use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/";
use Vyatta::Config;
use Vyatta::IpTables::Rule;
use Vyatta::IpTables::AddressFilter;
exit 1 if ($#ARGV < 1);
my $chain_name = $ARGV[0];
my $xsl_file = $ARGV[1];
my $rule_num = $ARGV[2]; # rule number to match (optional)
if (! -e $xsl_file) {
print "Invalid XSL file \"$xsl_file\"\n";
exit 1;
if (defined($rule_num) && (!($rule_num =~ /^\d+$/) || ($rule_num > 1025))) {
print "Invalid rule number \"$rule_num\"\n";
exit 1;
sub numerically { $a <=> $b; }
### all interfaces firewall nodes
sub show_interfaces {
my $chain = shift;
my $cmd = "find /opt/vyatta/config/active/ "
. "|grep -e '/firewall/[^/]\\+/name/node.val'"
. "| xargs grep -l '^$chain\$'";
my $ifd;
return if (!open($ifd, "$cmd |"));
my @ints = <$ifd>;
# e.g.,
my $pfx = '/opt/vyatta/config/active/interfaces';
my $sfx = '/name/node.val';
my @int_strs = ();
foreach (@ints) {
my ($intf, $vif, $dir) = (undef, undef, undef);
if (/^$pfx\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)(\/.*)?\/firewall\/([^\/]+)$sfx$/) {
($intf, $dir) = ($1, $3);
$dir =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
} else {
if (/\/vif\/([^\/]+)\/firewall\//) {
$vif = $1;
push @int_strs, "($intf.$vif,$dir)";
} else {
push @int_strs, "($intf,$dir)";
if (scalar(@int_strs) > 0) {
print "\nActive on " . (join ' ', @int_strs) . "\n";
} else {
print "\nInactive: Not applied to any interfaces.\n";
# mapping from config node to iptables/ip6tables table
my %table_hash = ( 'name' => 'filter',
'ipv6-name' => 'filter',
'modify' => 'mangle',
'ipv6-modify' => 'mangle' );
# mapping from config node to iptables command.
my %cmd_hash = ( 'name' => 'iptables',
'ipv6-name' => 'ip6tables',
'modify' => 'iptables',
'ipv6-modify' => 'ip6tables');
# mapping from config node to printable string describing it.
my %description_hash = ( 'name' => 'IPv4',
'ipv6-name' => 'IPv6',
'modify' => 'IPv4 Modify',
'ipv6-modify' => 'IPv6 Modify');
sub show_chain($$$) {
my ($chain, $fh, $tree) = @_;
my $table = $table_hash{$tree};
my $iptables_cmd = $cmd_hash{$tree};
open my $iptables, "-|"
or exec "sudo", "/sbin/$iptables_cmd", "-t", $table, "-L", $chain, "-vn"
or exit 1;
my @stats = ();
while (<$iptables>) {
if (!/^\s*(\d+[KMG]?)\s+(\d+[KMG]?)\s/) {
push @stats, ($1, $2);
close $iptables;
print $fh "\n";
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
$config->setLevel("firewall $tree $chain rule");
my @rules = sort numerically $config->listOrigNodes();
foreach (@rules) {
# just take the stats from the 1st iptables rule and remove unneeded stats
# (if this rule corresponds to multiple iptables rules). note that
# depending on how our rule is translated into multiple iptables rules,
# this may actually need to be the sum of all corresponding iptables stats
# instead of just taking the first pair.
my $pkts = shift @stats;
my $bytes = shift @stats;
my $rule = new Vyatta::IpTables::Rule;
$rule->setupOrig("firewall $tree $chain rule $_");
my $ipt_rules = $rule->get_num_ipt_rules();
splice(@stats, 0, (($ipt_rules - 1) * 2));
if (defined($rule_num) && $rule_num != $_) {
next if $rule->is_disabled();
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " $_\n";
print $fh " $pkts\n";
print $fh " $bytes\n";
print $fh "
if (!defined($rule_num)) {
# dummy rule
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " 1025\n";
my $pkts = shift @stats;
my $bytes = shift @stats;
print $fh " $pkts\n";
print $fh " $bytes\n";
my $rule = new Vyatta::IpTables::Rule;
print $fh "
print $fh "\n";
my $tree;
my $config = new Vyatta::Config;
my @chains;
if ($chain_name eq "-all") {
# Print all rule sets in all four trees
foreach $tree (keys %table_hash) {
my $description = $description_hash{$tree};
$config->setLevel("firewall $tree");
@chains = $config->listOrigNodes();
foreach (@chains) {
print "$description Firewall \"$_\":\n";
open(RENDER, "| /opt/vyatta/sbin/render_xml $xsl_file") or exit 1;
show_chain($_, *RENDER{IO}, $tree);
close RENDER;
print "-" x 80 . "\n";
exit 0
} else {
# Look through all four trees trying to find the rule set name passed in
foreach $tree (keys %table_hash) {
$config->setLevel("firewall $tree");
@chains = $config->listOrigNodes();
if (scalar(grep(/^$chain_name$/, @chains)) > 0) {
# Found it!
my $description = $description_hash{$tree};
print "$description Firewall \"$chain_name\":\n";
open(RENDER, "| /opt/vyatta/sbin/render_xml $xsl_file") or exit 1;
show_chain($chain_name, *RENDER{IO}, $tree);
close RENDER;
exit 0
# Didn't find matching rule
print "Invalid firewall name \"$chain_name\"\n";
exit 1;
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# perl-indent-level: 2
# End: