#!/usr/bin/perl # # Module: vyatta-show-nat-rules.pl # # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2009 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: Mohit Mehta # Date: January 2009 # Description: Script to generate output for "show nat rules" command # # **** End License **** # use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5"; use Vyatta::Config; use Vyatta::NatRule; use Vyatta::IpTables::AddressFilter; my $format1 = "%-5s %-4s %-7s %-58s"; my $format2 = " %-16s %-62s"; %nat_type = ( "source" => SRC, "destination" => DST, "masquerade" => MASQ ); sub numerically { $a <=> $b; } sub get_srcdst_address { my ($level) = @_; my $address = "ANY"; my $addr = new Vyatta::IpTables::AddressFilter; $addr->setupOrig("$level"); if (defined $addr->{_address}) { $address = $addr->{_address}; } elsif (defined $addr->{_network}) { $address = $addr->{_network}; } elsif (defined $addr->{_range_start} && defined $addr->{_range_stop}) { $address = $addr->{_range_start} . "-" . $addr->{_range_stop}; } return $address; } sub get_srcdst_port { my ($level) = @_; my $portstr = "ANY"; my $port = new Vyatta::IpTables::AddressFilter; $port->setupOrig("$level"); $portstr = $port->{_port} if defined $port->{_port}; return $portstr; } sub get_inout_port { my ($level, $inoroutaddr) = @_; my $portstr = "ANY"; my $port = new Vyatta::NatRule; $port->setupOrig("$level"); $portstr = $port->{$inoroutaddr}->{_port} if defined $port->{$inoroutaddr}->{_port}; return $portstr; } sub get_inout_address { my ($level, $inoroutaddr) = @_; my $address = "ANY"; my $addr = new Vyatta::NatRule; $addr->setupOrig("$level"); if (defined $addr->{$inoroutaddr}->{_addr}) { $address = $addr->{$inoroutaddr}->{_addr}; } elsif (defined $addr->{$inoroutaddr}->{_range}->{_start} && defined $addr->{$inoroutaddr}->{_range}->{_stop}) { $address = $addr->{$inoroutaddr}->{_range}->{_start} . "-" . $addr->{$inoroutaddr}->{_range}->{_stop}; } return $address; } sub get_primary_addr { my $intf = shift; my @addr_list = (); my @lines = `ip addr show $intf 2>/dev/null | grep 'inet'`; foreach my $line (@lines) { (my $inet, my $addr, my $remainder) = split(' ', $line, 3); my $ip = new NetAddr::IP($addr); if ($ip->version() == 4) { push @addr_list, $ip->cidr(); } } chomp @addr_list; my $addr = $addr_list[0]; $addr =~ s/\/\d+$//; return $addr; } sub print_constants { print "\nType Codes: SRC - source, DST - destination, MASQ - masquerade\n"; print " X at the front of rule implies rule is excluded\n\n"; printf($format1, 'rule', 'type', 'intf', 'translation'); print "\n"; printf($format1, '----', '----', '----', '-----------'); } sub make_translate_addrorport_str { my ($type, $addr, $trans_addr, $addrorport) = @_; my $string = ""; $string = "saddr " if ($type eq "source" && $addrorport eq "address"); $string = "sport " if ($type eq "source" && $addrorport eq "port"); $string = "daddr " if ($type eq "destination" && $addrorport eq "address"); $string = "dport " if ($type eq "destination" && $addrorport eq "port"); $string .= $addr; $string .= " to " . $trans_addr if !($trans_addr eq "ANY"); return $string; } sub make_condition_str { my ($type, $addr, $port) = @_; my ($string, $addr_string, $port_string) = ""; if ($type eq "source") { $addr_string = "saddr"; $port_string = "sport"; } else { $addr_string = "daddr"; $port_string = "dport"; } $string = "when ". $addr_string . " ". $addr . ", " . $port_string . " " . $port if (!($addr eq "ANY" && $port eq "ANY")); return $string; } # # main # my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("service nat rule"); my @rules_pre = $config->listOrigNodes(); my $rule; my @rules = sort numerically @rules_pre; print_constants(); for $rule (@rules) { my ($rulenum, $type, $protocol, $interface, $source_addr, $source_port, $destination_addr, $destination_port, $translation_addr, $translation_port, $translation_addr_str, $translation_port_str, $condition); $rulenum = $rule; $protocol = "all"; my $nrule = new Vyatta::NatRule; my $src = new Vyatta::IpTables::AddressFilter; my $dst = new Vyatta::IpTables::AddressFilter; $nrule->setupOrig("service nat rule $rule"); $rulenum = "X" . $rule if defined $nrule->{_exclude}; $type = $nat_type{$nrule->{_type}}; $protocol = $nrule->{_proto} if defined $nrule->{_proto}; $protocol = "proto-" . $protocol; $interface = $nrule->{_inbound_if} if defined $nrule->{_inbound_if}; $interface = $nrule->{_outbound_if} if defined $nrule->{_outbound_if}; $source_addr = get_srcdst_address("service nat rule $rule source"); $destination_addr = get_srcdst_address("service nat rule $rule destination"); $source_port = get_srcdst_port("service nat rule $rule source"); $destination_port = get_srcdst_port("service nat rule $rule destination"); if ($type eq 'SRC' || $type eq 'MASQ') { $translation_addr = get_inout_address("service nat rule $rule", "_outside_addr") if $type eq 'SRC'; $translation_addr = get_primary_addr($interface) if $type eq 'MASQ'; $translation_port = get_inout_port("service nat rule $rule", "_outside_addr"); $translation_addr_str = make_translate_addrorport_str ("source", $source_addr, $translation_addr, "address"); $translation_port_str = make_translate_addrorport_str ("source", $source_port, $translation_port, "port"); $condition = make_condition_str ("destination", $destination_addr, $destination_port); } elsif ($type eq 'DST') { $translation_addr = get_inout_address("service nat rule $rule", "_inside_addr"); $translation_port = get_inout_port("service nat rule $rule", "_inside_addr"); $translation_addr_str = make_translate_addrorport_str ("destination", $destination_addr, $translation_addr, "address"); $translation_port_str = make_translate_addrorport_str ("destination", $destination_port, $translation_port, "port"); $condition = make_condition_str ("source", $source_addr, $source_port); } print "\n"; printf ($format1, $rulenum, $type, $interface, $translation_addr_str); print "\n"; printf ($format2, $protocol, $translation_port_str); print "\n"; printf ($format1, "", "", "", $condition) if !($condition eq ""); print "\n"; } print "\n"; exit 0;