#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <glib-2.0/glib.h> #include "common/common.h" #include "cli_path_utils.h" boolean g_debug = FALSE; boolean g_display_error_node = FALSE; boolean g_coverage = FALSE; boolean g_dump_trans = FALSE; boolean g_dump_actions = FALSE; boolean g_print_error_location_all = FALSE; #define g_num_actions 5 extern void g_type_init(); const int ActionOrder[g_num_actions] = { // 4, //syntax // 5, //commit 6, 0, 1, // 2, //activate 3, 7 }; static const char* ActionNames[top_act] = { "delete", //0 "create", //1 "activate", //2 "update", //3 "syntax", //4 "commit", //5 "begin", //6 "end" //7 }; GNode* get_transactions(GNode*, boolean priority); boolean complete(GSList *node_coll, boolean test_mode); gboolean sort_func(GNode *node, gpointer data, boolean priority_mode); gboolean sort_func_priority(GNode *node, gpointer data); gboolean sort_func_priority_extended(GNode *node, gpointer data); gboolean sort_func_simple(GNode *node, gpointer data); void cleanup(GNode *root_node); gboolean dump_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static gboolean enclosing_process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static gboolean process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); boolean process_priority_node(GNode *priority_node); void execute_hook(const char* dir, const char* comment); static gboolean enclosing_process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static gboolean validate_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static boolean validate_configuration(GNode *root_node, boolean mode, GSList **nodes_visited_coll); static void update_change_file(FILE *fp, GSList *coll); static gboolean execute_hook_compare_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data); static gboolean execute_hook_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); char* process_script_path(char* in); /* NOTES: reverse: use the n-nary tree in commit2.c and only encapuslate data store. pass in func pointer for processing of commands below. also, the algorithm for collapsing the tree into a transaction list is: 1) iterate through tree and mark all explicit transactions 2) when done, prune the tree of all root explicit transactions 3) Now iterate through remaining tree and remove each node and append to transaction list. */ /** * * **/ void usage(void) { printf("commit2\n"); printf("\t-d\t\tdebug mode\n"); printf("\t-s\t\tdump sorted transactions and exit\n"); printf("\t-a\t\tdump ordered node actions and exit\n"); printf("\t-p\t\tdisable priority mode\n"); printf("\t-t\t\ttest mode (don't apply directory modifications)\n"); printf("\t-e\t\tprint node where error occurred\n"); printf("\t-c\t\tdump node coverage and execution times\n"); printf("\t-o\t\tdisable partial commit\n"); printf("\t-f\t\tfull iteration over configuration on commit check\n"); printf("\t-b\t\tbreak on each priority node (debug mode)\n"); printf("\t-r\t\tdisable run hook script on finishing commit\n"); printf("\t-x\t\texperimental expand print error location feature\n"); printf("\t-h\t\thelp\n"); } /** * * **/ int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ch; boolean priority_mode = TRUE; boolean test_mode = FALSE; boolean disable_partial_commit = FALSE; boolean full_commit_check = FALSE; boolean break_priority = FALSE; boolean disable_hook = FALSE; char *commit_comment = NULL; /* this is needed before calling certain glib functions */ g_type_init(); //grab inputs while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "xdpthsecoafbrC:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'x': g_print_error_location_all = TRUE; break; case 'd': g_debug = TRUE; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); break; case 'p': priority_mode = FALSE; break; case 't': test_mode = TRUE; break; case 's': g_dump_trans = TRUE; break; case 'e': g_display_error_node = TRUE; break; case 'c': g_coverage = TRUE; break; case 'o': disable_partial_commit = TRUE; break; case 'a': g_dump_actions = TRUE; break; case 'f': full_commit_check = TRUE; break; case 'b': break_priority = TRUE; break; case 'r': disable_hook = TRUE; break; case 'C': commit_comment = strdup(optarg); break; default: usage(); exit(0); } } //can also be set via environment variable if (getenv("VYATTA_OUTPUT_ERROR_LOCATION") != NULL) { g_print_error_location_all = TRUE; } if (disable_hook == FALSE) { execute_hook(PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_DIR,commit_comment); } initialize_output("Commit"); init_paths(TRUE); if (g_debug) { printf("commit2: starting up\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2: starting up"); } //get local session data plus configuration data GNode *config_data = common_get_local_session_data(); if (g_node_n_children(config_data) == 0) { common_commit_clean_temp_config(NULL, test_mode); fprintf(out_stream, "No configuration changes to commit\n"); return 0; } GNode *orig_node_tree = g_node_copy(config_data); // Get collection of transactions, i.e. trans nodes that have been activated. GNode *trans_coll = get_transactions(config_data, priority_mode); if (trans_coll == NULL) { printf("commit2: transactions collection is empty, exiting\n"); exit(0); } if (g_debug == TRUE || g_dump_trans == TRUE) { if (g_dump_trans == TRUE) { fprintf(out_stream,"Dumping transactions\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Dumping transactions"); } //iterate over config_data and dump... g_node_traverse(trans_coll, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)dump_func, (gpointer)NULL); if (g_dump_trans == TRUE) { exit(0); } } set_in_commit(TRUE); GNode *trans_child_node = (GNode*)g_node_first_child(trans_coll); if (trans_child_node == NULL) { printf("commit2: No child nodes to process, exiting\n"); exit(0); } //open the changes file and clear FILE *fp_changes = fopen(COMMIT_CHANGES_FILE,"w"); if (fp_changes == NULL) { printf("commit2: Cannot access changes file, exiting\n"); syslog(LOG_ERR,"commit2: Cannot access changes file, exiting"); exit(0); } GSList *completed_root_node_coll = NULL; GSList *nodes_visited_coll = NULL; int errors = 0; int i = 0; do { boolean success = FALSE; if (g_debug == TRUE) { if (trans_child_node != NULL && trans_child_node->data != NULL && ((struct VyattaNode*)(trans_child_node->data))->_data._name != NULL) { printf("commit2: Starting new transaction processing pass on root: %s\n", ((struct VyattaNode*)(trans_child_node->data))->_data._name); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2: Starting new transaction processing pass on root: %s", ((struct VyattaNode*)(trans_child_node->data))->_data._name); } else { printf("commit2: Starting new transaction processing pass on root:\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2: Starting new transaction processing pass on root:"); } } if (break_priority) { g_dump_trans = TRUE; g_node_traverse(trans_child_node, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)dump_func, (gpointer)NULL); g_dump_trans = FALSE; fprintf(out_stream,"Press any key to commit...\n"); // Wait for single character char input = getchar(); input = input; //to fix stupid compilier warning } //complete() now requires a undisturbed copy of the trans_child_node tree GNode *comp_cp_node = g_node_copy(trans_child_node); if (g_dump_actions == TRUE) { fprintf(out_stream,"\n"); //add an extra line here } //on each priority node now execute actions nodes_visited_coll = NULL; if ((validate_configuration(trans_child_node, full_commit_check, &nodes_visited_coll) == TRUE) && (success = process_priority_node(trans_child_node)) == TRUE) { //this below copies the node directory from the local to active location //if this is true root skip if (trans_child_node != NULL && trans_child_node->data != NULL && strcmp(((struct VyattaNode*)(trans_child_node->data))->_data._path,"/") == 0) { //no op, need better way to define true root } else { if (disable_partial_commit == FALSE && g_dump_actions == FALSE) { // complete(comp_cp_node, test_mode); completed_root_node_coll = g_slist_append(completed_root_node_coll,comp_cp_node); } } } if (g_dump_actions == TRUE) { success = TRUE; //FORCE SUCCESS ON DISPLAY MODE OF ACTIONS } if (success == FALSE) { errors |= 1; if (g_debug == TRUE) { printf("commit2: Failed in processing node\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2: Failed in processing node\n"); } } else { errors |= 2; } //now update the changes file update_change_file(fp_changes,nodes_visited_coll); fflush(fp_changes); ++i; } while ((trans_child_node = (GNode*)g_node_nth_child((GNode*)trans_coll,(guint)i)) != NULL); if (errors == 2) { // if (disable_partial_commit == TRUE && g_dump_actions == FALSE) { // completed_root_node_coll = g_slist_append(completed_root_node_coll,orig_node_tree); // } /* * Need to add to the following func below to clean up dangling .wh. files */ if (g_dump_actions == FALSE) { // complete(orig_node_tree, test_mode); common_commit_copy_to_live_config(orig_node_tree, TRUE, test_mode); common_commit_clean_temp_config(orig_node_tree, test_mode); } if (g_debug == TRUE) { printf("commit2: successful commit, now cleaning up temp directories\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2: successful commit, now cleaning up temp directories"); } } else { fprintf(out_stream,"Commit failed\n"); complete(completed_root_node_coll, test_mode); } set_in_commit(FALSE); cleanup(config_data); cleanup(trans_child_node); if (g_debug) { printf("DONE\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"DONE"); } if (fp_changes != NULL) { fclose(fp_changes); } restore_output(); if (disable_hook == FALSE) { if (errors == 2) { setenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS,"SUCCESS",1); } else if (errors == 3) { setenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS,"PARTIAL",1); } else { setenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS,"FAILURE",1); } execute_hook(POST_COMMIT_HOOK_DIR,commit_comment); unsetenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS); } //remove tmp changes file as all the work is now done unlink(COMMIT_CHANGES_FILE); exit (errors == 2 ? 0 : 1); } struct ExecuteHookData { char *_dir; char *_comment; }; /** * * **/ void execute_hook(const char* dir, const char* comment) { if (dir == NULL) { return; } GPtrArray *gparray; gparray = g_ptr_array_new(); DIR *dp; if ((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL){ if (g_debug) { //could also be a terminating value now printf("could not open hook directory\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"could not open hook directory"); } return; } struct dirent *dirp = NULL; while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..") != 0) { char *dirname = (char*)malloc(4096); strcpy(dirname,dirp->d_name); g_ptr_array_add (gparray, (gpointer) dirname); } } //sort gparray here g_ptr_array_sort(gparray,(GCompareFunc)execute_hook_compare_func); struct ExecuteHookData ehd; ehd._comment = (char*)comment; ehd._dir = (char*)dir; //now loop over gparray here g_ptr_array_foreach(gparray,(GFunc)execute_hook_func,(gpointer)&ehd); g_ptr_array_free (gparray, TRUE); closedir(dp); } /** * * **/ gboolean execute_hook_compare_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { //just compare first two chars numerically char* c_a = *(char**)a; char* c_b = *(char**)b; int i_a = strtoul(c_a,NULL,10); int i_b = strtoul(c_b,NULL,10); return (i_a >= i_b); } /** * * **/ gboolean execute_hook_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { char *comment = ((struct ExecuteHookData*)data)->_comment; char *dir = ((struct ExecuteHookData*)data)->_dir; char *name = (char*)node; if (name == NULL || dir == NULL) { return FALSE; } char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; if (comment == NULL) { comment="commit"; } sprintf(buf,"%s/%s %s",dir,name, comment); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Starting commit hook: %s",buf); if (system(buf) == -1) { syslog(LOG_WARNING,"Error on call to hook: %s", buf); } syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Finished with commit hook: %s",buf); //release directory name free(name); return FALSE; } /** * * **/ static gboolean process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { if (node == NULL) { return TRUE; } struct Result *result = (struct Result*)data; gpointer gp = ((GNode*)node)->data; struct Config *c = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config; struct Data *d = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data; struct Aux *a = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_aux; NODE_OPERATION op = d->_operation; int status = 0; if (c->_def.actions && c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head){ if (g_debug) { if (d->_name != NULL) { printf("commit2::process_func(), calling process on : %s for action %d, type: %d, operation: %d, path: %s, disable state: %d\n",d->_name,result->_action,c->_def.def_type, op, d->_path,d->_disable_op); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(), calling process on : %s for action %d, type: %d, operation: %d, path: %s, disable state: %d",d->_name,result->_action,c->_def.def_type, op, d->_path,d->_disable_op); } else { printf("commit2::process_func(), calling process on : [n/a] for action %d, operation: %d, path: %s, disable state: %d\n",result->_action, op, d->_path,d->_disable_op); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(), calling process on : [n/a] for action %d, operation: %d, path: %s, disable state: %d",result->_action, op, d->_path, d->_disable_op); } } //FIRST LET'S COMPUTE THE DEACTIVATE->ACTIVATE OVERRIDE if (d->_disable_op != K_NO_DISABLE_OP) { if (IS_DELETE(op) && (d->_disable_op & K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP)) { return FALSE; //if this was actively disabled and is being deleted do nothing. } else if ((d->_disable_op & K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP) && (d->_disable_op & K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP)) { //no state change: deactivated return FALSE; //skip operation on node } else if (!(d->_disable_op & K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP) && (d->_disable_op & K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP)) { //node will be activated on commit //LET'S SPOOF the operation... convert it to CREATE op = K_CREATE_OP; } else if ((d->_disable_op & K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP) && !(d->_disable_op & K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP)) { //node will be deactivated on commit //LET'S SPOOF the operation... convert it to DELETE op = K_DEL_OP; } } /* Needs to be cleaned up a bit such that this convoluted if clause is easier to read. Basically is says: if a node is SET, is not ACTIVE and is not a DELETE ACTION or if a node is SET, is ACTIVE, is not a DELETE ACTION or a CREATE ACTION or if a node is DELETE, is a DELETE ACTION or a END ACTION, or a BEGIN ACTION */ if ((IS_SET(op) && !IS_ACTIVE(op) && (result->_action != delete_act && result->_action != create_act)) || (IS_CREATE(op) && !IS_ACTIVE(op) && (result->_action == begin_act || result->_action == end_act || result->_action == create_act || (result->_action == update_act && !c->_def.actions[create_act].vtw_list_head))) || (IS_ACTIVE(op) && ((result->_action == begin_act) || (result->_action == end_act))) || (IS_DELETE(op) && ((result->_action == delete_act) || (result->_action == begin_act) || (result->_action == end_act)) )) { //NEED TO ADD IF CREATE, THEN CREATE OR UPDATE //IF SET THEN UPDATE //let's skip the case where this is active and it's a delete--shouldn't be done, but needs to be include in the rule set above if (IS_DELETE(op) && IS_ACTIVE(op) && result->_action == delete_act && d->_disable_op == K_NO_DISABLE_OP) { //only apply this when no disable operation is set return FALSE; } //let's skip any multi-node that does not have have a value (an empty multi-node) if (c->_multi && node->children == NULL) { return FALSE; } //look at parent for multi tag if (d->_value && d->_name) { char *val = d->_name; if (c->_def.tag) { //need to handle the embedded multinode as a special case--should be fixed! val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); } if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::process_func(): @ value: %s\n",(char*)val); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): @ value: %s",(char*)val); } set_at_string(val); //embedded multinode value } else { if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::process_func(): boolean value is: %d\n",d->_value); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): boolean value is: %d",d->_value); if (node->parent != NULL && ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name != NULL) { printf("commit2::process_func(): parent has a name and it is: %s\n",((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): parent has a name and it is: %s\n",((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name); } printf("commit2::process_func(): @ value: [NULL]\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): @ value: [NULL]\n"); } } common_set_context(c->_path,d->_path); if (g_debug) { printf("Executing %s on this node\n", ActionNames[result->_action]); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Executing %s on this node\n", ActionNames[result->_action]); } if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream,"[START] %lu:%lu, %s@%s",(unsigned long)t.tv_sec,(unsigned long)t.tv_usec,ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); } if (result->_action == delete_act) { set_in_delete_action(TRUE); } //set location env setenv(ENV_DATA_PATH,d->_path,1); if (a->_first && a->_last) { setenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION,"FIRSTLAST",1); } else if (a->_first) { setenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION,"FIRST",1); } else if (a->_last) { setenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION,"LAST",1); } //do not set for promoted actions if (!IS_ACTIVE(op)) { if (IS_DELETE(op)) { setenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME,ENV_ACTION_DELETE,1); } else { setenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME,ENV_ACTION_SET,1); } } else { setenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME,ENV_ACTION_ACTIVE,1); } char *outbuf = NULL; if (g_dump_actions == FALSE) { outbuf = malloc(8192); outbuf[0] = '\0'; status = execute_list(c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head,&c->_def,(const char**)&outbuf); if (strlen(outbuf) > 0) { if (strstr(outbuf,"_errloc_:[") != NULL) { if (g_print_error_location_all == FALSE) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... fprintf(out_stream,"%s\n",outbuf+strlen("_errloc_:")); } else { fprintf(out_stream,"%s\n",outbuf); } } else { //currently set to format option for GUI client. char *p = process_script_path(d->_path); if (p != NULL) { if (g_print_error_location_all == FALSE) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... fprintf(out_stream,"[%s]\n%s\n",p,outbuf); } else { fprintf(out_stream,"_errloc_:[%s]\n%s\n",p,outbuf); } } } } } else { char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; sprintf(buf,"%s\t:\t%s",ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); if (c->_def.multi) { //need to handle the embedded multinode as a special case--should be fixed! char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); } fprintf(out_stream,"%s\n",buf); status = 1; } if (result->_action == delete_act) { set_in_delete_action(FALSE); } unsetenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME); unsetenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION); unsetenv(ENV_DATA_PATH); if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream,"[END] %lu:%lu\n",t.tv_sec,t.tv_usec); } if (!status) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... syslog(LOG_ERR,"commit error for %s:[%s]\n",ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); if (g_display_error_node) { fprintf(out_stream,"%s@_errloc_:[%s]\n",ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); } result->_err_code = 1; if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::process_func(): FAILURE: status: %d\n",status); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): FAILURE: status: %d",status); } return TRUE; //WILL STOP AT THIS POINT } } } return FALSE; } /** * **/ char* process_script_path(char* in) { if (in == NULL) { return NULL; } //just need to convert slashes into spaces here char path_buf[4096]; char tmp[4096]; char *ptr; path_buf[0] = '\0'; strcpy(tmp,in); ptr = (char*)tmp; char *slash = strchr(tmp,'/'); if (slash == NULL) { strcat(path_buf,in); } else { do { //convert '/' to ' ' strncat(path_buf,ptr,slash - ptr); strcat(path_buf," "); ++slash; ptr = slash; } while ((slash = strchr(slash,'/')) != NULL); } if (strncmp(ptr,"value:",6) == 0) { if (strlen(ptr)-6 > 0) { strncat(path_buf,ptr+6,strlen(ptr)-6); strcat(path_buf," "); } } return clind_unescape(path_buf); } /** * **/ boolean complete(GSList *node_coll, boolean test_mode) { GSList *l; for (l = node_coll; l; l = g_slist_next (l)) { gpointer gp = ((GNode*)l->data)->data; if (g_debug) { if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name != NULL) { printf("commit2::complete():name: %s, path: %s\n",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name,((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._path); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::complete():name: %s, path: %s",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name,((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._path); } else { printf("commit2::complete()\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::complete()"); } } //on transactional nodes only, note to avoid calling this if a headless root common_commit_copy_to_live_config(l->data, FALSE, test_mode); } return TRUE; } /** * * **/ gboolean sort_func_priority(GNode *node, gpointer data) { return sort_func(node,data,TRUE); } /** * * **/ gboolean sort_func_simple(GNode *node, gpointer data) { return sort_func(node,data,FALSE); } /** * * **/ gboolean sort_func_priority_extended(GNode *node, gpointer data) { gpointer gp = ((GNode*)node)->data; GNode *root_node = (GNode*)data; //WILL STOP AT DEPTH OF 10 REFERENCES //GET PARENT WORKING FIRST.... //change action state of node according to enclosing behavior if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority_extended != NULL) { //only if priority is specified. GNode *new_node = g_node_copy(node); //NOW, we need to figure out where this node belongs in the priority chain if (strncmp(((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority_extended,"PARENT",6) == 0) { //needs to walk up parents until priority is found and insert there.... //walk up chain until priority is found. GNode *n = node; while (TRUE) { n = n->parent; if (n == NULL) { break; } gpointer nd = ((GNode*)n)->data; if (((struct VyattaNode*)nd)->_config._priority != LOWEST_PRIORITY) { //means we are done--found anchor in parent g_node_unlink(node); if (IS_DELETE(((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._operation)) { g_node_insert_before(root_node,n,new_node); } else { g_node_insert_after(root_node,n,new_node); } break; } /* else if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority_extended != NULL) { //need to find references in other node tree.... //PARSE OUT EXTENDED REFERENCES... for (int i = 0; i < ct; ++i) { //get dependency...what to do with dependencies on dependencies... might get big. recursion buddy.... if (find_reference_anchor(orig_config, ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority_extended, cur_pri) != 0) { cur_pri = LOWEST_PRIORITY; } } break; } */ } } else { /* //multiple dependencies should be placed outside the earliest (delete) or latest (create) reference if (find_reference_anchor(orig_config, ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority_extended, cur_pri) != 0) { cur_pri = LOWEST_PRIORITY; } */ } /* //finds location for insertion while (sibling != NULL && cur_pri > ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data))->_config._priority * 10) { sibling = sibling->next; if (sibling == NULL || ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority < ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data))->_config._priority) { break; } } //I think that's it then... g_node_insert_before(root_node,sibling,new_node); } */ } return FALSE; } /** * * **/ gboolean sort_func(GNode *node, gpointer data, boolean priority_mode) { gpointer gp = ((GNode*)node)->data; GNode *root_node = (GNode*)data; if (g_debug) { if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name != NULL) { printf("commit2::sort_func(): %s, node count: %d\n",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name,g_node_n_children(root_node)); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::sort_func(): %s, node count: %d",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name,g_node_n_children(root_node)); } else { printf("commit2::sort_func(): [n/a], node count: %d\n",g_node_n_children(root_node)); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::sort_func(): [n/a], node count: %d",g_node_n_children(root_node)); } } //FIRST LET'S COMPUTE THE DEACTIVATE->ACTIVATE OVERRIDE struct Data *d = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data; NODE_OPERATION op = d->_operation; if (d->_disable_op != K_NO_DISABLE_OP) { if (!(d->_disable_op & K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP) && (d->_disable_op & K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP)) { //node will be activated on commit //LET'S SPOOF the operation... convert it to CREATE op = K_CREATE_OP; } else if ((d->_disable_op & K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP) && !(d->_disable_op & K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP)) { //node will be deactivated on commit //LET'S SPOOF the operation... convert it to DELETE op = K_DEL_OP; } } //change action state of node according to enclosing behavior if ((G_NODE_IS_ROOT(node) == FALSE) && (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._disable_op != K_NO_DISABLE_OP) || //added to support enclosing behavior of activated/deactivated n ((IS_SET_OR_CREATE(op)) || (IS_DELETE(op))) && (IS_NOOP(((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._operation))) { //first check if there is enclosing behavior boolean enclosing = FALSE; GNode *n = node; while (TRUE) { n = n->parent; vtw_def def = ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_config._def; if (def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head) { enclosing = TRUE; break; } if (G_NODE_IS_ROOT(n) == TRUE) { break; } } //walk back up and flip operations until enclosing behavior if (enclosing == TRUE) { GNode *n = node; while (TRUE) { n = n->parent; vtw_def def = ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_config._def; // ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_data._operation = ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._operation; //DON'T set active when only in disable state... // if (((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_data._disable_op == K_NO_DISABLE_OP) { if (((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_data._operation == K_NO_OP) { ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_data._operation |= K_ACTIVE_OP; } if (def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head) { break; } if (G_NODE_IS_ROOT(n) == TRUE) { break; } } } } if (priority_mode) { if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority < LOWEST_PRIORITY) { //only if priority is specified. //unlink from original tree g_node_unlink(node); GNode *new_node = g_node_copy(node); GNode *sibling = root_node->children; //now iterate through siblings of root_node and compare priority while (sibling != NULL && ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority > ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data))->_config._priority) { sibling = sibling->next; if (sibling == NULL || ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority < ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data))->_config._priority) { break; } } if (g_debug) { int pri = LOWEST_PRIORITY; if (sibling != NULL) { pri = ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data))->_config._priority; } printf("commit2::sort_func(): inserting %s into transaction, priority: %d BEFORE %d\n", ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name, ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority, pri); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::sort_func(): inserting %s into transaction, priority: %d BEFORE %d\n", ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name, ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority, pri); } g_node_insert_before(root_node,sibling,new_node); } } else { if (g_node_depth(node) == 2) { if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::sort_func(): inserting %s into transaction\n", ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::sort_func(): inserting %s into transaction\n", ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name); } GNode *new_node = g_node_copy(node); g_node_insert(root_node,-1,new_node); //make a flat structure for now } } return FALSE; } /** * Gets a flat collection of nodes, sorted by priority * * **/ GNode* get_transactions(GNode *config, boolean priority_mode) { if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::get_transactions()\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::get_transactions()\n"); } if (config == NULL) { return NULL; } gpointer gp = ((GNode*)config)->data; GNode *trans_root = g_node_new(gp); if (priority_mode) { g_node_traverse(config, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)sort_func_priority, (gpointer)trans_root); //only do this if the root isn't empty if (g_node_n_children(config) != 0) { g_node_insert(trans_root,-1,config); //add what's left } //now need pass to handle extended priority system g_node_traverse(trans_root, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)sort_func_priority_extended, (gpointer)trans_root); } else { g_node_traverse(config, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)sort_func_simple, (gpointer)trans_root); } return trans_root; } /** * * **/ static gboolean cleanup_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { struct VyattaNode *vn = ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->data)); if (vn->_data._name) { free(vn->_data._name); } if (vn->_data._path) { free(vn->_data._path); } if (vn->_config._help) { free(vn->_config._help); } if (vn->_config._default) { free(vn->_config._default); } if (vn->_config._path) { free(vn->_config._path); } return FALSE; } /** * * **/ void cleanup(GNode *root_node) { if (root_node == NULL) { return; } g_node_traverse(root_node, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)cleanup_func, (gpointer)NULL); g_node_destroy(root_node); } /** * **/ gboolean dump_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { FILE *out; if (g_dump_trans) { out = out_stream; } else { out = stdout; } if (node != NULL) { guint depth = g_node_depth(node); if (depth == 2) { fprintf(out,"NEW TRANS\n"); } gpointer gp = ((GNode*)node)->data; if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name != NULL) { int i; char disable_op[2]; if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._disable_op == (K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP | K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP)) { disable_op[0] = '!'; } else if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._disable_op == K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP) { disable_op[0] = 'A'; } else if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._disable_op == K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP) { disable_op[0] = 'D'; } else { disable_op[0] = ' '; } disable_op[1] = '\0'; if (IS_ACTIVE(((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._operation)) { fprintf(out,"%s*",disable_op); } else if (IS_DELETE(((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._operation)) { fprintf(out,"%s-",disable_op); } else if (IS_CREATE(((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._operation)) { fprintf(out,"%s+",disable_op); } else if (IS_SET(((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._operation)) { fprintf(out,"%s>",disable_op); } else { fprintf(out,"%s ",disable_op); } for (i = 0; i < depth; ++i) { fprintf(out," "); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.def_type2 != ERROR_TYPE) { fprintf(out,"%s (t: %d-%d, ", ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name,((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.def_type,((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.def_type2); } else { fprintf(out,"%s (t: %d, ", ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._name,((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.def_type); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority_extended != NULL) { fprintf(out, "p: %s)",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority_extended); } else { fprintf(out, "p: %d)",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data._value == TRUE) { fprintf(out," [VALUE]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._multi == TRUE) { fprintf(out," [MULTI(%d)]",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._limit); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head && ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux == 0) { fprintf(out," [SYNTAX]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[create_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [CREATE]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[activate_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [ACTIVATE]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[update_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [UPDATE]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[delete_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [DELETE]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head && ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux == 1) { fprintf(out," [COMMIT]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [BEGIN]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [END]"); } if (((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._help != NULL) { // fprintf(out,"[help: %s]",((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._help); } fprintf(out,"\n"); } } return FALSE; } /** * **/ boolean process_priority_node(GNode *priority_node) { //on each node that is deleted run the delete action within the context of the transaction struct Result result; result._err_code = 0; if (priority_node == NULL) { return FALSE; } //if this node is an enclosing node, we'll skip this iteration gpointer gp = ((GNode*)priority_node)->data; struct Config *c = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config; //does this node contain a begin or end statement? boolean priority_node_is_enclosing_node = FALSE; if (c->_def.actions && (c->_def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || c->_def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head)){ priority_node_is_enclosing_node = TRUE; } if (priority_node_is_enclosing_node == FALSE) { //traverse priority node from children up g_node_traverse((GNode*)priority_node, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)enclosing_process_func, (gpointer)&result); if (result._err_code != 0) { return FALSE; } } //now perform processing on what's left outside of the enclosing begin/end statements int i; for (i = 0; i < g_num_actions; ++i) { int order; if (delete_act != ActionOrder[i]) { order = G_PRE_ORDER; } else { order = G_POST_ORDER; } result._action = ActionOrder[i]; g_node_traverse((GNode*)priority_node, order, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)process_func, (gpointer)&result); if (result._err_code != 0) { if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::process_priority_node(): failure on processing pass: %d\n", i); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_priority_node(): failure on processing pass: %d\n", i); } return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Look for begin/end statements to begin processing * of actions. **/ static gboolean enclosing_process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { if (node == NULL) { return TRUE; } struct Result *result = (struct Result*)data; gpointer gp = ((GNode*)node)->data; struct Config *c = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config; struct Data *d = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data; //does this node contain a begin or end statement? if (c->_def.actions && (c->_def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || c->_def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head)){ //gotten to this point need to do a call around this enclosing being/end node g_node_unlink(node); //removed this... if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::enclosing_process_func(): enclosing statement found on: %s\n",d->_path); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::enclosing_process_func(): enclosing statement found on: %s\n",d->_path); } //perform recursive calling on new process node... int i; for (i = 0; i < g_num_actions; ++i) { int order; if (delete_act != ActionOrder[i]) { order = G_PRE_ORDER; } else { order = G_POST_ORDER; } result->_action = ActionOrder[i]; g_node_traverse((GNode*)node, order, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)process_func, (gpointer)result); if (result->_err_code != 0) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::enclosing_process_func(): FAILURE: status: %d\n",result->_err_code); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::enclosing_process_func(): FAILURE: status: %d\n",result->_err_code); } return TRUE; //WILL STOP AT THIS POINT } } } return FALSE; } /** * **/ static boolean validate_configuration(GNode *root_node, boolean mode, GSList **nodes_visited_coll) { if (root_node == NULL) { return FALSE; } struct Result result; result._err_code = 0; result._mode = (int)mode; result._data = (void*)*nodes_visited_coll; //handles both syntax and commit result._action = syntax_act; g_node_traverse((GNode*)root_node, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)validate_func, (gpointer)&result); if (result._err_code != 0) { if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::process_priority_node(): failure on processing pass: %d\n", syntax_act); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_priority_node(): failure on processing pass: %d\n", syntax_act); } return FALSE; } GList **c_tmp = (GList**)result._data; *nodes_visited_coll = (GSList*)c_tmp; return TRUE; } /** * Execute syntax and commit checks * **/ static gboolean validate_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { if (node == NULL) { return TRUE; } gpointer gp = ((GNode*)node)->data; struct Config *c = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config; struct Data *d = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data; struct Aux *a = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_aux; struct Result *result = (struct Result*)data; //let's mark first last nodes here for use later //do first/last/only sibling check, restrict to nodes with operations defined GNode *n_last_op = NULL; GNode *n_first_op = NULL; GNode *sib = g_node_first_sibling(node); while (sib != NULL) { if (IS_DELETE(((struct VyattaNode*)(sib->data))->_data._operation)) { if (n_first_op == NULL) { n_first_op = sib; } n_last_op = sib; } sib = sib->next; } sib = g_node_first_sibling(node); while (sib != NULL) { if (IS_SET_OR_CREATE(((struct VyattaNode*)(sib->data))->_data._operation)) { if (n_first_op == NULL) { n_first_op = sib; } n_last_op = sib; } sib = sib->next; } a->_first = (node == n_first_op); a->_last = (node == n_last_op); //since this visits all working nodes, let's maintain a set of nodes to commit GSList *coll = (GSList*)result->_data; if (d->_path != NULL) { char *buf = malloc(MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)); if (IS_DELETE(d->_operation)) { sprintf(buf,"- %s",d->_path); if (c->_def.multi) { //need to handle the embedded multinode as a special case--should be fixed! char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); } coll = g_slist_append(coll,buf); result->_data = (void*)coll; } else if (IS_SET_OR_CREATE(d->_operation)) { sprintf(buf,"+ %s",d->_path); if (c->_def.multi) { //need to handle the embedded multinode as a special case--should be fixed! char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); } coll = g_slist_append(coll,buf); result->_data = (void*)coll; } } //don't run syntax check on this node if it is unchanged. if (IS_NOOP(d->_operation) && (c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head != NULL && c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux == 0)) { return FALSE; } //don't perform validation checks on disabled nodes if ((d->_disable_op == K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP) || (d->_disable_op == (K_LOCAL_DISABLE_OP | K_ACTIVE_DISABLE_OP))) { return FALSE; //SHOULD only hit the case where the node is locally disabled or globally disabled and not in a transition to active state } if (IS_DELETE(d->_operation) && !IS_ACTIVE(d->_operation)) { return FALSE; //will not perform validation checks on deleted nodes } if (!c->_def.actions || !c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head){ return FALSE; } //will not call term multi if it is a noop--shouldn't show up in tree in the first place, but //will require more rework of unionfs code to fix this. if (c->_def.multi && IS_NOOP(d->_operation)) { return FALSE; } //look at parent for multi tag if (d->_value && d->_name) { char *val = d->_name; if (c->_def.tag) { //need to handle the embedded multinode as a special case--should be fixed! val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); } if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::process_func(): @ value: %s\n",(char*)val); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): @ value: %s",(char*)val); } set_at_string(val); //embedded multinode value } else { if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::process_func(): boolean value is: %d\n",d->_value); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): boolean value is: %d",d->_value); if (node->parent != NULL && ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name != NULL) { printf("commit2::process_func(): parent has a name and it is: %s\n",((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): parent has a name and it is: %s\n",((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name); } printf("commit2::process_func(): @ value: [NULL]\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::process_func(): @ value: [NULL]\n"); } } common_set_context(c->_path,d->_path); if (g_debug) { printf("Executing %s on this node\n", ActionNames[result->_action]); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Executing %s on this node\n", ActionNames[result->_action]); } if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream,"[START] %lu:%lu, %s@%s",(unsigned long)t.tv_sec,(unsigned long)t.tv_usec,ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); } char *outbuf = malloc(8192); outbuf[0] = '\0'; boolean status = 1; if (g_dump_actions == FALSE) { //set location env setenv(ENV_DATA_PATH,d->_path,1); status = execute_list(c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head,&c->_def,(const char**)&outbuf); unsetenv(ENV_DATA_PATH); } else { char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; if (c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head) { if (c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux == 0) { sprintf(buf,"syntax\t:\t%s",d->_path); } else { sprintf(buf,"commit\t:\t%s",d->_path); } } if (c->_def.multi) { //need to handle the embedded multinode as a special case--should be fixed! char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); } fprintf(out_stream,"%s\n",buf); status = 1; } if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream,"[END] %lu:%lu\n",t.tv_sec,t.tv_usec); } if (!status) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... char *p = process_script_path(d->_path); if (p != NULL) { if (strlen(outbuf) > 0) { if (g_print_error_location_all == TRUE) { fprintf(out_stream,"_errloc_:[%s]\n %s\n",p,outbuf); } else { fprintf(out_stream,"[%s] \n %s\n",p,outbuf); } } } syslog(LOG_ERR,"commit error for %s:[%s]\n",ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); if (g_display_error_node) { fprintf(out_stream,"%s@_errloc_:[%s]\n",ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); } result->_err_code = 1; if (g_debug) { printf("commit2::validate_func(): FAILURE: status: %d\n",status); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"commit2::validate_func(): FAILURE: status: %d",status); } free(outbuf); return result->_mode ? FALSE: TRUE; //WILL STOP AT THIS POINT if mode is not set for full syntax check } free(outbuf); return FALSE; } /** * * **/ static void update_change_file(FILE *fp, GSList *coll) { if (coll == NULL || fp == NULL) { return; } GSList *l; for (l = coll; l; l = g_slist_next (l)) { if (l->data) { char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; sprintf(buf,"%s\n",(char*)l->data); fwrite(buf,1,strlen((char*)buf),fp); free(l->data); } } g_slist_free(coll); }