help: Connection tracking engine options

priority: 218 # before NAT and conntrack-sync are configured

delete: # set conntrack table size to standard 16384 entries if conntrack settings are removed
        sudo sysctl -q -w net/nf_conntrack_max=16384

        # set conntrack expect table size to standard 2048 entries if conntrack settings are removed
        sudo sysctl -q -w net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_expect_max=2048

        # set conntrack hash size to standard 4096
        if ! grep -q "nf_conntrack hashsize=4096$" /etc/modprobe.d/vyatta_nf_conntrack.conf
          sudo sh -c "sed -i -e '/options nf_conntrack hashsize/d' \
          sudo sh -c "echo options nf_conntrack hashsize=4096 >> \
          echo "Conntrack hash size set to default 4096. This change will take effect when the system is rebooted."

        # need to restart conntrackd with updated conntrack table size
        if cli-shell-api existsActive service conntrack-sync; then
          sudo /opt/vyatta/sbin/ --action=enable