# **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2007 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # **** End License **** package Vyatta::Login::User; use strict; use warnings; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5"; use Vyatta::Config; use Vyatta::Misc; # Exit codes form useradd.8 man page my %reasons = ( 0 => 'success', 1 => 'can´t update password file', 2 => 'invalid command syntax', 3 => 'invalid argument to option', 4 => 'UID already in use (and no -o)', 6 => 'specified group doesn´t exist', 9 => 'username already in use', 10 => 'can´t update group file', 12 => 'can´t create home directory', 13 => 'can´t create mail spool', ); my $levelFile = "/opt/vyatta/etc/level"; # Convert level to additional groups sub _level_groups { my $level = shift; my @groups; open( my $f, '<', $levelFile ) or return; while (<$f>) { chomp; next unless $_; my ( $l, $g ) = split /:/; if ( $l eq $level ) { @groups = split( /,/, $g ); last; } } close $f; return @groups; } # protected users override file my $protected_users = '/opt/vyatta/etc/protected-user'; # Users who MUST not use vbash sub _protected_users { my @protected; open my $pfd, '<', $protected_users or return; while (<$pfd>) { chomp; next unless $_; push @protected, $_; } close($pfd); return @protected; } # make list of vyatta users (ie. users of vbash) sub _vyatta_users { my @vusers; setpwent(); # ($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$shell,$expire) # = getpw* while ( my ($name, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $shell) = getpwent() ) { push @vusers, $name if ( $shell eq '/bin/vbash' ); } endpwent(); return @vusers; } sub _authorized_keys { my $user = shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("system login user $user authentication public-keys"); my @keys = $config->listNodes(); return unless @keys; # ($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$shell,$expire) # = getpw* my ( undef, undef, $uid, $gid, undef, undef, undef, $home ) = getpwnam($user); return unless $home; return unless -d $home; my $sshdir = "$home/.ssh"; unless ( -d $sshdir ) { mkdir $sshdir; chown( $uid, $gid, $sshdir ); chmod( 0750, $sshdir ); } open( my $auth, '>', "$sshdir/authorized_keys" ); unless ($auth) { warn "open $sshdir/authorized_keys failed: $!"; return; } print {$auth} "# Automatically generated by Vyatta configuration\n"; print {$auth} "# Do not edit, all changes will be lost\n"; foreach my $name (@keys) { my $type = $config->returnValue("$name type"); my $key = $config->returnValue("$name key"); print {$auth} "$type $key $name\n"; } close $auth; chmod( 0640, "$sshdir/authorized_keys" ); } sub _delete_user { my $user = shift; if ( $user eq 'root' ) { warn "Disabling root account, instead of deleting\n"; system('sudo usermod -p ! root') == 0 or die "usermod of root failed: $?\n"; } elsif ( getlogin() eq $user ) { die "Attempting to delete current user: $user\n"; } else { # This logs out user (so we can delete it) system("sudo pkill -u $user"); system("sudo userdel -r '$user'") == 0 or die "userdel of $user failed: $?\n"; } } sub _update_user { my $user = shift; my $cfg = new Vyatta::Config; $cfg->setLevel("system login user $user"); my $pwd = $cfg->returnValue('authentication encrypted-password'); my $level = $cfg->returnValue('level'); my $fname = $cfg->returnValue('full-name'); my $home = $cfg->returnValue('home-directory'); unless ($pwd) { warn "Encrypted password not in configuration for $user"; return; } unless ($level) { warn "Level not defined for $user"; return; } # map level to group membership my @groups = _level_groups($level); # add any additional groups from configuration push( @groups, $cfg->returnValues('group') ); # Read existing settings my $uid = getpwnam($user); # not found in existing passwd, must be new my $cmd; unless ( defined($uid) ) { # make new user using vyatta shell # and make home directory (-m) # and with default group of 100 (users) $cmd = 'useradd -s /bin/vbash -m -N'; } else { # update existing account # NB: can't skip because can't read original password $cmd = "usermod"; } $cmd .= " -p '$pwd'"; $cmd .= " -c \"$fname\"" if ( defined $fname ); $cmd .= " -d \"$home\"" if ( defined $home ); $cmd .= ' -G ' . join( ',', @groups ); system("sudo $cmd $user"); unless ( $? == 0 ) { my $reason = $reasons{ ( $? >> 8 ) }; die "Attempt to change user $user failed: $reason\n"; } } sub update { my $uconfig = new Vyatta::Config; $uconfig->setLevel("system login user"); my %users = $uconfig->listNodeStatus(); die "All users deleted!\n" unless %users; foreach my $user ( keys %users ) { my $state = $users{$user}; if ( $state eq 'deleted' ) { _delete_user($user); next; } next unless ( $state eq 'added' || $state eq 'changed' ); _update_user($user); _authorized_keys($user); } # Remove any vyatta users that do not exist in current configuration # This can happen if user added but configuration not saved my %protected = map { $_ => 1 } _protected_users(); foreach my $user ( _vyatta_users() ) { next if $protected{$user}; next if defined $users{$user}; warn "User $user not listed in current configuration\n"; system("sudo userdel --remove $user") == 0 or die "Attempt to delete user $user failed: $!"; } } 1;