#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "cli_val.h" #include "cli_parse.h" #include <regex.h> #include "cli_val_engine.h" #include "cli_objects.h" /************************ Storage area: *****************/ static char *at_string=NULL; static boolean in_delete_action=FALSE; static valstruct cli_value; static boolean in_commit=FALSE; /* TRUE if in commit program*/ static boolean in_exec=FALSE; /* TRUE if in exec */ static first_seg f_seg_a; static first_seg f_seg_c; static first_seg f_seg_m; /******************** Accessors: ************************/ static char at_buffer[1024]={0}; /* the string to use as $(@), must be set before call to expand_string */ char* get_at_string(void) { if(at_string) { return at_string; } else { return at_buffer; } } void set_at_string(char* s) { if(s!=at_buffer) { at_string=s; } else { at_string=NULL; } } void free_at_string(void) { if(at_string) { if(at_string!=at_buffer) free(at_string); at_string=NULL; } } boolean is_in_delete_action(void) { return in_delete_action; } void set_in_delete_action(boolean b) { in_delete_action=b; } boolean is_in_commit(void) { return in_commit; } void set_in_commit(boolean b) { in_commit=b; } boolean is_in_exec(void) { return in_exec; } void set_in_exec(boolean b) { in_exec=b; } valstruct* get_cli_value_ptr(void) { return &cli_value; } first_seg* get_f_seg_a_ptr(void) { return &f_seg_a; } first_seg* get_f_seg_c_ptr(void) { return &f_seg_c; } first_seg* get_f_seg_m_ptr(void) { return &f_seg_m; } const char* get_tdirp(void) { const char* tdirp=getenv(ENV_T_DIR); if (!tdirp) tdirp = DEF_T_DIR; if(!tdirp) tdirp=""; return tdirp; } const char* get_cdirp(void) { return getenv(ENV_C_DIR); } const char* get_adirp(void) { const char* adirp=getenv(ENV_A_DIR); if (!adirp) adirp = DEF_A_DIR; if(!adirp) adirp=""; return adirp; } const char* get_mdirp(void) { const char* mdirp=getenv(ENV_M_DIR); if(!mdirp) mdirp=""; return mdirp; } const char* get_tmpp(void) { const char* tmpp=getenv(ENV_TMP_DIR); if(!tmpp) tmpp=""; return tmpp; } static char * get_elevp(void) { static char elevp_buffer[2049]; static char* elevp=NULL; if(elevp==NULL) { const char* tmp=getenv(ENV_EDIT_LEVEL); if(tmp) { strncpy(elevp_buffer,tmp,sizeof(elevp_buffer)-1); elevp=elevp_buffer; } } return elevp; } static char * get_tlevp(void) { static char tlevp_buffer[2049]; static char* tlevp=NULL; if(tlevp==NULL) { const char* tmp=getenv(ENV_TEMPLATE_LEVEL); if(tmp) { strncpy(tlevp_buffer,tmp,sizeof(tlevp_buffer)-1); tlevp=tlevp_buffer; } } return tlevp; } /************************* Init ***************************/ void init_paths(boolean for_commit) { struct stat statbuf; const char* tdirp = get_tdirp(); const char* cdirp = get_cdirp(); const char* adirp = get_adirp(); const char* mdirp = get_mdirp(); const char* tmpp = get_tmpp(); if (!mdirp || !mdirp[0]) bye("Environment variable %s for temp configuration is not set",ENV_M_DIR); if (!cdirp) bye("INTERNAL: environment var |%s| is not set", ENV_C_DIR); if (!tmpp || !tmpp[0]) bye("INTERNAL: environment var |%s| is not set", ENV_TMP_DIR); /* make sure that template root is present */ if (lstat(tdirp, &statbuf) < 0) bye("Template directory |%s| isn't present\n", tdirp); if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) bye("Template directory |%s| isn't a directory\n", tdirp); /* set paths to current roots */ if (for_commit) { int max_len; const char *startp; /* make sure that master configuration root is present */ if (lstat(adirp, &statbuf) < 0) bye("Master configuration directory |%s| isn't present\n", adirp); if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) bye("Master configuration directory |%s| isn't a directory\n", adirp); get_f_seg_a_ptr()->f_segp = adirp; get_f_seg_c_ptr()->f_segp = cdirp; get_f_seg_m_ptr()->f_segp = mdirp; get_f_seg_a_ptr()->f_seglen = strlen(adirp); get_f_seg_c_ptr()->f_seglen = strlen(cdirp); get_f_seg_m_ptr()->f_seglen = strlen(mdirp); if(get_f_seg_a_ptr()->f_seglen > get_f_seg_m_ptr()->f_seglen) { max_len = get_f_seg_a_ptr()->f_seglen; startp = adirp; }else{ max_len = get_f_seg_m_ptr()->f_seglen; startp = mdirp; } if(get_f_seg_c_ptr()->f_seglen > max_len) { max_len = get_f_seg_c_ptr()->f_seglen; startp = cdirp; } get_f_seg_a_ptr()->f_segoff = max_len - get_f_seg_a_ptr()->f_seglen; get_f_seg_c_ptr()->f_segoff = max_len - get_f_seg_c_ptr()->f_seglen; get_f_seg_m_ptr()->f_segoff = max_len - get_f_seg_m_ptr()->f_seglen; init_path(&m_path, startp); switch_path(get_f_seg_c_ptr()); m_path.print_offset = max_len; } else init_path(&m_path, mdirp); init_path(&t_path, tdirp); } /**********************************************************/