path: root/lib
diff options
authorJason Hendry <>2014-11-26 13:19:22 +0000
committerJason Hendry <>2014-11-26 13:19:22 +0000
commit928f5e3fe9157b04c90ddba7c64bae54f9ee2b01 (patch)
tree085c6805f3c7e235351792a69d246e51e0e12263 /lib
parent5eae6d9b155e1fbdf02d950e829a89437835ca93 (diff)
Add IKEv2 SA info to "show vpn ipsec *" options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 9d83941..8a68cc2 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -500,10 +500,141 @@ sub process_tunnels{
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^(peer-.*-tunnel-.*?)[{\[].*:\s+/) {
+ my $connectid = $1;
+ $connectid .= $2 if ($line =~ /(peer-.*-tunnel-.*?):(\[\d*\])/);
+ $connectid =~ /peer-(.*)-tunnel-(.*)/;
+ my ($peer, $tunid) = ($1, $2);
+ $peer = conv_id($peer);
+ if (not exists $tunnel_hash{$connectid}){
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid} = {
+ _peerid => $peer,
+ _tunnelnum => $tunid,
+ _lip => 'n/a',
+ _rip => 'n/a',
+ _lid => 'n/a',
+ _rid => 'n/a',
+ _lsnet => 'n/a',
+ _rsnet => 'n/a',
+ _lproto => 'all',
+ _rproto => 'all',
+ _lport => 'all',
+ _rport => 'all',
+ _lca => undef,
+ _rca => undef,
+ _newestspi => 'n/a',
+ _newestike => 'n/a',
+ _encryption => 'n/a',
+ _hash => 'n/a',
+ _inspi => 'n/a',
+ _outspi => 'n/a',
+ _pfsgrp => 'n/a',
+ _ikeencrypt => 'n/a',
+ _ikehash => 'n/a',
+ _natt => 'n/a',
+ _natsrc => 'n/a',
+ _natdst => 'n/a',
+ _ikestate => "down",
+ _dhgrp => 'n/a',
+ _state => "down",
+ _inbytes => 'n/a',
+ _outbytes => 'n/a',
+ _ikelife => 'n/a',
+ _ikeexpire => 'n/a',
+ _lifetime => 'n/a',
+ _expire => 'n/a' };
+ }
+ $line =~ s/---.*\.\.\./.../g; # remove the next hop router for local-ip case
+ if ($line =~ /IKE.proposal:(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)/){
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_ikeencrypt} = $1;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_ikehash} = $2;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_dhgrp} = $3;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /: ESTABLISHED (.*), (.*?)\[(.*?)\]\.\.\.(.*?)\[(.*?)\]/) {
+ my $lip = $2;
+ my $lid = $3;
+ my $rip = $4;
+ my $rid = $5;
+ ($lip, my $natt, my $natsrc, $rip, my $natdst) = nat_detect($lip, $rip);
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_lid} = conv_id($lid);
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_lip} = $lip;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_rid} = conv_id($rid);
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_rip} = $rip;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_natt} = $natt;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_natsrc} = $natsrc;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_natdst} = $natdst;
+ # Pull stuff from running config (IKE/ESP lifetime, PFS group)
+ my $vpncfg = new Vyatta::Config();
+ $vpncfg->setLevel('vpn ipsec');
+ my $esp_path = "default-esp-group";
+ my $peer_path = "site-to-site peer $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_peerid}";
+ if ($vpncfg->existsOrig("$peer_path tunnel $tunid esp-group")) {
+ $esp_path = "tunnel $tunid esp-group";
+ }
+ my $esp_group = $vpncfg->returnEffectiveValue("$peer_path $esp_path");
+ my $ike_group = $vpncfg->returnEffectiveValue("site-to-site peer $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_peerid} ike-group");
+ my $pfs_group = $vpncfg->returnEffectiveValue("esp-group $esp_group pfs");
+ $pfs_group = "default" if ($pfs_group eq 'enable');
+ my $lifetime = $vpncfg->returnEffectiveValue("esp-group $esp_group lifetime");
+ my $ikelife = $vpncfg->returnEffectiveValue("ike-group $ike_group lifetime");
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_lifetime} = $lifetime;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_ikelife} = $ikelife;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_pfsgrp} = $pfs_group;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\]:IKE SPIs: .* reauthentication in (.*)/) {
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_ikeexpire} = conv_time($1);
+ my $atime = $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_ikelife} - $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_ikeexpire};
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_ikestate} = "up" if ($atime >= 0);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /}:\s+INSTALLED.*ESP.*SPIs: (.*)_i (.*)_o/) {
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_inspi} = $1;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_outspi} = $2;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /}:\s+(.*?)\/(.*?), (\d+) bytes_i \((.*?)\), (\d+) bytes_o .* rekeying in (.*)/) {
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_encryption} = $1;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_hash} = $2;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_inbytes} = $3;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_outbytes} = $5;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_expire} = conv_time($6);
+ my $atime = $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_lifetime} - $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_expire};
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_state} = "up" if ($atime >= 0);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /}:\s+(.*?)\[(.*?)\] === (.*)\[(.*)\]/) {
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_lsnet} = $1;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_lproto} = $2;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_rsnet} = $3;
+ $tunnel_hash{$connectid}->{_rproto} = $4;
+ }
return %tunnel_hash;
+sub conv_time {
+ my @time = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
+ my $multiply = 1;
+ if ($time[1] =~ /minute/i) {
+ $multiply = 60;
+ } elsif ($time[1] =~ /hour/i) {
+ $multiply = 3600;
+ } elsif ($time[1] =~ /day/i) {
+ $multiply = 86400;
+ }
+ return $time[0] * $multiply;
sub get_conns
my $cmd = "sudo cat /etc/ipsec.conf";