# # Module: VyattaKeepalived.pm # # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2007 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: Stig Thormodsrud # Date: October 2007 # Description: Common keepalived definitions/funcitions # # **** End License **** # package VyattaKeepalived; use VyattaConfig; use POSIX; use strict; use warnings; my $daemon = '/usr/sbin/keepalived'; my $keepalived_conf = '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf'; my $sbin_dir = '/opt/vyatta/sbin'; my $state_transition = "$sbin_dir/vyatta-vrrp-state.pl"; my $keepalived_pid = '/var/run/keepalived_vrrp.pid'; my $state_dir = '/var/log/vrrpd'; my $vrrp_log = "$state_dir/vrrp.log"; sub snoop_for_master { my ($intf, $group, $vip, $timeout) = @_; my $file = get_master_file($intf, $group); my $cap_filt = "-f \"host and proto VRRP and ip[21:1] = $group\""; my $dis_filt = "-R \"vrrp.virt_rtr_id == $group and vrrp.ip_addr == $vip\""; my $options = "-a duration:$timeout -p -i$intf -c1 -T pdml"; my $cmd = "tshark $options $cap_filt $dis_filt"; system("$cmd > $file 2> /dev/null"); } sub vrrp_log { my $timestamp = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M.%S", localtime); open my $fh, ">>", $vrrp_log; print $fh "$timestamp: ", @_ , "\n"; close $fh; } sub is_running { if (-f $keepalived_pid) { my $pid = `cat $keepalived_pid`; chomp $pid; my $ps = `ps -p $pid -o comm=`; if (defined($ps) && $ps ne "") { return 1; } } return 0; } sub start_daemon { my ($conf) = @_; my $cmd = "$daemon --vrrp --log-facility 7 --log-detail --dump-conf"; $cmd .= " --use-file $conf --vyatta-workaround"; system($cmd); vrrp_log("start_daemon"); } sub stop_daemon { if (is_running()) { my $pid = `cat $keepalived_pid`; system("kill $pid"); vrrp_log("stop_daemon"); } else { vrrp_log("stop daemon called while not running"); } } sub restart_daemon { my ($conf) = @_; if (VyattaKeepalived::is_running()) { my $pid = `cat $keepalived_pid`; chomp $pid; system("kill -1 $pid"); vrrp_log("restart_deamon"); } else { start_daemon($conf); } } sub get_conf_file { return $keepalived_conf; } sub get_state_script { return $state_transition; } sub get_state_file { my ($vrrp_intf, $vrrp_group) = @_; my $file = "$state_dir/vrrpd_" . "$vrrp_intf" . "_" . "$vrrp_group.state"; return $file; } sub get_master_file { my ($vrrp_intf, $vrrp_group) = @_; my $file = "$state_dir/vrrpd_" . "$vrrp_intf" . "_" . "$vrrp_group.master"; return $file; } sub get_state_files { my ($intf, $group) = @_; # todo: fix sorting for ethX > 9 my @state_files; my $LS; if ($group eq "all") { open($LS,"ls $state_dir |grep '^vrrpd_$intf.*\.state\$' | sort |"); } else { my $intf_group = $intf . "_" . $group . ".state"; open($LS, "ls $state_dir |grep '^vrrpd_$intf_group\$' | sort |"); } @state_files = <$LS>; close($LS); foreach my $i (0 .. $#state_files) { $state_files[$i] = "$state_dir/$state_files[$i]"; } chomp @state_files; return @state_files; } sub vrrp_get_config { my ($intf, $group) = @_; my $path; my $config = new VyattaConfig; if ($intf =~ m/(eth\d+)\.(\d+)/) { $path = "interfaces ethernet $1 vif $2"; } else { $path = "interfaces ethernet $intf"; } $config->setLevel($path); my $primary_addr = $config->returnOrigValue("address"); if (!defined $primary_addr) { $primary_addr = ""; } if ($primary_addr =~ m/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/\d+/) { $primary_addr = $1; } $config->setLevel("$path vrrp vrrp-group $group"); my @vips = $config->returnOrigValues("virtual-address"); my $priority = $config->returnOrigValue("priority"); if (!defined $priority) { $priority = 1; } my $preempt = $config->returnOrigValue("preempt"); if (!defined $preempt) { $preempt = "true"; } my $advert_int = $config->returnOrigValue("advertise-interval"); if (!defined $advert_int) { $advert_int = 1; } $config->setLevel("$path vrrp vrrp-group $group authentication"); my $auth_type = $config->returnOrigValue("type"); if (!defined $auth_type) { $auth_type = "none"; } return ($primary_addr, $priority, $preempt, $advert_int, $auth_type, @vips); } sub vrrp_state_parse { my ($file) = @_; if ( -f $file) { my $line = `cat $file`; chomp $line; my ($start_time, $intf, $group, $state, $ltime) = split(' ', $line); return ($start_time, $intf, $group, $state, $ltime); } else { return undef; } } #end of file