path: root/lib/Vyatta
diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2014-10-07 02:50:46 +0700
committerDaniil Baturin <>2014-10-07 02:50:46 +0700
commit48b5ae33c27904303d904b13ea244b1cf72c5a4b (patch)
tree16abdb8cd509344bb4e9f71240073d934b10fc88 /lib/Vyatta
parentfe047f918a23b348c2d29f62fee6c26f1c8330b4 (diff)
parent3bad4baf6037975da01cd0f3abf846162567bf96 (diff)
Merge pull request #4 from cyclops8456/helium
Commits for Bug #321 and Bug #333
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Vyatta')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Vyatta/ b/lib/Vyatta/
index 41ee57d..8451d9e 100755
--- a/lib/Vyatta/
+++ b/lib/Vyatta/
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ use Vyatta::Config;
use base 'Exporter';
use constant {
IFF_UP => 0x1, # interface is up
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ use constant {
# Build list of known interface types
-my $NETDEV = '/opt/vyatta/etc/netdevice';
+my $NETDEV = '/opt/vyatta/etc/netdevice';
# Hash of interface types
# ex: $net_prefix{"eth"} = "ethernet"
@@ -63,21 +63,21 @@ my %net_prefix;
sub parse_netdev_file {
my $filename = shift;
- open (my $in, '<', $filename)
- or return;
+ open(my $in, '<', $filename)
+ or return;
while (<$in>) {
- chomp;
+ chomp;
- # remove text after # as comment
- s/#.*$//;
+ # remove text after # as comment
+ s/#.*$//;
- my ($prefix, $type) = split;
+ my ($prefix, $type) = split;
- # ignore blank lines or missing patterns
- next unless defined($prefix) && defined($type);
+ # ignore blank lines or missing patterns
+ next unless defined($prefix) && defined($type);
- $net_prefix{$prefix} = $type;
+ $net_prefix{$prefix} = $type;
close $in;
@@ -89,12 +89,11 @@ parse_netdev_file($NETDEV);
my $dirname = $NETDEV . '.d';
if (opendir(my $netd, $dirname)) {
foreach my $pkg (sort readdir $netd) {
- parse_netdev_file($dirname . '/' . $pkg);
+ parse_netdev_file($dirname . '/' . $pkg);
closedir $netd;
# get list of interface types (only used in usage function)
sub interface_types {
return values %net_prefix;
@@ -111,14 +110,14 @@ sub new {
# remove VRRP id suffix
if ($dev =~ /^(.*)v(\d+)$/) {
- $dev = $1;
- $vrid = $2;
+ $dev = $1;
+ $vrid = $2;
# remove VLAN suffix
if ($dev =~ /^(.*)\.(\d+)/) {
- $dev = $1;
- $vif = $2;
+ $dev = $1;
+ $vif = $2;
return unless ($dev =~ /^(l2tpeth|[a-z]+)/);
@@ -128,11 +127,11 @@ sub new {
return unless $type; # unknown network interface type
my $self = {
- name => $name,
- type => $type,
- dev => $dev,
- vif => $vif,
- vrid => $vrid,
+ name => $name,
+ type => $type,
+ dev => $dev,
+ vif => $vif,
+ vrid => $vrid,
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
@@ -149,40 +148,41 @@ sub path {
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
if ($self->{name} =~ /^(pppo[ae])(\d+)/) {
- # For ppp need to look in config file to find where used
- my $type = $1;
- my $id = $2;
- my $intf = _ppp_intf($self->{name});
- return unless $intf;
- if ($type eq 'pppoe') {
- return "interfaces ethernet $intf pppoe $id";
- }
- my $adsl = "interfaces adsl $intf pvc";
- my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
- foreach my $pvc ($config->listNodes($adsl)) {
- my $path = "$adsl $pvc $type $id";
- return $path if $config->exists($path);
- }
- }
- elsif ($self->{name} =~ /^(wan\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
- # guesswork for wan devices
- my $dev = $1;
- my $vif = $2;
- foreach my $type (qw(cisco-hdlc ppp frame-relay)) {
- my $path = "interfaces serial $dev $type vif $vif";
- return $path if $config->exists($path);
- }
- }
- else {
- # normal device
- my $path = "interfaces $self->{type} $self->{dev}";
- $path .= " vrrp $self->{vrid}" if $self->{vrid};
- $path .= " vif $self->{vif}" if $self->{vif};
- return $path;
+ # For ppp need to look in config file to find where used
+ my $type = $1;
+ my $id = $2;
+ my $intf = _ppp_intf($self->{name});
+ return unless $intf;
+ if ($type eq 'pppoe') {
+ return "interfaces ethernet $intf pppoe $id";
+ }
+ my $adsl = "interfaces adsl $intf pvc";
+ my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
+ foreach my $pvc ($config->listNodes($adsl)) {
+ my $path = "$adsl $pvc $type $id";
+ return $path if $config->exists($path);
+ }
+ } elsif ($self->{name} =~ /^(wan\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
+ # guesswork for wan devices
+ my $dev = $1;
+ my $vif = $2;
+ foreach my $type (qw(cisco-hdlc ppp frame-relay)) {
+ my $path = "interfaces serial $dev $type vif $vif";
+ return $path if $config->exists($path);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # normal device
+ my $path = "interfaces $self->{type} $self->{dev}";
+ $path .= " vrrp $self->{vrid}" if $self->{vrid};
+ $path .= " vif $self->{vif}" if $self->{vif};
+ return $path;
return; # undefined (not in config)
@@ -208,21 +208,21 @@ sub physicalDevice {
return $self->{dev};
-# Read ppp config to fine associated interface for ppp device
+# Read ppp config to find the associated interface for the ppp device
sub _ppp_intf {
my $dev = shift;
my $intf;
- open (my $ppp, '<', "/etc/ppp/peers/$dev")
- or return; # no such device
+ open(my $ppp, '<', "/etc/ppp/peers/$dev")
+ or return; # no such device
- while (<$ppp>) {
- chomp;
- # looking for line like:
- # pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -m 1412 -I eth1"
- next unless /^pty\s.*-I\s*(\w+)"/;
- $intf = $1;
- last;
+ while (my $line = <$ppp>) {
+ # looking for a line like: #pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -m 1412 -I eth1"
+ # and stop after the first occurence of this line
+ if ($line =~ /^#pty\s.*-I\s*(\w+)"/) {
+ $intf = $1;
+ last;
+ }
close $ppp;
@@ -235,14 +235,14 @@ sub configured {
my $self = shift;
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
- return $config->exists( $self->{path} );
+ return $config->exists($self->{path});
sub disabled {
my $self = shift;
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
- $config->setLevel( $self->{path} );
+ $config->setLevel($self->{path});
return $config->exists("disable");
@@ -250,16 +250,16 @@ sub mtu {
my $self = shift;
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
- $config->setLevel( $self->{path} );
+ $config->setLevel($self->{path});
return $config->returnValue("mtu");
sub using_dhcp {
my $self = shift;
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
- $config->setLevel( $self->{path} );
+ $config->setLevel($self->{path});
- my @addr = grep { $_ eq 'dhcp' } $config->returnOrigValues('address');
+ my @addr = grep {$_ eq 'dhcp'} $config->returnOrigValues('address');
return if ($#addr < 0);
return $addr[0];
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ sub bridge_grp {
my $self = shift;
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
- $config->setLevel( $self->{path} );
+ $config->setLevel($self->{path});
return $config->returnValue("bridge-group bridge");
@@ -278,14 +278,13 @@ sub bridge_grp {
# return array of current addresses (on system)
sub address {
my ($self, $type) = @_;
return Vyatta::Misc::getIP($self->{name}, $type);
# Do SIOCGIFFLAGS ioctl in perl
sub flags {
- my $self = shift;
- return Vyatta::ioctl::get_interface_flags($self->{name});
+ my $self = shift;
+ return Vyatta::ioctl::get_interface_flags($self->{name});
sub exists {
@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ sub hw_address {
my $self = shift;
open my $addrf, '<', "/sys/class/net/$self->{name}/address"
- or return;
+ or return;
my $address = <$addrf>;
close $addrf;
@@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ sub up {
my $self = shift;
my $flags = $self->flags();
- return defined($flags) && ( $flags & IFF_UP );
+ return defined($flags) && ($flags & IFF_UP);
# device exists and is running (ie carrier present)
@@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ sub running {
my $self = shift;
my $flags = $self->flags();
- return defined($flags) && ( $flags & IFF_RUNNING );
+ return defined($flags) && ($flags & IFF_RUNNING);
# device description information in kernel (future use)
@@ -357,13 +356,15 @@ sub get_vrrp_interfaces {
my @ret_ifs;
foreach my $vrid ($cfg->$vfunc("$path vrrp vrrp-group")) {
- my $vrdev = $dev."v".$vrid;
- my $vrpath = "$path vrrp vrrp-group $vrid interface";
- push @ret_ifs, { name => $vrdev,
- type => 'vrrp',
- path => $vrpath,
- };
+ my $vrdev = $dev."v".$vrid;
+ my $vrpath = "$path vrrp vrrp-group $vrid interface";
+ push @ret_ifs,
+ {
+ name => $vrdev,
+ type => 'vrrp',
+ path => $vrpath,
+ };
return @ret_ifs;
@@ -375,12 +376,15 @@ sub get_vif_interfaces {
my @ret_ifs;
foreach my $vnum ($cfg->$vfunc("$path vif")) {
- my $vifdev = "$dev.$vnum";
- my $vifpath = "$path vif $vnum";
- push @ret_ifs, { name => $vifdev,
- type => $type,
- path => $vifpath };
- push @ret_ifs, get_vrrp_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $vifdev, $vifpath);
+ my $vifdev = "$dev.$vnum";
+ my $vifpath = "$path vif $vnum";
+ push @ret_ifs,
+ {
+ name => $vifdev,
+ type => $type,
+ path => $vifpath
+ };
+ push @ret_ifs, get_vrrp_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $vifdev, $vifpath);
return @ret_ifs;
@@ -391,12 +395,15 @@ sub get_pppoe_interfaces {
my @ret_ifs;
foreach my $ep ($cfg->$vfunc("$path pppoe")) {
- my $pppdev = "pppoe$ep";
- my $ppppath = "$path pppoe $ep";
- push @ret_ifs, { name => $pppdev,
- type => 'pppoe',
- path => $ppppath };
+ my $pppdev = "pppoe$ep";
+ my $ppppath = "$path pppoe $ep";
+ push @ret_ifs,
+ {
+ name => $pppdev,
+ type => 'pppoe',
+ path => $ppppath
+ };
return @ret_ifs;
@@ -408,22 +415,29 @@ sub get_adsl_interfaces {
my @ret_ifs;
for my $p ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces adsl $a $a pvc")) {
- for my $t ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p")) {
- if ($t eq 'classical-ipoa' or $t eq 'bridged-ethernet') {
- # classical-ipoa or bridged-ethernet
- push @ret_ifs, { name => $a,
- type => 'adsl',
- path => "interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p $t" };
- next;
- }
- # pppo[ea]
- for my $i ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p $t")) {
- push @ret_ifs, { name => "$t$i",
- type => 'adsl-pppo[ea]',
- path => "interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p $t $i" };
- }
- }
+ for my $t ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p")) {
+ if ($t eq 'classical-ipoa' or $t eq 'bridged-ethernet') {
+ # classical-ipoa or bridged-ethernet
+ push @ret_ifs,
+ {
+ name => $a,
+ type => 'adsl',
+ path => "interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p $t"
+ };
+ next;
+ }
+ # pppo[ea]
+ for my $i ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p $t")) {
+ push @ret_ifs,
+ {
+ name => "$t$i",
+ type => 'adsl-pppo[ea]',
+ path => "interfaces adsl $a $a pvc $p $t $i"
+ };
+ }
+ }
return @ret_ifs;
@@ -443,23 +457,26 @@ sub get_config_interfaces {
my @ret_ifs;
foreach my $type ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces")) {
- if ($type eq 'adsl') {
- push @ret_ifs, get_adsl_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc);
- next;
- }
- foreach my $dev ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces $type")) {
- my $path = "interfaces $type $dev";
- push @ret_ifs, { name => $dev,
- type => $type,
- path => $path };
- push @ret_ifs, get_vrrp_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $dev, $path);
- push @ret_ifs, get_vif_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $dev, $type, $path);
- push @ret_ifs, get_pppoe_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $dev, $path)
- if ($type eq 'ethernet');
- }
+ if ($type eq 'adsl') {
+ push @ret_ifs, get_adsl_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc);
+ next;
+ }
+ foreach my $dev ($cfg->$vfunc("interfaces $type")) {
+ my $path = "interfaces $type $dev";
+ push @ret_ifs,
+ {
+ name => $dev,
+ type => $type,
+ path => $path
+ };
+ push @ret_ifs, get_vrrp_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $dev, $path);
+ push @ret_ifs, get_vif_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $dev, $type, $path);
+ push @ret_ifs, get_pppoe_interfaces($cfg, $vfunc, $dev, $path)
+ if ($type eq 'ethernet');
+ }
@@ -491,29 +508,29 @@ sub get_cfg_addresses {
my @cfgifs = get_interfaces();
my %ahash;
- foreach my $intf ( @cfgifs ) {
- my $name = $intf->{'name'};
- # workaround openvpn wart
- my @addrs;
- $config->setLevel($intf->{'path'});
- if ($name =~ /^vtun/) {
- @addrs = $config->listNodes('local-address');
- } else {
- @addrs = $config->returnValues('address');
- }
- foreach my $addr ( @addrs ){
- next if ($addr =~ /^dhcp/);
- # put interface into
- my $aif = $ahash{$addr};
- if ($aif) {
- push @{$aif}, $name;
- } else {
- $ahash{$addr} = [ $name ];
- }
- }
+ foreach my $intf (@cfgifs) {
+ my $name = $intf->{'name'};
+ # workaround openvpn wart
+ my @addrs;
+ $config->setLevel($intf->{'path'});
+ if ($name =~ /^vtun/) {
+ @addrs = $config->listNodes('local-address');
+ } else {
+ @addrs = $config->returnValues('address');
+ }
+ foreach my $addr (@addrs){
+ next if ($addr =~ /^dhcp/);
+ # put interface into
+ my $aif = $ahash{$addr};
+ if ($aif) {
+ push @{$aif}, $name;
+ } else {
+ $ahash{$addr} = [$name];
+ }
+ }
return \%ahash;