help: Set to distribute a default route delete: touch /tmp/ospf-default-info.$PPID end: if [ -f "/tmp/ospf-default-info.$PPID" ]; then vyatta-vtysh -c "configure terminal" \ -c "router ospf" \ -c "no default-information originate"; else # uncomment and remove script pending bug 2525 # # if [ -n "$VAR(./always/)" ]; then # PARM="always"; # fi; ${vyatta_sbindir}/ \ "protocols ospf default-information originate always"; if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then PARM="always"; fi; if [ -n "$VAR(./metric/@)" ]; then PARM="$PARM metric $VAR(./metric/@)"; fi; if [ -n "$VAR(./metric-type/@)" ]; then PARM="$PARM metric-type $VAR(./metric-type/@)"; fi; if [ -n "$VAR(./route-map/@)" ]; then PARM="$PARM route-map $VAR(./route-map/@)"; fi; vyatta-vtysh -c "configure terminal" \ -c "router ospf" \ -c "default-information originate $PARM"; fi;