#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Getopt::Long; use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/"; use strict; my ($show, $delete, $updateone); my @copy; my @update; GetOptions("show=s" => \$show, "delete=s" => \$delete, "update=s{2}" => \@update, "updateone=s" => \$updateone, "copy=s{2}" => \@copy); if (defined $show){ show($show); } if (defined $delete){ delete_file($delete); } if (@update){ update(@update); } if (defined($updateone)){ update($updateone, "running://"); } if (@copy){ copy(@copy); } sub conv_file { my $file = " "; my $filein = pop(@_); $file = $filein; my $topdir; if ($file =~ /(.+?):\/\/(.*)/){ $topdir = $1; $file = $2; } elsif ($file =~ /^\//) { $topdir = "running"; } else { print "File: $filein not found \n"; exit 1; } if ( $topdir eq "running" ) { $file = "/$file"; } elsif ( lc($topdir) eq 'tftp') { $file = $filein; $topdir = 'url'; } elsif ( lc($topdir) eq 'http') { $file = $filein; $topdir = 'url'; } elsif ( lc($topdir) eq 'ftp') { $file = $filein; $topdir = 'url'; } elsif ( lc($topdir) eq 'scp') { $file = $filein; $topdir = 'url'; } else { if (! -d "/live/image/boot/$topdir/live-rw"){ print "Image $topdir not found!\n"; exit 1; } $file = "/live/image/boot/$topdir/live-rw/$file"; } return ($topdir, $file); } sub conv_file_to_rel { my ($topdir, $filename) = @_; if ($topdir eq "running"){ $filename =~ s?/?$topdir://?; } else { $filename =~ s?/live/image/boot/$topdir/live-rw/?$topdir://?; } return $filename; } sub delete_file { my ($file) = @_; (my $topdir, $file) = conv_file($file); if ($topdir eq 'url'){ print "Cannot delete files from a url\n"; exit 1; } if (-d $file){ my $print_dir = conv_file_to_rel($topdir,$file); if (y_or_n("Do you want to erase the entire $print_dir directory?")){ system("rm -rf $file"); print("Directory erased\n"); } } elsif (-f $file) { my $print_file = conv_file_to_rel($topdir,$file); if (y_or_n("Do you want to erase the $print_file file?")){ system("rm -rf $file"); print("File erased\n"); } } } sub url_copy { my ($from, $to) = @_; my ($f_topdir, $t_topdir); ($f_topdir, $from) = conv_file($from); ($t_topdir, $to) = conv_file($to); if ($t_topdir eq 'url' && $f_topdir eq 'url'){ print "Cannot copy a url to a url\n"; exit 1; } elsif($t_topdir eq 'url') { if (-d $from){ print "Cannot upload an entire directory to url\n"; exit 1; } elsif ($to =~ /http/){ print "Cannot upload to http url\n"; exit 1; } curl_to($from, $to); } elsif ($f_topdir eq 'url') { if (-d $to){ $from =~ /.*\/(.*)/; my $from_file = $1; $to = "$to/$from_file"; if (-f "$to") { if (!y_or_n("This file exists; overwrite if needed?")){ exit 0; } } } curl_from($from, $to); } exit 0; } sub copy { my ($from, $to) = @_; my ($f_topdir, $t_topdir); ($f_topdir, $from) = conv_file($from); if ($f_topdir eq 'url'){ url_copy($from, $to); } ($t_topdir, $to) = conv_file($to); if ($t_topdir eq 'url'){ url_copy($from, $to); } $from =~ /.*\/(.*)/; my $from_file = $1; if ( -d $from && -e $to && !( -d $to ) ){ print "Cannot copy a directory to a file.\n"; return 1; } elsif ( -f $to || (-d $to && -f "$to/$from_file") ) { if (y_or_n("This file exists; overwrite if needed?")){ rsync($from, $to); } } elsif ( -d $to && -d $from ){ if (y_or_n("This directory exists; would you like to merge?")){ rsync($from, $to); } } else { rsync($from, $to); } } sub update { my ($to, $from) = @_; my ($t_topdir, $f_topdir); ($f_topdir, $from) = conv_file($from); if ($f_topdir eq 'url'){ print "Cannot update from a url\n"; exit 1; } ($t_topdir, $to) = conv_file($to); if ($f_topdir eq 'url'){ print "Cannot update to a url\n"; exit 1; } my $print_from = conv_file_to_rel($f_topdir, $from); my $print_to = conv_file_to_rel($t_topdir, $to); my $msg = "WARNING: This is a destructive copy of the /config directories\n" . "This will erase all data in the ".$print_to."config directory\n" . "This data will be replaced with the data from $print_from\n" . "The current config data will be backed up in $print_to/config.preclone\n" . "Do you wish to continue?"; if (y_or_n("$msg")){ system("rm -rf $to/config.preclone"); system("mv $to/config $to/config.preclone"); rsync("$from/config", $to); } } sub rsync { my ($from,$to) = @_; system("rsync -a --progress --exclude '.wh.*' $from $to"); } sub curl_to { my ($from, $to) = @_; my $rc = system("curl -# -k -T $from $to"); print "\n"; } sub curl_from { my ($from, $to) = @_; my $rc = system("curl -# -k $from > $to"); print "\n"; } sub y_or_n { my ($msg) = @_; my $process_client = $ENV{'VYATTA_PROCESS_CLIENT'}; if (defined $process_client){ return 1 if ($process_client =~ /gui2_rest/); } print "$msg (Y/N): "; my $input = <>; return 1 if ($input =~ /Y|y/); return 0; } sub show { my ($topdir, $file) = conv_file(pop(@_)); my $output = ""; if ($topdir eq 'url'){ print "Cannot show files from a url\n"; exit 1; } if ( -d $file ) { print "########### DIRECTORY LISTING ###########\n"; system("ls -lGph --group-directories-first $file"); } elsif ( -T $file ) { print "########### FILE INFO ###########\n"; my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file); print "File Name: $filename\n"; print "Text File: \n"; my $lsstr = `ls -lGh $file`; parsels($lsstr); print " Description:\t"; system("file -sb $file"); print "\n########### FILE DATA ###########\n"; system("cat $file"); } elsif ( $file =~ /.*\.pcap/ ){ print "########### FILE INFO ###########\n"; my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file); print "File Name: $filename\n"; print "Binary File: \n"; my $lsstr = `ls -lGh $file`; parsels($lsstr); print " Description:\t"; system("file -sb $file"); print "\n########### FILE DATA ###########\n"; system("sudo tshark -r $file | less"); } elsif ( -B $file ) { print "########### FILE INFO ###########\n"; my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file); print "File Name: $filename\n"; print "Binary File: \n"; my $lsstr = `ls -lGh $file`; parsels($lsstr); print " Description:\t"; system("file -sb $file"); print "\n########### FILE DATA ###########\n"; system("hexdump -C $file| less"); } else { my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file); print "File: $filename not found\n"; } } sub parsels { my $lsout = pop(@_); my @ls = split(' ', $lsout); print " Permissions: $ls[0]\n"; print " Owner:\t$ls[2]\n"; print " Size:\t\t$ls[3]\n"; print " Modified:\t$ls[4] $ls[5] $ls[6]\n"; }