#!/usr/bin/perl # # Module: vyatta-interfaces.pl # # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as # `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL' in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution # or on the World Wide Web at `http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html'. # You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2007 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: Stig Thormodsrud # Date: November 2007 # Description: Script to assign addresses to interfaces. # # **** End License **** # use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/"; use Vyatta::Config; use Vyatta::Misc qw(generate_dhclient_intf_files getInterfaces getIP get_sysfs_value is_address_enabled is_dhcp_enabled is_ip_v4_or_v6); use Vyatta::File qw(touch); use Vyatta::Interface; use Getopt::Long; use strict; use warnings; my $dhcp_daemon = '/sbin/dhclient'; my $ETHTOOL = '/sbin/ethtool'; my ($dev, $mac, $mac_update); my %skip_interface; my ($check_name, $show_names, $vif_name, $warn_name); my ($check_up, $dhcp_command, $allowed_speed); my (@speed_duplex, @addr_commit, @check_speed, @offload_option); sub usage { print < --check= $0 --dev= --warn $0 --dev= --valid-mac= $0 --dev= --valid-addr-commit={addr1 addr2 ...} $0 --dev= --speed-duplex=speed,duplex $0 --dev= --check-speed=speed,duplex $0 --dev= --allowed-speed $0 --dev= --isup $0 --dev= --offload-option={tcp-segmention,udp-fragmentation} {value} $0 --dev= --offload-option={generic-segmentation,generic-receive} {value} $0 --dev= --offload-option={scatter-gather} {value} $0 --show= EOF exit 1; } GetOptions( "valid-addr-commit=s{,}" => \@addr_commit, "dev=s" => \$dev, "valid-mac=s" => \$mac, "set-mac=s" => \$mac_update, "dhcp=s" => \$dhcp_command, "check=s" => \$check_name, "show=s" => \$show_names, "skip=s" => sub {$skip_interface{$_[1]} = 1}, "vif=s" => \$vif_name, "warn" => \$warn_name, "isup" => \$check_up, "speed-duplex=s{2}" => \@speed_duplex, "check-speed=s{2}" => \@check_speed, "allowed-speed" => \$allowed_speed, "offload-option=s{2}" => \@offload_option, ) or usage(); is_valid_addr_commit($dev, @addr_commit) if (@addr_commit); is_valid_mac($mac, $dev) if ($mac); update_mac($mac_update, $dev) if ($mac_update); dhcp($dhcp_command, $dev) if ($dhcp_command); is_valid_name($check_name, $dev) if ($check_name); exists_name($dev) if ($warn_name); show_interfaces($show_names) if ($show_names); is_up($dev) if ($check_up); set_speed_duplex($dev, @speed_duplex) if (@speed_duplex); check_speed_duplex($dev, @check_speed) if (@check_speed); allowed_speed($dev) if ($allowed_speed); set_offload_option($dev, @offload_option) if (@offload_option); exit 0; sub is_ip_configured { my ($intf, $ip) = @_; my $found = grep {$_ eq $ip} Vyatta::Misc::getIP($intf); return ($found > 0); } sub is_ipv4 { return index($_[0],':') < 0; } sub is_up { my $name = shift; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); die "Unknown interface type for $name" unless $intf; exit 0 if ($intf->up()); exit 1; } sub dhcp_write_file { my ($file, $data) = @_; open(my $fh, '>', $file) || die "Couldn't open $file - $!"; print $fh $data; close $fh; } sub dhcp_conf_header { my $output; my $date = `date`; chomp $date; $output = "#\n# autogenerated by vyatta-interfaces.pl on $date\n#\n"; return $output; } sub get_hostname { my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("system"); return $config->returnValue("host-name"); } sub is_domain_name_set { my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("system"); return $config->returnValue("domain-name"); } sub get_mtu { my $name = shift; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); return $intf->mtu(); } sub get_dhcp_client_id { my $name = shift; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel($intf->path()); return $config->returnValue("dhcp-options client-id"); } sub get_dhcp_hostname { my $name = shift; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel($intf->path()); return $config->returnValue("dhcp-options host-name"); } sub dhcp_update_config { my ($conf_file, $intf) = @_; my $output = dhcp_conf_header(); my $hostname = get_dhcp_hostname($intf); if (!defined($hostname)) { $hostname = get_hostname(); } $output .= "interface \"$intf\" {\n"; if (defined($hostname)) { $output .= "\tsend host-name \"$hostname\";\n"; } my $client_id = get_dhcp_client_id($intf); if (defined($client_id)) { $output .= "\tsend dhcp-client-identifier \"$client_id\";\n"; } $output .= "\trequest subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers, domain-name-servers"; my $domainname = is_domain_name_set(); if (!defined($domainname)) { $output .= ", domain-name"; } my $mtu = get_mtu($intf); $output .= ", interface-mtu" unless $mtu; $output .= ";\n"; $output .= "}\n\n"; dhcp_write_file($conf_file, $output); } # Is interface disabled in configuration (only valid in config mode) sub is_intf_disabled { my $name = shift; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); $intf or die "Unknown interface name/type: $name\n"; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel($intf->path()); return $config->exists("disable"); } sub run_dhclient { my ($intf, $op_mode) = @_; my ($intf_config_file, $intf_process_id_file, $intf_leases_file)= generate_dhclient_intf_files($intf); # perform config mode actions if not called from op-mode if (!defined $op_mode) { dhcp_update_config($intf_config_file, $intf); return if is_intf_disabled($intf); } my $cmd = "$dhcp_daemon -pf $intf_process_id_file -x $intf 2> /dev/null; rm -f $intf_process_id_file 2> /dev/null;"; $cmd .= "$dhcp_daemon -q -nw -cf $intf_config_file -pf $intf_process_id_file -lf $intf_leases_file $intf 2> /dev/null &"; # adding & at the end to make the process into a daemon immediately system($cmd) == 0 or warn "start $dhcp_daemon failed: $?\n"; } sub stop_dhclient { my ($intf, $op_mode) = @_; # perform config mode actions if not called from op-mode if (!defined $op_mode) { return if is_intf_disabled($intf); } my ($intf_config_file, $intf_process_id_file, $intf_leases_file)= generate_dhclient_intf_files($intf); my $release_cmd = "$dhcp_daemon -q -cf $intf_config_file -pf $intf_process_id_file -lf $intf_leases_file -r $intf 2> /dev/null;"; $release_cmd .= "rm -f $intf_process_id_file 2> /dev/null"; system($release_cmd) == 0 or warn "stop $dhcp_daemon failed: $?\n"; } sub update_mac { my ($mac, $name) = @_; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); $intf or die "Unknown interface name/type: $name\n"; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel($intf->path()); my $bond = $config->returnValue("bond-group"); # we need to skip this for bond member interfaces if (!defined($bond)) { # maybe nothing needs to change my $oldmac = $intf->hw_address(); exit 0 if (lc($oldmac) eq lc($mac)); # try the direct approach if (system("sudo ip link set $name address $mac") == 0) { exit 0; } elsif ($intf->up()) { # some hardware can not change MAC address if up system "sudo ip link set $name down" and die "Could not set $name down\n"; system "sudo ip link set $name address $mac" and die "Could not set $name address\n"; system "sudo ip link set $name up" and die "Could not set $name up\n"; } else { die "Could not set mac address for $name\n"; } } exit 0; } sub is_vrrp_mac { my @octets = @_; return 1 if ( hex($octets[0]) == 0 && hex($octets[1]) == 0 && hex($octets[2]) == 94 && hex($octets[3]) == 0 && hex($octets[4]) == 1); return 0; } sub is_valid_mac { my ($mac, $intf) = @_; my @octets = split /:/, $mac; ($#octets == 5) or die "Error: wrong number of octets: $#octets\n"; ((hex($octets[0]) & 1) == 0) or die "Error: $mac is a multicast address\n"; is_vrrp_mac(@octets) and die "Error: $mac is a vrrp mac address\n"; my $sum = 0; $sum += hex($_) foreach @octets; ($sum != 0) or die "Error: zero is not a valid address\n"; exit 0; } # Validate the set of address values configured on an interface at commit # Check that full set of address address values are consistent. # 1. Interface may not be part of bridge or bonding group # 2. Can not have both DHCP and a static IPv4 address. sub is_valid_addr_commit { my ($ifname, @addrs) = @_; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($ifname); $intf or die "Unknown interface name/type: $ifname\n"; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel($intf->path()); my $bridge = $config->returnValue("bridge-group bridge"); die "Can't configure address on interface that is port of bridge.\n" if (defined($bridge)); my $bond = $config->returnValue("bond-group"); die "Can't configure address on interface that is slaved to bonding interface.\n" if (defined($bond)); my $addrmap = Vyatta::Interface::get_cfg_addresses(); my ($dhcp, $static_v4); foreach my $addr (@addrs) { next if ($addr eq 'dhcpv6'); if ($addr eq 'dhcp') { $dhcp = 1; next; } $static_v4 = 1 if (is_ipv4($addr)); } die "Can't configure static IPv4 address and DHCP on the same interface.\n" if ($static_v4 && $dhcp); exit 0; } # Is interface currently in admin down state? sub is_intf_down { my $name = shift; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); return 1 unless $intf; return !$intf->up(); } sub dhcp { my ($request, $intf) = @_; die "$intf is not using DHCP to get an IP address\n" unless ($request eq 'start' || is_dhcp_enabled($intf)); die "$intf is disabled.\n" if ($request ne 'stop' && is_intf_down($intf)); my $tmp_dhclient_dir = '/var/run/vyatta/dhclient/'; my $release_file = $tmp_dhclient_dir . 'dhclient_release_' . $intf; if ($request eq "release") { die "IP address for $intf has already been released.\n" if (-e $release_file); print "Releasing DHCP lease on $intf ...\n"; stop_dhclient($intf, 'op_mode'); mkdir($tmp_dhclient_dir) if (!-d $tmp_dhclient_dir); touch($release_file); } elsif ($request eq "renew") { print "Renewing DHCP lease on $intf ...\n"; run_dhclient($intf, 'op_mode'); unlink($release_file); } elsif ($request eq "start") { print "Starting DHCP client on $intf ...\n"; touch("/var/lib/dhcp/$intf"); run_dhclient($intf); } elsif ($request eq "stop") { print "Stopping DHCP client on $intf ...\n"; stop_dhclient($intf); unlink("/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient_$intf\_lease"); unlink("/var/lib/dhcp/$intf"); unlink("/var/run/vyatta/dhclient/dhclient_release_$intf"); unlink("/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient_$intf\.conf"); } else { die "Unknown DHCP request: $request\n"; } exit 0; } sub is_valid_name { my ($type, $name) = @_; die "Missing --dev argument\n" unless $name; my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); die "$name does not match any known interface name type\n" unless $intf; my $vif = $intf->vif(); die "$name is the name of VIF interface\n","Need to use \"interface ",$intf->physicalDevice()," vif $vif\"\n" if $vif; die "$name is a ", $intf->type(), " interface not an $type interface\n" if ($type ne 'all' and $intf->type() ne $type); die "$type interface $name does not exist on system\n" unless grep {$name eq $_} getInterfaces(); exit 0; } sub exists_name { my $name = shift; die "Missing --dev argument\n" unless $name; warn "interface $name does not exist on system\n" unless grep {$name eq $_} getInterfaces(); exit 0; } # generate one line with all known interfaces (for allowed) sub show_interfaces { my $type = shift; my @interfaces = getInterfaces(); my @match; foreach my $name (@interfaces) { my $intf = new Vyatta::Interface($name); next unless $intf; # skip unknown types next if $skip_interface{$name}; next unless ($type eq 'all' || $type eq $intf->type()); if ($intf->vrid()){ push @match, $name; # add all vrrp interfaces } elsif ($vif_name) { next unless $intf->vif(); push @match, $intf->vif() if ($vif_name eq $intf->physicalDevice()); } else { push @match, $name unless $intf->vif() and $type ne 'all'; } } print join(' ', @match), "\n"; } # Determine current values for autoneg, speed, duplex sub get_ethtool { my $dev = shift; open(my $ethtool, '-|', "$ETHTOOL $dev 2>&1") or die "ethtool failed: $!\n"; # ethtool produces: # # Settings for eth1: # Supported ports: [ TP ] # ... # Speed: 1000Mb/s # Duplex: Full # ... # Auto-negotiation: on my ($rate, $duplex) = (1000, "full"); my $autoneg = 0; while (<$ethtool>) { chomp; return if (/^Cannot get device settings/); if (/^\s+Speed: (\d+)Mb/) { $rate = $1; } elsif (/^\s+Duplex:\s(.*)$/) { $duplex = lc $1; } elsif (/^\s+Auto-negotiation: on/) { $autoneg = 1; } } close $ethtool; $duplex = "full" if $duplex =~ /unknown.*/; return ($autoneg, $rate, $duplex); } sub set_speed_duplex { my ($intf, $nspeed, $nduplex) = @_; die "Missing --dev argument\n" unless $intf; ## if driver virtio, speed and duplex are unknown per default coming fromthe driver itself ## if that's the case we always run ethtool and set the values open(my $ethtool, '-|', "$ETHTOOL -i $dev 2>&1") or die "ethtool failed: $!\n"; my $drv = 0; while (<$ethtool>) { chomp; return if (/^Cannot get device driver settings/); $drv = 1 if (/^driver:.*/); last; } if ($drv != 1) { # read old values to avoid meaningless speed changes my ($autoneg, $ospeed, $oduplex) = get_ethtool($intf); if (defined($autoneg) && $autoneg == 1) { # Device is already in autonegotiation mode return if ($nspeed eq 'auto'); } elsif (defined($ospeed) && defined($oduplex)) { # Device has explicit speed/duplex but they already match return if (($nspeed eq $ospeed) && ($nduplex eq $oduplex)); } } my $cmd = "$ETHTOOL -s $intf"; if ($nspeed eq 'auto') { $cmd .= " autoneg on"; } else { $cmd .= " speed $nspeed duplex $nduplex autoneg off"; } exec $cmd; die "exec of $ETHTOOL failed: $!"; } # Check if speed and duplex value is supported by device sub is_supported_speed { my ($dev, $speed, $duplex) = @_; open(my $if_drv, '-|', "$ETHTOOL -i $dev 2>/dev/null") or die "ethtool -i failed: $!\n"; ### check if virtualized NIC return 1 if <$if_drv> =~ /virtio_net/; my $wanted = sprintf("%dbase%s/%s", $speed,($speed == 2500) ? 'X' : 'T', ucfirst($duplex)); open(my $ethtool, '-|', "$ETHTOOL $dev 2>/dev/null") or die "ethtool failed: $!\n"; # ethtool output: # # Settings for eth1: # Supported ports: [ TP ] # Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full # 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full # 1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full # Supports auto-negotiation: Yes my $mode; while (<$ethtool>) { chomp; if ($mode) { last unless /^\t /; } else { next unless /^\tSupported link modes: /; $mode = 1; } return 1 if /$wanted/; } close $ethtool; return; } # Validate speed and duplex settings prior to commit sub check_speed_duplex { my ($dev, $speed, $duplex) = @_; # most basic and default case exit 0 if ($speed eq 'auto' && $duplex eq 'auto'); die "If speed is hardcoded, duplex must also be hardcoded\n" if ($duplex eq 'auto'); die "If duplex is hardcoded, speed must also be hardcoded\n" if ($speed eq 'auto'); die "Speed $speed, duplex $duplex not supported on $dev\n" unless is_supported_speed($dev, $speed, $duplex); exit 0; } # Produce list of valid speed values for device sub allowed_speed { my ($dev) = @_; open(my $ethtool, '-|', "$ETHTOOL $dev 2>/dev/null") or die "ethtool failed: $!\n"; my %speeds; my $first = 1; while (<$ethtool>) { chomp; if ($first) { next unless s/\tSupported link modes:\s//; $first = 0; } else { last unless /^\t /; } foreach my $val (split / /) { $speeds{$1} = 1 if $val =~ /(\d+)base/; } } close $ethtool; print 'auto ', join(' ', sort keys %speeds), "\n"; } sub get_offload_option { my ($dev, $option) = @_; my $val; my $ethtool_option; if ($option ne 'scatter-gather') { $ethtool_option = "$option-offload"; } else { $ethtool_option = $option; } open(my $ethtool, '-|', "$ETHTOOL -k $dev 2>&1") or die "ethtool failed: $!\n"; while (<$ethtool>) { next if ($_ !~ m/$ethtool_option:/); chomp; $val = (split(/: /, $_))[1]; } close $ethtool; return $val; } sub set_offload_option { my ($intf, $option, $nvalue) = @_; die "Missing --dev argument\n" unless $intf; my $ovalue = get_offload_option($intf, $option); my %ethtool_opts = ( 'generic-receive' => 'gro', 'generic-segmentation' => 'gso', 'tcp-segmentation' => 'tso', 'udp-fragmentation' => 'ufo', 'scatter-gather' => 'sg', ); if (defined($nvalue) && $nvalue ne $ovalue) { my $cmd = "$ETHTOOL -K $intf $ethtool_opts{$option} $nvalue"; system($cmd); if ($? >> 8) { die "Offload option for $option is not supported on $intf\n"; } } }