/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Vyatta, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace commit; using namespace std; using namespace chrono; ////// debugging helpers bool debug_on = false; int stack_depth = 0; // You can display a file/function/line if required as follows // OUTPUT_USER("[%s:%d:%s]" __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__) #define TRACE_RESET(fmt, ...) \ if (debug_on) { \ stack_depth++; \ OUTPUT_USER("%*s" fmt "\n", stack_depth, " ", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ start_time = high_resolution_clock::now(); \ } #define TRACE_INIT(fmt, ...) \ time_point start_time; \ TRACE_RESET(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); #define TRACE_DISPLAY(fmt, ...) \ if (debug_on) { \ time_point stop_time = high_resolution_clock::now(); \ int total_ms = duration_cast(stop_time - start_time).count(); \ int sec_elapsed = total_ms / 1000; \ int ms_elapsed = total_ms % 1000; \ OUTPUT_USER("%*s" "Elapsed %d.%03d sec: " fmt "\n", \ stack_depth, " ", sec_elapsed, ms_elapsed, \ ##__VA_ARGS__); \ stack_depth--; \ } ////// static static const char *commit_hook_dirs[3] = { "/etc/commit/pre-hooks.d", "/etc/commit/post-hooks.d", NULL }; static void _set_node_commit_state(CfgNode& node, CommitState s, bool recursive) { node.setCommitState(s); if (recursive) { for (size_t i = 0; i < node.numChildNodes(); i++) { _set_node_commit_state(*(node.childAt(i)), s, recursive); } } } static void _set_node_commit_path(CfgNode& node, const Cpath &p, bool recursive) { node.setCommitPath(p, node.isValue(), node.getValue(), node.getName()); if (recursive) { for (size_t i = 0; i < node.numChildNodes(); i++) { _set_node_commit_path(*(node.childAt(i)), node.getCommitPath(), recursive); } } } static void _set_node_commit_child_delete_failed(CfgNode& node) { // recursively bottom-up node.setCommitChildDeleteFailed(); if (node.getParent()) { _set_node_commit_child_delete_failed(*(node.getParent())); } } static void _set_node_commit_create_failed(CfgNode& node) { // recursively top-down if (node.getCommitState() == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED) { // only set failure if the node is being created node.setCommitCreateFailed(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < node.numChildNodes(); i++) { _set_node_commit_create_failed(*(node.childAt(i))); } } static size_t _get_num_commit_multi_values(const CfgNode& node) { return (node.getCommitState() == COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED ? node.numCommitMultiValues() : node.getValues().size()); } static string _get_commit_multi_value_at(const CfgNode& node, size_t idx) { return (node.getCommitState() == COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED ? node.commitMultiValueAt(idx) : (node.getValues())[idx]); } static CommitState _get_commit_multi_state_at(const CfgNode& node, size_t idx) { CommitState s = node.getCommitState(); return (s == COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED ? node.commitMultiStateAt(idx) : s); } // nodes other than "changed" leaf nodes static CfgNode * _create_commit_cfg_node(CfgNode& cn, const Cpath& p, CommitState s) { CfgNode *node = new CfgNode(cn); _set_node_commit_state(*node, s, (s != COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED)); _set_node_commit_path(*node, p, (s != COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED)); if (s == COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED) { node->clearChildNodes(); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildNodes(); i++) { node->childAt(i)->setParent(node); } } return node; } /* "changed" multi-value leaf nodes. note that "changed" state applies to * the "node" itself. the actual states of the node values can be added, * deleted, changed, or unchanged. */ static CfgNode * _create_commit_cfg_node(const CfgNode& cn, const Cpath& p, const vector& values, const vector& states) { CfgNode *node = new CfgNode(cn); _set_node_commit_state(*node, COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED, false); _set_node_commit_path(*node, p, false); node->setCommitMultiValues(values, states); return node; } // "changed" single-value leaf nodes (this does apply to the value) static CfgNode * _create_commit_cfg_node(const CfgNode& cn, const Cpath& p, const string& val1, const string& val2, bool def1, bool def2) { CfgNode *node = new CfgNode(cn); _set_node_commit_state(*node, COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED, false); _set_node_commit_path(*node, p, false); node->setCommitValue(val1, val2, def1, def2); return node; } static void _get_commit_prio_subtrees(CfgNode *sroot, PrioNode& parent) { if (!sroot) { return; } PrioNode *pn = &parent; // need a local copy since nodes can be detached vector cnodes = sroot->getChildNodes(); if (sroot->getPriority() && (sroot->isValue() || !sroot->isTag())) { // enforce hierarchical constraint unsigned int prio = sroot->getPriority(); unsigned int pprio = parent.getPriority(); if (prio <= pprio) { // can't have that => make it higher than parent priority OUTPUT_USER("Warning: priority inversion [%s](%u) <= [%s](%u)\n" " changing [%s] to (%u)\n", sroot->getCommitPath().to_string().c_str(), prio, parent.getCommitPath().to_string().c_str(), pprio, sroot->getCommitPath().to_string().c_str(), pprio + 1); sroot->setPriority(pprio + 1); } // only non-"tag node" applies ("tag nodes" not used in prio tree) pn = new PrioNode(sroot); /* record the original parent in config tree. this will be used to * enforce "hierarchical constraint" in the config. skip the tag node * if this is a tag value since commit doesn't act on tag nodes. */ CfgNode *pnode = sroot->getParent(); pn->setCfgParent(sroot->isTag() ? pnode->getParent() : pnode); parent.addChildNode(pn); sroot->detachFromParent(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < cnodes.size(); i++) { _get_commit_prio_subtrees(cnodes[i], *pn); } } static void _get_commit_prio_queue(PrioNode *proot, PrioQueueT& pq, DelPrioQueueT& dpq) { if (!proot) { return; } if (proot->getCommitState() == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED) { dpq.push(proot); } else { pq.push(proot); } for (size_t i = 0; i < proot->numChildNodes(); i++) { _get_commit_prio_queue(proot->childAt(i), pq, dpq); } } template static bool _trv_tag_node(N *node) { return false; } template<> bool _trv_tag_node(CfgNode *node) { return node->isTagNode(); } template static bool _trv_be_node(N *node) { return false; } template<> bool _trv_be_node(CfgNode *node) { return node->isBeginEndNode(); } template static void _commit_tree_traversal(N *root, bool betree_only, CommitTreeTraversalOrder order, vector& nodelist, bool include_root = false, bool init = true) { /* note: commit traversal doesn't include "tag node", only "tag values". * (this only applies when traversing CfgNode tree, not when * traversing PrioNode tree, hence the specializations above.) * * also, "include_root" controls if the "original root" is included. */ if (order == PRE_ORDER && !_trv_tag_node(root) && include_root) { nodelist.push_back(root); } if (init || !betree_only || _trv_tag_node(root) || !_trv_be_node(root)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < root->numChildNodes(); i++) { _commit_tree_traversal(root->childAt(i), betree_only, order, nodelist, true, false); } } if (order == POST_ORDER && !_trv_tag_node(root) && include_root) { nodelist.push_back(root); } } static bool _exec_tmpl_actions(Cstore& cs, CommitState s, char *at_str, const Cpath& path, const Cpath& disp_path, const CfgNode& node, vtw_act_type act, const vtw_def *def) { const vtw_node *actions = node.getActions(act); if (!actions) { // no actions => success return true; } /* XXX this follows the logic in original implementation since some * features are using it. */ const char *aenv = "ACTIVE"; switch (s) { case COMMIT_STATE_ADDED: case COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED: aenv = "SET"; break; case COMMIT_STATE_DELETED: aenv = "DELETE"; break; default: break; } TRACE_INIT("Executing the \"%s\" ...", disp_path.to_string().c_str()); setenv("COMMIT_ACTION", aenv, 1); set_in_delete_action((act == delete_act)); bool ret = cs.executeTmplActions(at_str, path, disp_path, actions, def); set_in_delete_action(false); unsetenv("COMMIT_ACTION"); TRACE_DISPLAY(""); return ret; } /* execute the specified type of actions on the specified node. * * note that if the "committed list" clist is specified, no action will be * performed except adding the node to the committed list (if needed). */ static bool _exec_node_actions(Cstore& cs, CfgNode& node, vtw_act_type act, CommittedPathListT *clist = NULL) { if (node.isMulti()) { // fail if this is called with a multi node OUTPUT_USER("_exec_node_actions() called with multi[%s]\n", node.getCommitPath().to_string().c_str()); return false; } CommitState s = node.getCommitState(); if (s == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED && node.commitChildDeleteFailed()) { return false; } bool nop = false; if (!node.getActions(act)) { // no actions => success nop = true; } #if __GNUC__ < 6 auto_ptr at_str; #else unique_ptr at_str; #endif Cpath pcomps(node.getCommitPath()); tr1::shared_ptr pdisp(new Cpath(pcomps)); bool add_parent_to_committed = false; if (node.isLeaf()) { // single-value node if (s == COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED) { if (node.commitValueBefore() == node.commitValueAfter()) { // value didn't change (only "default" status), so nop nop = true; } at_str.reset(strdup(node.commitValueAfter().c_str())); } else { if (s == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED || s == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED) { // add parent to "committed list" if it's added/deleted add_parent_to_committed = true; } at_str.reset(strdup(node.getValue().c_str())); } pdisp->push(at_str.get()); } else if (node.isValue()) { // tag value at_str.reset(strdup(node.getValue().c_str())); pcomps.pop(); // paths need to be at the "node" level } else { // typeless node at_str.reset(strdup(node.getName().c_str())); } if (clist) { /* note that even though every "tag value" will be added to the * "committed list" here, simply adding the corresponding "tag node" * here does not work. * * basically there are three scenarios for a tag node: * (1) in both active and working * i.e., tag node itself is unchanged => doesn't need to be added * to committed list since "committed query" will check for this * condition first. * (2) only in working * i.e., all tag values are being added so tag node itself is also * being added. in this case, tag node must be considered * "committed" after the first tag value has been processed * successfully. * (3) only in active * i.e., all tag values are being deleted so is tag node itself. * in this case, tag node must be considered "committed" only * after all tag values have been processed successfully. * * cases (2) and (3) cannot be handled here since they depend on the * processing order and outcome of siblings of tag values. therefore, * tag node will never be added to the committed list, and the * "committed query" function will need to handle tag nodes as special * case. */ if (add_parent_to_committed) { tr1::shared_ptr ppdisp(new Cpath(pcomps)); clist->push_back(CommittedPathT(s, ppdisp)); } clist->push_back(CommittedPathT(s, pdisp)); return true; } if (nop) { // nothing to do return true; } if (!_exec_tmpl_actions(cs, s, at_str.get(), pcomps, *(pdisp.get()), node, act, node.getDef())) { if (act == create_act) { _set_node_commit_create_failed(node); } return false; } return true; } /* execute the specified type of actions on the specified "multi" node (i.e., * multi-value leaf node) during commit. act is one of "delete_act", * "update_act", and "syntax_act", representing the different processing * passes. * * see comment for _exec_node_actions() above about clist. */ static bool _exec_multi_node_actions(Cstore& cs, const CfgNode& node, vtw_act_type act, CommittedPathListT *clist = NULL) { if (!node.isMulti()) { // fail if this is called with a non-multi node OUTPUT_USER("_exec_multi_node_actions() called with non-multi[%s]\n", node.getCommitPath().to_string().c_str()); return false; } const vtw_def *def = node.getDef(); Cpath pcomps(node.getCommitPath()); if (clist) { CommitState s = node.getCommitState(); if (s == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED || s == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED) { /* for multi-value leaf node, add the node itself to the * "committed list" if it is added/deleted. */ tr1::shared_ptr ppdisp(new Cpath(pcomps)); clist->push_back(CommittedPathT(s, ppdisp)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < _get_num_commit_multi_values(node); i++) { CommitState s = _get_commit_multi_state_at(node, i); if (s == COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED) { // nop for unchanged value continue; } string v = _get_commit_multi_value_at(node, i); #if __GNUC__ < 6 auto_ptr at_str(strdup(v.c_str())); #else unique_ptr at_str(strdup(v.c_str())); #endif tr1::shared_ptr pdisp(new Cpath(pcomps)); pdisp->push(v); if (clist) { // add the value to the committed list clist->push_back(CommittedPathT(s, pdisp)); continue; } if (act == syntax_act) { // syntax pass if (s != COMMIT_STATE_ADDED) { continue; } if (!_exec_tmpl_actions(cs, s, at_str.get(), pcomps, *(pdisp.get()), node, syntax_act, def)) { return false; } } else { //// delete or update pass // begin if (!_exec_tmpl_actions(cs, s, at_str.get(), pcomps, *(pdisp.get()), node, begin_act, def)) { return false; } /* note that for CHANGED value we need to do BOTH a delete AND a * create. this is the fix for bug 5460. more information in later * comment about bug 5460. */ if (act == delete_act) { // delete pass if (s == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED || s == COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED) { if (!_exec_tmpl_actions(cs, s, at_str.get(), pcomps, *(pdisp.get()), node, delete_act, def)) { return false; } } } else { // update pass if (s == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED || s == COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED) { if (!_exec_tmpl_actions(cs, s, at_str.get(), pcomps, *(pdisp.get()), node, create_act, def)) { return false; } } } // end if (!_exec_tmpl_actions(cs, s, at_str.get(), pcomps, *(pdisp.get()), node, end_act, def)) { return false; } } } return true; } static void _set_commit_subtree_changed(CfgNode& node) { // recursively bottom-up if (node.commitSubtreeChanged()) { // already set => terminate recursion return; } node.setCommitSubtreeChanged(); if (node.getParent()) { _set_commit_subtree_changed(*(node.getParent())); } } static bool _commit_check_cfg_node(Cstore& cs, CfgNode *node, CommittedPathListT& clist) { vector nodelist; _commit_tree_traversal(node, false, PRE_ORDER, nodelist, true); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodelist.size(); i++) { CommitState s = nodelist[i]->getCommitState(); if (s == COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED) { // check if an immediate child node has changed. // if so do the syntax act here // This puts back the pre-larkspur behavior that features expect to happen. vector childNodes; childNodes = nodelist[i]->getChildNodes(); for (size_t j = 0; j < childNodes.size(); j++){ if (childNodes[j]->getCommitState() != COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED) { if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), syntax_act)) { return false; } break; // break out of the inner for loop } } continue; //continue the outer for loop } _set_commit_subtree_changed(*(nodelist[i])); if (nodelist[i]->isMulti()) { // for committed list processing, use top_act as dummy value _exec_multi_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), top_act, &clist); if (!_exec_multi_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), syntax_act)) { return false; } continue; } if (s != COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED) { // for committed list processing, use top_act as dummy value _exec_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), top_act, &clist); } if (s == COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED || s == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED) { if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), syntax_act)) { return false; } } } return true; } static bool _commit_exec_cfg_node(Cstore& cs, CfgNode *node) { if (!node->commitSubtreeChanged()) { // nothing changed => nop return true; } if (node->isMulti()) { /* if reach here, this "multi" is being commited as a "top-level" node, * so need to do both "delete pass" and "update pass". */ return (_exec_multi_node_actions(cs, *node, delete_act) ? (_exec_multi_node_actions(cs, *node, update_act) ? true : false) : false); } // begin if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *node, begin_act)) { return false; } // delete pass (bottom-up) vector nodelist; _commit_tree_traversal(node, true, POST_ORDER, nodelist); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodelist.size(); i++) { if (nodelist[i]->isMulti()) { // do "delete pass" for "multi" if (!_exec_multi_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), delete_act)) { return false; } continue; } if (nodelist[i]->getCommitState() != COMMIT_STATE_DELETED) { continue; } if (nodelist[i]->isBeginEndNode()) { if (!_commit_exec_cfg_node(cs, nodelist[i])) { return false; } } else { if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), delete_act)) { return false; } } } CommitState s = node->getCommitState(); if (s != COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED) { if (s == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED) { // delete self if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *node, delete_act)) { return false; } } else { // create/update self vtw_act_type act = (s == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED ? create_act : update_act); if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *node, act)) { return false; } } } // create/update pass (top-down) nodelist.clear(); _commit_tree_traversal(node, true, PRE_ORDER, nodelist); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodelist.size(); i++) { if (nodelist[i]->isMulti()) { // do "update pass" for "multi" if (!_exec_multi_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), update_act)) { return false; } continue; } CommitState sc = nodelist[i]->getCommitState(); if (sc == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED) { // deleted nodes already handled in previous loop continue; } if (nodelist[i]->isBeginEndNode()) { if (!_commit_exec_cfg_node(cs, nodelist[i])) { return false; } } else if (sc == COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED) { continue; } else { // added or changed vtw_act_type act = (sc == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED ? create_act : update_act); if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *(nodelist[i]), act)) { return false; } } } // end if (!_exec_node_actions(cs, *node, end_act)) { return false; } return true; } static bool _commit_exec_prio_subtree(Cstore& cs, PrioNode *proot) { CfgNode *cfg = proot->getCfgNode(); CommittedPathListT clist; bool ret = false; if (cfg) { if (proot->getCommitState() == COMMIT_STATE_ADDED && proot->parentCreateFailed()) { // can't create if parent create failed goto commit_failed; } if (!debug_on) { if (!_commit_check_cfg_node(cs, cfg, clist) || !_commit_exec_cfg_node(cs, cfg)) { // subtree commit failed goto commit_failed; } } else { TRACE_INIT("Entering the _commit_check_cfg_node"); ret = _commit_check_cfg_node(cs, cfg, clist); TRACE_DISPLAY("_commit_check_cfg_node"); if (!ret) goto commit_failed; TRACE_RESET("Entering the _commit_exec_cfg_node"); ret = _commit_exec_cfg_node(cs, cfg); TRACE_DISPLAY("_commit_exec_cfg_node"); if (!ret) goto commit_failed; } // subtree succeeded, mark nodes committed for (size_t i = 0; i < clist.size(); i++) { if (!cs.markCfgPathCommitted(*(clist[i].second.get()), (clist[i].first == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to mark path committed\n"); goto commit_failed; } } } proot->setSucceeded(true); return true; commit_failed: proot->setSucceeded(false); return false; } static CfgNode * _get_commit_leaf_node(CfgNode *cfg1, CfgNode *cfg2, const Cpath& cur_path, bool& is_leaf) { if ((cfg1 && !cfg1->isLeaf()) || (cfg2 && !cfg2->isLeaf())) { // not a leaf node is_leaf = false; return NULL; } is_leaf = true; if (!cfg1) { return _create_commit_cfg_node(*cfg2, cur_path, COMMIT_STATE_ADDED); } else if (!cfg2) { return _create_commit_cfg_node(*cfg1, cur_path, COMMIT_STATE_DELETED); } if (cfg1->isMulti()) { // multi-value node vector values; vector pfxs; if (!cnode::cmp_multi_values(cfg1, cfg2, values, pfxs)) { // no change return NULL; } vector states; for (size_t i = 0; i < pfxs.size(); i++) { if (pfxs[i] == DIFF_ADD) { states.push_back(COMMIT_STATE_ADDED); } else if (pfxs[i] == DIFF_DEL) { states.push_back(COMMIT_STATE_DELETED); } else if (pfxs[i] == DIFF_UPD) { states.push_back(COMMIT_STATE_CHANGED); } else { /* note that previously this was following the original impl * and treating both DIFF_UPD and DIFF_NONE as "unchanged". * in other words, if a value's position among the multiple * values changes, no action will be invoked during commit. * * however, this was the cause of bug 5460. if the ordering * for a "multi:" node actually matters, this bug means the * value ordering will not work correctly for a value whose * position has changed but is not being added or deleted. * * to fix the bug, we now distinguish between UPD and NONE. */ states.push_back(COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED); } } return _create_commit_cfg_node(*cfg1, cur_path, values, states); } else { // single-value node string val1 = cfg1->getValue(); string val2 = cfg2->getValue(); bool def1 = cfg1->isDefault(); bool def2 = cfg2->isDefault(); if (val1 == val2 && def1 == def2) { // no change return NULL; } return _create_commit_cfg_node(*cfg1, cur_path, val1, val2, def1, def2); } } static CfgNode * _get_commit_other_node(CfgNode *cfg1, CfgNode *cfg2, const Cpath& cur_path) { string name, value; bool not_tag_node, is_value, is_leaf_typeless; vector rcnodes1, rcnodes2; cnode::cmp_non_leaf_nodes(cfg1, cfg2, rcnodes1, rcnodes2, not_tag_node, is_value, is_leaf_typeless, name, value); if (!cfg1) { return _create_commit_cfg_node(*cfg2, cur_path, COMMIT_STATE_ADDED); } else if (!cfg2) { return _create_commit_cfg_node(*cfg1, cur_path, COMMIT_STATE_DELETED); } CfgNode *cn = _create_commit_cfg_node(*cfg1, cur_path, COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED); for (size_t i = 0; i < rcnodes1.size(); i++) { CfgNode *cnode = getCommitTree(rcnodes1[i], rcnodes2[i], cn->getCommitPath()); if (cnode) { cn->addChildNode(cnode); } } if (cn->numChildNodes() < 1) { delete cn; return NULL; } return cn; } static void _execute_hooks(CommitHook hook) { string cmd = "/bin/run-parts --regex='^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$' -- '"; cmd += getCommitHookDir(hook); cmd += "'"; // not checking return status restore_output(); if(system(cmd.c_str())); redirect_output(); } ////// class CommitData CommitData::CommitData() : _commit_state(COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED), _commit_create_failed(false), _commit_child_delete_failed(false), _commit_subtree_changed(false) { } // member setters void CommitData::setCommitState(CommitState s) { _commit_state = s; } void CommitData::setCommitPath(const Cpath& p, bool is_val, const string& val, const string& name) { Cpath cp(p); if (is_val) { cp.push(val); } else if (name.size() > 0) { cp.push(name); } _commit_path = cp; } void CommitData::setCommitMultiValues(const vector& values, const vector& states) { _commit_values = values; _commit_values_states = states; } void CommitData::setCommitValue(const string& val1, const string& val2, bool def1, bool def2) { _commit_value.first = val1; _commit_value.second = val2; _commit_default.first = def1; _commit_default.second = def2; } void CommitData::setCommitChildDeleteFailed() { _commit_child_delete_failed = true; } void CommitData::setCommitCreateFailed() { _commit_create_failed = true; } void CommitData::setCommitSubtreeChanged() { _commit_subtree_changed = true; } // member getters CommitState CommitData::getCommitState() const { return _commit_state; } Cpath CommitData::getCommitPath() const { return _commit_path; } size_t CommitData::numCommitMultiValues() const { return _commit_values.size(); } string CommitData::commitMultiValueAt(size_t idx) const { return _commit_values[idx]; } CommitState CommitData::commitMultiStateAt(size_t idx) const { return _commit_values_states[idx]; } string CommitData::commitValueBefore() const { return _commit_value.first; } string CommitData::commitValueAfter() const { return _commit_value.second; } bool CommitData::commitChildDeleteFailed() const { return _commit_child_delete_failed; } bool CommitData::commitCreateFailed() const { return _commit_create_failed; } bool CommitData::commitSubtreeChanged() const { return _commit_subtree_changed; } // member functions for tmpl stuff void CommitData::setTmpl(tr1::shared_ptr def) { _def = def; } tr1::shared_ptr CommitData::getTmpl() const { return _def; } const vtw_def * CommitData::getDef() const { return (_def.get() ? _def.get()->getDef() : NULL); } unsigned int CommitData::getPriority() const { return (_def.get() ? _def->getPriority() : 0); } void CommitData::setPriority(unsigned int p) { if (!_def.get()) { return; } _def->setPriority(p); } const vtw_node * CommitData::getActions(vtw_act_type act, bool raw) const { if (!_def.get()) { return NULL; } if (!raw && act == create_act && !_def->getActions(act)) { act = update_act; } return _def->getActions(act); } bool CommitData::isBeginEndNode() const { return (getActions(begin_act) || getActions(end_act)); } ////// class PrioNode PrioNode::PrioNode(CfgNode *n) : TreeNode(), _node(n), _cfg_parent(0), _succeeded(true), _subtree_failure(false), _subtree_success(false) { } CfgNode * PrioNode::getCfgNode() { return _node; } unsigned int PrioNode::getPriority() const { return (_node ? _node->getPriority() : 0); } CommitState PrioNode::getCommitState() const { return (_node ? _node->getCommitState() : COMMIT_STATE_UNCHANGED); } Cpath PrioNode::getCommitPath() const { return (_node ? _node->getCommitPath() : Cpath()); } bool PrioNode::parentCreateFailed() const { return (_cfg_parent ? _cfg_parent->commitCreateFailed() : false); } bool PrioNode::succeeded() const { return _succeeded; } bool PrioNode::hasSubtreeFailure() const { return _subtree_failure; } bool PrioNode::hasSubtreeSuccess() const { return _subtree_success; } void PrioNode::setCfgParent(CfgNode *p) { _cfg_parent = p; } void PrioNode::setSucceeded(bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { if (getParent()) { getParent()->setSubtreeSuccess(); } return; } // failed _succeeded = false; if (getParent()) { getParent()->setSubtreeFailure(); } if (getCommitState() == COMMIT_STATE_DELETED && _cfg_parent) { /* this will recursively set child_delete_failed on the "config parent" * (which should be in the parent prio subtree) and all its ancestors. * it will be used to prevent anything above this from being deleted * so that the hierarchical structure can be preserved. */ _set_node_commit_child_delete_failed(*_cfg_parent); } if (_node) { /* this will recursively set create_failed for all nodes that are "being * created", i.e., in COMMIT_STATE_ADDED state. * in other words, if a prio subtree fails, any "create" in the subtree * is considered failed and therefore any prio subtree under those * cannot be created. */ _set_node_commit_create_failed(*_node); } } void PrioNode::setSubtreeFailure() { if (_subtree_failure) { // already set => terminate recursion return; } _subtree_failure = true; if (getParent()) { getParent()->setSubtreeFailure(); } } void PrioNode::setSubtreeSuccess() { if (_subtree_success) { // already set => terminate recursion return; } _subtree_success = true; if (getParent()) { getParent()->setSubtreeSuccess(); } } ////// exported functions const char * commit::getCommitHookDir(CommitHook hook) { if (hook > LAST) { return NULL; } return commit_hook_dirs[hook]; } CfgNode * commit::getCommitTree(CfgNode *cfg1, CfgNode *cfg2, const Cpath& cur_path) { // if doesn't exist or is deactivated, treat as NULL if (cfg1 && (!cfg1->exists() || cfg1->isDeactivated()) ) { cfg1 = NULL; } if (cfg2 && (!cfg2->exists() || cfg2->isDeactivated())) { cfg2 = NULL; } if (!cfg1 && !cfg2) { fprintf(stderr, "getCommitTree error (both config NULL)\n"); exit(1); } bool is_leaf = false; CfgNode *cn = _get_commit_leaf_node(cfg1, cfg2, cur_path, is_leaf); if (!is_leaf) { // intermediate node, tag node, or tag value cn = _get_commit_other_node(cfg1, cfg2, cur_path); } return cn; } bool commit::isCommitPathEffective(Cstore& cs, const Cpath& pcomps, tr1::shared_ptr def, bool in_active, bool in_working) { if (in_active && in_working) { // remain the same return true; } if (!in_active && !in_working) { // doesn't exist return false; } // at this point, in_active corresponds to "being deleted" if (def->isTagNode()) { // special handling for tag nodes, which are never marked vector tvals; // get tag values from active or working config cs.cfgPathGetChildNodes(pcomps, tvals, in_active); Cpath vpath(pcomps); /* note that there should be at least 1 tag value since tag node * cannot exist without tag value. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tvals.size(); i++) { vpath.push(tvals[i]); if (in_active) { // being deleted => all tag values are being deleted if (!cs.cfgPathMarkedCommitted(vpath, true)) { /* a tag value is not marked committed * => a tag value has not been deleted * => tag node has not been deleted * => still effective */ return true; } } else { // being added => all tag values are being added if (cs.cfgPathMarkedCommitted(vpath, false)) { /* a tag value is marked committed * => a tag value has been added * => tag node has been added * => already effective */ return true; } } vpath.pop(); } // not effective return false; } /* if not tag node, effectiveness corresponds to committed marking: * if deleted (i.e., in_active), then !marked is effective * otherwise (i.e., added), marked is effective */ bool marked = cs.cfgPathMarkedCommitted(pcomps, in_active); return (in_active ? !marked : marked); } bool commit::doCommit(Cstore& cs, CfgNode& cfg1, CfgNode& cfg2) { /* get the lock first. * note: the getCommitLock() interface provided by Cstore guarantees * that the lock will be released upon process termination (either * normally or abnormally), so this is all that is required in terms * of commit locking. */ if (!cs.getCommitLock()) { OUTPUT_USER("Configuration system temporarily locked " "due to another commit in progress\n"); return false; } Cpath p; CfgNode *root = getCommitTree(&cfg1, &cfg2, p); if (!root) { /* "session changed" check has already been performed before commit * execution, so no need to repeat it here. * * call the low-level commitConfig() function with a dummy structure * representing successful commit on the whole tree. this is equivalent * to copying the whole working config back to the active config. since * the two are "logically" the same, this is redundant in most cases. * however, in some cases, this gives the low-level implementation a * chance to clean up any intermediate state that are no longer needed. */ Cpath rp; #if __GNUC__ < 6 auto_ptr cn(new CfgNode(rp, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &cs, false)); #else unique_ptr cn(new CfgNode(rp, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &cs, false)); #endif PrioNode pn(cn.get()); pn.setSucceeded(true); if (!cs.commitConfig(pn)) { OUTPUT_USER("Failed to generate committed config\n"); return false; } return true; } _execute_hooks(PRE_COMMIT); set_in_commit(true); PrioNode proot(root); // proot corresponds to root _get_commit_prio_subtrees(root, proot); // at this point all prio nodes have been detached from root PrioQueueT pq; DelPrioQueueT dpq; _get_commit_prio_queue(&proot, pq, dpq); size_t s = 0, f = 0; debug_on = !!getenv("VYOS_DEBUG"); TRACE_INIT("Processing the Priority Queue"); clear_last(); int num = pq.size(); // decrease by one because we have one root element --num; while (!dpq.empty()) { PrioNode *p = dpq.top(); set_if_last(num+dpq.size()); if (!_commit_exec_prio_subtree(cs, p)) { // prio subtree failed OUTPUT_USER("delete [ %s ] failed\n", p->getCommitPath().to_string().c_str()); ++f; } else { // succeeded ++s; } dpq.pop(); } while (!pq.empty()) { PrioNode *p = pq.top(); set_if_last(pq.size()); if (!_commit_exec_prio_subtree(cs, p)) { // prio subtree failed OUTPUT_USER("[[%s]] failed\n", p->getCommitPath().to_string().c_str()); ++f; } else { // succeeded ++s; } pq.pop(); } TRACE_DISPLAY("Commit execute priority tree"); bool ret = true; const char *cst = "SUCCESS"; if (f > 0) { OUTPUT_USER("Commit failed\n"); ret = false; cst = ((s > 0) ? "PARTIAL" : "FAILURE"); } if (s > 0) { // notify other users in config mode if(system("/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-notify")); } if (!cs.commitConfig(proot)) { OUTPUT_USER("Failed to generate committed config\n"); ret = false; } set_in_commit(false); if (!cs.clearCommittedMarkers()) { OUTPUT_USER("Failed to clear committed markers\n"); ret = false; } if (ret) { ret = cs.markSessionUnsaved(); } sync(); setenv("COMMIT_STATUS", cst, 1); _execute_hooks(POST_COMMIT); unsetenv("COMMIT_STATUS"); return ret; }