#!/usr/bin/perl use Getopt::Long; use strict; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5"; use Vyatta::Misc; my ($iface, $want); GetOptions("interface=s" => \$iface, "want=s" => \$want); # Return the current router address from an interface that is # configured via dhcp. Return for all errors. # This address will be used for the next hop address for static routes. sub get_dhcp_router { my $dhcp_iface = pop(@_); if (!Vyatta::Misc::is_dhcp_enabled($dhcp_iface,0)) { return ""; } my $lease = "/var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient_${dhcp_iface}_lease"; my $router = `grep new_routers= $lease | cut -d"'" -f2`; my @r = split(/,/, $router); $router = $r[0]; if ($router eq "") { return ""; } return $router; } # Return the current ipv4 address from an interface that is # configured via dhcp. Return for all errors. # This address will be used for the local-ip for tunnels, sub get_dhcp_addr { my $dhcp_iface = pop(@_); if (!Vyatta::Misc::is_dhcp_enabled($dhcp_iface,0)) { return ""; } my @dhcp_addr = Vyatta::Misc::getIP($dhcp_iface,4); my $addr = pop(@dhcp_addr); if (!defined($addr)) { return ""; } @dhcp_addr = split(/\//, $addr); $addr = $dhcp_addr[0]; return $addr; } if ($want eq 'local') { print get_dhcp_addr($iface); } else { print get_dhcp_router($iface); } exit 0;