type: txt
help: Set to suppress routing updates on an interface
allowed: ${vyatta_sbindir}/ --show all && echo default
create: if [ -z $VAR(@) ]
        then  vyatta-vtysh -c "configure terminal" -c "router ospf" \
          -c "passive-interface default";
     	else  vyatta-vtysh -c "configure terminal" -c "router ospf" \
          -c "passive-interface $VAR(@)"
delete: if [ -z $VAR(@) ]
	then vyatta-vtysh -c "configure terminal" -c "router ospf" \
          -c "no passive-interface default"
	else vyatta-vtysh -c "configure terminal" -c "router ospf" \
          -c "no passive-interface $VAR(@)"
comp_help: possible completions:
  <interface>     Set an interface to be passive (i.e. suppress routing updates)
  default         Set default to suppress routing updates on all interfaces