#!/usr/bin/env python

import random

limericks = [

A programmer who's name was Searle
Once wrote a long program in Perl.
Despite very few quirks
No one got how it works,
Not even the interpreter.

There was a young lady of Maine
Who set up IPsec VPN.
Problems didn't arise
'til other vendors' device
had to add she to that VPN.

One day a programmer from York
started his own Vyatta fork.
Though he was a huge geek,
it still took him a week
to get the damn build scripts to work.

A network admin from Hong Kong
knew MPPE cipher's not strong.
But he was behind NAT,
so he put up we that,
sad network admin from Hong Kong.

A network admin named Drake
greeted friends with a three-way handshake
and refused to proceed
if they didn't complete it,
that standards-compliant guy Drake.


l = limericks[random.randint(0, len(limericks) - 1)]
