# Author: An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com> # Date: 2007 # Description: Perl module for loading configuration. # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. package Vyatta::ConfigLoad; use strict; our @EXPORT = qw(getStartupConfigStatements loadConfigHierarchy getConfigDiff); use base qw(Exporter); use sort 'stable'; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5"; use XorpConfigParser; use Vyatta::Config; my @all_nodes = (); my @all_naked_nodes = (); my @disable_list = (); sub match_regex { my ($pattern, $str) = @_; $pattern =~ s/^(.*)$/\^$1\$/; return ($str =~ m/$pattern/) ? 1 : 0; } sub applySingleQuote { my @return = (); foreach (@_) { # change all single quotes to "'\''" since we're going to single-quote # every component of the command if (/^'(.*)'$/) { $_ = $1; } $_ =~ s/'/'\\''/g; # single-quote every component of the command if (/^'.*'$/) { push @return, $_; } elsif (/^"(.*)"$/) { push @return, "'$1'"; } else { push @return, "'$_'"; } } return @return; } my @comment_list = (); sub enumerate_branch { my $cur_node = shift; my @cur_path = @_; # name not defined at root level if (defined($cur_node->{'name'})) { my $name = $cur_node->{'name'}; if ($name =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/) { push @cur_path, ($1, $2); } else { push @cur_path, $name; } } my $terminal = 0; if (!defined($cur_node->{'children'})) { $terminal = 1; } else { my $comment; foreach (@{$cur_node->{'children'}}) { if (defined($_->{'comment'})) { $comment = $_->{'comment'}; } if (defined($_->{'name'})) { if (defined $comment) { push @comment_list, join(" ", (@cur_path, $_->{'name'}, "\"" . $comment . "\"")); $comment = undef; } else { #need to check for existance of .comment file here. push @comment_list, join(" ", (@cur_path, $_->{'name'}, "\"\"")); } enumerate_branch($_, @cur_path); $terminal = 0; } } } if (defined($cur_node->{'disable'})) { push @disable_list, join(" ",@cur_path); } if ($terminal) { my $val = $cur_node->{'value'}; if (defined($val)) { push @cur_path, $val; } push @all_naked_nodes, [ @cur_path ]; my @qpath = applySingleQuote(@cur_path); push @all_nodes, [\@qpath, 0]; } } # $0: config file to load # return: list of all config statement sub getStartupConfigStatements { # clean up the lists first @all_nodes = (); @all_naked_nodes = (); my $load_cfg = shift; if (!defined($load_cfg)) { return (); } my $comments = shift; my $xcp = new XorpConfigParser(); $xcp->parse($load_cfg); my $root = $xcp->get_node( () ); if (!defined($root)) { return (); } enumerate_branch($root, ( )); if (defined $comments && $comments eq 'true') { #add comment commands to all nodes foreach my $c (@comment_list) { if ($c !~ /\"\"$/) { my @pth = split(" ",'comment ' . $c); push @all_nodes, [\@pth, 1]; } } } my %conf = ( 'set' => \@all_nodes, 'deactivate' => \@disable_list, ); return %conf; } my %node_order = (); # $0: ref of list of parsed naked statements. # return: hash containing the config hierarchy. sub generateHierarchy { my @node_list = @{$_[0]}; my %hash = (); %node_order = (); my $order = 0; foreach my $node (@node_list) { my @path = @{$node}; my $path_str = join ' ', @path; $node_order{$path_str} = $order; $order++; my $cur_ref = \%hash; foreach (@path) { if (!defined($cur_ref->{$_})) { $cur_ref->{$_} = { }; } $cur_ref = $cur_ref->{$_}; } } return %hash; } # $0: config file to load. # return: hash containing the config hierarchy. sub loadConfigHierarchy { # clean up the lists first @all_nodes = (); @all_naked_nodes = (); my $load_cfg = shift; if (!defined($load_cfg)) { return (); } #allows loading from arbritary root my $root_node = shift; my $xcp = new XorpConfigParser(); $xcp->parse($load_cfg); my $root; my @root_path; if (defined($root_node)) { my $tmp = [split("/",$root_node)]; $root = $xcp->get_node($tmp); my @tmp2 = split("/",$root_node); @root_path = pop(@tmp2); @root_path = @tmp2; } else { $root = $xcp->get_node( () ); } if (!defined($root)) { return (); } enumerate_branch($root, @root_path); return generateHierarchy(\@all_naked_nodes); } # $0: ref of hierarchy root. # $1: display prefix. sub printHierarchy { my $cur_ref = shift; my $prefix = shift; foreach (sort keys %{$cur_ref}) { print "$prefix$_"; if (scalar(keys %{$cur_ref->{$_}}) == 0) { print " (terminal)\n"; next; } else { print "\n"; } printHierarchy($cur_ref->{$_}, "$prefix "); } } # $0: hash ref representing a "multi:" node. # $1: array ref representing current config path. # returns the list of node values sorted by the original order. sub getSortedMultiValues { my $nref = $_[0]; my @npath = @{$_[1]}; my $path_str = join ' ', @npath; my @list = (); foreach (keys %{$nref}) { my $key = "$path_str $_"; push @list, [ $_, $node_order{$key} ]; } my @slist = sort { ${$a}[1] <=> ${$b}[1] } @list; @slist = map { ${$_}[0] } @slist; return @slist; } my $active_cfg = undef; my $new_cfg_ref = undef; my @delete_list = (); # find specified node's values in active config that have been deleted from # new config. # $0: hash ref at the current hierarchy level (new config) # $1: array ref representing current config path (active config) sub findDeletedValues { my $new_ref = $_[0]; my @active_path = @{$_[1]}; my ($is_multi, $is_text) = $active_cfg->parseTmpl(\@active_path); $active_cfg->setLevel(join ' ', @active_path); if ($is_multi) { # for "multi:" nodes, need to sort the values by the original order. my @nvals = getSortedMultiValues($new_ref, \@active_path); if ($is_text) { @nvals = map { /^"(.*)"$/ ? $1 : $_ }@nvals; } my @ovals = $active_cfg->returnOrigValues(''); my %comp_hash = $active_cfg->compareValueLists(\@ovals, \@nvals); foreach (@{$comp_hash{'deleted'}}) { my @plist = applySingleQuote(@active_path, $_); push @delete_list, [\@plist, 0]; } } else { # do nothing. if a single-value leaf node is deleted, it should have # been detected at the previous level. since we are already at node.val, # it can only be "added" or "changed", handled later. } } # find nodes in active config that have been deleted from new config. # $0: hash ref at the current hierarchy level (new config) # $1: array ref representing current config path (active config) sub findDeletedNodes { my $new_ref = $_[0]; my @active_path = @{$_[1]}; $active_cfg->setLevel(join ' ', @active_path); my @active_nodes = $active_cfg->listOrigNodes(); foreach (@active_nodes) { if ($_ eq 'def') { next; } if ($_ eq 'node.val') { findDeletedValues($new_ref, \@active_path); next; } if (!defined($new_ref->{$_})) { my @plist = applySingleQuote(@active_path, $_); push @delete_list, [\@plist, 0]; } else { findDeletedNodes($new_ref->{$_}, [ @active_path, $_ ]); } } } my @set_list = (); # find specified node's values in active config that are set # (added or changed). # $0: hash ref at the current hierarchy level (new config) # $1: array ref representing current config path (active config) sub findSetValues { my $new_ref = $_[0]; my @active_path = @{$_[1]}; my ($is_multi, $is_text) = $active_cfg->parseTmpl(\@active_path); $active_cfg->setLevel(join ' ', @active_path); if ($is_multi) { # for "multi:" nodes, need to sort the values by the original order. my @nvals = getSortedMultiValues($new_ref, \@active_path); if ($is_text) { @nvals = map { /^"(.*)"$/ ? $1 : $_ } @nvals; } my @ovals = $active_cfg->returnOrigValues(''); my %comp_hash = $active_cfg->compareValueLists(\@ovals, \@nvals); foreach (@{$comp_hash{'added'}}) { my @plist = applySingleQuote(@active_path, $_); push @set_list, [\@plist, 0]; } } else { my @nvals = keys %{$new_ref}; my $nval = $nvals[0]; if ($is_text) { $nval =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; } my $oval = $active_cfg->returnOrigValue(''); if (!defined($oval) || ($nval ne $oval)) { my @plist = applySingleQuote(@active_path, $nval); push @set_list, [\@plist, 0]; } } } # find nodes in new config that are set (added or changed). # $0: hash ref at the current hierarchy level (new config) # $1: array ref representing current config path (active config) sub findSetNodes { my $new_ref = $_[0]; my @active_path = @{$_[1]}; $active_cfg->setLevel(join ' ', @active_path); my @active_nodes = $active_cfg->listOrigNodes(); my %active_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @active_nodes; my $nref = $active_cfg->parseTmplAll(join ' ', @active_path); if (defined($nref->{type}) and !defined($nref->{tag})) { # we are at a leaf node. findSetValues($new_ref, \@active_path); return; } foreach (sort keys %{$new_ref}) { if (scalar(keys %{$new_ref->{$_}}) == 0) { # we are at a non-value leaf node. # check if we need to add this node. if (!defined($active_hash{$_})) { my @plist = applySingleQuote(@active_path, $_); push @set_list, [\@plist, 0]; } else { # node already present. do nothing. } next; } # we recur regardless of whether it's in active. all changes will be # handled when we reach leaf nodes (above). findSetNodes($new_ref->{$_}, [ @active_path, $_ ]); } } # compare the current active config with the specified hierarchy and return # the "diff". # $0: hash ref of config hierarchy. # return: hash containing the diff. sub getConfigDiff { $active_cfg = new Vyatta::Config; $new_cfg_ref = shift; @set_list = (); # @disable_list = (); @delete_list = (); findDeletedNodes($new_cfg_ref, [ ]); findSetNodes($new_cfg_ref, [ ]); # need to filter out deletions of nodes with default values my @new_delete_list = (); foreach my $del (@delete_list) { my @comps = map { my $file = $_; $file =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/; $file; } @{${$del}[0]}; my ($is_multi, $is_text, $default) = $active_cfg->parseTmpl(\@comps); if (!defined($default)) { push @new_delete_list, $del; } } my %diff = ( 'delete' => \@new_delete_list, 'set' => \@set_list, 'deactivate' => \@disable_list, 'comment' => \@comment_list, ); return %diff; } 1;