path: root/lib/Vyatta
diff options
authorJohn Southworth <>2012-05-15 11:34:33 -0700
committerJohn Southworth <>2012-05-15 11:34:33 -0700
commit6325118d9aa1ae7890a29c6f211ce456d04d68a9 (patch)
treed6cbbcad7acb4cd01cf520eff96e1641bd6a175f /lib/Vyatta
parent0da3c8a7e5b7506a4b9a7d1bedbd48fd45e7d89d (diff)
Add Vyatta wrappers for new keepalived output
1. Move show and clear vrrp scripts from vyatta-cfg-system. These belong in vyatta-op. 2. Create templates for new vrrp commands 3. Make show commands go through a perl module so they can be referenced from the webgui.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Vyatta')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Vyatta/VRRP/ b/lib/Vyatta/VRRP/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32d86fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Vyatta/VRRP/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# Module: Vyatta::VRRP::OPMode
+# **** License ****
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc.
+# Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Vyatta, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Author: John Southworth
+# Date: May 2012
+# Description: Process operational data from keepalived
+# **** End License ****
+package Vyatta::VRRP::OPMode;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @EXPORT = qw(process_data process_stats print_summary print_stats print_sync print_detail check_intf);
+use base qw(Exporter);
+use Sort::Versions;
+my $PIDFILE='/var/run/';
+my $DATAFILE='/tmp/';
+my $STATSFILE='/tmp/keepalived.stats';
+open my $PIDF, '<', $PIDFILE;
+my $PID=<$PIDF>;
+close $PIDF;
+sub trim {
+ my $string = shift;
+ $string =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $string =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $string;
+sub conv_name {
+ my $name = shift;
+ $name = trim $name;
+ $name = lc $name;
+ $name =~ s/\s/-/g;
+ return $name;
+sub add_to_datahash {
+ my ($dh, $interface, $instance, $in_sync, $name, $val) = @_;
+ $name = conv_name $name;
+ if ($in_sync) {
+ if ($name eq 'monitor'){
+ $dh->{'sync-groups'}->{$instance}->{$name} =
+ [ $dh->{'sync-groups'}->{$instance}->{$name} ?
+ @{$dh->{'sync-groups'}->{$instance}->{$name}} : (),
+ $val
+ ];
+ } else {
+ $dh->{'sync-groups'}->{$instance}->{$name} = $val;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{$name} = $val;
+ }
+sub process_data {
+ my ($dh) = @_;
+ my ($instance, $interface, $in_sync, $in_vip);
+ kill 'SIGUSR1', $PID;
+ open my $DATA, '<', $DATAFILE;
+ while (<$DATA>)
+ {
+ m/VRRP Instance = vyatta-(.*?)-(.*)/ && do {
+ $interface = $1;
+ $instance = $2;
+ $in_sync = undef;
+ $in_vip = undef;
+ $dh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance} = {};
+ next;
+ };
+ m/VRRP Sync Group = (.*?), (.*)/ && do {
+ $instance = $1;
+ $interface = undef;
+ $in_vip = undef;
+ my $state = $2;
+ $in_sync = 1;
+ add_to_datahash $dh, $interface, $instance, $in_sync, 'state', $state;
+ next;
+ };
+ if ($in_vip){
+ m/(.*?) dev (.*)/ && do {
+ $dh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{vips} =
+ [ $dh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{vips} ?
+ @{$dh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{vips}} : (),
+ trim $1 ];
+ };
+ }
+ m/(.*?) = (.*)/ && do {
+ $in_vip = undef;
+ add_to_datahash $dh, $interface, $instance, $in_sync, $1, $2;
+ m/Virtual IP/ && do {$in_vip = 1};
+ next;
+ };
+ }
+ close $DATA;
+sub elapse_time {
+ my ($start, $stop) = @_;
+ my $seconds = $stop - $start;
+ my $string = '';
+ my $secs_min = 60;
+ my $secs_hour = $secs_min * 60;
+ my $secs_day = $secs_hour * 24;
+ my $secs_week = $secs_day * 7;
+ my $weeks = int($seconds / $secs_week);
+ if ($weeks > 0 ) {
+ $seconds = int($seconds % $secs_week);
+ $string .= $weeks . "w";
+ }
+ my $days = int($seconds / $secs_day);
+ if ($days > 0) {
+ $seconds = int($seconds % $secs_day);
+ $string .= $days . "d";
+ }
+ my $hours = int($seconds / $secs_hour);
+ if ($hours > 0) {
+ $seconds = int($seconds % $secs_hour);
+ $string .= $hours . "h";
+ }
+ my $mins = int($seconds / $secs_min);
+ if ($mins > 0) {
+ $seconds = int($seconds % $secs_min);
+ $string .= $mins . "m";
+ }
+ $string .= $seconds . "s";
+ return $string;
+sub find_sync {
+ my ($intf, $vrid, $dh) = @_;
+ my $instance = "vyatta-$intf-$vrid";
+ foreach my $sync (sort versioncmp keys(%{$dh->{'sync-groups'}})){
+ return $sync if (grep { $instance } @{$dh->{'sync-groups'}->{$sync}->{monitor}});
+ }
+ return;
+sub check_intf {
+ my ($hash, $intf, $vrid) = @_;
+ if ($intf) {
+ if (!exists($hash->{instances}->{$intf})){
+ print "VRRP is not running on $intf\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ($vrid){
+ if (!exists($hash->{instances}->{$intf}->{$vrid})){
+ print "No VRRP group $vrid exists on $intf\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub print_detail {
+ my ($dh,$intf,$group) = @_;
+ print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
+ foreach my $interface (sort versioncmp keys(%{$dh->{instances}})) {
+ next if ($intf && $interface ne $intf);
+ printf "Interface: %s\n", $interface;
+ printf "--------------\n";
+ foreach my $vrid (sort versioncmp keys(%{$dh->{instances}->{$interface}})){
+ next if ($group && $vrid ne $group);
+ printf " Group: %s\n", $vrid;
+ printf " ----------\n";
+ printf " State:\t\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{state};
+ printf " Last transition:\t\t%s\n",
+ elapse_time($dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'last-transition'}, time);
+ printf "\n";
+ if ( $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{state} eq 'BACKUP') {
+ printf " Master router:\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'master-router'};
+ printf " Master priority:\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'master-priority'};
+ printf "\n";
+ }
+ if ($dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'transmitting-device'} ne
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'listening-device'}){
+ printf " RFC 3768 Compliant\n";
+ printf " Virtual MAC interface:\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'transmitting-device'};
+ printf " Address Owner:\t\t%s\n",
+ ($dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{priority} == 255) ? 'yes': 'no';
+ printf "\n";
+ }
+ printf " Source Address:\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'using-mcast-src_ip'};
+ printf " Priority:\t\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'priority'};
+ printf " Advertisement interval:\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'advert-interval'};
+ printf " Authentication type:\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'authentication-type'};
+ printf " Preempt:\t\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'preempt'};
+ printf "\n";
+ my $sync = find_sync($interface, $vrid, $dh);
+ if ($sync) {
+ printf " Sync-group:\t\t\t%s\n", $sync;
+ printf "\n";
+ }
+ printf " VIP count:\t\t\t%s\n",
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'virtual-ip'};
+ foreach my $vip (@{$dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{vips}}){
+ printf " %s\n", $vip;
+ }
+ printf "\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub print_summary {
+ my ($dh, $intf, $group) = @_;
+ my $format = "%-18s%-7s%-8s%-11s%-7s%-12s%s\n";
+ printf $format, '','','','RFC','Addr','Last','Sync';
+ printf $format, 'Interface','Group','State','Compliant','Owner','Transition','Group';
+ printf $format, '---------','-----','-----','---------','-----','----------','-----';
+ foreach my $interface (sort versioncmp keys(%{$dh->{instances}})) {
+ next if ($intf && $interface ne $intf);
+ foreach my $vrid (sort versioncmp keys(%{$dh->{instances}->{$interface}})){
+ next if ($group && $vrid ne $group);
+ my $state = $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{state};
+ my $compliant =
+ ($dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'transmitting-device'} ne
+ $dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'listening-device'}) ? 'yes': 'no';
+ my $addr_owner = ($dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{priority} == 255) ? 'yes': 'no';
+ my $lt = elapse_time($dh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'last-transition'}, time);
+ my $sync = find_sync($interface, $vrid, $dh);
+ $sync = "<none>" if (!defined($sync));
+ printf $format, $interface, $vrid, $state, $compliant, $addr_owner, $lt, $sync;
+ }
+ }
+ printf "\n";
+sub process_stats {
+ my ($sh) = @_;
+ my ($instance, $interface, $section);
+ kill 'SIGUSR2', $PID;
+ open my $STATS, '<', $STATSFILE;
+ while (<$STATS>)
+ {
+ m/VRRP Instance: vyatta-(.*?)-(.*)/ && do {
+ $interface = $1;
+ $instance = $2;
+ $sh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance} = {};
+ next;
+ };
+ m/Released master: (.*)/ && do {
+ $sh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{'released-master'} = $1;
+ next;
+ };
+ m/Became master: (.*)/ && do {
+ $sh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{'became-master'} = $1;
+ next;
+ };
+ m/(.*?):$/ && do {
+ $section = conv_name $1;
+ $sh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{$section} = {};
+ next;
+ };
+ m/(.*?): (.*)/ && do {
+ my $id = conv_name $1;
+ $sh->{'instances'}->{$interface}->{$instance}->{$section}->{$id} = $2;
+ next;
+ };
+ print $_;
+ }
+ close $STATS;
+sub print_stats {
+ my ($sh, $intf, $group) = @_;
+ print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
+ foreach my $interface (sort versioncmp keys(%{$sh->{instances}})) {
+ next if ($intf && $interface ne $intf);
+ printf "Interface: %s\n", $interface;
+ printf "--------------\n";
+ foreach my $vrid (sort versioncmp keys(%{$sh->{instances}->{$interface}})){
+ next if ($group && $vrid ne $group);
+ printf " Group: %s\n", $vrid;
+ printf " ----------\n";
+ printf " Advertisements:\n";
+ printf " Received:\t\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{advertisements}->{received};
+ printf " Sent:\t\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{advertisements}->{sent};
+ printf "\n";
+ printf " Became master:\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'became-master'};
+ printf " Released master:\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'released-master'};
+ printf "\n";
+ printf " Packet errors:\n";
+ printf " Length:\t\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'packet-errors'}->{length};
+ printf " TTL:\t\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'packet-errors'}->{ttl};
+ printf " Invalid type:\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'packet-errors'}->{'invalid-type'};
+ printf " Advertisement interval:\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'packet-errors'}->{'advertisement-interval'};
+ printf " Address List:\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'packet-errors'}->{'address-list'};
+ printf "\n";
+ printf " Authentication Errors:\n";
+ printf " Invalid type:\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'authentication-errors'}->{'invalid-type'};
+ printf " Type mismatch:\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'authentication-errors'}->{'type-mismatch'};
+ printf " Failure:\t\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'authentication-errors'}->{'failure'};
+ printf "\n";
+ printf " Priority Zero Advertisements:\n";
+ printf " Received\t\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'priority-zero'}->{'received'};
+ printf " Sent\t\t\t%d\n",
+ $sh->{instances}->{$interface}->{$vrid}->{'priority-zero'}->{'sent'};
+ printf "\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub print_sync {
+ my ($dh, $sync_group) = @_;
+ print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
+ foreach my $sync (sort versioncmp keys(%{$dh->{'sync-groups'}})){
+ next if ($sync_group && $sync ne $sync_group);
+ printf "Group: %s\n", $sync;
+ printf "---------\n";
+ printf " State: %s\n", $dh->{'sync-groups'}->{$sync}->{state};
+ printf " Monitoring:\n";
+ foreach my $mon (@{$dh->{'sync-groups'}->{$sync}->{monitor}}){
+ my ($intf, $vrid) = $mon =~ m/vyatta-(.*?)-(.*)/;
+ printf " Interface: %s, Group: %s\n", $intf, $vrid;
+ }
+ printf "\n";
+ }