path: root/scripts/snmp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/snmp/')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/snmp/ b/scripts/snmp/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ef93b8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/snmp/
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/";
+use Vyatta::Config;
+use File::Copy;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Socket;
+use Socket6;
+my $snmp_v3_level = 'service snmp v3';
+my $snmp_init = 'invoke-rc.d snmpd';
+my $snmpd_conf = '/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf';
+my $snmpd_usr_conf = '/usr/share/snmp/snmpd.conf';
+my $snmpd_var_conf = '/var/lib/snmp/snmpd.conf';
+my $snmpd_conf_tmp = "/tmp/snmpd.conf.$$";
+my $snmpd_usr_conf_tmp = "/tmp/snmpd.usr.conf.$$";
+my $snmpd_var_conf_tmp = "/tmp/snmpd.var.conf.$$";
+my $versionfile = '/opt/vyatta/etc/version';
+my $local_agent = 'unix:/var/run/snmpd.socket';
+my $vyatta_config_file = '/config/snmp/snmp_conf.ini';
+%VConfig = ();
+%OIDs = (
+ "md5", ".",
+ "sha", ".",
+ "aes", ".",
+ "des", ".",
+ "none", "."
+# generate a random character hex string
+sub randhex {
+ my $length = shift;
+ return join "", map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..($length/2);
+sub parse_config_file {
+ open (CONFIG, "$vyatta_config_file") or return;
+ while (<CONFIG>) {
+ chomp; # no newline
+ s/#.*//; # no comments
+ s/^\s+//; # no leading white
+ s/\s+$//; # no trailing white
+ next unless length; # anything left?
+ my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2);
+ $VConfig{$var} = $value;
+ }
+ close(CONFIG);
+sub write_config_file {
+ open (my $config_file, '>' , "$vyatta_config_file");
+ for my $key (keys %VConfig) {
+ my $value = $VConfig{$key};
+ print $config_file "$key=$value\n";
+ }
+ close $config_file;
+sub snmpd_running {
+ open (my $pidf, '<', "/var/run/")
+ or return;
+ my $pid = <$pidf>;
+ close $pidf;
+ chomp $pid;
+ my $exe = readlink "/proc/$pid/exe";
+ return (defined($exe) && $exe eq "/usr/sbin/snmpd");
+sub check_snmp_exit_code {
+ my $code = shift;
+ # snmpd can start/restart with exit code 256 if trap-target is unavailable
+ if ($code !=0 && $code != 256) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub snmpd_stop {
+ system("$snmp_init stop > /dev/null 2>&1");
+ if (check_snmp_exit_code($?)) {
+ print "ERROR: Can not stop snmpd!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+sub snmpd_start {
+ system("$snmp_init start > /dev/null 2>&1");
+ if (check_snmp_exit_code($?)) {
+ print "ERROR: Can not start snmpd!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+sub snmpd_update {
+ system("$snmp_init reload > /dev/null 2>&1");
+ if (check_snmp_exit_code($?)) {
+ print "ERROR: Can not reload snmpd!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+sub snmpd_restart {
+ system("$snmp_init restart > /dev/null 2>&1");
+ if (check_snmp_exit_code($?)) {
+ print "ERROR: Can not restart snmpd!\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+sub get_version {
+ my $version = "unknown-version";
+ if (open (my $f, '<', $versionfile)) {
+ while (<$f>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (m/^Version\s*:\s*(.*)$/) {
+ $version = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close $f;
+ }
+ return $version;
+sub ipv6_disabled {
+ socket ( my $s, PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
+ or return 1;
+ close($s);
+ return;
+sub set_tsm {
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ if ($config->exists("tsm")) {
+ my $port = $config->returnValue("tsm port");
+ my $local_key = $config->returnValue("tsm local-key");
+ system("sed -i 's/^agentaddress.*\$/&,tlstcp:$port,dtlsudp:$port/' $snmpd_conf_tmp");
+ system("echo \"[snmp] localCert $local_key\" >> $snmpd_conf_tmp");
+ }
+sub snmp_delete {
+ snmpd_stop();
+ @files = ($snmpd_conf, $snmpd_usr_conf, $snmpd_var_conf);
+ foreach $file (@files) {
+ if (-e $file) {
+ if (unlink($file) == 0) {
+ print "File $file was not deleted.\n";
+ } else {
+ print "File $file deleted successfully.\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "File $file does not exist\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub get_snmp_config() {
+ my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
+ $config->setLevel($snmp_v3_level);
+ return $config;
+sub set_views() {
+ print "# views \n";
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ foreach my $view ($config->listNodes("view")) {
+ foreach my $oid ($config->listNodes("view $view oid")) {
+ my $mask = $config->returnValue("view $view oid $oid mask");
+ if ($config->exists("view $view oid $oid exclude")) {
+ print "view $view excluded .$oid $mask\n";
+ } else {
+ print "view $view included .$oid $mask\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+sub set_groups() {
+ print "#access\n# context sec.model sec.level match read write notif\n";
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ foreach my $group ($config->listNodes("group")) {
+ my $mode = $config->returnValue("group $group mode");
+ my $view = $config->returnValue("group $group view");
+ if ($mode eq "ro") {
+ print "access $group \"\" usm auth exact $view none none\n";
+ print "access $group \"\" tsm auth exact $view none none\n";
+ } else {
+ print "access $group \"\" usm auth exact $view $view none\n";
+ print "access $group \"\" tsm auth exact $view $view none\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+sub set_users_in_etc() {
+ print "#group\n";
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ foreach my $user ($config->listNodes("user")) {
+ $config->setLevel($snmp_v3_level." user $user");
+ if ($config->exists("group")) {
+ my $group = $config->returnValue("group");
+ print "group $group usm $user\n";
+ print "group $group tsm $user\n";
+ }
+ if ($config->exists("tsm-key")) {
+ my $cert = $config->returnValue("tsm-key");
+ #TODO magic number 10
+ print "certSecName 10 $cert --sn $user\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+sub set_users_to_other() {
+ open (my $usr_conf, '>>', $snmpd_usr_conf_tmp)
+ or die "Couldn't open $snmpd_usr_conf_tmp - $!";
+ open (my $var_conf, '>>', $snmpd_var_conf_tmp)
+ or die "Couldn't open $snmpd_var_conf_tmp - $!";
+ print $var_conf "\n";
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ my $needTsm = 0;
+ if ($config->exists("tsm")) {
+ $needTsm = 1;
+ }
+ my %trap_users=();
+ foreach my $trap ($config->listNodes("trap-target")) {
+ $trap_users{$config->returnValue("trap-target $trap user")} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $user ($config->listNodes("user")) {
+ delete $trap_users{$user};
+ $config->setLevel($snmp_v3_level." user $user");
+ my $auth_type = $config->returnValue("auth type");
+ my $priv_type = $config->returnValue("privacy type");
+ if ($config->exists("auth")) {
+ if ($config->exists("auth plaintext-key")) {
+ my $auth_key = $config->returnValue("auth plaintext-key");
+ my $priv_key = $config->returnValue("privacy plaintext-key");
+ print $var_conf "createUser $user \U$auth_type\E $auth_key \U$priv_type\E $priv_key\n";
+ } else {
+ my $name_print = get_printable_name($user);
+ my $EngineID = $VConfig{"User.$user.EngineID"};
+ my $auth_type_oid = $OIDs{$auth_type};
+ my $auth_key_hex = $config->returnValue("auth encrypted-key");
+ local ($priv_type_oid, $priv_key_hex);
+ if ($config->exists("privacy")) {
+ $priv_type_oid = $OIDs{$priv_type};
+ $priv_key_hex = $config->returnValue("privacy encrypted-key");
+ } else {
+ $priv_type_oid = $OIDs{'none'};
+ $priv_key_hex = '0x';
+ }
+ print $var_conf "usmUser 1 3 $EngineID $name_print $name_print NULL $auth_type_oid $auth_key_hex $priv_type_oid $priv_key_hex 0x\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $mode = $config->returnValue("mode");
+ my $end = "auth";
+ if ($config->exists("privacy")) {
+ $end = "priv";
+ }
+ print $usr_conf $mode."user $user $end\n";
+ if ($needTsm) {
+ print $usr_conf $mode."user -s tsm $user $end\n";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $user (keys %trap_users) {
+ $name_print = get_printable_name($user);
+ print $var_conf "usmUser 1 3 0x".randhex(26)." $name_print $name_print NULL . 0x".randhex(32)." . 0x 0x\n";
+ print $usr_conf "rouser $user auth";
+ }
+ print $var_conf "setservialno ".$VConfig{"serialno"}."\n";
+ print $var_conf "oldEngineID ".$VConfig{"oldEngineID"}."\n";
+ close $usr_conf;
+ close $var_conf;
+sub get_printable_name {
+ my $name = shift;
+ if ($name =~ /-/) {
+ my @array=unpack('C*', $name);
+ my $stringHex = '0x';
+ foreach my $c (@array) {
+ $stringHex .= sprintf ("%lx", $c);
+ }
+ return $stringHex;
+ } else {
+ return "\"$name\"";
+ }
+sub update_users_vyatta_conf() {
+ %VConfig = ();
+ open (my $var_conf, '<' , $snmpd_var_conf) or die "Couldn't open $snmpd_usr_conf - $!";
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ while (my $line = <$var_conf>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^setserialno (.*)$/) {
+ $VConfig{"serialno"} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^oldEngineID (.*)$/) {
+ $VConfig{"oldEngineID"} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^usmUser /) {
+ my @values = split(/ /, $line);
+ my $name = $values[4];
+ if ($name =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
+ $name = $1;
+ } else {
+ $name = pack('H*', $name);
+ }
+ # this file contain users for trap-target and vyatta... user
+ # these users recreating automatically on each commit
+ if ($config->exists("user $name")) {
+ $VConfig{"User.$name.EngineID"} = $values[3];
+ system("/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_set service snmp v3 user \"$name\" auth encrypted-key $values[8] > /dev/null");
+ if ($values[10] ne "\"\"" && $values[10] ne "0x") {
+ system("/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_set service snmp v3 user \"$name\" privacy encrypted-key $values[10] > /dev/null");
+ system("/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_delete service snmp v3 user \"$name\" privacy plaintext-key > /dev/null");
+ }
+ system("/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_delete service snmp v3 user \"$name\" auth plaintext-key > /dev/null");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub set_hosts() {
+ print "#trap-target\n";
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ foreach my $target ($config->listNodes("trap-target")) {
+ $config->setLevel($snmp_v3_level." trap-target $target");
+ my $auth_key = '';
+ if ($config->exists("auth plaintext-key")) {
+ $auth_key = "-A ".$config->returnValue("auth plaintext-key");
+ } else {
+ $auth_key = "-3m ".$config->returnValue("auth encrypted-key");
+ }
+ my $auth_type = $config->returnValue("auth type");
+ my $user = $config->returnValue("user");
+ my $port = $config->returnValue("port");
+ my $protocol = $config->returnValue("protocol");
+ my $type = $config->returnValue("type");
+ my $inform_flag = '';
+ $inform_flag = '-Ci' if ($type eq 'inform');
+ my $privacy = '';
+ my $secLevel = 'authNoPriv';
+ if ($config->exists("privacy")) {
+ my $priv_key = '';
+ if ($config->exists("privacy plaintext-key")) {
+ $priv_key = "-X ".$config->returnValue("privacy plaintext-key");
+ } else {
+ $priv_key = "-3M ".$config->returnValue("privacy encrypted-key")
+ }
+ my $priv_type = $config->returnValue("privacy type");
+ $privacy = "-x $priv_type $priv_key";
+ $secLevel = 'authPriv';
+ }
+ # TODO
+ # set -3m / -3M for auth / priv for master
+ # or -3k / -3K for local
+ my $target_print = $target;
+ if ($target =~ /:/) {
+ $target_print = "[$target]";
+ $protocol = $protocol."6";
+ }
+ print "trapsess -v 3 $inform_flag -u $user -l $secLevel -a $auth_type $auth_key $privacy $protocol:$target_print:$port\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+sub check_user_auth_changes() {
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ if ($config->isChanged("user")) {
+ my $haveError = 0;
+ foreach my $user ($config->listNodes("user")) {
+ $config->setLevel($snmp_v3_level." user $user");
+ if ($config->exists("auth")) {
+ if ($config->isChanged("auth encrypted-key") || $config->isChanged("privacy encrypted-key")) {
+ $haveError = 1;
+ print "Discard encrypted-key on user \"$user\". You can't change encrypted key. It does not supported yet.";
+ }
+ my $isAuthKeyChanged = $config->isChanged("auth plaintext-key");
+ my $isAuthChanged = $isAuthKeyChanged || $config->isChanged("auth type");
+ if (($isAuthChanged || $config->isDeleted("privacy") ) && !$isAuthKeyChanged) {
+ $haveError = 1;
+ print "Please, set auth plaintext-key for user \"$user\"\n";
+ }
+ if ($config->exists("privacy")) {
+ my $isPrivKeyChanged = $config->isChanged("privacy plaintext-key");
+ my $isPrivChanged = $isPrivKeyChanged || $config->isChanged("privacy type");
+ if ($isPrivChanged && !$isAuthKeyChanged) {
+ $haveError = 1;
+ print "Please, set auth plaintext-key for user \"$user\"\n";
+ }
+ if (($isAuthChanged || $isPrivChanged) && !$isPrivKeyChanged) {
+ $haveError = 1;
+ print "Please, set privacy plaintext-key for user \"$user\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($config->exists("privacy")) {
+ $haveError = 1;
+ print "Please, delete privacy for user \"$user\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($haveError) {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+sub check_relation() {
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ my $haveError = 0;
+ foreach my $user ($config->listNodes("user")) {
+ if ($config->exists("user $user group")) {
+ my $group = $config->returnValue("user $user group");
+ if (! $config->exists("group $group")) {
+ $haveError = 1;
+ print "Please, create group \"$group\". It's need for user \"$user\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $group ($config->listNodes("group")) {
+ my $view = $config->returnValue("group $group view");
+ if (! $config->exists("view $view")) {
+ $haveError = 1;
+ print "Please, create view \"$view\". It's need for group \"$group\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($haveError) {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+sub check_tsm_port {
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ if ($config->isChanged("tsm port")) {
+ my $port = $config->returnValue("tsm port");
+ my $reg = ":$port\$";
+ $output = `netstat -anltup | awk '{print \$4}'`;
+ foreach my $line (split(/\n/,$output)) {
+ if ($line =~ /$reg/) {
+ print "Actually port $port is using. It can not be used for tsm.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub copy_conf_to_tmp() {
+ # these files already contain SNMPv2 configuration
+ copy($snmpd_conf, $snmpd_conf_tmp) or die "Couldn't copy $snmpd_conf to $snmpd_conf_tmp - $!";
+ copy($snmpd_usr_conf, $snmpd_usr_conf_tmp) or die "Couldn't copy $snmpd_usr_conf to $snmpd_usr_conf_tmp - $!";
+ copy($snmpd_var_conf, $snmpd_var_conf_tmp) or die "Couldn't copy $snmpd_var_conf to $snmpd_var_conf_tmp - $!";
+sub snmp_update {
+ check_user_auth_changes();
+ check_relation();
+ check_tsm_port();
+ copy_conf_to_tmp();
+ set_tsm();
+ open (my $fh, '>>', $snmpd_conf_tmp)
+ or die "Couldn't open $snmpd_conf_tmp - $!";
+ select $fh;
+ set_views();
+ set_groups();
+ set_hosts();
+ set_users_in_etc();
+ close $fh;
+ select STDOUT;
+ move($snmpd_conf_tmp, $snmpd_conf)
+ or die "Couldn't move $snmpd_conf_tmp to $snmpd_conf - $!";
+ my $config = get_snmp_config();
+ if ($config->isChanged("user") || $config->isAdded("tsm") || $config->isDeleted("tsm") || $config->isChanged("trap-target")) {
+ parse_config_file();
+ snmpd_stop();
+ set_users_to_other();
+ move($snmpd_usr_conf_tmp, $snmpd_usr_conf)
+ or die "Couldn't move $snmpd_usr_conf_tmp to $snmpd_usr_conf - $!";
+ move($snmpd_var_conf_tmp, $snmpd_var_conf)
+ or die "Couldn't move $snmpd_var_conf_tmp to $snmpd_var_conf - $!";
+ snmpd_start();
+ snmpd_restart();
+ update_users_vyatta_conf();
+ write_config_file();
+ } else {
+ snmpd_start();
+ }
+my $update_snmp;
+my $delete_snmp;
+GetOptions("update-snmp!" => \$update_snmp,
+ "delete-snmp!" => \$delete_snmp);
+snmp_update() if ($update_snmp);
+snmp_delete() if ($delete_snmp);