# # Module: serial # # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as # `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL' in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution # or on the World Wide Web at `http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html'. # You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: Oleg Moskalenko # Date: 2007 # Description: # # **** End License **** # # package VyattaConfigDOMTree; use strict; my %fields = ( _dir => undef, _name => undef, _value => undef, _subnodes => undef ); sub new { my $that = shift; my $dir = shift; my $name = shift; my $class = ref ($that) || $that; my $self = { %fields }; bless $self, $class; $self->{_dir} = $dir; $self->{_name} = $name; return $self->_construct_dom_tree(); } #Simple DOM Tree iteration and screen output #$1 - left screen offset (optional) sub print { my $self = shift; my $level = shift; my $tree = $self; if(!(defined $level)) { $level=""; } if(defined $tree) { print("$level name=",$tree->getNodeName(),"\n"); my $value = $tree->getNodeValue(); if(defined $value) { print("$level value=$value\n"); } my @subnodes = $tree->getSubNodes(); while(@subnodes) { my $subnode = shift @subnodes; $subnode->print($level . " "); } } } #Return value of the tree node sub getNodeValue { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = undef; if(defined $tree) { $ret = $tree->{_value}; } return $ret; } #Return value of the tree node. #If the value is nor defined, return empty string. sub getNodeValueAsString { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = undef; if(defined $tree) { $ret = $tree->getNodeValue(); } if(!defined $ret) { $ret = ""; } return $ret; } #Return name of the tree node sub getNodeName { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = undef; if(defined $tree) { $ret = $tree->{_name}; } return $ret; } #Return array of subnodes of the tree node sub getSubNodes { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my @ret = (); if(defined $tree) { my $subnodes = $tree->{_subnodes}; if(defined $subnodes) { @ret = values %{$subnodes}; } } return @ret; } sub isLeafNode { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret=undef; if(defined $tree) { if(defined $tree->{_value}) { if(! defined $tree->{_subnodes}) { $ret="true"; } } } return $ret; } #Return subtree of the tree according to the path list #$1, $2, ... - path to the subtree sub getSubNode { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = undef; while(@_ && $tree) { my $subnode = shift (@_); my $subnodes = $tree->{_subnodes}; if(defined $subnodes) { $tree = $subnodes->{$subnode}; } else { $tree = undef; } } $ret=$tree; return $ret; } #Return value of the subnode of the tree according to the path list #$1, $2, ... - path to the subtree sub getSubNodeValue { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = undef; if(defined $tree) { my $node = $tree->getSubNode(@_); if(defined $node) { $ret=$node->getNodeValue(); } } return $ret; } #Return value of the subnode of the tree according to the path list. #If the value is not defined, return empty string. #$1, $2, ... - path to the subtree sub getSubNodeValueAsString { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = undef; if(defined $tree) { my $node = $tree->getSubNode(@_); if(defined $node) { $ret=$node->getNodeValue(); } } if(! defined $ret) { $ret = ""; } return $ret; } #Check if there is a subnode with the specified path. #$1, $2, ... - path to the subtree sub subNodeExist { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = undef; if(defined $tree) { my $node = $tree->getSubNode(@_); if(defined $node) { $ret="true"; } } return $ret; } #Return of the children of the node #$1, $2, ... - path to the subtree sub getSubNodesNumber { my $self = shift; my $tree = $self; my $ret = 0; if(defined $tree) { my $node = $tree->getSubNode(@_); if(defined $node) { my @subs = $node->getSubNodes(); if(@subs) { $ret = $#subs + 1; } } } return $ret; } #private method: costruct DOM Tree according to the absolute path provided sub _construct_dom_tree { my $self = shift; my $subnodesNum=0; my $valuePresent=0; if(!(defined $self)) {return undef;} opendir DIR, $self->{_dir} or return undef; my @entries = grep !/^\./, readdir DIR; closedir DIR; while(@entries) { my $entry = shift @entries; if($entry) { my $fn = $self->{_dir} . "/" . $entry; if( -f $fn) { if($entry eq "node.val") { my $value=`cat $fn`; while(chomp $value) {}; $self->{_value} = $value; $valuePresent++; } } elsif (-d $fn) { my $subnode = new VyattaConfigDOMTree($fn,$entry); if(defined $subnode) { if(! defined $self->{_subnodes} ) { $self->{_subnodes} = {}; } $self->{_subnodes}->{$entry} = $subnode; $subnodesNum++; } } } } if($valuePresent<1 && $subnodesNum<1) { return undef; } return $self; }