 1000;
- my $qlimit;
- if (defined $limit) {
- $qlimit = $limit * $avg; # red limit in bytes
- } else {
- # rate is in bits/sec so queue-limit = 8 * 500ms * rate
- $qlimit = $rate / 2;
- }
- my $qmax = $qlimit / 8;
- my $qmin = $qmax / 3;
- printf ${out} "red limit %d min %d max %d avpkt %d",
- $qlimit, $qmin, $qmax, $avg;
- printf ${out} " burst %d probability 0.02 bandwidth %d ecn\n",
- (2 * $qmin + $qmax) / (3 * $avg), $rate / 1000;
- }
- my %qdiscOptions = (
- 'priority' => \&prioQdisc,
- 'fair-queue' => \&sfqQdisc,
- 'random-detect' => \&redQdisc,
- 'drop-tail' => \&fifoQdisc,
- );
- sub htbClass {
- my ( $self, $out, $dev, $parent, $speed ) = @_;
- my $rate = _getPercentRate($self->{_rate}, $speed);
- my $ceil = _getPercentRate($self->{_ceiling}, $speed);
- printf ${out} "class add dev %s parent %x:1 classid %x:%x htb rate %s",
- $dev, $parent, $parent, $self->{id}, $rate;
- print ${out} " ceil $ceil" if ( $ceil );
- print ${out} " burst $self->{_burst}" if ( defined $self->{_burst} );
- print ${out} " prio $self->{_priority}" if ( defined $self->{_priority} );
- print {$out} "\n";
- # create leaf qdisc
- my $q = $qdiscOptions{$self->{_qdisc}};
- if (defined $q) {
- printf {$out} "qdisc add dev %s parent %x:%x ",
- $dev, $parent, $self->{id};
- $q->($self, $out, $dev, $rate);
- } else {
- die "Unknown queue type $self->{_qdisc}\n";
- }
- }
- sub dsmarkClass {
- my ( $self, $out, $parent, $dev ) = @_;
- printf ${out} "class change dev %s classid %x:%x dsmark",
- $dev, $parent, $self->{id};
- if ($self->{dsmark}) {
- print ${out} " mask 0 value $self->{dsmark}\n";
- } else {
- print ${out} " mask 0xff value 0\n";
- }
- }
-package VyattaQosTrafficShaper;
-use strict;
-require VyattaConfig;
-use VyattaQosUtil;
-my %fields = (
- _level => undef,
- _rate => undef,
- _classes => undef,
-# new VyattaQosTrafficShaper($config)
-# Create a new instance based on config information
-sub new {
- my ( $that, $config, $name ) = @_;
- my $self = {%fields};
- my $class = ref($that) || $that;
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->_define($config);
- $self->_validate($config);
- return $self;
-sub _validate {
- my $self = shift;
- if ( $self->{_rate} ne "auto" ) {
- my $classes = $self->{_classes};
- my $default = shift @$classes;
- my $rate = VyattaQosUtil::getRate($self->{_rate});
- $default->rateCheck($rate, "$self->{_level} default");
- foreach my $class (@$classes) {
- $class->rateCheck($rate, "$self->{_level} class $class->{id}");
- }
- unshift @$classes, $default
- }
-# Rate can be something like "auto" or "10.2mbit"
-sub _getAutoRate {
- my ($rate, $dev) = @_;
- if ( $rate eq "auto" ) {
- $rate = VyattaQosUtil::interfaceRate($dev);
- if (! defined $rate ) {
- print STDERR "Interface $dev speed cannot be determined (assuming 10mbit)\n";
- $rate = 10000000;
- }
- } else {
- $rate = VyattaQosUtil::getRate($rate);
- }
- return $rate;
-# Setup new instance.
-# Assumes caller has done $config->setLevel to "traffic-shaper $name"
-sub _define {
- my ( $self, $config ) = @_;
- my $level = $config->setLevel();
- my @classes = ( );
- $self->{_rate} = $config->returnValue("bandwidth");
- $self->{_level} = $level;
- $config->exists("default")
- or die "$level configuration not complete: missing default class\n";
- # make sure no clash of different types of tc filters
- my %matchTypes = ();
- foreach my $class ( $config->listNodes("class")) {
- foreach my $match ( $config->listNodes("class $class match") ) {
- foreach my $type ( $config->listNodes("class $class match $match") ) {
- $matchTypes{$type} = "$class match $match";
- }
- }
- }
- if (scalar keys %matchTypes > 1 && $matchTypes{ip}) {
- print "Match type conflict:\n";
- while (my ($type, $usage) = each(%matchTypes)) {
- print " class $usage $type\n";
- }
- die "$level can not match on both ip and other types\n";
- }
- $config->setLevel("$level default");
- push @classes, new ShaperClass($config, -1);
- $config->setLevel($level);
- foreach my $id ( $config->listNodes("class") ) {
- $config->setLevel("$level class $id");
- push @classes, new ShaperClass( $config, $id );
- }
- $self->{_classes} = \@classes;
-sub commands {
- my ( $self, $out, $dev ) = @_;
- my $rate = _getAutoRate($self->{_rate}, $dev);
- my $classes = $self->{_classes};
- my %dsmark = ();
- my $default = shift @$classes;
- my $maxid = 1;
- $default->rateCheck($rate, "$self->{_level} default");
- foreach my $class (@$classes) {
- $class->rateCheck($rate, "$self->{_level} class $class->{id}");
- # find largest class id
- if (defined $class->{id} && $class->{id} > $maxid) {
- $maxid = $class->{id};
- }
- }
- # fill in id of default
- $default->{id} = ++$maxid;
- unshift @$classes, $default;
- # Check if we need dsmrk
- my $usedsmark;
- foreach my $class (@$classes) {
- if (defined $class->{dsmark}) {
- $usedsmark = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- my $parent = 1;
- my $root = "root";
- # if we need to change dsfield values, then put dsmark in front
- if ($usedsmark) {
- # dsmark max index must be power of 2
- my $indices = $maxid + 1;
- while (($indices & ($indices - 1)) != 0) {
- ++$indices;
- }
- print {$out} "qdisc add dev $dev handle 1:0 root dsmark"
- . " indices $indices default_index $default->{id} set_tc_index\n";
- foreach my $class (@$classes) {
- $class->dsmarkClass($out, 1, $dev);
- foreach my $match ($class->matchRules()) {
- $match->filter($out, $dev, 1, 1);
- printf {$out} " classid %x:%x\n", $parent, $class->{id};
- }
- }
- $parent = $indices + 1;
- $root = "parent 1:1"
- }
- printf {$out} "qdisc add dev %s %s handle %x: htb default %x\n",
- $dev, $root, $parent, $default->{id};
- printf {$out} "class add dev %s parent %x: classid %x:1 htb rate %s\n",
- $dev, $parent, $parent, $rate;
- foreach my $class (@$classes) {
- $class->htbClass($out, $dev, $parent, $rate);
- foreach my $match ($class->matchRules()) {
- $match->filter($out, $dev, $parent, 1, $class->{dsmark});
- printf {$out} " classid %x:%x\n", $parent, $class->{id};
- }
- }
-# Walk configuration tree and look for changed nodes
-# The configuration system should do this but doesn't do it right
-sub isChanged {
- my ($self, $name) = @_;
- my $config = new VyattaConfig;
- $config->setLevel("qos-policy traffic-shaper $name");
- if ($config->isChanged('bandwidth') ) {
- return 'bandwidth';
- }
- foreach my $attr ('bandwidth', 'burst', 'ceiling', 'priority', 'queue-limit', 'queue-type') {
- if ($config->isChanged("default $attr")) {
- return "default $attr";
- }
- }
- my %classNodes = $config->listNodeStatus('class');
- while (my ($class, $status) = each %classNodes) {
- if ($status ne 'static') {
- return "class $class";
- }
- foreach my $attr ('bandwidth', 'burst', 'ceiling', 'priority', 'queue-limit', 'queue-type') {
- if ($config->isChanged("class $class $attr")) {
- return "class $class $attr";
- }
- }
- my %matchNodes = $config->listNodeStatus("class $class match");
- while (my ($match, $status) = each %matchNodes) {
- my $level = "class $class match $match";
- if ($status ne 'static') {
- return $level;
- }
- foreach my $parm ('vif', 'interface', 'ip dscp', 'ip protocol',
- 'ip source address', 'ip destination address',
- 'ip source port', 'ip destination port') {
- if ($config->isChanged("$level $parm")) {
- return "$level $parm";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return undef; # false