#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 prefix family type exit 127 fi ROUTE=$1 FAM=$2 TYPE=$3 SUFFIX='' if [[ ${FAM} = 'ipv6' ]]; then SUFFIX='6' fi if [[ ${TYPE} = 'address' ]]; then # Check that there is still a next-hop or blackhole or dhcp-interface if the parent is not deleted ARR=( $(cli-shell-api listNodes protocols static route${SUFFIX} ${ROUTE} next-hop) ) cli-shell-api exists protocols static route${SUFFIX} ${ROUTE} blackhole RETVAL_BH=$? cli-shell-api exists protocols static route${SUFFIX} ${ROUTE} dhcp-interface RETVAL_DHCP=$? cli-shell-api exists protocols static route${SUFFIX} ${ROUTE} RETVAL_PARENT=$? if [ ${#ARR} -eq 0 ] && [ $RETVAL_BH -eq 1 ] && [ $RETVAL_DHCP -eq 1 ]&& [ $RETVAL_PARENT -eq 0 ] then echo "Must add either a next-hop or blackhole or dhcp-interface for route ${ROUTE}" exit 1 fi elif [[ ${TYPE} = 'interface' ]];then # Check that there is still a next-hop-interface if the parent is not deleted ARR=( $(cli-shell-api listNodes protocols static interface-route${SUFFIX} ${ROUTE} next-hop-interface) ) cli-shell-api exists protocols static interface-route${SUFFIX} ${ROUTE} RETVAL_PARENT=$? if [ ${#ARR} -eq 0 ] && [ $RETVAL_PARENT -eq 0 ] then echo "Must add a next-hop-interface for route ${ROUTE}" exit 1 fi fi