#!/usr/bin/perl # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2007 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # **** End License **** # Update /etc/rsyslog.d/vyatta-log.conf # Exit code: 0 - update # 1 - no change or error use strict; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5"; use Vyatta::Config; use File::Basename; use File::Compare; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; my $SYSLOG_CONF = '/etc/rsyslog.d/vyatta-log.conf'; my $SYSLOG_TMPL = "/tmp/rsyslog.conf.XXXXXX"; my $MESSAGES = '/var/log/messages'; my $CONSOLE = '/dev/console'; my $LOGROTATE_CFG_DIR = '/opt/vyatta/etc/logrotate'; my %entries = (); die "$0 expects no arguments\n" if (@ARGV); sub add_target_selector { my ( $selector, $target ) = @_; $entries{$target}{selector} = [] unless $entries{$target}{selector}; push @{ $entries{$target}{selector} }, $selector; } sub set_target_param { my ( $config, $level, $target, $param ) = @_; my $path = "$level archive $param"; if (! $config->exists($path)) { my @tmpl = $config->parseTmpl($path); $entries{$target}{$param} = $tmpl[2]; } else { $entries{$target}{$param} = $config->returnValue($path); } } sub get_target_param { my ( $target, $param ) = @_; return $entries{$target}{$param}; } # This allows overloading local values in CLI my %facmap = ( 'all' => '*', 'protocols' => 'local7', 'dataplane' => 'local6', ); # This builds a data structure that maps from target # to selector list for that target sub read_config { my ( $config, $level, $target ) = @_; foreach my $facility ( $config->listNodes("$level facility") ) { my $loglevel = $config->returnValue("$level facility $facility level"); $facility = $facmap{$facility} if ( $facmap{$facility} ); $loglevel = '*' if ( $loglevel eq 'all' ); $entries{$target} = {} unless $entries{$target}; add_target_selector( $facility . '.' . $loglevel, $target ); } # This is a file target so we set size and files if ($target =~ m:^/var/log/:) { set_target_param($config, $level, $target, 'size'); set_target_param($config, $level, $target, 'files'); } } sub print_outchannel { my ( $fh, $channel, $target, $size ) = @_; # Force outchannel size to be 1k more than logrotate config to guarantee rotation $size = ($size + 5) * 1024; print $fh "\$outchannel $channel,$target,$size,/usr/sbin/logrotate ${LOGROTATE_CFG_DIR}/$channel\n"; print $fh join( ';', @{ $entries{$target}{selector} } ), " :omfile:\$$channel\n"; } my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("system syslog"); read_config( $config, 'global', $MESSAGES ); # Default syslog.conf if no global entry unless (%entries) { add_target_selector( '*.notice', $MESSAGES ); add_target_selector( 'local7.*', $MESSAGES ); } read_config( $config, 'console', $CONSOLE ); foreach my $host ( $config->listNodes('host') ) { read_config( $config, "host $host", '@'. $host ); } foreach my $file ( $config->listNodes('file') ) { read_config( $config, "file $file", '/var/log/user/' . $file ); } foreach my $user ( $config->listNodes('user') ) { read_config( $config, 'user $user', $user ); } my ($out, $tempname) = tempfile($SYSLOG_TMPL, UNLINK => 1) or die "Can't create temp file: $!"; my $files; my $size; foreach my $target ( keys %entries ) { if ($target eq $MESSAGES) { $size = get_target_param($target, 'size'); $files = get_target_param($target, 'files'); print_outchannel($out, 'global', $target, $size); system("sudo /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta_update_logrotate.pl $files $size 1") == 0 or die "Can't genrate global log rotation config: $!"; } elsif ($target =~ m:^/var/log/user/:) { my $file = basename($target); $size = get_target_param($target, 'size'); $files = get_target_param($target, 'files'); print_outchannel($out, 'file_' . $file, $target, $size); system("sudo /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta_update_logrotate.pl $file $files $size 1") == 0 or die "Can't genrate global log rotation config: $!"; } else { print $out join( ';', @{ $entries{$target}{selector} } ), "\t$target\n"; } } close $out or die "Can't output $tempname: $!"; # Don't need to do anything, save time on boot if ( -e $SYSLOG_CONF && compare( $SYSLOG_CONF, $tempname ) == 0 ) { unlink($tempname); exit 1; } system("sudo cp $tempname $SYSLOG_CONF") == 0 or die "Can't copy $tempname to $SYSLOG_CONF: $!"; unlink($tempname); exit 0;