type value_behaviour = AddValue | ReplaceValue exception Duplicate_value exception Node_has_no_value type config_node_data = { values : string list; comment : string option; inactive : bool; ephemeral : bool; } [@@deriving yojson] type t = config_node_data Vytree.t [@@deriving yojson] val default_data : config_node_data val make : string -> t val set : t -> string list -> string option -> value_behaviour -> t val delete : t -> string list -> string option -> t val get_values : t -> string list -> string list val get_value : t -> string list -> string val set_comment : t -> string list -> string option -> t val get_comment : t -> string list -> string option val set_inactive : t -> string list -> bool -> t val is_inactive : t -> string list -> bool val set_ephemeral : t -> string list -> bool -> t val is_ephemeral : t -> string list -> bool (** Interface to two rendering routines: 1. The stand-alone routine, when [reftree] is not provided 2. The reference-tree guided routine, when [reftree] is provided. If an {i incomplete} reftree is supplied, then the remaining portion of the config tree will be rendered according to the stand-alone routine. If an {i incompatible} reftree is supplied (i.e., the name of the nodes of the reftree do not match the name of the nodes in the config tree), then the exception {! Config_tree.Renderer.Inapt_reftree} is raised. @param indent spaces by which each level of nesting should be indented @param reftree optional reference tree used to instruct rendering @param cmp function used to sort the order of children, overruled if [reftree] specifies [keep_order] for a node @param showephemeral boolean determining whether ephemeral nodes are shown @param showinactive boolean determining whether inactive nodes are shown *) val render : ?indent:int -> ?reftree:Reference_tree.t -> ?cmp:(string -> string -> int) -> ?showephemeral:bool -> ?showinactive:bool -> t -> string