#!/usr/bin/perl # Author: An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com. # Date: 2007 # Description: Perl script for loading config file at run time. # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # **** End License **** # $0: config file. use strict; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/"; use POSIX; use IO::Prompt; use Getopt::Long; use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros); use Vyatta::ConfigLoad; $SIG{'INT'} = 'IGNORE'; my $etcdir = $ENV{vyatta_sysconfdir}; my $sbindir = $ENV{vyatta_sbindir}; my $bootpath = $etcdir . "/config"; my $load_file = $bootpath . "/config.boot"; my $url_tmp_file = $bootpath . "/config.boot.$$"; # # Note: to get merge to work on arbitrary nodes # within the configuration multinodes need to be escaped. # i.e.: # load --merge='load-balancing/wan/interface-health\ eth0' # # will start loading of the configuration node from: # # load-balancing/wan/interface-health:eth0 # # Note current loading is limited to first new # multinode. # sub usage() { print "Usage: $0 --merge=<root>\n"; exit 0; } my $merge; GetOptions( "merge:s" => \$merge, ) or usage(); my $merge_mode = 'false'; if (defined $merge) { $merge_mode = 'true'; } my $mode = 'local'; my $proto; if ( defined( $ARGV[0] ) ) { $load_file = $ARGV[0]; } my $orig_load_file = $load_file; if ( $load_file =~ /^[^\/]\w+:\// ) { if ( $load_file =~ /^(\w+):\/\/\w/ ) { $mode = 'url'; $proto = lc($1); unless( $proto eq 'tftp' || $proto eq 'ftp' || $proto eq 'http' || $proto eq 'scp' ) { die "Invalid url protocol [$proto]\n"; } } else { print "Invalid url [$load_file]\n"; exit 1; } } if ( $mode eq 'local' and !( $load_file =~ /^\// ) ) { # relative path $load_file = "$bootpath/$load_file"; } my $cfg; if ( $mode eq 'local' ) { die "Cannot open configuration file $load_file: $!\n" unless open( $cfg, '<', $load_file); } elsif ( $mode eq 'url' ) { if ( !-f '/usr/bin/curl' ) { print "Package [curl] not installed\n"; exit 1; } if ( $proto eq 'http' ) { # # error codes are send back in html, so 1st try a header # and look for "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" # my $rc = `curl -q -I $load_file 2>&1`; if ( $rc =~ /HTTP\/\d+\.?\d\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)$/mi ) { my $rc_code = $1; my $rc_string = $2; if ( $rc_code == 200 ) { # good resonse } else { print "http error: [$rc_code] $rc_string\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "Error: $rc\n"; exit 1; } } my $rc = system("curl -# -o $url_tmp_file $load_file"); if ($rc) { print "Can not open remote configuration file $load_file\n"; exit 1; } die "Cannot open configuration file $load_file: $!\n" unless open( $cfg, '<', $url_tmp_file); $load_file = $url_tmp_file; } my $xorp_cfg = 0; my $valid_cfg = 0; while (<$cfg>) { if (/\/\*XORP Configuration File, v1.0\*\//) { $xorp_cfg = 1; last; } elsif (/vyatta-config-version/) { $valid_cfg = 1; last; } } if ( $xorp_cfg or !$valid_cfg ) { if ($xorp_cfg) { print "Warning: Loading a pre-Glendale configuration.\n"; } else { print "Warning: file does NOT appear to be a valid config file.\n"; } if ( !prompt( "Do you want to continue? ", -tty, -Yes, -default => 'no' ) ) { print "Configuration not loaded\n"; exit 1; } } close $cfg; # log it openlog( $0, "", LOG_USER ); my $login = getlogin() || getpwuid($<) || "unknown"; syslog( "warning", "Load config [$orig_load_file] by $login" ); # do config migration system("$sbindir/vyatta_config_migrate.pl $load_file"); print "Loading configuration from '$load_file'...\n"; my %cfg_hier = Vyatta::ConfigLoad::loadConfigHierarchy($load_file,$merge); if ( scalar( keys %cfg_hier ) == 0 ) { print "The specified file does not contain any configuration.\n"; print "Do you want to remove everything in the running configuration? [no] "; my $resp = <STDIN>; if ( !( $resp =~ /^yes$/i ) ) { print "Configuration not loaded\n"; exit 1; } } my %cfg_diff = Vyatta::ConfigLoad::getConfigDiff( \%cfg_hier, 'true' ); my @set_list = @{ $cfg_diff{'set'} }; my @deactivate_list = @{ $cfg_diff{'deactivate'} }; my @activate_list = @{ $cfg_diff{'activate'} }; my @comment_list = @{ $cfg_diff{'comment'} }; if ($merge_mode eq 'false') { my @delete_list = @{ $cfg_diff{'delete'} }; foreach (@delete_list) { my ( $cmd_ref, $rank ) = @{$_}; my @cmd = ( "$sbindir/my_delete", @{$cmd_ref} ); my $cmd_str = join ' ', @cmd; system("$cmd_str"); if ( $? >> 8 ) { $cmd_str =~ s/^$sbindir\/my_//; print "\"$cmd_str\" failed\n"; } } } foreach (@set_list) { my ( $cmd_ref, $rank ) = @{$_}; my @cmd = ( "$sbindir/my_set", @{$cmd_ref} ); my $cmd_str = join ' ', @cmd; system("$cmd_str"); if ( $? >> 8 ) { $cmd_str =~ s/^$sbindir\/my_//; print "\"$cmd_str\" failed\n"; } } foreach (@activate_list) { my $cmd = "$sbindir/vyatta-activate-config.pl activate $_"; system("$cmd 1>/dev/null"); #ignore error on complaint re: nested nodes } foreach (@deactivate_list) { my @cp = split(" ",$_); my $p = join("/",@cp[0..$#cp-1]); my $leaf = "$ENV{VYATTA_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR}/$p/node.val"; my $c = ""; if (-e $leaf) { $c = join(" ",@cp[0..$#cp-1]); } else { $c = join(" ",@cp); } my $cmd = "$sbindir/vyatta-activate-config.pl deactivate $c"; system("$cmd 1>/dev/null"); #ignore error on complaint re: nested nodes } foreach (@comment_list) { my ( $cmd_ref ) = $_; #apply comment if it doesn't have an empty element at the array and a .comment file exists and this is not a merge if ($merge_mode eq 'false' && $cmd_ref =~ /\"\"$/) { my @cmd_array = split(" ",$cmd_ref); pop(@cmd_array); my $rel_path = join '/', @cmd_array; my $path = "/opt/vyatta/config/active/" . $rel_path . "/.comment"; if (-e $path) { my @cmd = ( "$sbindir/vyatta-comment-config.pl ", $cmd_ref ); my $cmd_str = join ' ', @cmd; system("$cmd_str 1>/dev/null"); } else { #not found, maybe a leaf? pop(@cmd_array); $rel_path = join '/', @cmd_array; my $leaf = "/opt/vyatta/config/active/" . $rel_path . "/node.val"; if (-e $leaf) { $path = "/opt/vyatta/config/active/" . $rel_path . "/.comment"; if (-e $path) { my @cmd = ( "$sbindir/vyatta-comment-config.pl ", $cmd_ref ); my $cmd_str = join ' ', @cmd; system("$cmd_str 1>/dev/null"); } } } } else { my @cmd = ( "$sbindir/vyatta-comment-config.pl ", $cmd_ref ); my $cmd_str = join ' ', @cmd; system("$cmd_str 1>/dev/null"); } #ignore error on complaint re: nested nodes } system("$sbindir/my_commit"); if ( $? >> 8 ) { print "Load failed (commit failed)\n"; exit 1; } print "Done\n"; exit 0;