#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <glib-object.h> /* g_type_init */ #include "common/common.h" #include "cli_path_utils.h" #define cond_plog(cond, prio, fmt, ...) do { \ if (cond) { \ printf(fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ syslog(prio, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) ;\ } \ } while (0); #define dplog(fmt, ...) cond_plog(true, LOG_DEBUG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); #define d_dplog(fmt, ...) cond_plog(g_debug, LOG_DEBUG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); boolean g_debug = FALSE; boolean g_display_error_node = FALSE; boolean g_coverage = FALSE; boolean g_dump_trans = FALSE; boolean g_dump_actions = FALSE; boolean g_print_error_location_all = FALSE; boolean g_old_print_output = FALSE; #define g_num_actions 5 // this uses the vtw_act_type enum const int ActionOrder[g_num_actions] = { begin_act, delete_act, create_act, update_act, end_act }; // this corresponds to the vtw_act_type enum static const char* ActionNames[top_act] = { "delete", //0 "create", //1 "activate", //2 "update", //3 "syntax", //4 "commit", //5 "begin", //6 "end" //7 }; GNode* get_transactions(GNode*, boolean priority); boolean complete(GSList *node_coll, boolean test_mode); gboolean sort_func(GNode *node, gpointer data, boolean priority_mode); gboolean sort_func_priority(GNode *node, gpointer data); gboolean sort_func_priority_extended(GNode *node, gpointer data); gboolean sort_func_simple(GNode *node, gpointer data); void cleanup(GNode *root_node); gboolean dump_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static gboolean enclosing_process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static gboolean process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); boolean process_priority_node(GNode *priority_node); void execute_hook(const char* dir, const char* comment); static gboolean enclosing_process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static gboolean validate_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); static boolean validate_configuration(GNode *root_node, boolean mode, GSList **nodes_visited_coll); static void update_change_file(FILE *fp, GSList *coll); static gboolean execute_hook_compare_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data); static gboolean execute_hook_func(GNode *node, gpointer data); char* process_script_path(char* in); /* * NOTES: reverse: use the n-nary tree in commit2.c and only encapuslate * data store. pass in func pointer for processing of commands below. * * also, the algorithm for collapsing the tree into a transaction list is: * 1) iterate through tree and mark all explicit transactions * 2) when done, prune the tree of all root explicit transactions * 3) Now iterate through remaining tree and remove each node and append * to transaction list. */ /** * **/ void usage(void) { printf("commit2\n"); printf("\t-d\t\tdebug mode\n"); printf("\t-s\t\tdump sorted transactions and exit\n"); printf("\t-a\t\tdump ordered node actions and exit\n"); printf("\t-p\t\tdisable priority mode\n"); printf("\t-t\t\ttest mode (don't apply directory modifications)\n"); printf("\t-e\t\tprint node where error occurred\n"); printf("\t-c\t\tdump node coverage and execution times\n"); printf("\t-o\t\tdisable partial commit\n"); printf("\t-f\t\tfull iteration over configuration on commit check\n"); printf("\t-b [priority]\tbreak at priority node (debug mode)\n"); printf("\t-r\t\tdisable run hook script on finishing commit\n"); printf("\t-x\t\tdisable new print feature\n"); printf("\t-l\t\tforce commit through removal of commit lock\n"); printf("\t-h\t\thelp\n"); } /** * **/ int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ch; boolean priority_mode = TRUE; boolean test_mode = FALSE; boolean disable_partial_commit = FALSE; boolean full_commit_check = FALSE; boolean break_priority = FALSE; int break_priority_node = -1; boolean disable_hook = FALSE; char *commit_comment = NULL; /* this is needed before calling certain glib functions */ g_type_init(); //grab inputs while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "xdpthsecoafb:rlC:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'x': g_old_print_output = TRUE; break; case 'd': g_debug = TRUE; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); break; case 'p': priority_mode = FALSE; break; case 't': test_mode = TRUE; break; case 's': g_dump_trans = TRUE; break; case 'e': g_display_error_node = TRUE; break; case 'c': g_coverage = TRUE; break; case 'o': disable_partial_commit = TRUE; break; case 'a': g_dump_actions = TRUE; break; case 'f': full_commit_check = TRUE; break; case 'b': break_priority_node = strtoul(optarg,NULL,10); break_priority = TRUE; break; case 'r': disable_hook = TRUE; break; case 'C': commit_comment = strdup(optarg); break; case 'l': release_config_lock(); break; default: usage(); exit(0); } } //can also be set via environment variable if (getenv("VYATTA_OUTPUT_ERROR_LOCATION") != NULL) { g_print_error_location_all = TRUE; } if (disable_hook == FALSE) { execute_hook(PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_DIR,commit_comment); } initialize_output("Commit"); init_paths(TRUE); d_dplog("commit2: starting up"); if (get_config_lock() != 0) { fprintf(out_stream, "Configuration system temporarily locked " "due to another commit in progress\n"); exit(1); } //get local session data plus configuration data GNode *config_data = common_get_local_session_data(); if (g_node_n_children(config_data) == 0) { common_commit_clean_temp_config(NULL, test_mode); fprintf(out_stream, "No configuration changes to commit\n"); return 0; } GNode *orig_node_tree = g_node_copy(config_data); // Get collection of transactions, i.e. trans nodes that have been activated. GNode *trans_coll = get_transactions(config_data, priority_mode); if (trans_coll == NULL) { printf("commit2: transactions collection is empty, exiting\n"); exit(0); } if (g_debug == TRUE || g_dump_trans == TRUE) { if (g_dump_trans == TRUE) { fprintf(out_stream,"Dumping transactions\n"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Dumping transactions"); } //iterate over config_data and dump... g_node_traverse(trans_coll, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)dump_func, (gpointer)NULL); if (g_dump_trans == TRUE) { exit(0); } } set_in_commit(TRUE); GNode *trans_child_node = (GNode*)g_node_first_child(trans_coll); if (trans_child_node == NULL) { printf("commit2: No child nodes to process, exiting\n"); exit(0); } //open the changes file and clear FILE *fp_changes = fopen(COMMIT_CHANGES_FILE,"w"); if (fp_changes == NULL) { cond_plog(true, LOG_ERR, "commit2: Cannot access changes file, exiting"); exit(0); } GSList *completed_root_node_coll = NULL; GSList *nodes_visited_coll = NULL; int errors = 0; int i = 0; do { boolean success = FALSE; d_dplog("commit2: Starting new transaction processing pass on root: [%s]", ((trans_child_node && trans_child_node->data && ((struct VyattaNode*)(trans_child_node->data))->_data._name) ? ((struct VyattaNode*)(trans_child_node->data))->_data._name : "")); if (break_priority) { gpointer gp = ((GNode*)trans_child_node)->data; long p = (long) ((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config._priority; if (p >= break_priority_node) { g_dump_trans = TRUE; g_node_traverse(trans_child_node, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)dump_func, (gpointer)NULL); g_dump_trans = FALSE; fprintf(out_stream,"Press any key to commit...\n"); // Wait for single character char input = getchar(); input = input; //to fix stupid compilier warning } } //complete() now requires a undisturbed copy of the trans_child_node tree GNode *comp_cp_node = g_node_copy(trans_child_node); if (g_dump_actions == TRUE) { fprintf(out_stream,"\n"); //add an extra line here } //on each priority node now execute actions nodes_visited_coll = NULL; if (validate_configuration(trans_child_node, full_commit_check, &nodes_visited_coll) == TRUE && (success = process_priority_node(trans_child_node)) == TRUE) { //this below copies the node directory from the local to active location //if this is true root skip if (trans_child_node != NULL && trans_child_node->data != NULL && strcmp(((struct VyattaNode*)(trans_child_node->data)) ->_data._path, "/") == 0) { //no op, need better way to define true root } else { if (disable_partial_commit == FALSE && g_dump_actions == FALSE) { completed_root_node_coll = g_slist_append(completed_root_node_coll, comp_cp_node); } } } if (g_dump_actions == TRUE) { success = TRUE; //FORCE SUCCESS ON DISPLAY MODE OF ACTIONS } if (success == FALSE) { errors |= 1; d_dplog("commit2: Failed in processing node"); } else { errors |= 2; } //now update the changes file update_change_file(fp_changes,nodes_visited_coll); fflush(fp_changes); ++i; } while ((trans_child_node = (GNode*) g_node_nth_child((GNode*) trans_coll, (guint) i)) != NULL); if (errors == 2) { /* * Need to add to the following func below to clean up dangling .wh. files */ if (g_dump_actions == FALSE) { common_commit_copy_to_live_config(orig_node_tree, TRUE, test_mode); common_commit_clean_temp_config(orig_node_tree, test_mode); } d_dplog("commit2: successful commit, now cleaning up temp directories"); } else { fprintf(out_stream,"Commit failed\n"); complete(completed_root_node_coll, test_mode); } set_in_commit(FALSE); d_dplog("DONE"); if (fp_changes != NULL) { fclose(fp_changes); } restore_output(); if (disable_hook == FALSE) { if (errors == 2) { setenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS,"SUCCESS",1); } else if (errors == 3) { setenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS,"PARTIAL",1); } else { setenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS,"FAILURE",1); } execute_hook(POST_COMMIT_HOOK_DIR,commit_comment); unsetenv(ENV_COMMIT_STATUS); } //remove tmp changes file as all the work is now done unlink(COMMIT_CHANGES_FILE); exit (errors == 2 ? 0 : 1); } struct ExecuteHookData { char *_dir; char *_comment; }; /** * **/ void execute_hook(const char* dir, const char* comment) { if (dir == NULL) { return; } GPtrArray *gparray; gparray = g_ptr_array_new(); DIR *dp; if ((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL){ d_dplog("could not open hook directory"); return; } struct dirent *dirp = NULL; while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..") != 0) { char *dirname = (char*)malloc(strlen(dirp->d_name)+1); strcpy(dirname,dirp->d_name); g_ptr_array_add (gparray, (gpointer) dirname); } } //sort gparray here g_ptr_array_sort(gparray,(GCompareFunc)execute_hook_compare_func); struct ExecuteHookData ehd; ehd._comment = (char*)comment; ehd._dir = (char*)dir; //now loop over gparray here g_ptr_array_foreach(gparray,(GFunc)execute_hook_func,(gpointer)&ehd); g_ptr_array_free (gparray, TRUE); closedir(dp); } /** * **/ gboolean execute_hook_compare_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { //just compare first two chars numerically char* c_a = *(char**)a; char* c_b = *(char**)b; int i_a = strtoul(c_a,NULL,10); int i_b = strtoul(c_b,NULL,10); return (i_a >= i_b); } /** * **/ gboolean execute_hook_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { const char *comment = ((struct ExecuteHookData*)data)->_comment; char *dir = ((struct ExecuteHookData*)data)->_dir; char *name = (char*)node; if (name == NULL || dir == NULL) { return FALSE; } char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; if (comment == NULL) { comment="commit"; } sprintf(buf,"%s/%s %s",dir,name, comment); syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Starting commit hook: %s",buf); if (system(buf) == -1) { syslog(LOG_WARNING,"Error on call to hook: %s", buf); } syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"Finished with commit hook: %s",buf); //release directory name free(name); return FALSE; } /** * **/ static gboolean process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { if (node == NULL) { return TRUE; } struct Result *result = (struct Result*)data; gpointer gp = ((GNode*)node)->data; struct Config *c = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_config; struct Data *d = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_data; struct Aux *a = &((struct VyattaNode*)gp)->_aux; NODE_OPERATION op = d->_operation; int status = 0; if (c->_def.actions && c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head){ d_dplog("commit2::process_func(), calling process on : %s for action " "%d, type: %d, operation: %d, path: %s", (d->_name ? d->_name : "[n/a]"), result->_action, (d->_name ? c->_def.def_type : -1), op, d->_path); /* Needs to be cleaned up a bit such that this convoluted if clause * is easier to read. * (XXX original comment no longer correct and therefore is removed.) */ if ((IS_SET(op) && !IS_ACTIVE(op) && (result->_action != delete_act && result->_action != create_act)) || (IS_CREATE(op) && !IS_ACTIVE(op) && (result->_action == begin_act || result->_action == end_act || result->_action == create_act || (result->_action == update_act && !c->_def.actions[create_act].vtw_list_head))) || (IS_ACTIVE(op) && ((result->_action == begin_act) || (result->_action == end_act))) || (IS_DELETE(op) && ((result->_action == delete_act) || (result->_action == begin_act) || (result->_action == end_act)))) { //NEED TO ADD IF CREATE, THEN CREATE OR UPDATE //IF SET THEN UPDATE /* let's skip the case where this is active and it's a * delete--shouldn't be done, but needs to be include in the rule * set above */ if (IS_DELETE(op) && IS_ACTIVE(op) && result->_action == delete_act) { return FALSE; } /* let's skip any multi-node that does not have have a value * (an empty multi-node) */ if (c->_multi && node->children == NULL) { return FALSE; } //look at parent for multi tag if (d->_value && d->_name) { char *val = d->_name; if (c->_def.tag) { /* need to handle the embedded multinode as a special * case--should be fixed! */ val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); } d_dplog("commit2::process_func(): @ value: %s", (char *) val); set_at_string(val); //embedded multinode value } else { if (g_debug) { dplog("commit2::process_func(): boolean value is: %d", d->_value); if (node->parent != NULL && ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name != NULL) { dplog("commit2::process_func(): parent has a name: %s", ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name); } dplog("commit2::process_func(): @ value: [NULL]"); } } common_set_context(c->_path,d->_path); d_dplog("Executing %s on this node", ActionNames[result->_action]); if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream, "[START] %lu:%lu, %s@%s", (unsigned long) t.tv_sec, (unsigned long) t.tv_usec, ActionNames[result->_action], d->_path); } if (result->_action == delete_act) { set_in_delete_action(TRUE); } //set location env setenv(ENV_DATA_PATH,d->_path,1); if (a->_first && a->_last) { setenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION,"FIRSTLAST",1); } else if (a->_first) { setenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION,"FIRST",1); } else if (a->_last) { setenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION,"LAST",1); } //do not set for promoted actions if (!IS_ACTIVE(op)) { if (IS_DELETE(op)) { setenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME,ENV_ACTION_DELETE,1); } else { setenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME,ENV_ACTION_SET,1); } } else { setenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME,ENV_ACTION_ACTIVE,1); } if (g_dump_actions == FALSE) { //need to add g_print_error_location_all, and processed location if (g_old_print_output == TRUE) { status = execute_list(c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head, &c->_def, NULL); } else { char *p = process_script_path(d->_path); status = execute_list(c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head, &c->_def, p); free(p); } } else { char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; sprintf(buf,"%s\t:\t%s",ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); if (c->_def.multi) { /* need to handle the embedded multinode as a special * case--should be fixed! */ char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); free(val); } fprintf(out_stream,"%s\n",buf); status = 1; } if (result->_action == delete_act) { set_in_delete_action(FALSE); } unsetenv(ENV_ACTION_NAME); unsetenv(ENV_SIBLING_POSITION); unsetenv(ENV_DATA_PATH); if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream,"[END] %lu:%lu\n",t.tv_sec,t.tv_usec); } if (!status) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... syslog(LOG_ERR, "commit error for %s:[%s]", ActionNames[result->_action],d->_path); if (g_display_error_node) { fprintf(out_stream, "%s@_errloc_:[%s]\n", ActionNames[result->_action], d->_path); } result->_err_code = 1; d_dplog("commit2::process_func(): FAILURE: status: %d", status); return TRUE; //WILL STOP AT THIS POINT } } } return FALSE; } /** * **/ char* process_script_path(char* in) { if (in == NULL) { return NULL; } //just need to convert slashes into spaces here char path_buf[4096]; char tmp[4096]; char *ptr; path_buf[0] = '\0'; strcpy(tmp,in); ptr = (char*)tmp; char *slash = strchr(tmp,'/'); if (slash == NULL) { strcat(path_buf,in); } else { do { //convert '/' to ' ' strncat(path_buf,ptr,slash - ptr); strcat(path_buf," "); ++slash; ptr = slash; } while ((slash = strchr(slash,'/')) != NULL); } char *p = clind_unescape(path_buf); char tmp2[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; strcpy(tmp2,p); //copy back free(p); if (strncmp(ptr,"value:",6) == 0) { if (strlen(ptr)-6 > 0) { strncat(tmp2,ptr+6,strlen(ptr)-6); strcat(tmp2," "); } } char *ret = (char *) malloc(strlen(tmp2)+1); strcpy(ret,tmp2); return ret; } /** * **/ boolean complete(GSList *node_coll, boolean test_mode) { GSList *l; for (l = node_coll; l; l = g_slist_next (l)) { struct VyattaNode *gp = (struct VyattaNode *) ((GNode *) l->data)->data; const char *np = gp->_data._name; d_dplog("commit2::complete():name: [%s], path: [%s]", (np ? np : ""), (np ? gp->_data._path : "")); /* on transactional nodes only, note to avoid calling this if a * headless root */ common_commit_copy_to_live_config((GNode *) l->data, FALSE, test_mode); } return TRUE; } /** * **/ gboolean sort_func_priority(GNode *node, gpointer data) { return sort_func(node,data,TRUE); } /** * **/ gboolean sort_func_simple(GNode *node, gpointer data) { return sort_func(node,data,FALSE); } /** * **/ gboolean sort_func_priority_extended(GNode *node, gpointer data) { struct VyattaNode *gp = (struct VyattaNode *) node->data; struct Config *gcfg = &(gp->_config); GNode *root_node = (GNode*)data; //WILL STOP AT DEPTH OF 10 REFERENCES //GET PARENT WORKING FIRST.... //change action state of node according to enclosing behavior if (gcfg->_priority_extended) { //only if priority is specified. GNode *new_node = g_node_copy(node); //NOW, we need to figure out where this node belongs in the priority chain if (strncmp(gcfg->_priority_extended, "PARENT", 6) == 0) { //needs to walk up parents until priority is found and insert there.... GNode *n = node; while (TRUE) { n = n->parent; if (n == NULL) { break; } gpointer nd = ((GNode*)n)->data; if (((struct VyattaNode*)nd)->_config._priority != LOWEST_PRIORITY) { //means we are done--found anchor in parent g_node_unlink(node); if (IS_DELETE(gp->_data._operation)) { g_node_insert_before(root_node,n,new_node); } else { g_node_insert_after(root_node,n,new_node); } break; } } } } return FALSE; } /** * **/ gboolean sort_func(GNode *node, gpointer data, boolean priority_mode) { struct VyattaNode *gp = (struct VyattaNode *) node->data; struct Data *d = &(gp->_data); GNode *root_node = (GNode*)data; d_dplog("commit2::sort_func(): %s, node count: %d", (d->_name ? d->_name : "[n/a]"), g_node_n_children(root_node)); //change action state of node according to enclosing behavior /* XXX this is ugly. originally the condition for the if is the following: * (c1 && c2 || (c3 || c4) && c5) * * this causes compiler warning for mixing && and || without (). the * previous warning removal attempt changed the condition to the * following: * ((c1 && c2) || (c3 || (c4 && c5))) * * which was incorrect (c3 and c4 should be at the same "level") and * therefore was reverted. * * now changing the condition to the following to avoid compiler * warning: * ((c1 && c2) || ((c3 || c4) && c5)) * * note that since the current goal is simply cleanup, no attempt is * made to understand the logic here, and the change is purely based * on operator precendence to maintain the original logic. * * XXX now removing deactivate-handling code, which involves c2. * * note that c2 is (d->_disable_op != K_NO_DISABLE_OP), which means * the node is "deactivated" (in working or active config or both). * this in turn means that the (c1 && c2) part of the logic can only * be true if the node is deactivated. * * however, since activate/deactivate has not actually been exposed, * this means that in actual usage the (c1 && c2) part is never true. * therefore, we can simply remove the whole part, and the logic * becomes: * ((c3 || c4) && c5) */ NODE_OPERATION op = d->_operation; if (((/* c3 */ IS_SET_OR_CREATE(op)) || (/* c4 */ IS_DELETE(op))) && (/* c5 */ IS_NOOP(((struct VyattaNode*) (node->parent->data))->_data._operation))) { //first check if there is enclosing behavior boolean enclosing = FALSE; GNode *n = node; while (TRUE) { n = n->parent; vtw_def def = ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_config._def; if (def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head) { enclosing = TRUE; break; } if (G_NODE_IS_ROOT(n) == TRUE) { break; } } //walk back up and flip operations until enclosing behavior if (enclosing == TRUE) { GNode *n = node; while (TRUE) { n = n->parent; vtw_def def = ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_config._def; if (((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_data._operation == K_NO_OP) { /* XXX this is ugly. _operation is intended to be a bitmap, in which * case it doesn't make sense to make it an enum type (should * just be, e.g., int). this causes g++ to (rightly) complain. * work around it for now to avoid impacting other code since * the current goal is simply cleanup. */ int op = ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_data._operation; op |= K_ACTIVE_OP; ((struct VyattaNode*)(n->data))->_data._operation = (NODE_OPERATION) op; } if (def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head) { break; } if (G_NODE_IS_ROOT(n) == TRUE) { break; } } } } if (priority_mode) { int gprio = gp->_config._priority; if (gprio < LOWEST_PRIORITY) { // only if priority is specified. //unlink from original tree g_node_unlink(node); GNode *new_node = g_node_copy(node); GNode *sibling = root_node->children; //now iterate through siblings of root_node and compare priority while (sibling && gprio > ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data)) ->_config._priority) { sibling = sibling->next; if (!sibling || gprio < ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data)) ->_config._priority) { // XXX isn't this redundant??? just cleaning up so not changing it break; } } d_dplog("commit2::sort_func(): inserting %s into transaction, " "priority: %d BEFORE %d", d->_name, gprio, (sibling ? ((struct VyattaNode*)(sibling->data))->_config._priority : LOWEST_PRIORITY)); g_node_insert_before(root_node,sibling,new_node); } } else { if (g_node_depth(node) == 2) { d_dplog("commit2::sort_func(): insert %s into transaction", d->_name); GNode *new_node = g_node_copy(node); g_node_insert(root_node,-1,new_node); //make a flat structure for now } } return FALSE; } /** * Gets a flat collection of nodes, sorted by priority **/ GNode* get_transactions(GNode *config, boolean priority_mode) { d_dplog("commit2::get_transactions()"); if (config == NULL) { return NULL; } gpointer gp = ((GNode*)config)->data; GNode *trans_root = g_node_new(gp); if (priority_mode) { g_node_traverse(config, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)sort_func_priority, (gpointer)trans_root); //only do this if the root isn't empty if (g_node_n_children(config) != 0) { g_node_insert(trans_root,-1,config); //add what's left } //now need pass to handle extended priority system g_node_traverse(trans_root, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)sort_func_priority_extended, (gpointer)trans_root); } else { g_node_traverse(config, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)sort_func_simple, (gpointer)trans_root); } return trans_root; } /** * **/ static gboolean cleanup_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { struct VyattaNode *vn = ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->data)); if (vn->_data._name) { free(vn->_data._name); } if (vn->_data._path) { free(vn->_data._path); } if (vn->_config._help) { free(vn->_config._help); } if (vn->_config._default) { free(vn->_config._default); } if (vn->_config._path) { free(vn->_config._path); } return FALSE; } /** * **/ void cleanup(GNode *root_node) { if (root_node == NULL) { return; } g_node_traverse(root_node, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)cleanup_func, (gpointer)NULL); g_node_destroy(root_node); } /** * **/ gboolean dump_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { FILE *out; if (g_dump_trans) { out = out_stream; } else { out = stdout; } if (node != NULL) { guint depth = g_node_depth(node); if (depth == 2) { fprintf(out,"NEW TRANS\n"); } struct VyattaNode *gp = (struct VyattaNode *) node->data; struct Data *gdata = &(gp->_data); struct Config *gcfg = &(gp->_config); if (gdata->_name != NULL) { unsigned int i; NODE_OPERATION op = gdata->_operation; if (IS_ACTIVE(op)) { fprintf(out, "*"); } else if (IS_DELETE(op)) { fprintf(out, "-"); } else if (IS_CREATE(op)) { fprintf(out, "+"); } else if (IS_SET(op)) { fprintf(out, ">"); } else { fprintf(out, " "); } for (i = 0; i < depth; ++i) { fprintf(out," "); } if (gcfg->_def.def_type2 != ERROR_TYPE) { fprintf(out,"%s (t: %d-%d, ", gdata->_name, gcfg->_def.def_type, gcfg->_def.def_type2); } else { fprintf(out,"%s (t: %d, ", gdata->_name, gcfg->_def.def_type); } if (gcfg->_priority_extended) { fprintf(out, "p: %s)", gcfg->_priority_extended); } else { fprintf(out, "p: %d)", gcfg->_priority); } if (gdata->_value == TRUE) { fprintf(out," [VALUE]"); } if (gcfg->_multi == TRUE) { fprintf(out," [MULTI(%d)]",gcfg->_limit); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head && !gcfg->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux) { fprintf(out," [SYNTAX]"); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[create_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [CREATE]"); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[activate_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [ACTIVATE]"); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[update_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [UPDATE]"); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[delete_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [DELETE]"); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head && gcfg->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux) { fprintf(out," [COMMIT]"); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [BEGIN]"); } if (gcfg->_def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head) { fprintf(out," [END]"); } fprintf(out,"\n"); } } return FALSE; } /** * **/ boolean process_priority_node(GNode *priority_node) { /* on each node that is deleted run the delete action within the context * of the transaction */ struct Result result; result._err_code = 0; if (priority_node == NULL) { return FALSE; } //if this node is an enclosing node, we'll skip this iteration struct VyattaNode *gp = (struct VyattaNode *) priority_node->data; struct Config *c = &(gp->_config); //does this node contain a begin or end statement? boolean priority_node_is_enclosing_node = FALSE; if (c->_def.actions && (c->_def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || c->_def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head)) { priority_node_is_enclosing_node = TRUE; } if (priority_node_is_enclosing_node == FALSE) { //traverse priority node from children up g_node_traverse((GNode*)priority_node, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)enclosing_process_func, (gpointer)&result); if (result._err_code != 0) { return FALSE; } } /* now perform processing on what's left outside of the enclosing * begin/end statements */ int i; for (i = 0; i < g_num_actions; ++i) { // now _this_ should be enum instead GTraverseType order; if (delete_act != ActionOrder[i]) { order = G_PRE_ORDER; } else { order = G_POST_ORDER; } result._action = ActionOrder[i]; g_node_traverse((GNode*)priority_node, order, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)process_func, (gpointer)&result); if (result._err_code != 0) { d_dplog("commit2::process_priority_node(): failure on " "processing pass: %d", i); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Look for begin/end statements to begin processing * of actions. **/ static gboolean enclosing_process_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { if (node == NULL) { return TRUE; } struct Result *result = (struct Result*)data; struct VyattaNode *gp = (struct VyattaNode *) node->data; struct Config *c = &(gp->_config); struct Data *d = &(gp->_data); //does this node contain a begin or end statement? if (c->_def.actions && (c->_def.actions[end_act].vtw_list_head || c->_def.actions[begin_act].vtw_list_head)) { /* gotten to this point need to do a call around this enclosing * being/end node */ g_node_unlink(node); //removed this... d_dplog("commit2::enclosing_process_func(): enclosing statement found " "on: %s", d->_path); //perform recursive calling on new process node... int i; for (i = 0; i < g_num_actions; ++i) { // again should be enum GTraverseType order; if (delete_act != ActionOrder[i]) { order = G_PRE_ORDER; } else { order = G_POST_ORDER; } result->_action = ActionOrder[i]; g_node_traverse((GNode*)node, order, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)process_func, (gpointer)result); if (result->_err_code != 0) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... d_dplog("commit2::enclosing_process_func(): FAILURE: status: %d", result->_err_code); return TRUE; //WILL STOP AT THIS POINT } } } return FALSE; } /** * **/ static boolean validate_configuration(GNode *root_node, boolean mode, GSList **nodes_visited_coll) { if (root_node == NULL) { return FALSE; } struct Result result; result._err_code = 0; result._mode = (int)mode; result._data = (void*)*nodes_visited_coll; //handles both syntax and commit result._action = syntax_act; g_node_traverse((GNode*)root_node, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, (GNodeTraverseFunc)validate_func, (gpointer)&result); if (result._err_code != 0) { d_dplog("commit2::process_priority_node(): failure on processing " "pass: %d", syntax_act); return FALSE; } GList **c_tmp = (GList**)result._data; *nodes_visited_coll = (GSList*)c_tmp; return TRUE; } /** * Execute syntax and commit checks **/ static gboolean validate_func(GNode *node, gpointer data) { if (node == NULL) { return TRUE; } struct VyattaNode *gp = (struct VyattaNode *) node->data; struct Config *c = &(gp->_config); struct Data *d = &(gp->_data); struct Aux *a = &(gp->_aux); struct Result *result = (struct Result*)data; /* let's mark first last nodes here for use later * do first/last/only sibling check, restrict to nodes with operations * defined */ GNode *n_last_op = NULL; GNode *n_first_op = NULL; GNode *sib = g_node_first_sibling(node); while (sib != NULL) { if (IS_DELETE(((struct VyattaNode*)(sib->data))->_data._operation)) { if (n_first_op == NULL) { n_first_op = sib; } n_last_op = sib; } sib = sib->next; } sib = g_node_first_sibling(node); while (sib != NULL) { if (IS_SET_OR_CREATE(((struct VyattaNode*)(sib->data)) ->_data._operation)) { if (n_first_op == NULL) { n_first_op = sib; } n_last_op = sib; } sib = sib->next; } a->_first = (node == n_first_op); a->_last = (node == n_last_op); /* since this visits all working nodes, let's maintain a set of nodes * to commit */ GSList *coll = (GSList*)result->_data; if (d->_path != NULL) { char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; if (IS_DELETE(d->_operation)) { sprintf(buf,"- %s",d->_path); if (c->_def.multi) { /* need to handle the embedded multinode as a special * case--should be fixed! */ char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); free(val); } char *tmp = (char *) malloc(strlen(buf)+1); strcpy(tmp,buf); coll = g_slist_append(coll,tmp); result->_data = (void*)coll; } else if (IS_SET_OR_CREATE(d->_operation)) { sprintf(buf,"+ %s",d->_path); if (c->_def.multi) { /* need to handle the embedded multinode as a special * case--should be fixed! */ char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); free(val); } char *tmp = (char *) malloc(strlen(buf)+1); strcpy(tmp,buf); coll = g_slist_append(coll,tmp); result->_data = (void*)coll; } } //don't run syntax check on this node if it is unchanged. if (IS_NOOP(d->_operation) && c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head && !c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux) { return FALSE; } if (IS_DELETE(d->_operation) && !IS_ACTIVE(d->_operation)) { return FALSE; //will not perform validation checks on deleted nodes } if (!c->_def.actions || !c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head){ return FALSE; } /* will not call term multi if it is a noop--shouldn't show up in tree * in the first place, but will require more rework of unionfs code * to fix this. */ if (c->_def.multi && IS_NOOP(d->_operation)) { return FALSE; } //look at parent for multi tag if (d->_value && d->_name) { char *val = d->_name; if (c->_def.tag) { /* need to handle the embedded multinode as a special * case--should be fixed! */ val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); } d_dplog("commit2::process_func(): @ value: %s",(char *) val); set_at_string(val); //embedded multinode value } else { if (g_debug) { dplog("commit2::process_func(): boolean value is: %d", d->_value); if (node->parent && ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name) { dplog("commit2::process_func(): parent has a name: %s", ((struct VyattaNode*)(node->parent->data))->_data._name); } dplog("commit2::process_func(): @ value: [NULL]"); } } common_set_context(c->_path,d->_path); d_dplog("Executing %s on this node", ActionNames[result->_action]); if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream, "[START] %lu:%lu, %s@%s", (unsigned long) t.tv_sec, (unsigned long) t.tv_usec, ActionNames[result->_action], d->_path); } boolean status = 1; if (g_dump_actions == FALSE) { //set location env setenv(ENV_DATA_PATH,d->_path,1); if (g_old_print_output == TRUE) { status = execute_list(c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head, &c->_def, NULL); } else { char *p = process_script_path(d->_path); status = execute_list(c->_def.actions[result->_action].vtw_list_head, &c->_def, p); free(p); } unsetenv(ENV_DATA_PATH); } else { char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; if (c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head) { if (c->_def.actions[syntax_act].vtw_list_head->vtw_node_aux == 0) { sprintf(buf,"syntax\t:\t%s",d->_path); } else { sprintf(buf,"commit\t:\t%s",d->_path); } } if (c->_def.multi) { /* need to handle the embedded multinode as a special * case--should be fixed! */ char *val = (char*)clind_unescape(d->_name); strcat(buf,val); free(val); } fprintf(out_stream,"%s\n",buf); status = 1; } if (g_coverage) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t,NULL); fprintf(out_stream,"[END] %lu:%lu\n",t.tv_sec,t.tv_usec); } if (!status) { //EXECUTE_LIST RETURNS FALSE ON FAILURE.... syslog(LOG_ERR, "commit error for %s:[%s]", ActionNames[result->_action], d->_path); if (g_display_error_node) { fprintf(out_stream, "%s@_errloc_:[%s]\n", ActionNames[result->_action], d->_path); } result->_err_code = 1; d_dplog("commit2::validate_func(): FAILURE: status: %d", status); // WILL STOP AT THIS POINT if mode is not set for full syntax check return result->_mode ? FALSE: TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * **/ static void update_change_file(FILE *fp, GSList *coll) { if (coll == NULL || fp == NULL) { return; } GSList *l; for (l = coll; l; l = g_slist_next (l)) { if (l->data) { char buf[MAX_LENGTH_DIR_PATH*sizeof(char)]; sprintf(buf,"%s\n",(char*)l->data); fwrite(buf,1,strlen((char*)buf),fp); free(l->data); } } g_slist_free(coll); }