vyatta-cfg-system (0.2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * clean up temp file in delete fail case
  * convert templates to new syntax
  * add commit check for user password
  * revise the password check
  * fix for bug 2768: add "dynamic" keyword to server entry.
  * template cleanup and fix for bug 2785: update /etc/mailname with
  * prevent ':' in full name (separator in passwd)
  * allow empty full-name
  * fix for bug 2547: don't require/output ':' after "hw-id".
  * fix for bug 2855: change help text
  * debian's latest update to "bash" (3.1dfsg-9) broke the completion
  * fix for bug 2764: rename user level
  * use vyattacfg for config files

  [ Mark O'Brien ]
  * Updated syslog help with severity information.
  * Update version file to vc4.0.0

  [ Michael Larson ]
  * bump up rmem_max limit to 223232 (in conjunction with fix for zebra)

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * update tunnel help strings with defaults
  * add a few missing help strings
  * - Fix 2745: bridge-group cost - syntax error
  * Fix 2819 Plain-text authentication should be identified as such.
  * Fix syntax error in "interface bridge <> priority".

  [ Tom Grennan ]
  * source /etc/default/vyatta instead of configuring install-system
  * remove stale CONFIG_PARTITION comments

  [ rbalocca ]
  * Add version file
  * Update version file to 4.0.0
  * 4.0.0
  * vyatta-cfg-system postinst was clobbering version file
  * These files will be changed by autobuild-git-eureak
  * Missing version file in Makefile.am

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:38:40 -0800

vyatta-cfg-system (0.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release.

 -- An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com>  Thu, 18 Oct 2007 11:03:18 -0700