# implement "show tech-support" # usage: tech-support [ save [ <filename> ] ] # usage: tech-support [ save-uncompressed [ <filename> ] ] # NOTE: this file is sourced, NOT executed function header { echo echo ---------------- echo "$*" echo ---------------- } # by default send to stdout OUT=1 FLAG=0 REMOTE=0 DEFAULT_PATH=/opt/vyatta/etc/config/support DEFAULT_GROUP=users do_rotate () { local count=`ls -t $DEFAULT_PATH/*.tech-support.* 2>/dev/null |wc -l` if (( count >= 100 )); then local dfile=`ls -t $DEFAULT_PATH/*.tech-support.* 2>/dev/null |tail -1` rm -f $dfile >&/dev/null \ && echo "Removed old tech-support output file '$dfile'" fi } HOSTNAME=`hostname` CURTIME=`date +%F-%H%M%S` if [ "$1" == "save-uncompressed" ]; then FLAG="1" elif [ "$1" == "save" ]; then FLAG="0" fi if [ "$1" == "save" ] || [ "$1" == "save-uncompressed" ]; then # "save" or save-uncompressed is specified. save output to file. if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [[ "$2" =~ scp:///* ]]; then OUT="$HOSTNAME.tech-support.$CURTIME" REMOTE="1" elif [[ "$2" =~ ftp:///* ]]; then OUT="$HOSTNAME.tech-support.$CURTIME" REMOTE="1" else #file to be save locally OUT="$2.$HOSTNAME.tech-support.$CURTIME" fi else OUT="$HOSTNAME.tech-support.$CURTIME" fi if [[ $OUT != /* ]]; then # it's not absolute path. save in default path. mkdir -p $DEFAULT_PATH >& /dev/null chgrp $DEFAULT_GROUP $DEFAULT_PATH >& /dev/null chmod 775 $DEFAULT_PATH >& /dev/null OUT="$DEFAULT_PATH/$OUT" do_rotate fi if ! touch $OUT >& /dev/null; then echo "Cannot create tech-support file '$OUT'" exit 1 fi if [ $REMOTE != "1" ]; then echo "Saving output to $OUT ..." fi fi ( export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH header Show Tech-Support header CONFIGURATION header Vyatta Version and Package Changes show version all header Configuration File cat /opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot header Running configuration show configuration header Package Repository Configuration File cat /etc/apt/sources.list header User Startup Scripts cat /etc/rc.local header Quagga Configuration vtysh -c 'show run' header INTERFACES header Interfaces show interfaces header Ethernet header Interface statistics ip -s link show for eth in $(cd /sys/class/net; echo eth*) do header "Physical Interface statistics for $eth" sudo ethtool -S $eth done for eth in $(cd /sys/class/net; echo eth*) do header "Physical Interface Details for $eth" show interfaces ethernet $eth physical done header Physical Interface Offload Settings and Capabilities sudo ethtool -K header "ARP Table (Total entries)" show arp header Number of incomplete entries in ARP table show arp | grep incomplete | wc -l header Serial header "WAN Interface Hardware Information (wanrouter hwprobe)" is_sangoma='lspci -n -d '1923:*'' is_adsl='lspci -n -d '14bc:*'' if [ -z "$is_sangoma" -a -z "$is_adsl" ]; then sudo wanrouter hwprobe header "WAN Interface Software Version (wanrouter version)" wanrouter version header "WAN Interface Debugging Information (wanrouter debug)" wanrouter debug header "WAN Interface Connection Status Information (wanrouter summary)" wanrouter summary header "WAN Interface Information Summary (wanrouter status)" wanrouter status header "WAN Interface Driver Information (wanrouter modules)" wanrouter modules if [ -e /etc/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc ]; then header "WAN Interface Startup Script (/etc/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc)" cat /etc/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc fi header WAN Interfaces wanifs=( /sys/class/net/wan* ) wanifs=`echo -n ${wanifs[@]##*/}` echo "wanifs are $wanifs" for ifname in $wanifs ; do header "wanpipemon -i $ifname -c sc" sudo wanpipemon -i $ifname -c sc header "wanpipemon -i $ifname -c so" sudo wanpipemon -i $ifname -c so header "wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xcv" sudo wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xcv header "wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xru" sudo wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xru header "wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xm" sudo wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xm header "wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xl" sudo wanpipemon -i $ifname -c xl header "wanpipemon -i $ifname -c Ta" sudo wanpipemon -i $ifname -c Ta done for i in /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe*.conf ; do if [ -e $i ]; then header $i cat $i fi done header "WAN Interface Configuration Log (wanrouter conflog)" wanrouter conflog else echo "Wanpipe not configured" fi header ROUTING function show_route_limit () { NUM=$(show $1 route $2 | wc -l) # subtract 3 lines of header [ $NUM -gt 3 ] && NUM=$[$NUM - 3] OUTPUT=$(echo show $1 route $2 \(total $NUM\)) CMD="show $1 route $2" if [ $3 -eq 0 ] then header $OUTPUT vtysh -c "$CMD" else header "$OUTPUT- limit $3" vtysh -c "$CMD" | head -n $3 fi } # # show all connected/static, limit the output others and include a total # show_route_limit ip connected 0 show_route_limit ip static 0 show_route_limit ip rip 500 show_route_limit ip ospf 500 show_route_limit ip bgp 500 show_route_limit ip '' 500 show_route_limit ipv6 connected 0 show_route_limit ipv6 static 0 show_route_limit ipv6 ripng 500 show_route_limit ipv6 ospf6 500 show_route_limit ipv6 bgp 500 show_route_limit ipv6 '' 500 header IPTABLES header Filter Chain Details sudo /sbin/iptables -L -vn header Nat Chain Details sudo /sbin/iptables -t nat -L -vn header Mangle Chain Details sudo /sbin/iptables -t mangle -L -vn header Raw Chain Details sudo /sbin/iptables -t raw -L -vn header Save Iptables Rule-Set sudo iptables-save -c header SYSTEM header Show System Image Version show system image version header Show System Image Storage show system image storage header Current Time date header Installed Packages dpkg -l header Loaded Modules cat /proc/modules header CPU header Installed CPU/s lscpu header Cumulative CPU Time Used by Running Processes top -n1 -b -S header Hardware Interrupt Counters cat /proc/interrupts header Load Average cat /proc/loadavg header Running Processes ps -ef header Memory header Installed Memory cat /proc/meminfo header Memory Usage free header Storage header Devices cat /proc/devices header Partitions cat /proc/partitions disks=`cat /proc/partitions | awk '{ if ($4!="name") { print $4 } }' | egrep -v "[0-9]$" | egrep -v "^$"` for disk in $disks; do header "Partitioning for disk $disk" fdisk -l /dev/$disk done header Mounts cat /proc/mounts header Diskstats cat /proc/diskstats header Hard Drive Usage df -h -x squashfs header General System header Boot Messages cat /var/log/dmesg header "Recent Kernel messages (dmesg)" dmesg header PCI Info sudo lspci -vvx header PCI Vendor and Device Codes sudo lspci -nn header System Info ${vyatta_bindir}/vyatta-show-dmi header GRUB Command line cat /proc/cmdline header Open Ports sudo lsof -P -n -i header System Startup Files ls -l /etc/rc?.d header Bash History eval "cfg_users=($(cli-shell-api listActiveNodes system login user))" for user in "${cfg_users[@]}"; do header "Bash History for $user"; case $user in root) file="/root/.bash_history";; *) file="/home/$user/.bash_history";; esac; sudo cat $file | gawk '/^#[0-9]*/ {t = substr($0,2); next} {print strftime("%FT%T%z", t) " " $0}' | sort -u done header Login History last -ix header Recent Log Messages tail -n 250 /var/log/messages header Entitlement show entitlement header NTP show ntp header Zebra show zebra ### # End of Core section ### header BGP if cli-shell-api existsActive protocols bgp; then header BGP Summary show ip bgp summary header BGP Neighbors show ip bgp neighbors header BGP Debugging Information show debugging bgp else echo "BGP is not configured" fi header CLUSTERING if cli-shell-api existsActive cluster; then header Cluster Status show cluster status else echo "Clustering is not configured" fi header DHCP Server if cli-shell-api existsActive service dhcp-server; then header DHCP Leases show dhcp leases header DHCP Statistics show dhcp statistics else echo "DHCP server is not configured" fi header DHCP Client is_dhcp=`show dhcp client leases | wc -l` if [ "$is_dhcp" == "1" ]; then echo "DHCP client is not configured" else header DHCP Client Leases show dhcp client leases fi header DHCPV6 Server if cli-shell-api existsActive service dhcpv6-server; then header DHCPV6 Server Status show dhcpv6 server status header DHCPV6 Server Leases show dhcpv6 server leases else echo "DHCPV6 Server is not configured" fi header DHCPV6 Relay if cli-shell-api existsActive service dhcpv6-relay; then header DHCPV6 Relay Status show dhcpv6 relay-agent status else echo "DHCPV6 Relay is not configured" fi header DHCPV6 Client is_dhcp=`show dhcpv6 client leases | wc -l` if [ "$is_dhcp" == "1" ]; then echo "DHCPV6 client is not configured" else header DHCPV6 Client Leases show dhcpv6 client leases fi header DNS if cli-shell-api existsActive service dns; then header DNS Dynamic Status show dns dynamic status header DNS Forwarding Statistics show dns forwarding statistics header DNS Forwarding Nameservers show dns forwarding nameservers else echo "DNS is not configured" fi header FIREWALL if cli-shell-api existsActive firewall; then header Firewall Group show firewall group header Firewall Detail show firewall detail header Firewall Statistics show firewall statistics else echo "Firewall is not configured" fi header IPS if cli-shell-api existsActive content-inspection; then header IPS log show ips log header IPS Update-Log show ips update-log else echo "IPS is not configured" fi header IPSec if cli-shell-api existsActive vpn ipsec; then header IPSec Status show vpn ipsec status header IPSec sa show vpn ipsec sa header IPSec sa Detail show vpn ipsec sa detail header IPSec sa Statistics show vpn ipsec sa statistics header /etc/ipsec.conf cat /etc/ipsec.conf if [ -r /etc/ipsec.secrets ]; then header /etc/ipsec.secrets cat /etc/ipsec.secrets fi else echo "IPSec is not configured" fi header NAT if cli-shell-api existsActive service nat; then header NAT Rules show nat rules header NAT Statistics show nat statistics header NAT Translations Detail show nat translations detail else echo "NAT is not configured" fi header NETFLOW if cli-shell-api existsActive system flow-accounting netflow; then header NetFlow Accounting show flow-accounting else echo "Netflow is not configured" fi header OPENVPN if cli-shell-api existsActive interfaces openvpn; then header OpenVPN Interfaces show interfaces openvpn detail header OpenVPN Server Status show openvpn server-status else echo "OpenVPN is not configured" fi header OSPF if cli-shell-api existsActive protocols ospf; then header OSPF Neighbor show ip ospf neighbor header OSPF Route show ip ospf route header OSPF Debugging Information show debugging ospf else echo "OSPF is not configured" fi header OSPFV3 if cli-shell-api existsActive protocols ospfv3; then header OSPFV3 Debugging Information show debugging ospfv3 else echo "OSPFV3 is not configured" fi header Policy if cli-shell-api existsActive policy; then header IP Route Maps show ip protocol header Route-Map show route-map #header IP Access Lists #show ip access-lists header IP Community List show ip community-list else echo "Policy is not configured" fi header Traffic Policy if cli-shell-api existsActive traffic-policy; then header Current Traffic Policies show queueing else echo "Traffic-Policy is not configured" fi header RIP if cli-shell-api existsActive protocols rip; then header IP RIP show ip rip header RIP Status show ip rip status header RIP Debugging Information show debugging rip else echo "RIP is not configured" fi header RIPNG if cli-shell-api existsActive protocols ripng; then header RIPNG Debugging Information show debugging ripng else echo "RIPNG is not configured" fi header VPN-L2TP if cli-shell-api existsActive vpn l2tp; then header VPN ike secrets show vpn ike secrets header VPN rsa-keys show vpn ike rsa-keys header VPN ike sa show vpn ike sa header VPN ike Status show vpn ike status header VPN Remote-Access show vpn remote-access header VPN Debug Detail show vpn debug detail else echo "VPN L2TP is not configured" fi header VPN-PPTP if cli-shell-api existsActive vpn pptp; then header VPN Remote-Access show vpn remote-access else echo "VPN PPTP is not configured" fi header VRRP found=0 for eth in $(cd /sys/class/net; echo eth*); do if cli-shell-api existsActive interfaces ethernet $eth vrrp; then header \''show vrrp'\' show vrrp found=1 fi done if [ $found -eq 0 ]; then echo "VRRP is not configured" fi header WAN LOAD BALANCING if cli-shell-api existsActive load-balancing wan; then header Wan Load Balance show wan-load-balance header Wan Load Balance Status show wan-load-balance status header Wan Load Balance Connection show wan-load-balance connection else echo "Wan Load Balance is not configured" fi header "WEBPROXY/URL-FILTERING" if cli-shell-api existsActive service webproxy url-filtering; then header WebProxy Blacklist Categories show webproxy blacklist categories header WebProxy Blacklist Domains show webproxy blacklist domains header WebProxy Blacklist URLs show webproxy blacklist urls header WebProxy Blacklist Log show webproxy blacklist log summary else echo "Webproxy/URL-filtering is not configured" fi header "END OF TECH-SUPPORT FILE" ) 1>&$OUT 2>&1 if [ $OUT != "1" ]; then chgrp $DEFAULT_GROUP $OUT >& /dev/null chmod 664 $OUT >& /dev/null if [ $FLAG == "0" ]; then gzip $OUT OUT=$OUT.gz if [ $REMOTE != "1" ]; then echo "File $OUT is the compressed file." fi fi if [ $REMOTE != "1" ]; then echo "Done" fi fi if [ $REMOTE == "1" ]; then perl /opt/vyatta/bin/vyatta-remote-copy.pl $2 $OUT $FLAG fi