#! /usr/bin/perl # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2010 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: Stephen Hemminger # Date: February 2010 # # **** End License **** use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/"; use strict; use warnings; use Vyatta::Config; my $sbindir = $ENV{vyatta_sbindir}; sub usage { print "Usage: $0 user filename|url\n"; exit 1; } sub check_http { my ($url) = @_; # # error codes are send back in html, so 1st try a header # and look for "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" # my $rc = `curl -s -q -I $url 2>&1`; if ( $rc =~ /HTTP\/\d+\.?\d\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)$/mi ) { my $rc_code = $1; my $rc_string = $2; die "http error: [$rc_code] $rc_string\n" unless ( $rc_code == 200 ); } else { die "Error: $rc\n"; } } sub geturl { my $url = shift; # Is it a local file? unless ($url =~ m#(^[^/]\w+)://# ) { open(my $in, '<', $url) or die "Cannot open file $url: $!\n"; return $in; } my $proto = $1; check_http($url) if ($proto eq 'http'); my $cmd = "curl -#"; # Handle user@host syntax which curl doesn't do if ($proto eq 'scp') { if ($url =~ m#scp://(\w+)@(.*)# ) { $cmd .= " -u $1"; $url = "scp://$2"; } } $cmd .= " $url"; open (my $curl, "$cmd |" ) or die "$cmd command failed: $!"; return $curl; } sub badkey { die "Not a valid key file format (see man sshd)" } sub getkeys { my ($user, $in) = @_; while (<$in>) { chomp; next if /^#/; # ignore comments # public key (format 2) consist of: # options, keytype, base64-encoded key, comment. my $pos = index $_, "ssh-"; badkey unless ($pos >= 0); # missing keytype my ($keytype, $keycode, $comment) = split / /, substr($_, $pos); badkey unless defined($keytype) && defined($keycode) && defined($comment); badkey unless ($keytype eq 'ssh-rsa' || $keytype eq 'ssh-dss'); my $cmd = "set system login user $user authentication public-keys $comment"; system ("$sbindir/my_$cmd" . " type $keytype"); die "\"$cmd\" type failed\n" if ($? >> 8); system ("$sbindir/my_$cmd" . " key \"$keycode\""); die "\"$cmd\" key failed\n" if ($? >> 8); } } usage unless ($#ARGV == 1); my $user = $ARGV[0]; my $source = $ARGV[1]; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("system login user"); die "User $user does not exist in current configuration\n" unless $config->exists($user); addkeys($user, geturl($source)); system("$sbindir/my_commit"); if ( $? >> 8 ) { print "Load failed (commit failed)\n"; exit 1; } print "Done\n"; exit 0;