vyatta-op (0.13.20) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Change vyatta-op dependency from ssmtp to mail-transport-agent.

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Add 'show interfaces pseudo-ethernet'
  * Fix completion for VIF
  * Ignore ntp.conf server options
  * Add ethtool output to show tech-support
  * Remove show tech-support bug related to interfaces
  * Add operator to show disk format
  * Fix handling of invalid bonding name
  * Fix error message from show bonding
  * Cleanup show bonding script
  * Make bonding operational mode consistent with ethernet
  * Remove pseudo-ethernet vif templates
  * Add missing template for 'show interfaces bonding bondX'
  * Remove bogus statistics template

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Wed, 12 Aug 2009 22:06:40 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.19) unstable; urgency=low


 -- An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com>  Fri, 29 May 2009 18:36:59 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.18) unstable; urgency=low

  * Show more detail about interfaces in show tech-support
  * Make tech-support show more PCI info

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Thu, 28 May 2009 14:17:44 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.17) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Conny Brunnkvist ]
  * Add "show configuration files".

 -- Stig Thormodsrud <stig@vyatta.com>  Mon, 25 May 2009 13:01:09 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.16) unstable; urgency=low

  * add local env hook

 -- An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com>  Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:56:44 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.15) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix shutdown at to return to prompt

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Thu, 19 Mar 2009 15:38:27 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.14) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add show shutdown
  * fix email in changelog
  * Add dependency on perl libtimedate
  * Fix formatting of output
  * Use nohup to avoid extra messages

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Thu, 12 Mar 2009 11:10:53 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.13) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix typo in shutdown cancel
  * Cleanup show disk format
  * Cleanup show disk format
  * Fix lsof options in tech-support

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Wed, 11 Mar 2009 17:58:58 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.12) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix 4183: no auto completion for 'clear vrrp interfaces <> group ?'.

 -- An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com>  Mon, 09 Mar 2009 19:44:29 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.11) unstable; urgency=low

  * Remove [y] from prompt

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Sun, 08 Mar 2009 14:12:48 -0700

vyatta-op (0.13.10) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix broken path in 'show arp <intf>'.

 -- Stig Thormodsrud <stig@io.vyatta.com>  Thu, 05 Mar 2009 15:09:17 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Use new --vif option to find allowed interfaces
  * Add default option to yesno for shutdown
  * Fix out of date stuff in README
  * Fix expansion of bonding VIF
  * Use show-interface to allow clear on all interface types
  * Use getInterfaces in vyatta-show-interfaces.pl

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Mon, 02 Mar 2009 17:21:27 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix problems with new show-interfaces.pl
  * Invalid action should cause usage message

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Wed, 18 Feb 2009 10:19:16 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Prompt before immediate shutdown
  * Put delayed shutdown in background to allow for other commands.
  * Enable strict in cpu summary
  * Use common Vyatta:: library

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Tue, 17 Feb 2009 17:04:34 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Change show log directory to use 'if'
  * Show arp: don't resolve host names
  * Add show arp eth0
  * Use vyatta-interfaces --show to display allowed types
  * Don't resolve hostnames in show tech-support
  * Use lesspipe to unzip log files
  * Add shutdown command to CLI

 -- Stephen Hemminger <shemminger@vyatta.com>  Thu, 12 Feb 2009 14:58:54 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.5) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 4120 Extraneous <value> item at top of Operation tree

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Add heading to 'show users'

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Explicitly use the shell builtin "test" command since "test" is now

 -- Bob Gilligan <gilligan@vyatta.com>  Wed, 11 Feb 2009 09:41:40 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix CPU summary

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:05:18 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New show system cpu
  * Move 'show system cpu' to 'show hardware cpu summary'
  * Change name of cpu summary script and rearrange

 -- Stephen Hemminger <stephen.hemminger@vyatta.com>  Thu, 29 Jan 2009 16:34:26 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Justin Fletcher ]
  * Move tcp and udp commands under system/connections

 -- An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@build-vm.localdomain>  Tue, 13 Jan 2009 18:15:06 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13.1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Add commands to display open sockets
  * Need full path to ss command

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * correct package dependency

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * add bond interfaces to list of allowed interfaces for dhcp

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * add support for development build

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * make changes for submodule moved to VyattaMisc

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Decode bonding modes
  * Convert to Vyatta::

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * "show interfaces" broken.  Use new perl hierarchy.

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Get rid of reference to OFR

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Add option to show counters for multiple interfaces.

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * update maintainer information
  * "files" file should be removed before package build

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 4022 dynamic dns config fails during system boot if
    interface does not exist

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]

 -- An-Cheng Huang <ancheng@vyatta.com>  Thu, 08 Jan 2009 09:42:49 -0800

vyatta-op (0.13) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * add 'ppp interface-name' to output of 'show dns forwarding
  * add wirelessmodem to interface hash to pick up description from CLI

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Sort interfaces in bonding operational mode commands
  * Show correct statistics on slaves

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Rename "show arp6" to "show ipv6 neighbors".

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * need sudo before ethtool -S
  * Save/restore command history in configure

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Bugfix: 3841:  Allow admin level users to run the RAID op mode

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * fix 'show history N'
  * Fix references to ethtool
  * Better format of output
  * Show command history

  [ Robert Bays ]
  * move show system usb to vyatta-op

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Bugfix: 3744

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Revert insecure method of displaying configuration

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 3763 Configuration is not available to operator in "show
  * make sure file has been written to before extracting

  [ Rick Balocca ]
  * Recognize aufs

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 3609 "show tech-support" does not display open file
    information for operator level user

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix 2881: "show tech-support" should limit the output of "show ip

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Bugfix: 3333
  * Bugfix: 1725

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 3716 - Dynamic DNS status may incorrectly indicate lack of

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Revert "Fix less prompt."
  * Fix less prompt.

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * remove debug code
  * Fix script for bond with no slaves
  * Show all interfaces
  * Add preliminary operational mode support for bonding
  * Add operational mode template for ethtool statistics

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * change op-mode command 'clear dns forwarding statistics' to 'clear
    dns forwarding all'
  * add code for op-mode Dynamic DNS commands

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Add operational mode commands for RAID.

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * change command 'clear dns forwarding process' to 'clear dns
    forwarding statistics'
  * allowed values for dhcp release/renew should show bridges as well if
    configured to use dhcp
  * add command 'clear dns forwarding process' to restart dnsmasq and
    clear all statistics

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix 3540: ssmtp complaining that it's unable to locate mail

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * better wording for output of 'show dns forwarding nameservers'

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix "show interfaces ethernet" after "clear interfaces counters"

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * use active config directory base to get config values from op-mode
  * code for op-mode command: 'show dns forwarding nameservers'
  * dns-forwarding op-mode commands:
  * add 'clear dns forwarding cache' command

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix IPv6 help string.
  * Add some ipv6 op mode commands.
  * The at package pulls in citadel-mta, use small mta.
  * Add missing "show reboot".
  * Enable "reload at|cancel".

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * add openvpn interfaces to "show interfaces"

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@firebolt.vyatta.com>  Tue, 25 Nov 2008 19:10:16 -0800

vyatta-op (0.12) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * better detection of whether domain-name set using CLI is overriding
  * => display text saying the domain-name received from dhcp-server

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * fix for bug 3451: add messages output

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Turn on paging of tail when showing count lines
  * Show files completion

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * prevents showing backend error to user on traceroute when name-
    server not set
  * Fix Bug 2871 Internal errors reported with traceroute

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * fix for bug 3414: make op mode functions available in config mode.

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 1059 Feature Request: integrate 'tcpdump' and 'tethereal'
    into Vyatta CLI

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@firebolt.vyatta.com>  Wed, 23 Jul 2008 21:36:10 -0700

vyatta-op (0.11) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 1059 Feature Request: integrate 'tcpdump' and 'tethereal'
    into Vyatta CLI
  * Bug 3385 incomplete command 'run' in configure mode produces backend
    error to user
  * Fix Bug 3378 user "vyatta" got "permission denied" after executing
    "renew dhcp ..." and/or "release dhcp ..."

  [ rbalocca ]
  * Output was sometimes missing important white space

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * added code for allowed values for op-mode dhcp release/renew lease
  * Fix bug 3059 Operator Level commands for DHCP client
  * deleting op-command 'clear dhcp client process' as its handling

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@firebolt.vyatta.com>  Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:22:25 -0700

vyatta-op (0.10) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Do chomp in accessor routine for sysfs
  * add completions for show files

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Add sanity check if getlogin() fails.

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Fix use of invalid variable

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix 3328: operator can't issue "show vrrp"
  * Fix 787: Add command to force vrrp state transition to backup.
  * Fix 88: Feature Request: Reboot Command (add confirmation)
  * Fix 2705: Add "clear vrrp process" command.
  * Fix 3155: setting the third vrrp member with the highest priority
    doesn't change (update) the backup

  [ rbalocca ]
  * Ignore derived files

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * Use perl to read sysfs directly

  [ rbalocca ]
  * Convert to our method of changelog creation

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix 3233: dhcp client doesn't work on bridge interface

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Bugfix: 3228
  * Bugfix: 2858
  * Enable display of info about ADSL interfaces.

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 3069 Help strings should be standardized
  * Fix Bug 3069 Help strings should be standardized
  * Fix Bug 3069 Help strings should be standardized
  * Fix Bug 1059 Feature Request: integrate 'tcpdump' and 'tethereal'
    into Vyatta CLI
  * Fix Bug 3069 Help strings should be standardized

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix 3062: "Show interfaces" displays interfaces in lexicographic,
    not numeric, order

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 2871 Internal errors reported with traceroute

  [ Tom Grennan ]
  * record selected vtysh (vyatta-quagga vs quagga) in exported shell
  * donot pipe through VYATTA_PAGER if run_cmd begins with LESSOPEN,
    less, pager, or tail
  * use less prompt to display the "show" content
  * fix typo in bug fix 3017
  * this is an architecture independent package
  * fix bug 3017

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 802 VRRP - add "show vrrp summary" command (TC

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@firebolt.vyatta.com>  Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:27:18 -0700

vyatta-op (0.9) unstable; urgency=low


 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Tue, 06 May 2008 12:43:38 -0700

vyatta-op (0.8) unstable; urgency=low


 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Mon, 05 May 2008 16:40:56 -0700

vyatta-op (0.7) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ rbalocca ]
  * Indicate the VC4.0.2 release candidate in the changelog

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Tue, 29 Apr 2008 16:42:42 -0700

vyatta-op (0.6) unstable; urgency=low


 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Sat, 19 Apr 2008 11:56:25 -0700

vyatta-op (0.5) unstable; urgency=low

  VC4.0.2 release candidate
  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * "show bridge brX" doesn't work. Use full path to brctl.

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:50:26 -0700

vyatta-op (0.4) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  * 3.0.1

  [ rbalocca ]
  * Fix debian dependencies
  * Line up the colons with the copyright notice (in show version)
  * Set dependencies on either bash or vyatta-bash

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Fri, 04 Apr 2008 18:01:12 -0700

vyatta-op (0.3) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * * fix for bug 2771: bind space to completion for vbash users.
  * Revert "* fix for bug 2771: bind space to completion for vbash
  * fix for bug 2911: check log file name
  * add quoting for inline scripts in templates
  * show commands don't need sudo
  * revert sudo removal for "identify" command since the kernel change
  * partial fix for bug 2771: change default for root and add command

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Bugfix: 2879

  [ Christopher LILJENSTOLPE ]
  * Fix 2965: IPv6 Interface information not shown in show interfaces

  [ Justin Fletcher ]
  * Follow log file through log rotation

  [ Mohit Mehta ]
  * Fix Bug 2707 Missing from Glendale
  * Fix Bug 2707 Missing from Glendale
  * Fix Bug 2707 Missing from Glendale
  * Fix Bug 2863 "show bridge" prompts for sudo password
  * Fix Bug 2707 Missing from Glendale

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * add command to show end of log file
  * bridge status commands don't need sudo
  * no need for sudo to read log messages
  * use sysfs rather dmidecode to look at hardware information
  * remove root requirement
  * Use hardcoded path to ethtool
  * don't use sudo-users for ip commands
  * no longer need sudo-users links for commands
  * tech-support is a shell script
  * Add show license command
  * Update license from VPL 1.0 to GPLv2
  * remove init-floppy
  * Fix this a different way.
  * Move init-floppy to /opt/vyatta/sbin
  * don't run commands in subshell
  * Need to run commands via eval
  * Better fix for interrupted shell commands problem.

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * Fix operator permissions for "clear arp" and "clear ip route cache".
  * Fix operator permissions for "clear interface counters" and "clear
    dhcp client process"
  * Add quotes to user entered parameters
  * Add quotes around user input

  [ rbalocca ]
  * Remove postrm from configure.ac, since it was deleted
  * Fix syntax error in control file + add a missing dependency: "less"

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Tue, 18 Mar 2008 19:05:07 -0700

vyatta-op (0.2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

  [ An-Cheng Huang ]
  * fix for bug 2587: add "identify" command under "show interfaces
  * bind '?' to "possible-completions" for help

  [ Bob Gilligan ]
  * Teach the vyatta-show-interfaces script about PPPOE interfaces.
  * Bugfix: 2634
  * Bugfix: 2712

  [ Mark O'Brien ]
  * Added "clear console" command to clear screen.

  [ Stephen Hemminger ]
  * running brctl doesn't need root privledges
  * no longer need sudo for ethtool
  * no need for sudo when using ethtool
  * remove usage of sudo in tech-support script
  * remove unneeded install steps
  * Revert "remove unneeded install steps"
  * Revert "remove usage of sudo in tech-support script"
  * Revert "no need for sudo when using ethtool"
  * Revert "no longer need sudo for ethtool"
  * Revert "running brctl doesn't need root privledges"

  [ Stig Thormodsrud ]
  * add 'show dhcp client leases'
  * fix 'show vrrp interface <>'
  * - Add "show ip route forward"
  * Change 'show dhcp client' to 'show dhcp client leases'
  * Add 'clear arp <address|interface>' bug 2702
  * Fix 2710: Missing hardware commands
  * - Fix bug 776: need "clear interface" command to clear counters
  * Add "clear dhcp client process".
  * Fix "show dhcp client leases" so that it will parse multiple name
  * Change printf to use "u" instead of "d". Still need to handle 32 bit
    counter roll.
  * Handle 32 bit counter roll in "show interfaces".

  [ Tom Grennan ]
  * fix (or at least improve) bug 2519

  [ Mark O'Brien ]

 -- Mark O'Brien <mobrien@vyatta.com>  Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:39:32 -0800

vyatta-op (0.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release.

 -- Tom Grennan <tgrennan@vyatta.com>  Mon, 17 Sep 2007 15:29:15 -0700