#!/bin/bash prefix=@prefix@ sysconfdir=@sysconfdir@ mkdir -m 0775 -p $sysconfdir/config $prefix/config chgrp vyattacfg $sysconfdir/config $prefix/config 2>/dev/null update-rc.d vyatta-ofr defaults 90 >/dev/null # do we want to start vyatta-ofr here in postinst? if [ "$sysconfdir" != "/etc" ]; then # remove the config files and replace with blank ones for conf in dhcp3/dhclient.conf do [ -f /etc/$conf ] && mv -f /etc/$conf /etc/$conf.vyatta-save touch /etc/$conf done fi mv /opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/templates/priority /opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/. # add group for configuration, if not already present: grep '^vyattacfg:' /etc/group >&/dev/null || addgroup --system vyattacfg grep '^vyattaop:' /etc/group >&/dev/null || addgroup --system vyattaop