# Author: An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com> # Date: 2007 # Description: vyatta configuration parser # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # **** End License **** package Vyatta::Config; use strict; use Vyatta::ConfigDOMTree; my %fields = ( _changes_only_dir_base => $ENV{VYATTA_CHANGES_ONLY_DIR}, _new_config_dir_base => $ENV{VYATTA_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR}, _active_dir_base => $ENV{VYATTA_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_DIR}, _vyatta_template_dir => $ENV{VYATTA_CONFIG_TEMPLATE}, _current_dir_level => "/", _level => undef, ); sub new { my $that = shift; my $class = ref ($that) || $that; my $self = { %fields, }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub _set_current_dir_level { my ($self) = @_; my $level = $self->{_level}; $level =~ s/\//%2F/g; $level =~ s/\s+/\//g; $self->{_current_dir_level} = "/$level"; return $self->{_current_dir_level}; } ## setLevel("level") # if "level" is supplied, set the current level of the hierarchy we are working on # return the current level sub setLevel { my ($self, $level) = @_; $self->{_level} = $level if defined($level); $self->_set_current_dir_level(); return $self->{_level}; } ## listNodes("level") # return array of all nodes at "level" # level is relative sub listNodes { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @nodes = (); if ($path) { $path =~ s/\//%2F/g; $path =~ s/\s+/\//g; $path = $self->{_new_config_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level} . "/" . $path; } else { $path = $self->{_new_config_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level}; } #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->listNodes(): path = $path\n"; opendir my $dir, $path or return (); @nodes = grep !/^\./, readdir $dir; closedir $dir; my @nodes_modified = (); while (@nodes) { my $tmp = pop (@nodes); $tmp =~ s/\n//g; $tmp =~ s/%2F/\//g; #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->listNodes(): node = $tmp\n"; push @nodes_modified, $tmp; } return @nodes_modified; } ## listNodes("level") # return array of all nodes (active plus currently committed) at "level" # level is relative sub listOrigPlusComNodes { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @nodes = (); my @nodes_modified = $self->listNodes(); #convert array to hash my %coll; my $coll; @coll{@nodes_modified} = @nodes_modified; my $level = $self->{_level}; #now test against the inprocess file in the system # my $com_file = "/tmp/.changes_$$"; my $com_file = "/tmp/.changes"; open FILE, "<", $com_file; if (-e $com_file) { foreach my $line (<FILE>) { my @node = split " ", $line; #split on space #$node[1] is of the form: system/login/blah #$coll is of the form: blah my $dir_path = $level; $dir_path =~ s/ /\//g; $dir_path = "/".$dir_path; # print("comparing: $dir_path and $level to $node[1]\n"); #first only consider $path matches against $node[1] if (!defined $dir_path || $node[1] =~ m/^$dir_path/) { #or does $node[1] match the beginning of the line for $path #if yes, then split the right side and find against the hash for the value... my $tmp; if (defined $dir_path) { $tmp = substr($node[1],length($dir_path)); } else { $tmp = $node[1]; } my @child = split "/",$tmp; my $child; # print("tmp: $tmp, $child[0], $child[1]\n"); if ($child[0] =~ /^\s*$/ || !defined $child[0] || $child[0] eq '') { shift(@child); } # print("child value is: >$child[0]<\n"); #now can we find this entry in the hash? #if '-' this is a delete and need to remove from hash if ($node[0] eq "-") { if (!defined $child[1]) { delete($coll{$child[0]}); } } #if '+' this is a set and need to add to hash elsif ($node[0] eq "+" && $child[0] ne '') { $coll{$child[0]} = '1'; } } } } #print "coll count: ".keys(%coll); #now convert hash to array and return @nodes_modified = (); @nodes_modified = keys(%coll); return @nodes_modified; } ## listOrigNodes("level") # return array of all original nodes (i.e., before any current change; i.e., # in "working") at "level" # level is relative sub listOrigNodes { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @nodes = (); if (defined $path) { $path =~ s/\//%2F/g; $path =~ s/\s+/\//g; $path = $self->{_active_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level} . "/" . $path; } else { $path = $self->{_active_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level}; } #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->listNodes(): path = $path\n"; opendir my $dir, "$path" or return (); @nodes = grep !/^\./, readdir $dir; closedir $dir; my @nodes_modified = (); while (@nodes) { my $tmp = pop (@nodes); $tmp =~ s/\n//g; $tmp =~ s/%2F/\//g; #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->listNodes(): node = $tmp\n"; push @nodes_modified, $tmp; } return @nodes_modified; } ## listOrigNodes("level") # return array of all original nodes (i.e., before any current change; i.e., # in "working") at "level" # level is relative sub listOrigNodesNoDef { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @nodes = (); if (defined $path) { $path =~ s/\//%2F/g; $path =~ s/\s+/\//g; $path = $self->{_active_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level} . "/" . $path; } else { $path = $self->{_active_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level}; } #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->listNodes(): path = $path\n"; opendir my $dir, $path or return (); @nodes = grep !/^\./, readdir $dir; closedir $dir; my @nodes_modified = (); while (@nodes) { my $tmp = pop (@nodes); $tmp =~ s/\n//g; $tmp =~ s/%2F/\//g; #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->listNodes(): node = $tmp\n"; if ($tmp ne 'def') { push @nodes_modified, $tmp; } } return @nodes_modified; } ## returnParent("level") # return the name of parent node relative to the current hierarchy # in this case "level" is set to the parent dir ".. .." # for example sub returnParent { my ($self, $node) = @_; my @x, my $tmp; # split our hierarchy into vars on a stack my @level = split /\s+/, $self->{_level}; # count the number of parents we need to lose # and then pop 1 less @x = split /\s+/, $node; for ($tmp = 1; $tmp < @x; $tmp++) { pop @level; } # return the parent $tmp = pop @level; return $tmp; } ## returnValue("node") # returns the value of "node" or undef if the node doesn't exist . # node is relative sub returnValue { my ( $self, $node ) = @_; my $tmp; $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; return unless open my $file, '<', "$self->{_new_config_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node/node.val"; read $file, $tmp, 16384; close $file; $tmp =~ s/\n$//; return $tmp; } ## returnOrigValue("node") # returns the original value of "node" (i.e., before the current change; i.e., # in "working") or undef if the node doesn't exist. # node is relative sub returnOrigValue { my ( $self, $node ) = @_; my $tmp; $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; my $filepath = "$self->{_active_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; return unless open my $file, '<', "$filepath/node.val"; read $file, $tmp, 16384; close $file; $tmp =~ s/\n$//; return $tmp; } ## returnValues("node") # returns an array of all the values of "node", or an empty array if the values do not exist. # node is relative sub returnValues { my $val = returnValue(@_); my @values = (); if (defined($val)) { @values = split("\n", $val); } return @values; } ## returnOrigValues("node") # returns an array of all the original values of "node" (i.e., before the # current change; i.e., in "working"), or an empty array if the values do not # exist. # node is relative sub returnOrigValues { my $val = returnOrigValue(@_); my @values = (); if (defined($val)) { @values = split("\n", $val); } return @values; } ## exists("node") # Returns true if the "node" exists. sub exists { my ( $self, $node ) = @_; $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; return ( -d "$self->{_new_config_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node" ); } ## existsOrig("node") # Returns true if the "original node" exists. sub existsOrig { my ( $self, $node ) = @_; $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; return ( -d "$self->{_active_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node" ); } ## isDeleted("node") # is the "node" deleted. node is relative. returns true or false sub isDeleted { my ($self, $node) = @_; $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; my $filepathAct = "$self->{_active_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; my $filepathNew = "$self->{_new_config_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; return ((-e $filepathAct) && !(-e $filepathNew)); } ## listDeleted("level") # return array of deleted nodes in the "level" # "level" defaults to current sub listDeleted { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @new_nodes = $self->listNodes($path); my @orig_nodes = $self->listOrigNodes($path); my %new_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @new_nodes; my @deleted = grep { !defined($new_hash{$_}) } @orig_nodes; return @deleted; } ## isChanged("node") # will check the change_dir to see if the "node" has been changed from a previous # value. returns true or false. sub isChanged { my ($self, $node) = @_; # let's setup the filepath for the change_dir $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; my $filepath = "$self->{_changes_only_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; # if the node exists in the change dir, it's modified. return (-e $filepath); } ## isChangedOrDeleted("node") # is the "node" changed or deleted. node is relative. returns true or false sub isChangedOrDeleted { my ($self, $node) = @_; $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; my $filepathChg = "$self->{_changes_only_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; if (-e $filepathChg) { return 1; } my $filepathAct = "$self->{_active_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; my $filepathNew = "$self->{_new_config_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; return ((-e $filepathAct) && !(-e $filepathNew)); } ## isAdded("node") # will compare the new_config_dir to the active_dir to see if the "node" has # been added. returns true or false. sub isAdded { my ($self, $node) = @_; #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->isAdded(): node $node\n"; # let's setup the filepath for the modify dir $node =~ s/\//%2F/g; $node =~ s/\s+/\//g; my $filepathNewConfig = "$self->{_new_config_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->isAdded(): filepath $filepathNewConfig\n"; # if the node doesn't exist in the modify dir, it's not # been added. so short circuit and return false. return unless (-e $filepathNewConfig); # now let's setup the path for the working dir my $filepathActive = "$self->{_active_dir_base}$self->{_current_dir_level}/$node"; # if the node is in the active_dir it's not new return (! -e $filepathActive); } ## listNodeStatus("level") # return a hash of the status of nodes at the current config level # node name is the hash key. node status is the hash value. # node status can be one of deleted, added, changed, or static sub listNodeStatus { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @nodes = (); my %nodehash = (); # find deleted nodes first @nodes = $self->listDeleted($path); foreach my $node (@nodes) { if ($node =~ /.+/) { $nodehash{$node} = "deleted" }; } @nodes = (); @nodes = $self->listNodes($path); foreach my $node (@nodes) { if ($node =~ /.+/) { my $nodepath = $node; $nodepath = "$path $node" if ($path); #print "DEBUG Vyatta::Config->listNodeStatus(): node $node\n"; # No deleted nodes -- added, changed, ot static only. if ($self->isAdded($nodepath)) { $nodehash{$node} = "added"; } elsif ($self->isChanged($nodepath)) { $nodehash{$node} = "changed"; } else { $nodehash{$node} = "static"; } } } return %nodehash; } ############ DOM Tree ################ #Create active DOM Tree sub createActiveDOMTree { my $self = shift; my $tree = new Vyatta::ConfigDOMTree($self->{_active_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level},"active"); return $tree; } #Create changes only DOM Tree sub createChangesOnlyDOMTree { my $self = shift; my $tree = new Vyatta::ConfigDOMTree($self->{_changes_only_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level}, "changes_only"); return $tree; } #Create new config DOM Tree sub createNewConfigDOMTree { my $self = shift; my $level = $self->{_new_config_dir_base} . $self->{_current_dir_level}; return new Vyatta::ConfigDOMTree($level, "new_config"); } ###### functions for templates ###### # $1: array representing the config node path. # returns the filesystem path to the template of the specified node, # or undef if the specified node path is not valid. sub getTmplPath { my $self = shift; my @cfg_path = @{$_[0]}; my $tpath = $self->{_vyatta_template_dir}; for my $p (@cfg_path) { if (-d "$tpath/$p") { $tpath .= "/$p"; next; } if (-d "$tpath/node.tag") { $tpath .= "/node.tag"; next; } # the path is not valid! return; } return $tpath; } sub isTagNode { my $self = shift; my $cfg_path_ref = shift; my $tpath = $self->getTmplPath($cfg_path_ref); return unless $tpath; return (-d "$tpath/node.tag"); } sub hasTmplChildren { my $self = shift; my $cfg_path_ref = shift; my $tpath = $self->getTmplPath($cfg_path_ref); return unless $tpath; opendir (my $tdir, $tpath) or return; my @tchildren = grep !/^node\.def$/, (grep !/^\./, (readdir $tdir)); closedir $tdir; return (scalar(@tchildren) > 0); } # $cfg_path_ref: ref to array containing the node path. # returns ($is_multi, $is_text, $default), # or undef if specified node is not valid. sub parseTmpl { my $self = shift; my $cfg_path_ref = shift; my ($is_multi, $is_text, $default) = (0, 0, undef); my $tpath = $self->getTmplPath($cfg_path_ref); return unless $tpath; if (! -r "$tpath/node.def") { return ($is_multi, $is_text); } open (my $tmpl, '<', "$tpath/node.def") or return ($is_multi, $is_text); foreach (<$tmpl>) { if (/^multi:/) { $is_multi = 1; } if (/^type:\s+txt\s*$/) { $is_text = 1; } if (/^default:\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { $default = $1; } } close $tmpl; return ($is_multi, $is_text, $default); } ###### misc functions ###### # compare two value lists and return "deleted" and "added" lists. # since this is for multi-value nodes, there is no "changed" (if a value's # ordering changed, it is deleted then added). # $0: \@orig_values # $1: \@new_values sub compareValueLists { my $self = shift; my @ovals = @{$_[0]}; my @nvals = @{$_[1]}; my %comp_hash = ( 'deleted' => [], 'added' => [], ); my $idx = 0; my %ohash = map { $_ => ($idx++) } @ovals; $idx = 0; my %nhash = map { $_ => ($idx++) } @nvals; my $min_changed_idx = 2**31; my %dhash = (); foreach (@ovals) { if (!defined($nhash{$_})) { push @{$comp_hash{'deleted'}}, $_; $dhash{$_} = 1; if ($ohash{$_} < $min_changed_idx) { $min_changed_idx = $ohash{$_}; } } } foreach (@nvals) { if (defined($ohash{$_})) { if ($ohash{$_} != $nhash{$_}) { if ($ohash{$_} < $min_changed_idx) { $min_changed_idx = $ohash{$_}; } } } } foreach (@nvals) { if (defined($ohash{$_})) { if ($ohash{$_} != $nhash{$_}) { if (!defined($dhash{$_})) { push @{$comp_hash{'deleted'}}, $_; $dhash{$_} = 1; } push @{$comp_hash{'added'}}, $_; } elsif ($ohash{$_} >= $min_changed_idx) { # ordering unchanged, but something before it is changed. if (!defined($dhash{$_})) { push @{$comp_hash{'deleted'}}, $_; $dhash{$_} = 1; } push @{$comp_hash{'added'}}, $_; } else { # this is before any changed value. do nothing. } } else { push @{$comp_hash{'added'}}, $_; } } return %comp_hash; } 1;