[ req ] default_bits = 2048 default_keyfile = privkey.pem distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name string_mask = utf8only attributes = req_attributes dirstring_type = nobmp # SHA-1 is deprecated, so use SHA-2 instead. default_md = sha256 # Extension to add when the -x509 option is used. x509_extensions = v3_ca [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) countryName_min = 2 countryName_max = 2 ST = State Name localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company) organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, department) commonName = Common Name (eg, Device hostname) commonName_max = 64 emailAddress = Email Address emailAddress_max = 40 [ req_attributes ] challengePassword = A challenge password (optional) challengePassword_min = 4 challengePassword_max = 20 [ v3_ca ] subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always basicConstraints = critical, CA:true keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign [ v3_intermediate_ca ] # Extensions for a typical intermediate CA (`man x509v3_config`). subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer basicConstraints = critical, CA:true, pathlen:0 keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign [ usr_cert ] # Extensions for client certificates (`man x509v3_config`). basicConstraints = CA:FALSE nsCertType = client, email nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Client Certificate" subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer keyUsage = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth, emailProtection [ server_cert ] # Extensions for server certificates (`man x509v3_config`). basicConstraints = CA:FALSE nsCertType = server nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Server Certificate" subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer:always keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth [ crl_ext ] # Extension for CRLs (`man x509v3_config`). authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always [ ocsp ] # Extension for OCSP signing certificates (`man ocsp`). basicConstraints = CA:FALSE subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature extendedKeyUsage = critical, OCSPSigning