%x action %x str %option noyywrap %{ #include "cli_val.h" #include "cli_parse.h" #define YY_DECL int real_yy_cli_def_lex(void) #define BUF_INCREMENT 4096 static int action_buflen = 0; static char *action_buf = NULL; static char *action_ptr = NULL; static int str_buflen = 0; static char *str_buf = NULL; static char *str_ptr = NULL; static char str_delim = 0; static int eof_seen = 0; static char *reg_fields[] = { "default", "tag", "type", "multi", NULL }; static int reg_fields_t[] = { DEFAULT, TAG, TYPE, MULTI, 0 }; static char *act_fields[] = { "help", "syntax", "commit", "delete", "update", "activate", "create", "begin", "end", NULL }; static int act_fields_t[] = { HELP, SYNTAX, COMMIT, ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, ACTION, 0 }; static int act_types[] = { -1, -1, -1, delete_act, update_act, activate_act, create_act, begin_act, end_act, -1 }; static char *type_names[] = { "txt", "u32", "ipv4", "ipv4net", "ipv6", "ipv6net", "bool", "macaddr", NULL }; static int type_t[] = { TEXT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, IPV4_TYPE, IPV4NET_TYPE, IPV6_TYPE, IPV6NET_TYPE, BOOL_TYPE, MACADDR_TYPE, 0 }; static char *op_cond_strs[] = { "in", "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", NULL }; static int op_cond_types[] = { IN_COND, EQ_COND, NE_COND, LT_COND, GT_COND, LE_COND, GE_COND, 0 }; static char *op_strs[] = { "pattern", "exec", ",", "||", "&&", "=", "!", "(", ")", ";", NULL }; static int op_types[] = { PATTERN, EXEC, COMMA, OR, AND, ASSIGN, NOT, LP, RP, SEMI, 0 }; static void append_action(char *text) { int tlen = strlen(text); if (((action_ptr + tlen) - action_buf) >= action_buflen) { action_buflen += BUF_INCREMENT; action_buf = realloc(action_buf, action_buflen); if (!action_buf) { printf("Failed to allocate memory\n"); exit(-1); } } strcpy(action_ptr, text); action_ptr += tlen; } static void append_str(char *text) { int tlen = strlen(text); if (((str_ptr + tlen) - str_buf) >= str_buflen) { str_buflen += BUF_INCREMENT; str_buf = realloc(str_buf, str_buflen); if (!str_buf) { printf("Failed to allocate memory\n"); exit(-1); } } strcpy(str_ptr, text); str_ptr += tlen; } static int return_action() { if (action_ptr != action_buf) { *action_ptr = 0; yy_cli_parse_lval.strp = strdup(action_buf); action_ptr = action_buf; } return STRING; } static int return_str(char str_delim) { *str_ptr = 0; yy_cli_parse_lval.strp = strdup(str_buf); str_ptr = str_buf; return ((str_delim == '"') ? STRING : EX_STRING); } static int return_act_field(char *name) { int idx = 0, ret = 0; char *fname = NULL; char *dname = strdup(name); char *ptr = strchr(dname, ':'); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; } while ((fname = act_fields[idx])) { if (strcmp(dname, fname) == 0) { if (act_types[idx] >= 0) { yy_cli_parse_lval.action = act_types[idx]; } ret = act_fields_t[idx]; break; } ++idx; } free(dname); return ret; } static int return_reg_field(char *name) { int idx = 0, ret = 0; char *fname = NULL; char *dname = strdup(name); char *ptr = strchr(dname, ':'); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; } while ((fname = reg_fields[idx])) { if (strcmp(dname, fname) == 0) { ret = reg_fields_t[idx]; break; } ++idx; } free(dname); return ret; } static int return_value(vtw_type_e type) { yy_cli_parse_lval.val.free_me = TRUE; yy_cli_parse_lval.val.val = strdup(yy_cli_def_text); yy_cli_parse_lval.val.val_type = type; return VALUE; } %} /* IPv4 address representation. */ RE_IPV4_BYTE 25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01][0-9][0-9]|([0-9]{1,2}) RE_IPV4 {RE_IPV4_BYTE}(\.{RE_IPV4_BYTE}){3} RE_IPV4_PREFIXLEN (3[012]|[12][0-9]|[0-9]) RE_IPV4NET {RE_IPV4}"/"{RE_IPV4_PREFIXLEN} /* * IPv6 address representation in Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) * as defined in RFC-2234. * IPv6 address representation taken from RFC-3986. */ RE_H16 [a-fA-F0-9]{1,4} RE_H16_COLON {RE_H16}":" RE_LS32 (({RE_H16}":"{RE_H16})|{RE_IPV4}) RE_IPV6_P1 {RE_H16_COLON}{6}{RE_LS32} RE_IPV6_P2 "::"{RE_H16_COLON}{5}{RE_LS32} RE_IPV6_P3 ({RE_H16})?"::"{RE_H16_COLON}{4}{RE_LS32} RE_IPV6_P4 ({RE_H16_COLON}{0,1}{RE_H16})?"::"{RE_H16_COLON}{3}{RE_LS32} RE_IPV6_P5 ({RE_H16_COLON}{0,2}{RE_H16})?"::"{RE_H16_COLON}{2}{RE_LS32} RE_IPV6_P6 ({RE_H16_COLON}{0,3}{RE_H16})?"::"{RE_H16_COLON}{1}{RE_LS32} RE_IPV6_P7 ({RE_H16_COLON}{0,4}{RE_H16})?"::"{RE_LS32} RE_IPV6_P8 ({RE_H16_COLON}{0,5}{RE_H16})?"::"{RE_H16} RE_IPV6_P9 ({RE_H16_COLON}{0,6}{RE_H16})?"::" RE_IPV6 {RE_IPV6_P1}|{RE_IPV6_P2}|{RE_IPV6_P3}|{RE_IPV6_P4}|{RE_IPV6_P5}|{RE_IPV6_P6}|{RE_IPV6_P7}|{RE_IPV6_P8}|{RE_IPV6_P9} RE_IPV6_PREFIXLEN 12[0-8]|1[01][0-9]|[0-9][0-9]? RE_IPV6NET {RE_IPV6}"/"{RE_IPV6_PREFIXLEN} /* Ethernet MAC address representation. */ RE_MACADDR [a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}(:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}){5} /* * URL-related regular expressions. * Implementation is based on the BNF-like specification from: * - RFC-1738: HTTP, FTP, FILE * - RFC-3617: TFTP * - RFC-3986: update of RFC-1738 */ RE_URL {RE_URL_FILE}|{RE_URL_FTP}|{RE_URL_HTTP}|{RE_URL_TFTP} /* URL schemeparts for IP based protocols. */ RE_URL_LOGIN ({RE_URL_USER}(":"{RE_URL_PASSWORD})?"@")?{RE_URL_HOSTPORT} RE_URL_HOSTPORT {RE_URL_HOST}(":"{RE_URL_PORT})? RE_URL_HOST {RE_URL_HOSTNAME}|{RE_IPV4}|{RE_URL_IP_LITERAL} RE_URL_IP_LITERAL "["({RE_IPV6}|{RE_URL_IPV_FUTURE})"]" RE_URL_IPV_FUTURE "v"({RE_URL_HEXDIG})+"."({RE_URL_UNRESERVED}|{RE_URL_SUBDELIMS}|":")+ RE_URL_HOSTNAME ({RE_URL_DOMAINLABEL}".")*{RE_URL_TOPLABEL} RE_URL_DOMAINLABEL {RE_URL_ALPHADIGIT}|{RE_URL_ALPHADIGIT}({RE_URL_ALPHADIGIT}|"-")*{RE_URL_ALPHADIGIT} RE_URL_TOPLABEL {RE_URL_ALPHA}|{RE_URL_ALPHA}({RE_URL_ALPHADIGIT}|"-")*{RE_URL_ALPHADIGIT} RE_URL_ALPHADIGIT {RE_URL_ALPHA}|{RE_URL_DIGIT} RE_URL_HOSTNUMBER {RE_URL_DIGITS}"."{RE_URL_DIGITS}"."{RE_URL_DIGITS}"."{RE_URL_DIGITS} RE_URL_PORT {RE_URL_DIGITS} RE_URL_USER ({RE_URL_UCHAR}|";"|"?"|"&"|"=")* RE_URL_PASSWORD ({RE_URL_UCHAR}|";"|"?"|"&"|"=")* /* FILE URL regular expression. */ RE_URL_FILE "file://"({RE_URL_HOST}|"localhost")?"/"{RE_URL_FPATH} /* FTP URL regular expression. */ RE_URL_FTP "ftp://"{RE_URL_LOGIN}("/"{RE_URL_FPATH}(";type="{RE_URL_FTPTYPE})?)? RE_URL_FPATH {RE_URL_FSEGMENT}("/"{RE_URL_FSEGMENT})* RE_URL_FSEGMENT ({RE_URL_UCHAR}|"?"|":"|"@"|"&"|"=")* RE_URL_FTPTYPE "A"|"I"|"D"|"a"|"i"|"d" /* HTTP URL regular expression. */ RE_URL_HTTP "http://"{RE_URL_HOSTPORT}("/"{RE_URL_HPATH}("?"{RE_URL_SEARCH})?)? RE_URL_HPATH {RE_URL_HSEGMENT}("/"{RE_URL_HSEGMENT})* RE_URL_HSEGMENT ({RE_URL_UCHAR}|";"|":"|"@"|"&"|"=")* RE_URL_SEARCH ({RE_URL_UCHAR}|";"|":"|"@"|"&"|"=")* /* TFTP URL regular expression. */ RE_URL_TFTP "tftp://"{RE_URL_HOST}"/"{RE_URL_TFTP_FILE}({RE_URL_TFTP_MODE})? RE_URL_TFTP_MODE ";""mode="("netascii"|"octet") RE_URL_TFTP_FILE ({RE_URL_UNRESERVED}|{RE_URL_ESCAPE})* /* URL-related miscellaneous definitions. */ RE_URL_LOWALPHA [a-z] RE_URL_HIALPHA [A-Z] RE_URL_ALPHA {RE_URL_LOWALPHA}|{RE_URL_HIALPHA} RE_URL_DIGIT [0-9] RE_URL_SAFE "$"|"-"|"_"|"."|"+" RE_URL_EXTRA "!"|"*"|"'"|"("|")"|"," RE_URL_NATIONAL "{"|"}"|"|"|"\"|"^"|"~"|"["|"]"|"`" RE_URL_PUNCTUATION "<"|">"|"#"|"%"|<"> RE_URL_RESERVED ";"|"/"|"?"|":"|"@"|"&"|"=" RE_URL_HEXDIG {RE_URL_DIGIT}|[A-F]|[a-f] RE_URL_ESCAPE "%"{RE_URL_HEXDIG}{RE_URL_HEXDIG} RE_URL_UNRESERVED {RE_URL_ALPHA}|{RE_URL_DIGIT}|{RE_URL_SAFE}|{RE_URL_EXTRA} RE_URL_UCHAR {RE_URL_UNRESERVED}|{RE_URL_ESCAPE} RE_URL_XCHAR {RE_URL_UNRESERVED}|{RE_URL_RESERVED}|{RE_URL_ESCAPE} RE_URL_DIGITS {RE_URL_DIGIT}{1,} RE_URL_SUBDELIMS "!"|"$"|"&"|"'"|"("|")"|"*"|"+"|","|";"|"=" /* type names */ RE_TYPE_NAME (txt|u32|ipv4|ipv4net|ipv6|ipv6net|bool|macaddr) /* values */ RE_VAL_U32 [0-9]+ RE_VAL_BOOL (true|false) /* operators */ RE_OP_COND (==|!=|<|>|<=|>=|in) RE_OP_OTHER (pattern|exec|,|\|\||&&|=|!|\(|\)|;) /* template fields */ RE_REG_FIELD (default|tag|type|multi) RE_ACT_FIELD (help|syntax|commit|delete|update|activate|create|begin|end) %% #[^\n]*\n { /* comment */ } \n { return EOL; } {RE_REG_FIELD}:[ \t]* { return return_reg_field(yy_cli_def_text); } [\`\"] { BEGIN(str); str_delim = yy_cli_def_text[0]; } <str>[\"\`] { if (str_delim == yy_cli_def_text[0]) { BEGIN(INITIAL); return return_str(str_delim); } else { char tmp[2] = { yy_cli_def_text[0], 0 }; append_str(tmp); } } <str>\\\n { /* continuation */ } <str>\\. { unsigned int i = 0; unsigned char tbl[256]; unsigned char c = 0; char tmp[2] = { 0, 0 }; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { tbl[i] = i; } c = 'n'; tbl[c] = '\n'; c = 't'; tbl[c] = '\t'; c = 'r'; tbl[c] = '\r'; c = 'b'; tbl[c] = '\b'; c = 'f'; tbl[c] = '\f'; /* note: can't have "[[" or "]]" (confuses m4) */ tmp[0] = tbl[ (int) yy_cli_def_text[1] ]; append_str(tmp); } <str>[^\"\`\\]+ { append_str(yy_cli_def_text); } <str><<EOF>> { BEGIN(INITIAL); return return_str(str_delim); } {RE_ACT_FIELD}:expression: { return return_act_field(yy_cli_def_text); } {RE_ACT_FIELD}: { BEGIN(action); return return_act_field(yy_cli_def_text); } <action>\n[^ \t] { BEGIN(INITIAL); unput( yy_cli_def_text[1] ); unput( yy_cli_def_text[0] ); return return_action(); } <action>(\n[ \t]+)?.* { append_action(yy_cli_def_text); } <action>\n { append_action("\n"); } <action><<EOF>> { BEGIN(INITIAL); return return_action(); } <<EOF>> { if (eof_seen) { eof_seen = 0; yyterminate(); } eof_seen = 1; return EOL; } [ \t]+ { /* space */ } \\\n { /* continuation */ } {RE_TYPE_NAME} { int i = 0; while (type_names[i]) { if (strcmp(type_names[i], yy_cli_def_text) == 0) { yy_cli_parse_lval.type = type_t[i]; return TYPE_DEF; } i++; } } {RE_OP_COND} { int i = 0; while (op_cond_strs[i]) { if (strcmp(op_cond_strs[i], yy_cli_def_text) == 0) { yy_cli_parse_lval.cond = op_cond_types[i]; return COND; } i++; } } {RE_OP_OTHER} { int i = 0; while (op_strs[i]) { if (strcmp(op_strs[i], yy_cli_def_text) == 0) { return op_types[i]; } i++; } } \$\([^)]+\) { yy_cli_parse_lval.strp = strdup(yy_cli_def_text); return VAR; } {RE_VAL_U32} { return return_value(INT_TYPE); } {RE_IPV4} { return return_value(IPV4_TYPE); } {RE_IPV4NET} { return return_value(IPV4NET_TYPE); } {RE_IPV6} { return return_value(IPV6_TYPE); } {RE_IPV6NET} { return return_value(IPV6NET_TYPE); } {RE_VAL_BOOL} { return return_value(BOOL_TYPE); } {RE_MACADDR} { return return_value(MACADDR_TYPE); } %% static void init_bufs() { action_buf = malloc(BUF_INCREMENT); action_ptr = action_buf; action_buflen = BUF_INCREMENT; str_buf = malloc(BUF_INCREMENT); str_ptr = str_buf; str_buflen = BUF_INCREMENT; if (!action_buf || !str_buf) { printf("Failed to allocate memory\n"); exit(-1); } } int yy_cli_def_lex() { if (!action_buf) { init_bufs(); } return real_yy_cli_def_lex(); }