#!/usr/bin/perl # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2010 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: Bob Gilligan # Date: April 30, 2010 # Description: Script to re-name a system image. # # **** End License **** use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; my $old_name; my $new_name; GetOptions( 'old_name:s' => \$old_name, 'new_name:s' => \$new_name, ); if (!defined($old_name) || !defined($new_name)) { printf("Must specify both old ane new name.\n"); exit 1; } my $image_path = "/live/image/boot"; if (! -e "$image_path") { # must be running on old non-image installed system $image_path = ""; } if (! -e "$image_path/$old_name") { printf("Old name $old_name does not exist.\n"); exit 1; } if (("$new_name" eq "Old-non-image-installation") || ("$new_name" eq "grub") || ("$new_name" =~ /^initrd/) || ("$new_name" =~ /^vmlinuz/) || ("$new_name" =~ /^System\.map/) || ("$new_name" =~ /^config-/)) { printf("Can't use reserved image name.\n"); exit 1; } my $cmdline=`cat /proc/cmdline`; my $cur_name; ($cur_name, undef) = split(' ', $cmdline); $cur_name =~ s/BOOT_IMAGE=\/boot\///; $cur_name =~ s/\/vmlinuz.*//; if ($old_name eq $cur_name) { printf("Can't re-name the running image.\n"); exit 1; } if (-e "$image_path/$new_name") { printf("New name $new_name already exists.\n"); exit 1; } printf("Renaming image $old_name to $new_name.\n"); my $tmpfh; my $tmpfilename; ($tmpfh, $tmpfilename) = tempfile(); if (!open (GRUBFH, "<${image_path}/grub/grub.cfg")) { printf("Can't open grub file.\n"); exit 1; } # This is sensitive to the format of menu entries and boot paths # in the grub config file. # my $line; while ($line = <GRUBFH>) { $line =~ s/\/boot\/$old_name/\/boot\/$new_name/g; $line =~ s/Vyatta $old_name/Vyatta $new_name/; $line =~ s/Lost password change $old_name/Lost password change $new_name/; printf($tmpfh $line); } close($tmpfh); close(GRUBFH); system("mv $image_path/$old_name $image_path/$new_name"); system("cp $tmpfilename $image_path/grub/grub.cfg"); printf("Done.\n");