#!/usr/bin/perl # # Module: dmvpn-config.pl # use strict; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5"; use constant IKELIFETIME_DEFAULT => 28800; # 8 hours use constant ESPLIFETIME_DEFAULT => 3600; # 1 hour use constant REKEYMARGIN_DEFAULT => 540; # 9 minutes use constant REKEYFUZZ_DEFAULT => 100; use constant INVALID_LOCAL_IP => 254; use constant VPN_MAX_PROPOSALS => 10; use Vyatta::TypeChecker; use Vyatta::VPN::Util; use Getopt::Long; use Vyatta::Misc; use NetAddr::IP; use Vyatta::VPN::vtiIntf; my $config_file; my $init_script; my $tunnel_context; my $tun_id; GetOptions( "config_file=s" => \$config_file, "init_script=s" => \$init_script, "tunnel_context" => \$tunnel_context, "tun_id=s" => \$tun_id ); my $LOGFILE = '/var/log/vyatta/ipsec.log'; my $vpn_cfg_err = "VPN configuration error:"; my $genout; my $dh_disable; $genout .= "# generated by $0\n\n"; $genout .= "connections {\n"; # # Prepare Vyatta::Config object # use Vyatta::Config; my $vc = new Vyatta::Config(); my $vcVPN = new Vyatta::Config(); $vcVPN->setLevel('vpn'); # check to see if the config has changed. # if it has not then exit my $ipsecstatus = $vcVPN->isChanged('ipsec'); if ( $ipsecstatus && $tunnel_context ) { # no sence to do same update twice, will be done via vpn context exit 0; } if ( !$ipsecstatus ) { my $tun_ip_changed = 0; my @tuns = $vc->listNodes('interfaces tunnel'); my @profs = $vcVPN->listNodes('ipsec profile'); foreach my $prof (@profs) { my @tuns = $vcVPN->listNodes("ipsec profile $prof bind tunnel"); foreach my $tun (@tuns) { my $lip_old = $vc->returnOrigValue("interfaces tunnel $tun local-ip"); my $lip_new = $vc->returnValue("interfaces tunnel $tun local-ip"); if ( !( "$lip_old" eq "$lip_new" ) ) { if ($tun_ip_changed) { # tunnel $tun_id is not the last tunnel with updated local-ip, so skip exit 0; } if ( "$tun" eq "$tun_id" ) { $tun_ip_changed = 1; } } } } if ( !$tun_ip_changed ) { exit 0; } } if ( $vcVPN->exists('ipsec') ) { # # Connection configurations # my @profiles = $vcVPN->listNodes('ipsec profile'); my $prev_profile = ""; foreach my $profile (@profiles) { my $profile_ike_group = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec profile $profile ike-group"); if ( !defined($profile_ike_group) || $profile_ike_group eq '' ) { vpn_die([ "vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile, "ike-group" ], "$vpn_cfg_err No IKE group specified for profile \"$profile\".\n"); } elsif ( !$vcVPN->exists("ipsec ike-group $profile_ike_group") ) { vpn_die([ "vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile, "ike-group" ], "$vpn_cfg_err The IKE group \"$profile_ike_group\" specified for profile " . "\"$profile\" has not been configured.\n"); } # # ESP group # my $profile_esp_group = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec profile $profile esp-group"); if ( !defined($profile_esp_group) || $profile_esp_group eq '' ) { vpn_die([ "vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile, "esp-group" ], "$vpn_cfg_err No ESP group specified for profile \"$profile\".\n"); } elsif ( !$vcVPN->exists("ipsec esp-group $profile_esp_group") ) { vpn_die([ "vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile, "esp-group" ], "$vpn_cfg_err The ESP group \"$profile_esp_group\" specified " . "for profile \"$profile\" has not been configured.\n"); } # # Authentication mode # # # Write shared secrets to ipsec.secrets # my $auth_mode = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec profile $profile authentication mode"); my $psk = ''; if ( !defined($auth_mode) || $auth_mode eq '' ) { vpn_die( [ "vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile, "authentication" ], "$vpn_cfg_err No authentication mode for profile \"$profile\" specified.\n" ); } elsif ( defined($auth_mode) && ( $auth_mode eq 'pre-shared-secret' ) ) { $psk = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec profile $profile authentication pre-shared-secret"); my $orig_psk = $vcVPN->returnOrigValue("ipsec profile $profile authentication pre-shared-secret"); $orig_psk = "" if ( !defined($orig_psk) ); if ( $psk ne $orig_psk && $orig_psk ne "" ) { print "WARNING: The pre-shared-secret will not be updated until the next re-keying interval\n"; print "To force the key change use: 'reset vpn ipsec-peer'\n"; } if ( !defined($psk) || $psk eq '' ) { vpn_die( [ "vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile, "authentication" ], "$vpn_cfg_err No 'pre-shared-secret' specified for profile \"$profile\"" . " while 'pre-shared-secret' authentication mode is specified.\n" ); } } else { vpn_die( [ "vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile, "authentication" ], "$vpn_cfg_err Unknown/unsupported authentication mode \"$auth_mode\" for profile " . "\"$profile\" specified.\n" ); } my @tunnels = $vcVPN->listNodes("ipsec profile $profile bind tunnel"); foreach my $tunnel (@tunnels) { # # Check whether this tunnel is already in some profile # foreach my $prof (@profiles) { if ( $prof != $profile ) { if ( $vcVPN->exists("ipsec profile $prof bind tunnel $tunnel") ) { vpn_die(["vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile,"bind", "tunnel", $tunnel], "$vpn_cfg_err Tunnel \"$tunnel\" is already configured in profile \"$prof\"."); } } } my $needs_passthrough = 'false'; my $tunKeyword = 'tunnel ' . "$tunnel"; my $conn_head = "\tvpnprof-dmvpn-$tunnel {\n"; $genout .= $conn_head; my $lip = $vc->returnValue("interfaces tunnel $tunnel local-ip"); my $leftsourceip = undef; # # Write IKE configuration from group # my $ikelifetime = IKELIFETIME_DEFAULT; $genout .= "\t\tproposals = "; my $ike_group = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec profile $profile ike-group"); if ( defined($ike_group) && $ike_group ne '' ) { my @ike_proposals = $vcVPN->listNodes("ipsec ike-group $ike_group proposal"); my $first_ike_proposal = 1; foreach my $ike_proposal (@ike_proposals) { # # Get encryption, hash & Diffie-Hellman key size # my $encryption = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group proposal $ike_proposal encryption"); my $hash = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group proposal $ike_proposal hash"); my $dh_group = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group proposal $ike_proposal dh-group"); if ( defined($dh_group) ) { $dh_disable = 1; } # # Write separator if not first proposal # if ($first_ike_proposal) { if ( !defined($dh_group) ) { vpn_die(["vpn","ipsec","profile", $profile,"bind","tunnel", $tunnel],"$vpn_cfg_err 'dh-group' must be specified in ". "ike-group \"$ike_group\" proposal \"$ike_proposal\" dh-group. \n"); } $first_ike_proposal = 0; } else { $genout .= ","; } # # Write values # if ( defined($encryption) && defined($hash) ) { $genout .= "$encryption-$hash"; if ( defined($dh_group) ) { my $cipher_out = get_dh_cipher_result($dh_group); if ($cipher_out eq 'unknown') { vpn_die(["vpn","ipsec","profile", $profile,"bind","tunnel", $tunnel],"$vpn_cfg_err Invalid 'dh-group' $dh_group specified in ". "profile \"$profile\" for $tunKeyword. Only 2, 5, or 14 through 26 accepted.\n"); } else { $genout .= "-$cipher_out"; } } } } $genout .= "\n"; # # Get IKE version setting # my $key_exchange = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group key-exchange"); if ( defined($key_exchange) ) { if ( $key_exchange eq 'ikev1' ) { $genout .= "\t\tversion = 1\n"; } if ( $key_exchange eq 'ikev2' ) { $genout .= "\t\tversion = 2\n"; } }else { $genout .= "\t\tversion = 0\n"; } # # Get ikev2-reauth configuration # Check IKE Lifetime # my $ikev2_group_reauth = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group ikev2-reauth"); my $t_ikelifetime = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group lifetime"); if ( defined($t_ikelifetime) && $t_ikelifetime ne '' ) { $ikelifetime = $t_ikelifetime; } if ( defined($ikev2_group_reauth) ) { if ( $ikev2_group_reauth eq 'yes' && defined($ikelifetime) ) { $genout .= "\t\treauth_time = $ikelifetime" . "s\n"; }else { $genout .= "\t\trekey_time = $ikelifetime" . "s\n"; } } else { $genout .= "\t\trekey_time = $ikelifetime" . "s\n"; } # # Allow the user to disable MOBIKE for IKEv2 connections # my $mob_ike = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group mobike"); if (defined($mob_ike)) { if (defined($key_exchange) && $key_exchange eq 'ikev2') { if ($mob_ike eq 'enable') { $genout .= "\t\tmobike = yes"; } if ($mob_ike eq 'disable') { $genout .= "\t\tmobike = no"; } }else { $genout .= "\t\tmobike = no"; } } # # Check for Dead Peer Detection DPD # my $dpd_interval = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group dead-peer-detection interval"); my $dpd_timeout = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group dead-peer-detection timeout"); my $dpd_action = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group dead-peer-detection action"); if ( defined($dpd_interval) && defined($dpd_timeout) && defined($dpd_action) ) { $genout .= "\t\tdpd_delay = $dpd_interval" . "s\n"; $genout .= "\t\tdpd_timeou = $dpd_timeout" . "s\n"; } } $genout .= "\t\tkeyingtries = 0\n"; # # Authentication # $genout .="\t\tlocal {\n"; if ( defined($auth_mode) && ( $auth_mode eq 'pre-shared-secret' ) ) { $genout .= "\t\t\tauth = psk\n"; } $genout .="\t\t}\n"; $genout .="\t\tremote {\n"; if ( defined($auth_mode) && ( $auth_mode eq 'pre-shared-secret' ) ) { $genout .= "\t\t\tauth = psk\n"; } $genout .="\t\t}\n"; # # Write ESP configuration from group # $genout .="\t\tchildren {\n"; $genout .="\t\t\tdmvpn {\n"; my $esplifetime = ESPLIFETIME_DEFAULT; $genout .= "\t\t\t\tesp_proposals = "; my $esp_group = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec profile $profile esp-group"); if ( defined($esp_group) && $esp_group ne '' ) { my @esp_proposals = $vcVPN->listNodes("ipsec esp-group $esp_group proposal"); my $first_esp_proposal = 1; foreach my $esp_proposal (@esp_proposals) { # # Get encryption, hash # my $encryption = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec esp-group $esp_group proposal $esp_proposal encryption"); my $hash = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec esp-group $esp_group proposal $esp_proposal hash"); my $pfs = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec esp-group $esp_group pfs"); # # Write separator if not first proposal # if ($first_esp_proposal) { $first_esp_proposal = 0; } else { $genout .= ","; } if (defined($pfs)) { if ($pfs eq 'enable') { # Get the first IKE group's dh-group and use that as our PFS setting my $default_pfs = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group proposal 1 dh-group"); $pfs = get_dh_cipher_result($default_pfs); if ( !defined($default_pfs) && $pfs eq 'unknown' ) { vpn_die(["vpn","ipsec","profile", $profile,"bind","tunnel", $tunnel],"$vpn_cfg_err 'pfs enabled' needs 'dh-group' specified in ". "ike-group \"$ike_group\" proposal 1 dh-group. \n"); } } elsif ($pfs eq 'disable') { undef $pfs; } else { $pfs = get_dh_cipher_result($pfs); } } # # Write values # if ( defined($encryption) && defined($hash) ) { $genout .= "$encryption-$hash"; if (defined($pfs)) { $genout .= "-$pfs"; } } } $genout .= "\n"; my $t_esplifetime = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec esp-group $esp_group lifetime"); if ( defined($t_esplifetime) && $t_esplifetime ne '' ) { $esplifetime = $t_esplifetime; } $genout .= "\t\t\t\trekey_time = $esplifetime" . "s\n"; my $lower_lifetime = $ikelifetime; if ( $esplifetime < $ikelifetime ) { $lower_lifetime = $esplifetime; } # # The lifetime values need to be greater than: # rekeymargin*(100+rekeyfuzz)/100 # my $rekeymargin = REKEYMARGIN_DEFAULT; if ($lower_lifetime <= (2 * $rekeymargin)) { $rekeymargin = int($lower_lifetime / 2) - 1; } $genout .= "\t\t\t\trand_time = $rekeymargin" . "s\n"; # # Protocol/port # my $protocol = "gre"; my $lprotoport = ''; if ( defined($protocol) ) { $lprotoport .= $protocol; } if ( not( $lprotoport eq '' ) ) { $genout .= "\t\t\t\tlocal_ts = dynamic[$lprotoport]\n"; } my $rprotoport = ''; if ( defined($protocol) ) { $rprotoport .= $protocol; } if ( not( $rprotoport eq '' ) ) { $genout .= "\t\t\t\tremote_ts = dynamic[$rprotoport]\n"; } # # Mode (tunnel or transport) # my $espmode = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec esp-group $esp_group mode"); if ( !defined($espmode) || $espmode eq '' ) { $espmode = "transport"; } $genout .= "\t\t\t\tmode = $espmode\n"; # # Check for Dead Peer Detection DPD # my $dpd_interval = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group dead-peer-detection interval"); my $dpd_timeout = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group dead-peer-detection timeout"); my $dpd_action = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec ike-group $ike_group dead-peer-detection action"); if ( defined($dpd_interval) && defined($dpd_timeout) && defined($dpd_action) ) { $genout .= "\t\t\t\tdpd_action = $dpd_action\n"; } # # Compression # my $compression = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec esp-group $esp_group compression"); if ( defined($compression) ) { if ( $compression eq 'enable' ) { $genout .= "\t\t\t\tipcomp=yes\n"; } } } $genout .= "\t\t\t}\n"; $genout .= "\t\t}\n"; $genout .= "\t}\n"; # to identify end of connection definition # used by clear vpn op-mode command } $genout .= "}\n"; $genout .= "secrets {\n"; my @tunnels = $vcVPN->listNodes("ipsec profile $profile bind tunnel"); foreach my $tunnel (@tunnels) { # # Check whether this tunnel is already in some profile # foreach my $prof (@profiles) { if ( $prof != $profile ) { if ($vcVPN->exists("ipsec profile $prof bind tunnel $tunnel")){ vpn_die(["vpn", "ipsec", "profile", $profile,"bind", "tunnel", $tunnel], "$vpn_cfg_err Tunnel \"$tunnel\" is already configured in profile \"$prof\"."); } } } my $ike_id = "\tike-dmvpn-$tunnel {\n"; $genout .= $ike_id; $genout .= "\t\tsecret = $psk\n"; $genout .= "\t}\n"; } $genout .= "}\n"; } } else { # # remove any previous config lines, so that when "clear vpn ipsec-process" # is called it won't find the vyatta keyword and therefore will not try # to start the ipsec process. # $genout = ''; $genout .= "# No VPN configuration exists.\n"; } if (!(defined($config_file) && ( $config_file ne '' ))) { print "Regular config file output would be:\n\n$genout\n\n"; exit(0); } write_config( $genout, $config_file); my $update_interval = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec auto-update"); my $update_interval_orig = $vcVPN->returnOrigValue("ipsec auto-update"); $update_interval_orig = 0 if !defined($update_interval_orig); if ( is_vpn_running() ) { vpn_exec( 'ipsec rereadall >&/dev/null', 're-read secrets and certs' ); vpn_exec( 'ipsec reload >&/dev/null', 'reload changes to ipsec.conf' ); vpn_exec( 'swanctl -q >&/dev/null', 'reload changes to swanctl.conf' ); } else { if ( !defined($update_interval) ) { vpn_exec( 'ipsec start >&/dev/null', 'start ipsec' ); my $counter = 10; while($counter > 0){ if (-e "/var/run/charon.pid") { vpn_exec( 'swanctl -q >&/dev/null', 'reload changes to swanctl.conf' ); last; } $counter--; sleep(1); if($counter == 0){ vpn_die("$vpn_cfg_err Ipsec is not running."); } } } else { vpn_exec( 'ipsec start --auto-update ' . $update_interval . ' >&/dev/null', 'start ipsec with auto-update $update_interval' ); my $counter = 10; while($counter > 0){ if (-e "/var/run/charon.pid") { vpn_exec( 'swanctl -q >&/dev/null', 'reload changes to swanctl.conf' ); last; } $counter--; sleep(1); if($counter == 0){ vpn_die("$vpn_cfg_err Ipsec is not running."); } } } } # # Return success # exit 0; sub vpn_die { my ( @path, $msg ) = @_; Vyatta::Config::outputError( @path, $msg ); exit 1; } sub write_config { my ( $genout, $config_file) = @_; open my $output_config, '>', $config_file or die "Can't open $config_file: $!"; print ${output_config} $genout; close $output_config; } sub vpn_exec { my ( $command, $desc ) = @_; open my $logf, '>>', $LOGFILE or die "Can't open $LOGFILE: $!"; use POSIX; my $timestamp = strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M.%S", localtime ); print ${logf} "$timestamp\nExecuting: $command\nDescription: $desc\n"; my $cmd_out = qx($command); my $rval = ( $? >> 8 ); print ${logf} "Output:\n$cmd_out\n---\n"; print ${logf} "Return code: $rval\n"; if ($rval) { if ( $command =~ /^ipsec.*--asynchronous$/ && ( $rval == 104 || $rval == 29 ) ) { print ${logf} "OK when bringing up VPN connection\n"; } else { # # We use to consider the commit failed if we got a error # from the call to ipsec, but this causes the configuration # to not get included in the running config. Now that # we support dynamic interface/address (e.g. dhcp, pppoe) # we want a valid config to get committed even if the # interface doesn't exist yet. That way we can use # "clear vpn ipsec-process" to bring up the tunnel once # the interface is instantiated. For pppoe we will add # a script to /etc/ppp/ip-up.d to bring up the vpn # tunnel. # print ${logf} "VPN commit error. Unable to $desc, received error code $?\n"; # # code 768 is for a syntax error in the secrets file # this happens when a dhcp interface is configured # but no address is assigned yet. # only the line that has the syntax error is not loaded # So we can safely ignore this error since our code generates # secrets file. # if ( $? ne '768' ) { print "Warning: unable to [$desc], received error code $?\n"; print "$cmd_out\n"; } } } print ${logf} "---\n\n"; close $logf; } sub printTree { my ( $vc, $path, $depth ) = @_; my @children = $vc->listNodes($path); foreach my $child (@children) { print ' ' x $depth; print $child . "\n"; printTree( $vc, "$path $child", $depth + 1 ); } } sub printTreeOrig { my ( $vc, $path, $depth ) = @_; my @children = $vc->listOrigNodes($path); foreach my $child (@children) { print ' ' x $depth; print $child . "\n"; printTreeOrig( $vc, "$path $child", $depth + 1 ); } } sub get_dh_cipher_result { my ($cipher) = @_; my $ciph_out; if ($cipher eq '2' || $cipher eq 'dh-group2') { $ciph_out = 'modp1024'; } elsif ($cipher eq '5' || $cipher eq 'dh-group5') { $ciph_out = 'modp1536'; } elsif ($cipher eq '14' || $cipher eq 'dh-group14') { $ciph_out = 'modp2048'; } elsif ($cipher eq '15' || $cipher eq 'dh-group15') { $ciph_out = 'modp3072'; } elsif ($cipher eq '16' || $cipher eq 'dh-group16') { $ciph_out = 'modp4096'; } elsif ($cipher eq '17' || $cipher eq 'dh-group17') { $ciph_out = 'modp6144'; } elsif ($cipher eq '18' || $cipher eq 'dh-group18') { $ciph_out = 'modp8192'; } elsif ($cipher eq '19' || $cipher eq 'dh-group19') { $ciph_out = 'ecp256'; } elsif ($cipher eq '20' || $cipher eq 'dh-group20') { $ciph_out = 'ecp384'; } elsif ($cipher eq '21' || $cipher eq 'dh-group21') { $ciph_out = 'ecp521'; } elsif ($cipher eq '22' || $cipher eq 'dh-group22') { $ciph_out = 'modp1024s160'; } elsif ($cipher eq '23' || $cipher eq 'dh-group23') { $ciph_out = 'modp2048s224'; } elsif ($cipher eq '24' || $cipher eq 'dh-group24') { $ciph_out = 'modp2048s256'; } elsif ($cipher eq '25' || $cipher eq 'dh-group25') { $ciph_out = 'ecp192'; } elsif ($cipher eq '26' || $cipher eq 'dh-group26') { $ciph_out = 'ecp224'; } else { $ciph_out = 'unknown'; } return $ciph_out; } # end of file