#!/usr/bin/perl # # Module: vyatta-tshark-interface-port.pl # # **** License **** # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc. # Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Vyatta, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: John Southworth # Date: Sept. 2011 # Description: run tshark on a given interface with options # # **** End License **** # use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/"; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; sub check_if_interface_is_tsharkable { my $interface = shift; my @grep_tshark_interfaces = `/usr/bin/tshark -D | grep $interface`; my $any_interface; for my $count (0 .. $#grep_tshark_interfaces) { my @temp = split(/ /,$grep_tshark_interfaces[$count]); chomp $temp[1]; $grep_tshark_interfaces[$count] = $temp[1]; } my $exact_match = 0; for my $count (0 .. $#grep_tshark_interfaces) { if ($grep_tshark_interfaces[$count] eq $interface) { $exact_match = 1; $any_interface = $grep_tshark_interfaces[$count]; } } if ($exact_match == 0 || $any_interface eq 'any') { print "Unable to capture traffic on $interface\n"; exit 1; } } my ($detail,$filter,$intf,$unlimited,$save,$files,$size); # # The size parameter can have one of the following # unit suffixes: # # - [kK] KiB (1024 bytes) # - [mM] MiB (1048576 bytes) # - [gG] GiB (1073741824 bytes) # - [tT] TiB (109951162778 bytes) # # Note: tshark's default size unit is KiB sub parse_size { my ( $name, $parm ) = @_; my %mult = ('T' => 1073741824, 't' => 1073741824, 'G' => 1048576, 'g' => 1048576, 'M' => 1024, 'm' => 1024, 'K' => 1, 'k' => 1); die "Invalid parameter: $name" if ($name ne "size"); my ( $value, $unit ) = $parm =~ m/^([0-9]+)([kKmMgGtT])?$/; die "Invalid size specified" unless $value; $unit = "K" unless $unit; $size = $value * $mult{$unit}; } # # main # my $result = GetOptions("detail!" => \$detail, "filter=s" => \$filter, "save=s" => \$save, "intf=s" => \$intf, "unlimited!" => \$unlimited, "files=i" => \$files, "size=s" => \&parse_size); if (! $result) { print "Invalid option specifications\n"; exit 1; } check_if_interface_is_tsharkable($intf); if (defined($save)){ if (!($save =~ /.*\.pcap/)) { print("Please name your file <filename>.pcap\n"); exit 1; } my $options = ""; # the CLI will make sure that files is not defined w/o size also $options .= " -a filesize:$size" if defined($size); $options .= " -b files:$files" if defined($files); exec "/usr/bin/tshark -i $intf -w '$save' $options"; exit 0; } if (defined($filter)) { if (defined($detail)) { if (defined($unlimited)){ print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf -V $filter 2> /dev/null"; } else { print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf -c 1000 -V $filter 2> /dev/null"; } } elsif (defined($unlimited)) { print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf $filter 2> /dev/null"; } else { print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf -c 1000 $filter 2> /dev/null"; } } elsif (defined($detail)) { if (defined($unlimited)) { print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf -V 2> /dev/null"; } else { print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf -c 1000 -V 2> /dev/null"; } } elsif (defined($unlimited)) { print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf 2> /dev/null"; } else { print "Capturing traffic on $intf ...\n"; exec "/usr/bin/tshark -n -i $intf -c 1000 2> /dev/null"; } exit 0; #end of file