This package has the Vyatta operational command completion script and base template tree. The default root of this tree is: /opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-op/templates Each directory within this tree is a respective command line argument; for example, the .../templates/show/interfaces/ethernet directory completes the command line "show interfaces ethernet". Thus, the directory name is generally equivalent to the command or argument name. The only exception are directories named "node.tag"; these represent dynamic or variable command arguments. For example, .../templates/show/interfaces/ethernet/node.tag completes the active system interfaces like "show interfaces ethernet eth0". Every template directory must have one and only one file named "node.def". This file defines the node help string and run command, like .../templates/show/interfaces/node.def: help: "Show network interface information" run: ${vyatta_bindir}/vyatta-show-interfaces Notes: - field tags (i.e. "help:" and "run:") must be at the start of line - try to limit help strings to 64 characters - run commands may span multiple lines but subsequent lines must not begin with "WORD:" The run command is an evaluated shell expression that may contain the positional command line argument variables (i.e. $1, $*, $@). However, since the command itself, is evaluated through an aliased function, $1 is the command name rather than the usual $0. So, the command "show interfaces ethernet eth0" would evaluate the respective run command with $4 == eth0. The variable argument .../node.tag/node.def files may also define an "allowed" field. This is a misnomer since it's really used to produce a list of possible completions or additional help rather than what is allowed during execution. The fields contents are evaluated shell expression that outputs (stdout) the list of possible completion values or symbolic help of the pattern '<*>'. A blank or missing "allowed" field means that there is no completion for the respective node; for such nodes a '*' placeholder tag is displayed with the help text. Examples: .../templates/show/interfaces/ethernet/node.tag/node.def help: "Show given ethernet interface information" allowed: local -a array=( /sys/class/net/{eth,vmnet}* ) ; echo -n ${array[@]##*/} run: ${vyatta_bindir}/vyatta-show-interfaces ethernet $4 .../templates/terminal/length/node.tag/node.def help: Set terminal to given number of rows (0 disables paging) allowed: echo -n '<NUMBER>' run: if [ "$3" -eq 0 ] ; then VYATTA_PAGER=cat else stty rows $3 fi