# Module: VyattaKeepalived.pm
# **** License ****
# Version: VPL 1.0
# The contents of this file are subject to the Vyatta Public License
# Version 1.0 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.vyatta.com/vpl
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc.
# Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2007 Vyatta, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Author: Stig Thormodsrud
# Date: October 2007
# Description: Common keepalived definitions/funcitions
# **** End License ****
package VyattaKeepalived;

use VyattaConfig;
use POSIX;

use strict;
use warnings;

my $daemon           = '/usr/sbin/keepalived';
my $keepalived_conf  = '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf';
my $sbin_dir         = '/opt/vyatta/sbin';
my $state_transition = "$sbin_dir/vyatta-vrrp-state.pl";
my $keepalived_pid   = '/var/run/keepalived_vrrp.pid';
my $state_dir        = '/var/log/vrrpd';
my $vrrp_log         = "$state_dir/vrrp.log";

sub vrrp_log {
    my $timestamp = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M.%S", localtime);
    open my $fh, ">>", $vrrp_log;
    print $fh "$timestamp: ", @_ , "\n";
    close $fh;

sub is_running {
    if (-f $keepalived_pid) {
	my $pid = `cat $keepalived_pid`;
	chomp $pid;
	my $ps = `ps -p $pid -o comm=`;

	if (defined($ps) && $ps ne "") {
	    return 1;
    return 0;

sub start_daemon {
    my ($conf) = @_;

    my $cmd = "$daemon --vrrp --log-facility 7 --log-detail --dump-conf --use-file $conf";

sub stop_daemon {
    if (is_running()) {
	my $pid = `cat $keepalived_pid`;
	system("kill $pid");
    } else {
	vrrp_log("stop daemon called while not running");

sub restart_daemon {
    my ($conf) = @_;

    if (VyattaKeepalived::is_running()) {
	my $pid = `cat $keepalived_pid`;
	chomp $pid;
	system("kill -1 $pid");
    } else {

sub get_conf_file {
    return $keepalived_conf;

sub get_state_script {
    return $state_transition;

sub get_state_file {
    my ($vrrp_intf, $vrrp_group) = @_;

    my $file = "$state_dir/vrrpd_" . "$vrrp_intf" . "_" . "$vrrp_group.state";
    return $file;

sub get_master_file {
    my ($vrrp_intf, $vrrp_group) = @_;

    my $file = "$state_dir/vrrpd_" . "$vrrp_intf" . "_" . "$vrrp_group.master";
    return $file;

sub get_state_files {
    my $intf = shift;

    # todo: fix sorting for ethX > 9
    my @state_files;
    open(my $LS, "ls $state_dir |grep '^vrrpd_$intf.*\.state\$' | sort |");
    @state_files = <$LS>;
    foreach my $i (0 .. $#state_files) {
	$state_files[$i] = "$state_dir/$state_files[$i]";
    chomp @state_files;
    return @state_files;

sub vrrp_get_config {
    my ($intf, $group) = @_;

    my $config = new VyattaConfig;

    $config->setLevel("interfaces ethernet $intf");
    my $primary_addr = $config->returnOrigValue("address"); 
    if (!defined $primary_addr) {
	$primary_addr = "";

    if ($primary_addr =~ m/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/\d+/) {
	$primary_addr = $1;

    $config->setLevel("interfaces ethernet $intf vrrp");
    my $vip = $config->returnOrigValue("virtual-address");
    my $priority = $config->returnOrigValue("priority");
    if (!defined $priority) {
	$priority = 1;
    my $preempt = $config->returnOrigValue("preempt");
    if (!defined $preempt) {
	$preempt = "true";
    my $advert_int = $config->returnOrigValue("advertise-interval");
    if (!defined $advert_int) {
	$advert_int = 1;
    $config->setLevel("interfaces ethernet $intf vrrp authentication");
    my $auth_type = $config->returnOrigValue("type");
    if (!defined $auth_type) {
	$auth_type = "none";
    } else {
	$auth_type = uc($auth_type);
    return ($primary_addr, $vip, $priority, $preempt, $advert_int, $auth_type);

sub vrrp_state_parse {
    my ($file) = @_;

    if ( -f $file) {
	my $line = `cat $file`;
	chomp $line;
	my ($start_time, $intf, $group, $state, $ltime) = split(' ', $line);
	return ($start_time, $intf, $group, $state, $ltime);
    } else {
	return undef;

#end of file