diff options
12 files changed, 79 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index 48bd8ca..3e6d775 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ Library "vyconf_config"
FindlibParent: vyconf
BuildDepends: toml,
+Library "directories"
+ Path: src
+ Modules: Directories
+ FindlibParent: vyconf
+ BuildDepends: fileutils
Library "message"
Path: src
Modules: Message
@@ -65,7 +71,7 @@ Executable "vyconfd"
Path: src
CompiledObject: best
- BuildDepends: ppx_deriving.runtime, ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime, lwt, lwt.unix, lwt.ppx, toml, vyconf
+ BuildDepends: ppx_deriving.runtime, ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime, lwt, lwt.unix, lwt.ppx, toml, fileutils, vyconf
Executable "vytree_test"
Path: test
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 69ddae7..48de53b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ let load_from_xml reftree file =
5. It's a non-leaf, non-tag node with a name that doesn't exist
in the reference tree
-let rec validate_path validators node path =
+let rec validate_path validators_dir node path =
let show_path p = Util.string_of_path (List.rev p) in
let rec aux node path acc =
let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ let rec validate_path validators node path =
(Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s\" requires a value" (show_path acc) ))
| [p] ->
if not data.valueless then
- (if (Value_checker.validate_any validators data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, Some p)
+ (if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, Some p)
else raise (Validation_error data.constraint_error_message))
else raise (Validation_error
(Printf.sprintf "Node %s cannot have a value" (show_path acc)))
@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ let rec validate_path validators node path =
| Tag ->
(match path with
| p :: p' :: ps ->
- if (Value_checker.validate_any validators data.constraints p) then
+ if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then
let child = Vytree.find node p' in
(match child with
| Some c -> aux c ps (p' :: p :: acc)
| None -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p')))
else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a valid child name for node %s" p (show_path acc)))
- | [p] -> if (Value_checker.validate_any validators data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, None)
+ | [p] -> if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, None)
else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p))
| _ -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Path %s is incomplete" (show_path acc))))
| Other ->
diff --git a/src/reference_tree.mli b/src/reference_tree.mli
index bffebad..f0d7807 100644
--- a/src/reference_tree.mli
+++ b/src/reference_tree.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ val default_data : ref_node_data
val load_from_xml : t -> string -> t
-val validate_path : (string, string) Hashtbl.t -> t -> string list -> string list * string option
+val validate_path : string -> t -> string list -> string list * string option
val is_multi : t -> string list -> bool
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ff1cce7..cc71116 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module CT = Config_tree
module RT = Reference_tree
+module D = Directories
type cfg_op =
| CfgSet of string list * string option * CT.value_behaviour
@@ -8,7 +9,8 @@ type cfg_op =
type world = {
mutable running_config: CT.t;
reference_tree: RT.t;
- validators: (string, string) Hashtbl.t;
+ vyconf_config: Vyconf_config.t;
+ dirs: Directories.t
type session_data = {
@@ -40,14 +42,14 @@ let rec apply_changes changeset config =
| c :: cs -> apply_changes cs (apply_cfg_op c config)
let set w s path =
- let path, value = RT.validate_path w.validators w.reference_tree path in
+ let path, value = RT.validate_path D.(w.dirs.validators) w.reference_tree path in
let value_behaviour = if RT.is_multi w.reference_tree path then CT.AddValue else CT.ReplaceValue in
let op = CfgSet (path, value, value_behaviour) in
let config = apply_cfg_op op s.proposed_config in
{s with proposed_config=config; changeset=(op :: s.changeset)}
let delete w s path =
- let path, value = RT.validate_path w.validators w.reference_tree path in
+ let path, value = RT.validate_path D.(w.dirs.validators) w.reference_tree path in
let op = CfgDelete (path, value) in
let config = apply_cfg_op op s.proposed_config in
{s with proposed_config=config; changeset=(op :: s.changeset)}
diff --git a/src/session.mli b/src/session.mli
index 273d434..0180549 100644
--- a/src/session.mli
+++ b/src/session.mli
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ type cfg_op =
type world = {
mutable running_config: Config_tree.t;
reference_tree: Reference_tree.t;
- validators: (string, string) Hashtbl.t;
+ vyconf_config: Vyconf_config.t;
+ dirs: Directories.t
type session_data = {
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1c19c3d..d4f0ddd 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
+module F = Filename
type value_constraint = Regex of string | External of string * string
exception Bad_validator of string
-let validate_value validators value_constraint value =
+let validate_value dir value_constraint value =
match value_constraint with
- | Regex s ->
- (try
+ | Regex s ->
+ (try
let _ = Pcre.exec ~pat:s value in true
with Not_found -> false)
- | External (t, c) ->
- try
- let validator = Hashtbl.find validators t in
- let result = Unix.system (Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" validator c value) in
- match result with
- | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true
- | _ -> false
- with Not_found -> raise (Bad_validator t)
+ | External (v, c) ->
+ (* XXX: Using Unix.system is a bad idea on multiple levels,
+ especially when the input comes directly from the user...
+ We should do something about it.
+ *)
+ let validator = F.concat dir v in
+ let result = Unix.system (Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" validator c value) in
+ match result with
+ | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true
+ | Unix.WEXITED 127 -> raise (Bad_validator (Printf.sprintf "Could not execute validator %s" validator))
+ | _ -> false
(* If no constraints given, consider it valid.
Otherwise consider it valid if it satisfies at least
diff --git a/src/value_checker.mli b/src/value_checker.mli
index 115ec9f..62f5b6b 100644
--- a/src/value_checker.mli
+++ b/src/value_checker.mli
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ type value_constraint = Regex of string | External of string * string
exception Bad_validator of string
-val validate_value : (string, string) Hashtbl.t -> value_constraint -> string -> bool
+val validate_value : string -> value_constraint -> string -> bool
-val validate_any : (string, string) Hashtbl.t -> value_constraint list -> string -> bool
+val validate_any : string -> value_constraint list -> string -> bool
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9549a97..b5adb47 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -24,13 +24,22 @@ let args = [
let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " [options]"
+let panic msg =
+ Lwt_log.fatal msg |> Lwt.ignore_result;
+ exit 1
let load_config path =
let result = Vyconf_config.load path in
match result with
| Ok cfg -> cfg
| Error err ->
- Lwt_log.fatal (Printf.sprintf "Could not load the configuration file %s" err) |> Lwt.ignore_result;
- exit 1
+ panic (Printf.sprintf "Could not load the configuration file %s" err)
+let check_dirs dirs =
+ let res = Directories.test dirs in
+ match res with
+ | Ok _ -> ()
+ | Error err -> panic err
let setup_logger daemonize log_file template =
@@ -56,11 +65,13 @@ let setup_logger daemonize log_file template =
let main_loop config () =
let%lwt () = setup_logger !daemonize !log_file !log_template in
- let%lwt () = Lwt_log.notice @@ Printf.sprintf "Loading %s" config.app_name in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_log.notice @@ Printf.sprintf "Starting VyConf for %s" config.app_name in
let () =
let () = Arg.parse args (fun f -> ()) usage in
let config = load_config !config_file in
+ let dirs = Directories.make config in
+ check_dirs dirs; @@ main_loop config ()
diff --git a/test/data/validators/anything b/test/data/validators/anything
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c52d3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/validators/anything
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+exit 0
diff --git a/test/data/validators/nothing b/test/data/validators/nothing
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2bb8d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/validators/nothing
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+exit 1
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 1e9a624..0616378 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
open OUnit2
open Reference_tree
-let validators = Hashtbl.create 256
-let () = Hashtbl.add validators "anything" "true";
- Hashtbl.add validators "nothing" "false"
+let get_dir test_ctxt = in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["validators"]
let raises_validation_error f =
- try f (); false
+ try ignore @@ f (); false
with Validation_error _ -> true
let test_load_valid_definition test_ctxt =
@@ -18,34 +16,34 @@ let test_load_valid_definition test_ctxt =
let test_validate_path_leaf_valid test_ctxt =
let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
- assert_equal (validate_path validators r ["system"; "host-name"; "test"]) (["system"; "host-name"], Some "test")
+ assert_equal (validate_path (get_dir test_ctxt) r ["system"; "host-name"; "test"]) (["system"; "host-name"], Some "test")
let test_validate_path_leaf_invalid test_ctxt =
let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
- assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path validators r ["system"; "host-name"; "1234"])) true
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path (get_dir test_ctxt) r ["system"; "host-name"; "1234"])) true
let test_validate_path_leaf_incomplete test_ctxt =
let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
- assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path validators r ["system"; "host-name"])) true
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path (get_dir test_ctxt) r ["system"; "host-name"])) true
let test_validate_path_tag_node_complete_valid test_ctxt =
let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
- assert_equal (validate_path validators r ["system"; "login"; "user"; "test"; "full-name"; "test user"])
+ assert_equal (validate_path (get_dir test_ctxt) r ["system"; "login"; "user"; "test"; "full-name"; "test user"])
(["system"; "login"; "user"; "test"; "full-name";], Some "test user")
let test_validate_path_tag_node_invalid_name test_ctxt =
let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
- assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path validators r ["system"; "login"; "user"; "999"; "full-name"; "test user"]))
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path (get_dir test_ctxt) r ["system"; "login"; "user"; "999"; "full-name"; "test user"]))
let test_validate_path_tag_node_incomplete test_ctxt =
let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
- assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path validators r ["system"; "login"; "user"])) true
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> ignore @@ validate_path (get_dir test_ctxt) r ["system"; "login"; "user"])) true
let suite =
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 169ed86..3479150 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,46 +1,49 @@
open OUnit2
open Value_checker
-let validators = Hashtbl.create 256
-let () = Hashtbl.add validators "anything" "true";
- Hashtbl.add validators "nothing" "false"
+let get_dir test_ctxt = in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["validators"]
+let raises_bad_validator f =
+ try ignore @@ f (); false
+ with Bad_validator _ -> true
let test_check_regex_valid test_ctxt =
let c = Regex "[a-z]+" in
let v = "fgsfds" in
- assert_equal (validate_value validators c v) true
+ assert_equal (validate_value (get_dir test_ctxt) c v) true
let test_check_regex_invalid test_ctxt =
let c = Regex "[a-z]+" in
let v = "FGSFDS" in
- assert_equal (validate_value validators c v) false
+ assert_equal (validate_value (get_dir test_ctxt) c v) false
let test_check_external_valid test_ctxt =
let c = External ("anything", "") in
let v = "fgsfds" in
- assert_equal (validate_value validators c v) true
+ assert_equal (validate_value (get_dir test_ctxt) c v) true
let test_check_external_invalid test_ctxt =
let c = External ("nothing", "") in
let v = "fgsfds" in
- assert_equal (validate_value validators c v) false
+ assert_equal (validate_value (get_dir test_ctxt) c v) false
let test_check_external_bad_validator test_ctxt =
let c = External ("invalid", "") in
let v = "fgsfds" in
- assert_raises (Bad_validator "invalid") (fun () -> validate_value validators c v)
+ assert_bool "Invalid validator was executed successfully"
+ (raises_bad_validator (fun () -> validate_value (get_dir test_ctxt) c v))
let test_validate_any_valid test_ctxt =
let cs = [Regex "\\d+"; Regex "[a-z]+"; External ("anything", "")] in
- assert_equal (validate_any validators cs "AAAA") true
+ assert_equal (validate_any (get_dir test_ctxt) cs "AAAA") true
let test_validate_any_invalid test_ctxt =
let cs = [Regex "\\d+"; Regex "[a-z]+"] in
- assert_equal (validate_any validators cs "AAAA") false
+ assert_equal (validate_any (get_dir test_ctxt) cs "AAAA") false
let test_validate_any_no_constraints test_ctxt =
let cs = [] in
- assert_equal (validate_any validators cs "foo") true
+ assert_equal (validate_any (get_dir test_ctxt) cs "foo") true
let suite =
"VyConf value checker tests" >::: [