path: root/etc
diff options
authorJohn Southworth <>2011-04-25 11:15:59 -0500
committerJohn Southworth <>2011-04-25 11:15:59 -0500
commit753e1a7c79df5e2766cd6fa807078c8e0f68c05e (patch)
tree195abc0ffa6ba2440ff7e4e34a1cf0c7b6dfb564 /etc
parent9578473a2ba955a1b081dac28ea3aa2bbad88431 (diff)
parent7515f598b4283b65a76ea4175b3957c38bbd0eef (diff)
Merge branch 'napa' of into napa
Diffstat (limited to 'etc')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/etc/bash_completion.d/vyatta-op b/etc/bash_completion.d/vyatta-op
index aa516bc..a1b7097 100644
--- a/etc/bash_completion.d/vyatta-op
+++ b/etc/bash_completion.d/vyatta-op
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ declare _vyatta_op_last_comp=${_vyatta_op_last_comp_init}
declare _vyatta_op_node_path
declare -a _vyatta_op_noncompletions _vyatta_op_completions
declare -x -a _vyatta_pipe_noncompletions _vyatta_pipe_completions
+declare _vyatta_comptype
+declare -x -a reply
source /etc/bash_completion.d/vyatta-op-run
@@ -237,6 +239,8 @@ _vyatta_op_expand ()
local restore_shopts=$( shopt -p extglob nullglob | tr \\n \; )
shopt -s extglob nullglob
local cur=""
+ local _has_comptype=0
+ _vyatta_comptype=""
if (( ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} > 0 )); then
@@ -256,7 +260,7 @@ _vyatta_op_expand ()
eval "$restore_shopts"
if [ "${COMP_WORDS[*]}" != "$_vyatta_op_last_comp" ] ; then
if ! _vyatta_op_set_node_path ; then
echo -e \\a
@@ -264,10 +268,23 @@ _vyatta_op_expand ()
eval "$restore_shopts"
return 1
- _vyatta_op_set_completions
+ _vyatta_set_comptype
+ case $_vyatta_comptype in
+ 'imagefiles')
+ _has_comptype=1
+ _vyatta_image_file_complete
+ ;;
+ *)
+ _has_comptype=0
+ _vyatta_op_set_completions
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [[ $_has_comptype == 1 ]]; then
+ COMPREPLY=( "${_vyatta_op_completions[@]}" )
+ else
+ COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "${_vyatta_op_completions[*]}" -- $cur ))
- COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W "${_vyatta_op_completions[*]}" -- $cur ))
# if the last command line arg is empty and we have
# an empty completion option (meaning wild card),
@@ -285,11 +302,11 @@ _vyatta_op_expand ()
if [ "${COMP_WORDS[*]}" == "$_vyatta_op_last_comp" ] ; then
- _vyatta_op_help "$cur" \
- ${_vyatta_op_noncompletions[@]} \
- ${_vyatta_op_completions[@]} \
- | ${VYATTA_PAGER:-cat}
- COMPREPLY=( "" " " )
+ _vyatta_op_help "$cur" \
+ ${_vyatta_op_noncompletions[@]} \
+ ${_vyatta_op_completions[@]} \
+ | ${VYATTA_PAGER:-cat}
+ COMPREPLY=( "" " " )
@@ -388,6 +405,138 @@ _vyatta_pipe_completion ()
return 0
+# comptype
+_vyatta_set_comptype ()
+ local comptype
+ unset _vyatta_comptype
+ for ndef in ${_vyatta_op_node_path}/*/node.def ; do
+ if [[ $ndef == */node.tag/node.def ]] ; then
+ local comptype=$( _vyatta_op_get_node_def_field $ndef comptype )
+ if [[ $comptype == "imagefiles" ]] ; then
+ _vyatta_comptype=$comptype
+ return 0
+ else
+ _vyatta_comptype=""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ else
+ _vyatta_comptype=""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+ local cur=$1
+ cur=${cur/:/}
+ topdir=${cur%%/*}
+ cur=${cur#$topdir/}
+ if [[ $topdir == "running" ]]; then
+ cur="/${cur}"
+ else
+ cur="/live/image/boot/${topdir}/live-rw/${cur}"
+ fi
+ if [[ -f ${cur} ]]; then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ if _vyatta_image_is_file ${COMP_WORDS[(( ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-2 ))]}; then
+ _vyatta_op_completions=( "" " " )
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ _vyatta_image_path_complete
+ compopt -o nospace
+ local -a reply
+ if _vyatta_image_is_file $cur ; then
+ foundfile=1
+ _vyatta_op_completions=( "${cur} " )
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ if [[ ${cur} == "" ]]; then
+ reply=( $(compgen -f /live/image/boot/ | grep -v grub) )
+ for i in `seq 0 $[${#reply[@]}-1]`; do
+ file=${reply[$i]}
+ reply[$i]=${file/#\/live\/image\/boot\//}
+ reply[$i]="${reply[$i]}://config/"
+ done
+ reply+=( "running://config/" )
+ else
+ if ! [[ $cur =~ .*:\/\/ ]]; then
+ if [[ $cur =~ .*:\/ ]]; then
+ cur=${cur/:\//}
+ fi
+ if [[ $cur =~ .*: ]]; then
+ cur=${cur/:/}
+ fi
+ local isrunningimg=$(compgen -W "running" -- ${cur})
+ if [[ $isrunningimg == "running" ]];then
+ cur="/"
+ else
+ cur="/live/image/boot/${cur}"
+ fi
+ reply=( $(compgen -f ${cur}) )
+ for i in `seq 0 $[${#reply[@]}-1]`; do
+ file=${reply[$i]}
+ if [[ $isrunningimg == "running" ]];then
+ reply[$i]="running://config/"
+ else
+ reply[$i]=${file/#\/live\/image\/boot\//}
+ if [[ -d /live/image/boot/${reply[$i]} ]]; then
+ reply[$i]="${reply[$i]/#\//}://config/"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ cur=${cur/:/}
+ topdir=${cur%%/*}
+ cur=${cur#$topdir//}
+ if [[ $topdir == "running" ]]; then
+ cur="/${cur}"
+ else
+ cur="/live/image/boot/${topdir}/live-rw/${cur}"
+ fi
+ reply=( $(compgen -f ${cur}) )
+ # for loop from _filedirs() in /etc/bash_completion
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#reply[@]}; i++)); do
+ if [[ ${cur:0:1} != "'" ]]; then
+ [[ -d ${reply[i]} ]] && reply[i]="${reply[i]}"/
+ if [[ ${cur:0:1} == '"' ]]; then
+ reply[i]=${reply[i]//\\/\\\\}
+ reply[i]=${reply[i]//\"/\\\"}
+ reply[i]=${reply[i]//\$/\\\$}
+ else
+ reply[i]=$(printf %q ${reply[i]})
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ for i in `seq 0 $[${#reply[@]}-1]`; do
+ file=${reply[$i]}
+ if [[ $topdir == "running" ]]; then
+ reply[$i]=${file/#\//"$topdir://"}
+ else
+ reply[$i]=${file/#\/live\/image\/boot\/$topdir/"$topdir://"}
+ reply[$i]=${reply[$i]/\/live-rw\/}
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ _vyatta_op_completions=( "${reply[@]}" )
+ return 0
nullglob_save=$( shopt -p nullglob )
shopt -s nullglob
for f in ${vyatta_datadir}/vyatta-op/functions/allowed/* ; do