#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/"; use Vyatta::Config; use Vyatta::Misc; use Getopt::Long; my $VTYSH = '/usr/bin/vtysh'; my ( $accesslist, $accesslist6, $aspathlist, $communitylist, $peer ); my ( $routemap, $deleteroutemap ); GetOptions( "update-access-list=s" => \$accesslist, "update-access-list6=s" => \$accesslist6, "update-aspath-list=s" => \$aspathlist, "update-community-list=s" => \$communitylist, "check-peer-syntax=s" => \$peer, "check-routemap-action=s" => \$routemap, "check-delete-routemap-action=s" => \$deleteroutemap, ) or exit 1; update_access_list($accesslist) if ($accesslist); update_access_list6($accesslist6) if ($accesslist6); update_as_path($aspathlist) if ($aspathlist); update_community_list($communitylist) if ($communitylist); check_peer_syntax($peer) if ($peer); check_routemap_action($routemap) if ($routemap); check_delete_routemap_action($deleteroutemap) if ($deleteroutemap); exit 0; sub numerically { $a <=> $b; } sub check_peer_syntax { my $peer = shift; $_ = $peer; if (/^local$/) { exit 0; } if ( isIpAddress("$peer") ) { exit 0; } exit 1; } sub is_community_list { my $list = shift; my $count = `$VTYSH -c \"show ip community-list $list\" | grep -c $list`; if ( $count > 0 ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub update_community_list { my $num = shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; my @rules = (); # remove the old rule if ( is_community_list($num) ) { system( "$VTYSH -c \"configure terminal\" -c \"no ip community-list $num\" " ); } $config->setLevel("policy community-list $num rule"); @rules = $config->listNodes(); foreach my $rule ( sort numerically @rules ) { # set the action my $action = $config->returnValue("$rule action"); die "policy community-list $num rule $rule: You must specify an action\n" unless $action; # grab the regex my $regex = $config->returnValue("$rule regex"); die "policy community-list $num rule $rule: You must specify a regex\n" unless $regex; system( "$VTYSH -c \"configure terminal\" -c \"ip community-list $num $action $regex\" " ); } exit 0; } sub is_as_path_list { my $list = shift; my $count = `$VTYSH -c \"show ip as-path-access-list $list\" | grep -c $list`; if ( $count > 0 ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub update_as_path { my $word = shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; my @rules = (); # remove the old rule if ( is_as_path_list($word) ) { system( "$VTYSH -c \"configure terminal\" -c \"no ip as-path access-list $word\" " ); } $config->setLevel("policy as-path-list $word rule"); @rules = $config->listNodes(); foreach my $rule ( sort numerically @rules ) { # set the action my $action = $config->returnValue("$rule action"); die "policy as-path-list $word rule $rule: You must specify an action\n" unless $action; # grab the regex my $regex = $config->returnValue("$rule regex"); die "policy as-path-list $word rule $rule: You must specify a regex\n" unless $regex; system( "$VTYSH -c \"configure terminal\" -c \"ip as-path access-list $word $action $regex\" " ); } exit 0; } sub is_access_list { my $list = shift; my $count = `$VTYSH -c \"show ip access-list $list\" | grep -c $list`; return ( $count > 0 ); } sub is_access_list6 { my $list = shift; my $count = `$VTYSH -c \"show ipv6 access-list $list\" | grep -c $list`; return ( $count > 0 ); } sub update_access_list { my $list = shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; my @rules = (); # remove the old rule if it already exists if ( is_access_list($list) ) { system("$VTYSH -c \"configure terminal\" -c \"no access-list $list\" "); } $config->setLevel("policy access-list $list rule"); @rules = $config->listNodes(); foreach my $rule ( sort numerically @rules ) { my ( $ip, $action, $src, $dst, $srcmsk, $dstmsk ) = ''; # set the action $action = $config->returnValue("$rule action"); if ( !defined $action ) { print "policy access-list $list rule $rule: You must specify an action\n"; exit 1; } # TODO: ask someone why config->exists() is returning !0? # set the source filter if ( defined $config->returnValue("$rule source host") ) { $src = $config->returnValue("$rule source host"); $src = "host " . $src; } elsif ( defined $config->returnValue("$rule source network") ) { $src = $config->returnValue("$rule source network"); $srcmsk = $config->returnValue("$rule source inverse-mask"); } else { if ( $config->exists("$rule source any") ) { $src = "any"; } else { print "policy access-list $list rule $rule source: incorrect source filter\n"; exit 1; } } # set the destination filter if extended list if ( ( ( $list >= 100 ) && ( $list <= 199 ) ) || ( ( $list >= 2000 ) && ( $list <= 2699 ) ) ) { $ip = 'ip '; # TODO: ask someone why config->exists() is returning !0? if ( defined $config->returnValue("$rule destination host") ) { $dst = $config->returnValue("$rule destination host"); $dst = "host " . $dst; } elsif ( defined $config->returnValue("$rule destination network") ) { $dst = $config->returnValue("$rule destination network"); $dstmsk = $config->returnValue("$rule destination inverse-mask"); } else { if ( $config->exists("$rule destination any") ) { $dst = "any"; } else { print "policy access-list $list rule $rule destination: incorrect destination filter\n"; exit 1; } } } system( "$VTYSH -c \"configure terminal\" -c \"access-list $list $action $ip $src $srcmsk $dst $dstmsk\" " ); } exit 0; } sub update_access_list6 { my $list = shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; my @rules = (); # remove the old rule if it already exists if ( is_access_list6($list) ) { system("$VTYSH -c \"conf t\" -c \"no ipv6 access-list $list\" "); } $config->setLevel("policy access-list6 $list rule"); @rules = $config->listNodes(); foreach my $rule ( sort numerically @rules ) { my ($action, $src, $exact) = ''; # set the action $action = $config->returnValue("$rule action"); if ( !defined $action ) { print "policy access-list6 $list rule $rule: You must specify an action\n"; exit 1; } if ( defined $config->returnValue("$rule source network") ) { $src = $config->returnValue("$rule source network"); if ($config->exists("$rule source exact-match")) { $exact = 'exact-match'; } } else { if ( $config->exists("$rule source any") ) { $src = "any"; } else { print "policy access-list6 $list rule $rule source: incorrect source filter\n"; exit 1; } } system( "$VTYSH -c \"configure terminal\" -c \"ipv6 access-list $list $action $src $exact\" " ); } exit 0; } ## check_routemap_action # check if the action has been changed since the last commit. # we need to do this because quagga will wipe the entire config if # the action is changed. # $1 = policy route-map <name> rule <num> action sub check_routemap_action { my $routemap = shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; my $action = $config->setLevel("$routemap"); my $origvalue = $config->returnOrigValue(); if ($origvalue) { my $value = $config->returnValue(); if ( "$value" ne "$origvalue" ) { exit 1; } } exit 0; } ## check_delete_routemap_action # don't allow deleteing the route-map action if other sibling nodes exist. # action is required for all other route-map definitions # $1 = policy route-map <name> rule <num> sub check_delete_routemap_action { my $routemap = shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; my @nodes = $config->listNodes("$routemap"); exit(@nodes) ? 1 : 0; }