%{ open Config_tree exception Duplicate_child of (string * string) (* Used for checking if after merging immediate children, any of them have duplicate children inside, e.g. "interfaces { ethernet eth0 {...} ethernet eth0 {...} }" *) let find_duplicate_children n = let rec aux xs = let xs = List.sort compare xs in match xs with | [] | [_] -> () | x :: x' :: xs -> if x = x' then raise (Duplicate_child (Vytree.name_of_node n, x)) else aux (x' :: xs) in aux @@ Vytree.list_children n (* When merging nodes with values, append values of subsequent nodes to the first one *) let merge_data l r = {l with values=(List.append l.values r.values)} %} %token <string> IDENTIFIER %token <string> STRING %token <string> COMMENT %token INACTIVE %token EPHEMERAL %token LEFT_BRACE %token RIGHT_BRACE %token LEFT_BRACKET %token RIGHT_BRACKET %token SEMI %token EOF %start <Config_tree.t> config %% opt_comment: | (* empty *) { None } | c = COMMENT { Some (String.trim c) } ; value: | v = STRING { v } | v = IDENTIFIER { v } ; values: | v = value { [v] } | LEFT_BRACKET; vs = separated_nonempty_list(SEMI, value); RIGHT_BRACKET { (List.rev vs) } ; leaf_node: | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL); name = IDENTIFIER; values = values; SEMI { Vytree.make_full {values=(List.rev values); comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} name []} | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL); name = IDENTIFIER; SEMI (* valueless node *) { Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} name [] } ; node: | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL); name = IDENTIFIER; LEFT_BRACE; children = list(node_content); RIGHT_BRACE { let node = Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} name [] in let node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in try List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node node); node with | Duplicate_child (child, dup) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name child dup) } ; tag_node: | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL); name = IDENTIFIER; tag = IDENTIFIER; LEFT_BRACE; children = list(node_content); RIGHT_BRACE { let outer_node = Vytree.make_full default_data name [] in let inner_node = Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} tag [] in let inner_node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt inner_node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in let node = Vytree.adopt outer_node inner_node in try List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node inner_node); node with | Duplicate_child (child, dup) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name tag child dup) } node_content: n = node { n } | n = leaf_node { n } | n = tag_node { n }; %public config: | ns = list(node); EOF { let root = make "root" in let root = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt root (List.rev ns) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in try List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node root); root with | Duplicate_child (child, dup) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s\" has two children named \"%s\"" child dup) } ;