#!/usr/bin/perl use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/"; use Vyatta::Config; use Vyatta::Interface; use Vyatta::IpTables::Rule; use Vyatta::IpTables::AddressFilter; use Vyatta::Zone; use warnings; use strict; exit 1 if ($#ARGV < 1); my $tree_chain = $ARGV[0]; my $xsl_file = $ARGV[1]; my $rule_num = $ARGV[2]; # rule number to match (optional) my $max_rule = 10000; if (! -e $xsl_file) { print "Invalid XSL file \"$xsl_file\"\n"; exit 1; } if (defined($rule_num) && (!($rule_num =~ /^\d+$/) || ($rule_num > $max_rule))) { print "Invalid rule number \"$rule_num\"\n"; exit 1; } sub convert_to_easyunits { my $size = shift; my @args = qw/B K M G T P E Z Y/; while (@args && $size > 1000) { shift @args; $size /= 1000; } if ($args[0] eq 'B') { $size = sprintf("%d",$size); return "$size"; } else { $size = sprintf("%.2f",$size); return "$size$args[0]"; } } sub numerically { $a <=> $b; } my $format1 = "%-5s %-8s %-9s %-8s %-40s"; my $format2 = " %-78s"; # mapping from config node to root config node. my %root_hash = ( 'name' => 'firewall', 'ipv6-name' => 'firewall', 'route' => 'policy', 'ipv6-route' => 'policy'); sub show_interfaces_zones { my ($chain, $tree) = @_; my $cfg = new Vyatta::Config; my @int_strs = (); for (Vyatta::Interface::get_effective_interfaces()) { my ($iname, $ipath) = ($_->{name}, $_->{path}); for my $dir ($cfg->listOrigNodes("$ipath $root_hash{$tree}")) { my $path; if ($tree eq 'route' || $tree eq 'ipv6-route') { $path = "$ipath $root_hash{$tree} $dir"; } else { $path = "$ipath $root_hash{$tree} $dir $tree"; } my $ichain = $cfg->returnOrigValue("$path"); if (defined($ichain) and $ichain eq $chain) { $dir =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; push @int_strs, "($iname,$dir)"; } } } if (scalar(@int_strs) > 0) { print "\n\n Active on " . (join ' ', @int_strs); } print "\n"; # check if chain used to filter traffic between zones my $used_in_zonefw=0; my @all_zones = Vyatta::Zone::get_all_zones("listOrigNodes"); foreach my $zone (sort(@all_zones)) { my @from_zones = Vyatta::Zone::get_from_zones("listOrigNodes", $zone); my @from_zones_using_this_chain=(); foreach my $from_zone (sort(@from_zones)) { my $fw_ruleset=Vyatta::Zone::get_firewall_ruleset("returnOrigValue", $zone, $from_zone, $tree); if (defined $fw_ruleset && $fw_ruleset eq $chain) { push (@from_zones_using_this_chain, $from_zone); if ($used_in_zonefw == 0) { print "\n Active on traffic to -\n"; $used_in_zonefw++; } } } if (scalar(@from_zones_using_this_chain) > 0) { my $single_or_multiple_zone = 'zone'; if (scalar(@from_zones_using_this_chain) > 1) { $single_or_multiple_zone = 'zones'; } my $string_fromzones=join(', ', sort(@from_zones_using_this_chain)); print " zone [$zone] from $single_or_multiple_zone [$string_fromzones]\n"; } } if ((scalar(@int_strs) == 0) && ($used_in_zonefw == 0)) { print "\n Inactive - Not applied to any interfaces or zones.\n"; } print "\n"; } # mapping from iptables/ip6tables target to config action my %target_hash = ('RETURN' => 'accept', 'DROP' => 'drop', 'NFQUEUE' => 'inspect', 'REJECT' => 'reject', 'DSCP' => 'modify', 'MARK' => 'modify'); # mapping from config node to iptables/ip6tables table my %table_hash = ( 'name' => 'filter', 'ipv6-name' => 'filter', 'route' => 'mangle', 'ipv6-route' => 'mangle' ); # mapping from config node to iptables command. my %cmd_hash = ( 'name' => 'iptables', 'ipv6-name' => 'ip6tables', 'route' => 'iptables', 'ipv6-route' => 'ip6tables'); # mapping from config node to printable string describing it. my %description_hash = ( 'name' => 'IPv4 Firewall', 'ipv6-name' => 'IPv6 Firewall', 'route' => 'IPv4 Policy Route', 'ipv6-route' => 'IPv6 Policy Route'); # mapping from config node to IP version string. my %ip_version_hash = ( 'name' => 'ipv4', 'ipv6-name' => 'ipv6', 'route' => 'ipv4', 'ipv6-route' => 'ipv6'); sub show_chain($$$) { my ($chain, $fh, $tree) = @_; my $table = $table_hash{$tree}; my $iptables_cmd = $cmd_hash{$tree}; open my $iptables, "-|" or exec "sudo", "/sbin/$iptables_cmd", "-t", $table, "-L", $chain, "-vnx" or exit 1; my @stats = (); while (<$iptables>) { if (!/^\s*(\d+[KMG]?)\s+(\d+[KMG]?)\s/) { next; } push @stats, ($1, $2); } close $iptables; print $fh "\n"; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain rule"); my @rules = sort numerically $config->listOrigNodes(); foreach (@rules) { my $rule = new Vyatta::IpTables::Rule; $rule->setupOrig("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain rule $_"); $rule->set_ip_version($ip_version_hash{$tree}); if (defined($rule_num) && $rule_num != $_) { next; } next if $rule->is_disabled(); # just take the stats from the 1st iptables rule and remove unneeded stats # (if this rule corresponds to multiple iptables rules). note that # depending on how our rule is translated into multiple iptables rules, # this may actually need to be the sum of all corresponding iptables stats # instead of just taking the first pair. for eg: when protocol is tcp_udp # we aggregate the counters for both tcp and udp rules below my $pkts = shift @stats; my $bytes = shift @stats; if (defined $rule->{_protocol} && $rule->{_protocol} eq 'tcp_udp') { my @tmp_stats = @stats; if (defined $rule->{_log} && $rule->{_log} eq 'enable') { # shift stats for 2 iptables rule shift @tmp_stats; shift @tmp_stats; shift @tmp_stats; shift @tmp_stats; } elsif (defined $rule->{_recent_time} || defined $rule->{_recent_cnt}) { # shift stats for 1 rule shift @tmp_stats; shift @tmp_stats; } $pkts += shift @tmp_stats; $bytes += shift @tmp_stats; } my $ipt_rules = $rule->get_num_ipt_rules(); splice(@stats, 0, (($ipt_rules - 1) * 2)); $pkts = convert_to_easyunits($pkts); $bytes = convert_to_easyunits($bytes); print $fh " \n"; print $fh " $_\n"; print $fh " $pkts\n"; print $fh " $bytes\n"; $rule->outputXml($fh); print $fh " \n"; } if (!defined($rule_num) || ($rule_num == $max_rule)) { # dummy rule print $fh " \n"; print $fh " $max_rule\n"; my $pkts = convert_to_easyunits(shift @stats); my $bytes = convert_to_easyunits(shift @stats); print $fh " $pkts\n"; print $fh " $bytes\n"; my $rule = new Vyatta::IpTables::Rule; $rule->setupDummy("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain"); $rule->set_ip_version($ip_version_hash{$tree}); $rule->outputXml($fh); print $fh " \n"; } print $fh "\n"; } sub show_chain_detail { my ($chain, $tree) = @_; my $table = $table_hash{$tree}; my $iptables_cmd = $cmd_hash{$tree}; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain rule"); my @rules = sort numerically $config->listOrigNodes(); print "\n"; printf($format1, 'rule', 'action', 'proto', 'packets', 'bytes'); print "\n"; printf($format1, '----', '------', '-----', '-------', '-----'); foreach (@rules) { my $rule = new Vyatta::IpTables::Rule; $rule->setupOrig("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain rule $_"); if (defined($rule_num) && $rule_num != $_) { next; } next if $rule->is_disabled(); print_detail_rule ($iptables_cmd, $table, $chain, $_, $tree); } if (!defined($rule_num) || ($rule_num == $max_rule)) { # dummy rule print_detail_rule ($iptables_cmd, $table, $chain, $max_rule, $tree); } print "\n"; } sub print_detail_rule { my ($iptables_cmd, $table, $chain, $rule, $tree) = @_; my $string=""; my $mul_lines=""; my $udp_string = undef; # check from CLI if we have a condition set that creates more than 1 iptable rule # currenly LOG, RECENT, protocol tcp_udp in a CLI rule result in more than 1 iptable rule my $cli_rule = new Vyatta::IpTables::Rule; if ($rule eq $max_rule) { $cli_rule->setupDummy("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain"); $cli_rule->set_ip_version($ip_version_hash{$tree}); } else { $cli_rule->setupOrig("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain rule $rule"); } if (defined $cli_rule->{_log} && "$cli_rule->{_log}" eq "enable") { # log enabled in rule so actual rule in iptables is second rule # now get line-num for 1st rule and use line-num+1 to list actual rule $mul_lines=`sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain -nxv --line-num | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; my @lines = split(/\s+/, $mul_lines, 2); my $line_num = $lines[0] + 1; $string=`sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain $line_num -nxv | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; if (defined $cli_rule->{_protocol} && $cli_rule->{_protocol} eq 'tcp_udp') { # we need the udp rule as well if (defined($cli_rule->{_recent_time}) || defined($cli_rule->{_recent_cnt})) { $line_num = $line_num + 3; } else { $line_num = $line_num + 2; } $udp_string = `sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain $line_num -nxv | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; } } elsif ( (defined($cli_rule->{_recent_time}) || defined($cli_rule->{_recent_cnt})) || (defined $cli_rule->{_protocol} && $cli_rule->{_protocol} eq 'tcp_udp') ) { # recent enabled but not log so actual rule in iptables is first rule # now get line-num for 1st rule and use that to list actual rule $mul_lines=`sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain -nxv --line-num | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; my @lines = split(/\s+/, $mul_lines, 2); my $line_num = $lines[0]; $string=`sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain $line_num -nxv | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; # we need the udp rule as well if (defined($cli_rule->{_recent_time}) || defined($cli_rule->{_recent_cnt})) { $line_num = $line_num + 2; $udp_string=`sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain $line_num -nxv | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; } else { $line_num = $line_num + 1; $udp_string=`sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain $line_num -nxv | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; } } else { # there's a one-to-one relation between our CLI rule and iptable rule $string=`sudo /sbin/$iptables_cmd -t $table -L $chain -nxv | awk '/$chain-$rule / {print \$0}'`; } my @string_words=(); my @string_words_part1=(); my @string_words_part2=(); my @string_words_part3 = (); @string_words = split (/\s+/, $string, 14); @string_words=splice(@string_words, 1, 13); @string_words_part1=splice(@string_words, 0, 4); # packets, bytes, target, proto if (defined $cli_rule->{_protocol} && $cli_rule->{_protocol} eq 'tcp_udp') { $string_words_part1[3] = 'tcp_udp'; # get udp rule packets, bytes my @udp_string_words=split(/\s+/, $udp_string, 14); @udp_string_words=splice(@udp_string_words, 1, 13); @udp_string_words=splice(@udp_string_words, 0, 4); # packets, bytes, target, proto $string_words_part1[0] += $udp_string_words[0]; $string_words_part1[1] += $udp_string_words[1]; } if (defined $cli_rule->{_action}) { $string_words_part1[2]=$cli_rule->{_action}; } else { $string_words_part1[2]='set'; } if ($iptables_cmd =~ /6/) { @string_words_part2=splice(@string_words, 2, 2);# source, destination } else { @string_words_part2=splice(@string_words, 3, 2);# source, destination } if ($rule != $max_rule) { if ($iptables_cmd =~ /6/) { @string_words_part3=splice(@string_words, 5);# all other matches after comment } else { @string_words_part3=splice(@string_words, 6);# all other matches after comment } } my $condition='condition - '; my $string_for_part3 = join (" ", @string_words_part3); chomp $string_for_part3; $string_for_part3 = "daddr " . $string_words_part2[1] . " " .$string_for_part3; $string_for_part3 = "saddr " . $string_words_part2[0] . " " . $string_for_part3; # make output pretty, replace iptables specific information with CLI related text $string_for_part3 =~ s/ipp2p\s\S+\s/P2P /g; $string_for_part3 =~ s/multiport//g; $string_for_part3 =~ s/recent: UPDATE\s(.+)\sname: DEFAULT side: source /RECENT $1 /g; $string_for_part3 =~ s/limit: /LIMIT /g; while ($string_for_part3 =~ m/set\s(\S+)\ssrc\s/) { my $group_type=get_group_type("$1"); $string_for_part3 =~ s/set\s(\S+)\ssrc\s/SRC-$group_type-GROUP $1 /; } while ($string_for_part3 =~ m/set\s(\S+)\sdst\s/) { my $group_type=get_group_type("$1"); $string_for_part3 =~ s/set\s(\S+)\sdst\s/DST-$group_type-GROUP $1 /; } $string_for_part3 =~ s/policy match dir in pol\s(\S+)\s/IPSEC-MATCH $1 /g; if (defined $cli_rule->{_tcp_flags}) { $string_for_part3 =~ s/flags:(\S+)\s/tcp-flags $cli_rule->{_tcp_flags} /g; } # add information not displayed when listing the underlying iptable rule if (defined($cli_rule->{_frag})) { $string_for_part3 .= "FRAGMENT match-frag "; } elsif (defined($cli_rule->{_non_frag})) { $string_for_part3 .= "FRAGMENT match-non-frag "; } if (defined $cli_rule->{_log} && "$cli_rule->{_log}" eq "enable") { $string_for_part3 .= "LOG enabled"; } print "\n"; printf($format1, "$rule", "$string_words_part1[2]", "$string_words_part1[3]", "$string_words_part1[0]", "$string_words_part1[1]"); print "\n"; # print condition if ($string_for_part3 =~ /\w/) { while (length($string_for_part3) > 66) { my $condition_str = substr $string_for_part3, 0 , 66; $condition .= $condition_str; printf($format2, $condition); $condition = ' '; $string_for_part3 = substr $string_for_part3, 66; print "\n"; } # print last line which has less than 66 chars $condition .= $string_for_part3; printf($format2, $condition); } print "\n"; } sub get_group_type { my $group=shift; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("firewall group"); my @addr_groups = $config->listOrigNodes("address-group"); my @ntwrk_groups = $config->listOrigNodes("network-group"); my @port_groups = $config->listOrigNodes("port-group"); if (scalar(grep(/^$group$/, @addr_groups)) > 0) { return ("ADDR"); } elsif (scalar(grep(/^$group$/, @ntwrk_groups)) > 0) { return ("NTWRK"); } elsif (scalar(grep(/^$group$/, @port_groups)) > 0) { return ("PORT"); } } sub show_tree { my ($tree, $config, ) = @_; my $description = $description_hash{$tree}; $config->setLevel("$root_hash{$tree} $tree"); my @chains = $config->listOrigNodes(); my $chain_cnt=0; print "-" x 80 . "\n" if (scalar(@chains) > 0); foreach (sort @chains) { $chain_cnt++; print "$description \"$_\":"; show_interfaces_zones($_, $tree); if (!($xsl_file =~ /detail/)) { open(RENDER, "| /opt/vyatta/sbin/render_xml $xsl_file") or exit 1; show_chain($_, *RENDER{IO}, $tree); close RENDER; } else { show_chain_detail($_, $tree); } print "-" x 80 . "\n" if ($chain_cnt < scalar(@chains)); } } sub print_global_fw_header { print "\n" . "-" x 24 . "\n"; print "Firewall Global Settings\n"; print "-" x 24 . "\n"; } sub print_fw_ruleset_header { print "\n" . "-" x 29 . "\n"; print "Rulesets Information\n"; print "-" x 29 . "\n"; } sub show_state_policy { my $state_format = "%-15s %-8s %-8s"; my @fw_states = ('invalid', 'established', 'related'); my $fw_state_output = ""; my $fw_state_set = "false"; foreach my $state (@fw_states) { my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("firewall state-policy $state"); my ($action, $log_enabled) = (undef, undef); $log_enabled = $config->existsOrig("log enable"); $action = $config->returnOrigValue("action"); if (defined $action) { $fw_state_set = "true"; last; } } if ($fw_state_set eq "true") { print_global_fw_header(); print "\nFirewall state-policy for all IPv4 and Ipv6 traffic\n\n"; printf($state_format, 'state', 'action', 'log'); print "\n"; printf($state_format, '-----', '------', '---'); foreach my $state (@fw_states) { my $config = new Vyatta::Config; $config->setLevel("firewall state-policy $state"); my ($action, $log_enabled) = (undef, undef); $log_enabled = $config->existsOrig("log enable"); $action = $config->returnOrigValue("action"); if (defined $action) { print "\n"; printf($state_format, "$state", "$action", 'enabled') if defined $log_enabled; printf($state_format, "$state", "$action", 'disabled') if !defined $log_enabled; } } print "\n\n"; } return; } # # main # my $tree; my $config = new Vyatta::Config; my @chains; my @tree_chain_name = split('_', $tree_chain, 2); my $tree_name = $tree_chain_name[0]; my $chain_name = $tree_chain_name[1]; # check if tree name is either 'all' or one of four keys in %table_hash if (!($tree_name eq "all" || (scalar(grep(/^$tree_name$/, (keys %table_hash))) > 0) || $tree_name eq "firewall" || $tree_name eq "policy")) { print "Invalid $root_hash{$tree} type name [$tree_name]\n"; exit 1; } if ($tree_name eq "all") { show_state_policy(); print_fw_ruleset_header(); # Print all rule sets in all four trees foreach $tree (reverse(sort(keys %table_hash))) { show_tree($tree, $config); } } elsif ($tree_name eq "firewall") { show_state_policy(); print_fw_ruleset_header(); show_tree('name', $config); show_tree('ipv6-name', $config); } elsif ($tree_name eq "policy") { show_state_policy(); print_fw_ruleset_header(); show_tree('route', $config); show_tree('ipv6-route', $config); } elsif ($chain_name eq "all") { show_state_policy(); print_fw_ruleset_header(); # Print all rule sets in specified tree $tree = $tree_name; show_tree($tree, $config); } else { # Print given rule set in specified tree $tree = $tree_name; $config->setLevel("$root_hash{$tree} $tree"); @chains = $config->listOrigNodes(); # validate chain-name if (!(scalar(grep(/^$chain_name$/, @chains)) > 0)) { print "Invalid $root_hash{$tree} instance [$chain_name] \n"; exit 1; } if (defined $rule_num) { #validate rule-num for given chain $config->setLevel("$root_hash{$tree} $tree $chain_name rule"); my @rules = $config->listOrigNodes(); if (!((scalar(grep(/^$rule_num$/, @rules)) > 0) || ($rule_num == $max_rule))) { print "Invalid rule $rule_num under $root_hash{$tree} instance [$chain_name] \n"; exit 1; } } show_state_policy(); print_fw_ruleset_header(); my $description = $description_hash{$tree}; print "\n$description \"$chain_name\":"; show_interfaces_zones($chain_name, $tree); if (!($xsl_file =~ /detail/)) { open(RENDER, "| /opt/vyatta/sbin/render_xml $xsl_file") or exit 1; show_chain($chain_name, *RENDER{IO}, $tree); close RENDER; } else { show_chain_detail($chain_name, $tree); } } exit 0; # Local Variables: # mode: perl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # perl-indent-level: 2 # End: