help: Hash size for connection tracking table type: u32 default: 4096 val_help: u32:1-50000000; Size of hash to use for connection tracking table syntax:expression: ($VAR(@) >= 1 && $VAR(@) <= 50000000) ; "Value must be between 1 and 50000000" update: if ! grep -q "nf_conntrack hashsize=$VAR(@)$" /etc/modprobe.d/vyatta_nf_conntrack.conf then sudo sh -c "sed -i -e '/options nf_conntrack hashsize/d' \ /etc/modprobe.d/vyatta_nf_conntrack.conf" sudo sh -c "echo options nf_conntrack hashsize=$VAR(@) >> \ /etc/modprobe.d/vyatta_nf_conntrack.conf" echo "Updated conntrack hash size. This change will take affect when the system is rebooted." fi