#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Module: vyatta-vti-config.pl # # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Authors: Saurabh Mohan # Date: 2012 # Description: setup the vti tunnel # # **** End License **** # # # For each VTI tunnel (vpn ipsec site-to-site peer ip-address sti); find the vti tunnel, local address, mark. # Find the corresponding tunnel (interfaces vti vtiXXX), tunnel address, disable, mtu # if not configured: ip tunnel add vtiXXX mode esp local $local remote $remote i_key $mark # if (mtu): configure mtu # if (tunnel-addres): configur ip link vtiXXX address # if (!disable): enable the interface. # use strict; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5"; use Getopt::Long; use Vyatta::VPN::vtiIntf; my $vti_cfg_err = "VPN VTI configuration error:"; my $gencmds = ""; my $result = 0; my $updown=""; my $intfName=""; my $action=""; my $checkref=""; GetOptions( "updown" => \$updown, "intf=s" => \$intfName, "action=s" => \$action, "checkref" => \$checkref, ); # # --updown intfName --action=[up|down] # if ($updown ne '') { if (!(defined $intfName) || $intfName eq '' ) { # invalid exit -1; } if (!(defined $action) || $action eq '' ) { # invalid exit -1; } vti_handle_updown($intfName, $action); exit 0; } # # --checkref --intf= # Return 1 if the interface reference exits. # if ($checkref ne '' ) { if (!(defined $intfName) || $intfName eq '' ) { # invalid exit -1; } my $rval = vti_check_reference($intfName); exit $rval; } ### # Following code is to configure the vti. # vtiIntf::discoverVtiIntfs(); # # Prepare Vyatta::Config object # use Vyatta::Config; my $vcIntf = new Vyatta::Config(); my $vcVPN = new Vyatta::Config(); $vcVPN->setLevel('vpn'); $vcIntf->setLevel('interfaces'); if (!$vcVPN->exists('ipsec') ) { cleanupVtiNotConfigured(); $result = execGenCmds(); exit $result; } if (!$vcVPN->exists('ipsec site-to-site') ) { cleanupVtiNotConfigured(); $result = execGenCmds(); exit $result; } my %binds = (); my %vtiVpns = (); my @peers = $vcVPN->listNodes('ipsec site-to-site peer'); foreach my $peer (@peers) { if (! $vcVPN->exists("ipsec site-to-site peer $peer vti")) { next; } # # we have the vti configured. # my $mark; my $lip = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec site-to-site peer $peer local-address"); my $tunName = $vcVPN->returnValue("ipsec site-to-site peer $peer vti bind"); my $change = 0; # Check local address is valid. if (!defined($lip)) { print STDERR "$vti_cfg_err local-address not defined.\n"; exit -1; } if ($lip eq "" || $lip eq "") { print STDERR "$vti_cfg_err Invalid local-address \"$lip\".\n"; exit -1; } # Check tunName is valid. if (!defined($tunName) || $tunName eq "" || ! $vcIntf->exists("vti $tunName") ) { if (defined($tunName)) { vti_die(["vpn","ipsec","site-to-site","peer",$peer,"vti","bind"], "Invalid tunnel name vti \"$tunName\".\n"); } else { vti_die(["vpn","ipsec","site-to-site","peer",$peer,"vti","bind"], "tunnel name is empty.\n"); } } $vtiVpns{ $tunName } = 1; if (exists $binds{ $tunName }) { vti_die(["vpn","ipsec","site-to-site","peer",$peer,"vti","bind"], "vti bind $tunName already used.\n"); } else { $binds{ $tunName } = 1; } $gencmds .= "# For peer $peer local $lip, $tunName.\n"; # # Get the tunnel parameters. # # ip address's my @tunIPs = $vcIntf->returnValues("vti $tunName address"); # mtu my $mtu = $vcIntf->returnValue("vti $tunName mtu"); if (!defined($mtu) || $mtu eq "") { $mtu = 1500; } #my $exists = `ls -l /sys/class/net/$tunName &> /dev/null`; # description. my $description = $vcIntf->returnValue("vti $tunName description"); # Check if the tunnel exists already: by tunnel addresses. my $vtiPresent = vtiIntf::isVtinamepresent($peer, $lip); if (defined($vtiPresent) && !($vtiPresent eq "")) { if ($vtiPresent ne $tunName) { # Binding changed. my $currMark = vtiIntf::isVtimarkpresent($peer, $lip); $gencmds .= "sudo /sbin/ip link delete $vtiPresent type vti &> /dev/null\n"; vtiIntf::deleteVtibyname($vtiPresent); $change = 1; } } my $existingMark = vtiIntf::isVtimarkpresent($peer, $lip); if (defined($existingMark) && !($existingMark eq "")) { $mark = $existingMark; } else { $mark = vtiIntf::allocVtiMark(); if ($mark == 0) { vti_die(["vpn","ipsec","site-to-site","peer",$peer,"vti"], "vti failed to create (not able to allocate a mark)\n"); } $change = 1; } vtiIntf::deleteVtinamepresent($peer, $lip); vtiIntf::deleteVtibyname($tunName); if ($change eq 0) { next; } # # Set the configuration into the output string. # # By default we delete the tunnel... my $genmark = $mark; $gencmds .= "sudo /sbin/ip link delete $tunName type vti &> /dev/null\n"; $gencmds .= "sudo /sbin/ip link add $tunName type vti local $lip remote $peer okey $genmark\n"; foreach my $tunIP (@tunIPs) { $gencmds .= "sudo /sbin/ip addr add $tunIP dev $tunName\n"; } $gencmds .= "sudo /sbin/ip link set $tunName mtu $mtu\n"; if (defined($description)) { $gencmds .= "if [ -d /sys/class/net/$tunName ] ; then\n\tsudo echo \"$description\" > /sys/class/net/$tunName/ifalias\nfi\n"; } } cleanupVtiNotConfigured(); checkUnrefIntfVti($vcIntf, %vtiVpns); $result = execGenCmds(); exit $result; # # Handle VTI tunnel state based on input from strongswan and configuration. # sub vti_handle_updown { my ($intfName, $action) = @_; use Vyatta::Config; my $vcIntf = new Vyatta::Config(); $vcIntf->setLevel('interfaces'); my $disabled = $vcIntf->existsOrig("vti $intfName disabled"); if (!defined($disabled) || ! $disabled) { system("sudo /sbin/ip link set $intfName $action\n"); } } sub vti_check_reference { my ($intfName) = @_; use Vyatta::Config; my $vcVPN = new Vyatta::Config(); $vcVPN->setLevel('vpn ipsec site-to-site'); my @peers = $vcVPN->listNodes('peer'); if (@peers == 0) { return 0; } foreach my $peer (@peers) { if (! $vcVPN->exists("peer $peer vti")) { next; } if ( $vcVPN->exists("peer $peer vti bind $intfName")) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub cleanupVtiNotConfigured { # for all remaining entries in the Vtinamepresent hash # remove them from the system. my $localVtiNames = vtiIntf::getVtiNames(); my $localVtibyNames = vtiIntf::getVtibyNames(); while (my ($tunKey, $presentVtiName) = each(%$localVtiNames) ) { my ($remote, $local) = vtiIntf::extractRemoteLocal($tunKey); my $existingMark = vtiIntf::isVtimarkpresent($remote, $local); $gencmds .= "# For peer $remote local $local.\n"; vtiIntf::freeVtiMark($existingMark); } for my $name (keys %$localVtibyNames) { $gencmds .= "#For tunnel name $name.\n"; $gencmds .= "sudo /sbin/ip link delete $name type vti &> /dev/null\n"; } } sub execGenCmds { if ($gencmds ne "") { my $vti_script = '/tmp/vti_config'; open my $output_config, '>', $vti_script or die "Can't open /tmp/vti_config $!"; print ${output_config} "#!/bin/sh\n"; print ${output_config} $gencmds; close $output_config; `chmod 755 $vti_script`; system($vti_script); $result = $? >> 8; unlink($vti_script); return $result; } return 0; } sub vti_die { my (@path,$msg) = @_; Vyatta::Config::outputError(@path, $msg); exit 1; } # # Check if there are any VTI's defined under 'interface vti' # but not specified under VPN configuration # For now just print a warning. # sub checkUnrefIntfVti { my $vcIntf = shift; my (%vtiVpns) = @_; my @vtiIntfs = $vcIntf->listNodes("vti"); foreach my $tunName (@vtiIntfs) { if ( ! exists($vtiVpns{ $tunName }) ) { print STDOUT "Warning: [interface vti $tunName] defined but not used under VPN configuration\n"; } } }