# implement "show tech-support" # usage: tech-support [ save [ ] ] # NOTE: this file is sourced, NOT executed function header { echo echo ---------------- echo "$*" echo ---------------- } # by default send to stdout OUT=1 DEFAULT_PATH=/opt/vyatta/etc/config/support DEFAULT_GROUP=users do_rotate () { local count=`ls -t $DEFAULT_PATH/*.tech-support.* 2>/dev/null |wc -l` if (( count >= 10 )); then local dfile=`ls -t $DEFAULT_PATH/*.tech-support.* 2>/dev/null |tail -1` rm -f $dfile >&/dev/null \ && echo "Removed old tech-support output file '$dfile'" fi } HOSTNAME=`hostname` CURTIME=`date +%F-%H%M%S` if [ "$1" == "save" ]; then # "save" is specified. save output to file. if [ -n "$2" ]; then # "" is specified. use it as the prefix. OUT="$2.$HOSTNAME.tech-support.$CURTIME" else OUT="$HOSTNAME.tech-support.$CURTIME" fi if [[ $OUT != /* ]]; then # it's not absolute path. save in default path. mkdir -p $DEFAULT_PATH >& /dev/null chgrp $DEFAULT_GROUP $DEFAULT_PATH >& /dev/null chmod 775 $DEFAULT_PATH >& /dev/null OUT="$DEFAULT_PATH/$OUT" do_rotate fi if ! touch $OUT >& /dev/null; then echo "Cannot create tech-support file '$OUT'" exit 1 fi echo "Saving output to '$OUT'..." fi ( export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH header Current time date header OFR Version and Package Changes show version all header Installed Packages dpkg -l header Modules cat /proc/modules header Kernel messages dmesg header CPU Info cat /proc/cpuinfo header Mem Info cat /proc/meminfo header PCI Info lspci header System Info sudo ${vyatta_bindir}/sudo-users/dmidecode header Interfaces show interfaces header Devices cat /proc/devices header Partitions cat /proc/partitions header Mounts cat /proc/mounts header Diskstats cat /proc/diskstats header Kernel command line cat /proc/cmdline header Interrupts cat /proc/interrupts header Load Average cat /proc/loadavg header /opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot cat /opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot header Running configuration show configuration header \''ps -ef'\' ps -ef header \''df -h -x squashfs'\' df -h -x squashfs header \''lsof -Pi'\' lsof -Pi header \'free\' free header /etc/apt/sources.list cat /etc/apt/sources.list header /etc/ipsec.conf cat /etc/ipsec.conf header /etc/ipsec.secrets sudo cat /etc/ipsec.secrets header /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe1.conf cat /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe1.conf header /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe2.conf cat /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe2.conf header \''ls -l /etc/rc?.d'\' ls -l /etc/rc?.d header /etc/rc.local cat /etc/rc.local header \''iptables -L -vn'\' sudo ${vyatta_bindir}/sudo-users/iptables -L -vn header \''iptables -t nat -L -vn'\' sudo ${vyatta_bindir}/sudo-users/iptables -t nat -L -vn header \''iptables -t mangle -L -vn'\' sudo ${vyatta_bindir}/sudo-users/iptables -t mangle -L -vn header \''iptables -t raw -L -vn'\' sudo ${vyatta_bindir}/sudo-users/iptables -t raw -L -vn header \''show ip route'\' show ip route header $HOME/.bash_history cat $HOME/.bash_history header \''show vrrp'\' show vrrp header "END OF TECH-SUPPORT FILE" ) 1>&$OUT 2>&1 if [ $OUT != "1" ]; then chgrp $DEFAULT_GROUP $OUT >& /dev/null chmod 664 $OUT >& /dev/null echo "Done" fi